Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 352 Head-stealing

"Dog eat dog?"

In the desert outside Cairo, Manxiang looked at the female contractor beside him with some doubts, and only listened to the other party's faint explanation:

"All the contractor wants is the top of the pyramid, which will not have a big impact on the social order. No matter how stupid the Egyptian military is, it is impossible to launch a large-scale fire bombing of the capital just because of this trivial matter. It will completely outweigh the gains."

"There is a high probability that someone overturned the table and used the power of the military to strangle the contractors in the city using means such as mind manipulation or forced charm. This ruthless and unsparing style is definitely the work of the contractors. It is just to clear the place. So it’s dog eat dog.”

Speaking of this, the woman's eyes suddenly became a little deeper. Although mind manipulation does not sound difficult, launching a civil war of this level cannot be accomplished by simply manipulating one or two high-level military officials. The entire army must be infiltrated to every possible extent to make them crazy enough to bomb the capital at all costs.

"It is possible to influence and control a country's military power within a few days of entering the world. No matter what specific methods the planner uses, his plans and abilities are quite terrifying. Unless necessary, it is better not to rush into the military. The Fang is now in a state of stress, and anyone who dares to approach the ancient city of Cairo will encounter a desperate counterattack by the army. "

After listening to the explanation, a little more understanding gradually appeared in Manxiang's clear and stupid eyes. Looking at the dense smoke of at least two digits in the distance, he couldn't help but let out a light tut.

"Tsk! So that's it. This trick of driving a tiger to devour a wolf is really ruthless. Boss, have you already seen the situation clearly? Do we want to continue to get closer?"

Hearing this, Chi Suo, who was listening silently in front of everyone, stiffened, coughed dryly, and said seriously:

"Ahem, of course, Yunli's guess is almost the same as mine. We won't get too involved in Tianqi's affairs. This kind of skill is not something Feng Ying can do."

"Yunli, check to see if that trash Feng Ying died in Cairo. The power of the army is not so easy to deal with."

Behind Chisuo, Yunli, who had just finished explaining to everyone, rolled his eyes imperceptibly, and then nodded in agreement.

She took out a crystal clear, colorless crystal ball from the space. A drop of blood-colored liquid was suspended in the center of the ball. As Yunli clasped his hands together, a faint white mist began to appear inside the crystal ball wrapped in his white palms.

The mist rolled and rolled, and soon the scenes continued to condense and disintegrate in the mist. After a long time, Yunli opened his slightly closed eyes and turned to look at the huge pyramid that was faintly visible in the distance.

"To the southwest, he escaped from Cairo, near the Pyramid of Khufu, and his breath was very weak."

After hearing this, Chisuo's eyes lit up and he immediately shouted.


As soon as he finished speaking, several plumes of smoke exploded, and a group of five people, led by Chisuo, quickly ran towards the pyramid.


The Pyramid of Khufu, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is located in the Giza Highlands about 10 kilometers southwest of Cairo.

This ancient mausoleum with a history of more than 4,500 years is about 136.59 meters high, which is equivalent to the height of a 40-story modern building today. Its total weight is about 6.84 million tons. It is the largest of the more than 100 existing pyramids in Egypt.

It took more than 100,000 craftsmen nearly 20 years to build this world wonder. In BC, it was the first in the world, representing the majesty and greatness of the Pharaoh, and a sacred link between death and rebirth. Ladder to Heaven, and now it has become the most famous tourist attraction in Cairo.

The location detected by Yunli was naturally not in the scenic spot, but in the vast desert behind the pyramid. When Chisuo and his group followed the induction and finally arrived near the target, what caught their eyes was not only Feng Ying, but also There is a goat-horned beast confronting it.

After seeing the situation in the distance clearly, Chisuo didn't hesitate and immediately shouted:

"Manxiang, Yunli, take action!"


On the other side, the sandy desert was covered with bloodstains. Feng Ying, with a somewhat pale complexion, stood in the center of the bloodstains. His cold eyes were fixed on Taotie who was wandering around him. His broken right wrist was still there. Little bits of blood were constantly dripping.

In addition to the injuries here, there were also large and small wounds and scorch marks all over his body. Among them, the brutal claw marks on his back were the most severe. A large amount of skin and flesh rolled off at the edges of the claw marks, and even reached the point where his spine was almost visible in the deepest part.

Because he activated the teleportation prop in advance, the location he teleported to was not the safe outside Cairo, but happened to fall within the most dangerous military blockade on the edge of the city.

When he just escaped from the space teleportation, he was met with overwhelming firepower bombardment by the human army. His psychological activities at that moment were simply indescribable.

However, Feng Ying is the leader of the group after all, and his combat power and wealth are among the best among the second level. Even though he lost his most dominant right hand, he still withstood the bombings and survived after paying a heavy price. Breaking out of the army's blockade, the price was that the protective props and healing potions in the space were almost exhausted.

Although he felt distressed about the loss of wealth, he was not obsessed with it. But the most despairing thing was that leaving the ancient city of Cairo did not mean that the sea and the sky would be brighter. He did not expect that this damn ram-horned beast could still survive after he teleported away. Catch up all the way.

When Feng Ying finally broke out of the siege and his tense spirit relaxed for a moment, a cold and deadly murderous intention came quietly from behind. That claw was just a hair away from cutting off his spine. It was a real life-or-death experience. On the front line, this alien beast's ability to gather its breath and sneak in the shadows was stronger than he imagined, and it was very patient. The wounds caused by the opponent had a rather strange power entrenched in them. Even if the healing potion was used, the blood was still there. The flow doesn't stop, constantly reducing his health,

During the subsequent hunting process, this strange beast completely stopped planning to take the initiative. It just kept wandering around him and watched eagerly, maintaining a state of being able to kill at any time, but never taking action rashly.

Just like experienced hunters will never approach a large prey that has been hit by an arrow easily. They will only use the method of chasing and intimidating to force the prey to bleed to death of exhaustion. The same is true for Taotie. From the time he was injured again on his back to now, he has suffered thousands of injuries. During the three-meter run, Taotie never left his target, while Feng Ying had to keep his spirits high and not dare to relax at all.

In this way, under the continuous torture of the bloodletting tactics, he began to become weaker and weaker after being seriously injured one after another. Both his mind and body were on the verge of reaching the limit in this urgent pursuit.

It wasn't until Feng Ying was sure that his current location would no longer easily attract the attention of the human army that he decisively stopped running away. If he continued to run away, he might collapse on his own without the other party taking action. .

The only chance to survive now is to desperately kill this glutton that regards him as prey and is chasing him step by step.

Feng Ying in his prime state may be able to live up to this strange summoned beast, but after suffering heavy losses in turn, his current strength is reduced to ten percent. He looked at the ram-horned beast with red eyes not far away, and the beast behind him. He couldn't help but smile miserably at the majestic Pyramid of Khufu.

"Oh, I picked a good place for the Pharaoh's Tomb."

After becoming the leader of the adventure group affiliated with the Blood Sect, Feng Ying had forgotten how long it had been since he had faced such a desperate situation again.

Unexpectedly, just a spur-of-the-moment excavation of a branch line would cause him to capsize in the ditch. But even if he died, he would kill this beast first!

Thinking of this, his hand holding the deep dagger suddenly tightened, and there was a trace of scarlet blood on the blade.

On the other side, Taotie noticed the changes in the prey, and licked the sharp teeth in his mouth. The greed in his eyes became more and more intense. The more alive the prey was, the more delicious its flesh and blood became. It couldn't wait any longer.

Sen Han's murderous intention was gradually brewing in this desert. Just when Feng Ying's calf was slightly bent and the battle was about to break out, a plume of smoke suddenly rose in the distance, followed by a loud shout.

"Manxiang, Yunli, take action!"

Although he only heard his voice, the moment the familiar deep voice reached his ears, Feng Ying knew the identity of the visitor. Chisuo, the leader of the Blood Prison Adventure Group, was also one of his enemies.

The appearance of the other party means a desperate fact. He is dead and has no possibility of survival.

His eyes changed from despair to madness in just a short moment. A large amount of smoke and dust exploded under his feet, and Feng Ying rushed out in the direction of Taotie. Since he was destined to die, he should at least take the strange beast that caused him to fall here. Go to hell together.

Unfortunately, Taotie's speed was not even slower than him. After Feng Ying jumped to the designated position, he could only jump in the air. The opponent had disappeared when the loud shout came.

From the shadow cast by a large stone in the distance, two eyes as red as carbon poked out, with extremely human and cunning emotions in their eyes.

"Shenyi Jing·Southwestern Wilderness Jing" says: "There are people in the southwest who have hairy bodies and wear hogs on their heads. They are as greedy as wolves and evil. They like to accumulate wealth for themselves and do not eat people's valleys. The strong take the old and the weak and are afraid of the crowd. Click the button, it’s called Taotie.”

The Taotie has been a ferocious beast since ancient times. It is as greedy as a wolf and its nature is to bully and attack the weak. What it enjoys is the process of hunting, killing and devouring its prey. To this end, it does not mind using any means, and is especially good at taking advantage of others' danger. Adding insult to injury.

Now that the prey has been cornered, it has no interest in fighting to the death since it has the opportunity to benefit.

Standing there, watching Taotie disappear, Feng Ying almost went crazy. This kind of rage that had nowhere to vent made his eyes turn red.

But before he could continue his pursuit, the ground below suddenly sank inward, and the desert suddenly turned into a piece of loose and creeping quicksand, and tentacles made of yellow sand were quietly stretching out, tightly binding his body. The calf dragged deeper into the quicksand.

At the same time, Yunli, who had arrived near the battlefield, was surrounded by cold air. Soon, countless cold air condensed in front of her, forming a huge ice crystal bow nearly two meters long when standing upright. The long frost arrow condensed out of the air, and then flew out of the air.


An angry shout came from the quicksand, and black light flashed under Feng Ying's feet. The yellow sand covering his calf immediately exploded. A black shadow quickly jumped out of the dust that spread all over the sky, but before it landed, there was a presentation in front of him. Three arrows distributed in glyphs struck through the air.

If it was in a normal state, Feng Ying could perfectly dodge this series of combos with just one shadow jump, but now in his perception, all the shadows around him were churning like boiling water, making it impossible to jump and teleport at all. In this case, you don’t need to guess who did it.

‘Damn alien beast! ’

After cursing angrily in his heart, Feng Ying had no choice but to swing his dagger horizontally. While slashing out several rays of sword light towards the arrows, his figure actually jumped up twice out of thin air, turning around and heading towards Quickly move away to the right.

As an old rival of the Blood Prison Adventure Group, he had seen Yunli's methods more than once. These three arrows were essentially three frost bombs that could track on their own. They could never be resisted, only dodged.

Sure enough, when the vertical and horizontal sword light chopped the three arrows into pieces, the broken arrow fragments did not dissipate, but exploded straight away. The surging white cold air spread rapidly, covering the surrounding area of ​​about 100 meters in the blink of an eye. , the sound of ice cubes freezing in the white mist sounded continuously.

The yellow sand flying in the air suddenly turned into countless tiny ice crystals and fell straight down. As for the main target, Feng Ying, his sensitivity was suddenly reduced due to severe injuries all over his body, and he could not escape the scope of the cold air. He also turned into a piece of pale ice. The red ice sculpture fell to the ground.


The ice sculpture hit the ground with a muffled sound. Two breaths later, an even more violent sound spread again. The thick ice on the body was shattered by the huge force, and Feng Ying turned over and stood up.

As his combat boots landed, he quickly glanced around. As far as he could see, he saw dense red chains blocking the void, and not far in front of him, there was Chisuo with a sinister smile on his face.

"A fight to the death, right? I'm coming, come! Kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, the countless chains around him tightened inward in an instant, binding the seal in the center from top to bottom into a silkworm chrysalis, leaving only one head exposed.

Feeling the various active skills that were completely blocked in his body, Feng Ying raised his eyes and looked at his old rival with murderous intent in front of him, and the corners of his mouth slowly cracked.



The maniacal laughter stopped abruptly after just a moment. From Chi Yu's slightly mute perspective, the shadow behind Feng Ying suddenly distorted a few breaths ago, and then a strange beast with ram's horns jumped out suddenly, The big black mouth opened and swallowed Feng Ying's big head.

After biting off the head, Taotie did not stay too long, but disappeared in a flash.

The terrifying sound of chewing continued to come from near a large rock in the distance. Chisuo narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to look at the thick shadow behind the large rock, where he could vaguely see a pair of red beast eyes staring at him greedily.

At this time, dense footsteps sounded behind them, and the four members who were lagging behind rushed over.

"Boss, have you killed that bastard Feng Ying?"

Man Xiang's extremely excited inquiry sounded in their ears. Due to the angle and Taotie's movements too fast, they who were at the back did not see the scene where Feng Ying's head was bitten off not long ago.

Glancing at the excited Man Xiang, Chi Suo nodded faintly, and then withdrew the red chain wrapped into a silkworm chrysalis. Suddenly, a headless corpse fell to the desert at his feet, and gurgling blood spilled out from the neck section.

"He's dead, but I wasn't the one who killed him. His head was robbed."

Beside her, Yunli was not as excited as Chisuo and the others. She calmly glanced at the corpses on the ground, then followed Chisuo's gaze to the thick shadow behind the big rock in the distance, and said thoughtfully :

"Killed by the strange beast that confronted Feng Ying before?"

Not surprised by Yunli's keenness, Chi Suo did not move his gaze and nodded in response:

"Well, that's it. It moves very fast and has abilities similar to shadow jumping. I can't stop it."

"It's normal to be able to push Feng Ying to this level. Do you want to take action? This strange beast should have a close relationship with the contractor who controls the Egyptian military. There is a high probability that it is the other party's servant or summon, and It cannot be ruled out that the summoner is nearby."

"If you want to take action, you must ensure that he can be killed completely, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"No rush, let's take a look first..."


While the two were talking, Manxiang behind him leaned over and picked up a scarlet card condensed in a pool of blood. He rubbed the smooth surface of the card. He was about to say something to the boss in front of him when he opened his mouth. But suddenly.

The dragon blood in the body began to boil inexplicably, and the originally dark pupils instantly turned into golden vertical pupils, and a faint fierce aura came out of the body.

Feeling something strange coming from behind, Chisuo and Yunli turned around almost at the same time, looking at Manxiang with a surprised look on his face.

"Manxiang, what's going on?"

Behind him, Manxiang looked up at the sky blankly, with an obvious vibrato in his words.

"Longwei, there are dragons fighting in the sky, two..."


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