In the desert, everyone followed the gaze of the wild elephant and looked up, only to see a black spot appearing in the sky, and it was still getting bigger. At the same time, bursts of thunder-like roars also sounded one after another.

As the black spots gradually became clearer, an unspeakable sense of oppression also appeared in everyone's heart. This is what Manxiang calls dragon power, which is essentially the all-round suppression of lower beings by higher life forms. .

For the contractors in the desert, the impact of the dragon's power can only make the spirit tense and the soul depressed. But for the barbarian elephant with the blood of the earth dragon, this sense of oppression can be said to be increased several times, and even a wave of So scared that I have the urge to kneel down and worship.

Dragons are creatures with extremely strict blood levels. Pure-blood dragons can forcibly control those low-level half-dragons by relying only on their blood. That’s why the wild elephants behave so violently under the dragon’s power. In fact, now the double-blooded dragons He was trembling and didn't lie down directly, which was considered to be strong-willed.

"Black Dragon Hogg?"

Beside him, Chisuo didn't notice the abnormality of Manxiang. He looked at the black dragon whose shape could be vaguely discerned in the sky, and quickly recognized the true identity of this black dragon.

"It's not just the black dragon, there's a human in armor on its back, and the armor seems a bit familiar..."

On the other side, Yun Li was also murmuring in a low voice. Compared to Chisuo, she saw it more carefully, especially the mighty armor that was black to dark red. She always felt that she should have seen it somewhere.

Soon, the distance between the black dragon in the sky and the ground became shorter and shorter, and everyone gradually saw more details, and small comments began to sound one after another.

"This isn't a fight. It's clearly a one-sided crushing, pressing and beating on the head."

"It's cruel enough, I like it. Judging from the current battle situation, Hogg is dead. Tsk, the black dragon Hogg and the leader Feng Ying both died in Cairo one after another. The Deathstroke Adventure Group can basically be said to be not far away from finishing the calf, boss , taking advantage of this opportunity, we can get a lot of resources by taking action early!”

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong with this size ratio. The contractor on the dragon's back is a bit exaggerated..."


Looking at the increasingly clear person and dragon above, everyone in the desert began to whisper and comment. However, when they noticed that the black dragon was descending faster and faster, and even initially judged the specific point where the opponent was about to fall, their faces changed. Sudden changes.

"No! It's about to hit you, get out of the way."

Chisuo's low shouts immediately resounded, and the four people in the field quickly jumped away in all directions to dodge. Only Manxiang still stood there with a dull look on his face.

The closer they get, the stronger the pressure from the world-destroying black dragon Karas and the dragon weapon soul becomes. No matter which one, the dragon's power is a great oppression for the beast. The combination of the two Next, it briefly cleared his mind.

"Barbarian elephant!"

On the other side, Chisuo had just landed. When he turned around, he found that the elephant was still standing there, and the shadow cast by the black dragon directly above was clearly visible.

At the critical moment, just when the beast was about to be crushed into flesh by the huge dragon body that fell down, several red chains flew out of the air, wrapped around it and then pulled it out.


The dragon body, which was as huge as a small mountain of meat, crashed down violently, and the strong kinetic energy brought by the fall was released into the desert, causing the ground under its feet to shake violently, and a roar accompanied by large amounts of yellow sand rose up. , the sand and dust spread, turning the surrounding area into a yellow mist in an instant, making it difficult to see clearly.

At the edge of the yellow mist, Chisuo jumped away early and casually threw back the elephant in his hand. Then he frowned and looked at the sky full of yellow sand in front of him. After the violent roar caused by the crash subsided, another sound sounded inside the yellow sand. Bursts of surging muffled thunder.

He was very familiar with this sound. It was the sound of flesh being beaten with fists, but it was amplified countless times. After a long time, the dense sand and dust floating in the air slowly dissipated, and the scene inside the yellow sand was revealed. .

The first thing that caught his eye was a huge and miserable black dragon head. Even when he was lying down, the height of the whole dragon head was far higher than his. The rich smell of blood poured into his nose, and he looked at the unrecognizable head not far away. Dragon Head, Chisuo's suddenly shrunken pupils showed a hint of shock.

I saw that the entire dragon head was no longer breathing, and the viscous blood mixed with brain matter was gurgling out from the edges of the seven orifices. It looked extremely ferocious. On the top of the dragon head, there were a large number of broken bone spurs with uneven cross-sections, and each of them had extremely obvious wide fists. The mark was engraved around the bone spurs, beating the skull near the top of the head until it was twisted and indented.

It was obvious that the black dragon Hogg was beaten to death on the head with fists.

The line of sight continued to extend backwards, and the incomplete dragon body began to emerge. Broken scales were all over the body, and the dragon claws that were broken at the elbow were gurgling with blood. The only half of the dragon tail that remained had a smooth cross-section and squirming flesh. In addition, Only half of the jet-black dragon wing on the back was miserable. The left dragon wing disappeared from the root and tail. It seemed to be torn off by violence. The exposed pale bone stubble was particularly clear. This should be the main reason for the dragon's fall. reason.

As the extremely miserable dragon body continued to rise, in the field of vision was a ferocious and majestic armored giant standing on top of it. The illusory dragon body was coiled around the armored body. The majestic body of more than three meters high was condescending, and it seemed to be nothing. Surrounded by black evil aura, the giant's face could not be seen clearly, only a pair of golden-red eyes that did not look like humans looked down in the sky.

Their eyes met, and under this indifferent gaze that looked like a god, Chi Suo unconsciously took half a step back. He suddenly felt that he was a little overconfident, and he should have retreated quickly when he discovered that the black dragon was being hung.

The atmosphere gradually became stagnant during the confrontation. Chisuo took a few steps back again and spread his hands to show that he had no malice. Then he took the lead and said:

"Blood Prison Adventure Group, Chisuo, Your Excellency, we came to Cairo without any intention, just to seek revenge from Feng Ying. Now that the enemy is dead, we can leave immediately."

Although I don’t know the specific identity of the armored giant opposite, it is not difficult to guess from the result of killing the black dragon that the fierce war in Cairo City must be related to the opponent. He does not want to cause a conflict if necessary. , even if they have an absolute advantage in terms of number of people.

As soon as he finished speaking, the armored giant on the opposite side shifted his gaze, and after scanning the rest of the people in the field one by one, he suddenly restrained the vicious aura lingering around him, revealed his true face and chuckled:

"Captain Chisuo, long time no see."

As he spoke, Xu Yue stepped down from the dragon body. His giant body shrank rapidly as he walked, and soon returned to his normal size.



In the desert, after Xu Yue revealed his true face, the tense atmosphere in the venue immediately calmed down. After all, there was still some friendship between the two parties. When the furnace and forging shop opened, Chi Suo also came to celebrate in person and gave him a piece of good quality. Forge materials as a gift.

Apart from anything else, as long as there is no direct conflict of interest, the chance of a fight between them is low, and they can be considered more or less acquaintances.

Afterwards, the two parties briefly exchanged greetings for a period of time and exchanged some information with each other. This sudden encounter came to an end. Xu Yue quickly left in the Taotie, while only Chisuo and his five people were left in the desert.

On the same spot, Chisuo looked at the opponent's back that was about to disappear at the end of the field of vision and remained silent for a long time. In the conversation just now, he did not ask about Cairo, but after this incident, the importance of Xu Yue, the forging master, in his mind But there have been earth-shaking changes.

Although the intelligence circulated in the park mentioned that the other party was very powerful, it was only after seeing its power in person that he truly realized how valuable this impressive achievement was.

He has a ruthless nature, overwhelming evil aura, and the powerful ability to beat a black dragon to death with his bare hands. If his attitude towards Xu Yue before was to be as friendly as possible, now it has become that he must not offend him.

His eyes flickered, and he withdrew his distant gaze and looked at Yunli beside him.

"Yunli, go to the furnace and forging shop as soon as possible after returning to the paradise. Even if the price is increased, you must make an appointment for the soul-melting forging service. In the future, the purchase of basic equipment in the group can also be more inclined to the furnace."

"Yes, I noted it down."

After hearing Yunli's reply, he nodded lightly, then lowered his eyes to look at the burnt powder on the ground not far away, which was the only trace left by the black dragon Hogg.

"Tsk, he has a ruthless hand and a ruthless heart. Combined with his status as a forging master, it is no surprise that there will be another big shot in the paradise. We need to establish a good relationship as soon as possible."

"Let's go. Now that Feng Ying has been killed, we should return to Teslak immediately. The excitement there is about to begin."

"Boss, are we really participating in the cooperation that Xinhuo mentioned?"

"As long as the benefits are sufficient, it's not impossible to get involved..."



The boiling roar of artillery fire has stopped. Although the smoke is still rising in various parts of the city, there are finally no more raging machine gun fires and missile bombings.

The Egyptian army, which not long ago brought destruction to the entire city with cruelty and indifference, now has a different look and has begun to roam various important areas of the city to actively carry out rescue and fire-fighting and other rescue work.

Of course, this is limited to wealthy areas and densely populated tourist spots. For example, in old cities and slums, there is no need for them to waste manpower and material resources. Anyway, even if they do not die from gunfire, those millions of 'untouchables' Sooner or later, they will die from starvation and various infections that emerge in an endless stream.

As the capital of Egypt, Cairo is not only known as the ‘Mother of Cities’, it is also known as the ‘City of Tombs’. This modern city with a long history is dotted with a large number of ancient cemeteries.

These clusters of cemeteries are dark and dilapidated, and are not managed by the government. Over time, a large number of poor people have gathered to live together in these tombs where the dead are supposed to live.

The entire Cairo is dotted with hundreds of slums of varying sizes. These are the dark side and ugly sores of the city, so they are not within the scope of the Egyptian military’s rescue. After all, their voices are insignificant, and the military will not rescue them here. A large population cannot reduce losses or change public opinion at all, so it is naturally ignored habitually.

Among the many neglected slums, one of them attracted the attention of the main promoters of the Cairo riots.


"Devil! Leave immediately, this is the holy land of the sun god Ra, and those who blaspheme will suffer the most terrible curse!"


In a dilapidated temple in the slums, many civilians dressed in traditional religious costumes held various weapons and solemnly guarded in front of the dilapidated temple. They glared at Afu not far away and kept shouting and cursing.

As for why Afu is called the devil, the main reason is because of the huge mantis and dung beetle behind him.


Surrounded by the two insects, Afu looked past the group of civilians in front of him and carefully looked at the earthen temple in the rear that was obviously built by himself. Judging from the wear and tear of the materials and the surrounding environment, the temple's The construction time should not exceed 30 years.

Cairo is a city with a strong religious atmosphere. It is known as the "City of a Thousand Towers". There are thousands of recorded temples and shrines in the city. In the dilapidated and unmanaged slums, various self-propelled There is no way to record the simple temples built, and the one in front of us is undoubtedly one of them.

But what is different from the norm is that the protective power of this temple is a bit too high. In the open space around the temple, there are at least two digits of corpses of thugs piled up, and most of them were killed with one shot.

War causes chaos, and chaos can also amplify greed. This has been true since ancient times. During the turmoil in Cairo just now, a large number of civilians turned into thugs and carried out lucrative zero-dollar shopping activities to take advantage of the situation. Those dead bodies were The thugs who recently attempted to storm the temple and plunder the wealth.

However, it was obvious that they did not expect that the temple would have such a strong defense, so they died extremely simply. This abnormal situation further attracted Afu's attention.

Gazing across the several gun muzzles protruding from the temple window, Afu raised his eyebrows slightly. Among the many identities of Apocalypse, La was also one of them, and the proportion was quite large.

"I came here to find a mythical item, a giant golden dome of pure gold. Since this is Ra's holy land, does anyone know where this item is?"

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of the people guarding the temple changed, and they ordered to open fire without hesitation.

"Kill the blasphemer!"

Following the white-robed old man's loud shout, the deafening sound of gunshots immediately resounded throughout the entire temple, and dense bullets struck through the air. Just when they were about to hit Ah Fu, they were firmly blocked by two giant scythes falling from the sky.

The clanking metal sounds exploded one after another on the surface of the scythe, but it was still unable to break through its defense. Behind the scythe, Ah Fu was not angry at their sudden attack. Instead, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his eyes showed strong surprise. .

"finally found you……"

"Except for the old man in white robe, kill everyone else."

As soon as Ah Fu finished speaking, the ground around him shook. With rumbling footsteps, the dung beetle charged at the people in front of him.

The giant dung beetle was covered with a thick carapace. The power of its charge was definitely inferior to that of a heavy tank. Wherever it passed, human figures flew everywhere, and their flesh and blood turned into mud. In just one charge, it directly destroyed the group of spectators. The guardian of the temple who seems to have fierce firepower but is actually harmless.

Feeling that the oncoming metal storm had stopped, the giant mantis that had been guarding Afu also joined the battlefield. It waved its sharp forelimbs like a sickle. In the blink of an eye, the limbs were separated, heads rolled, and the scene was bloody.

This one-sided massacre did not last long. Soon, except for the old man in white robe who was deliberately left behind, there was no longer a single living human being in the temple.

Among the broken corpses scattered everywhere, Afu's scarlet eyes stared quietly at the old man in white robe lying on the ground at his feet, and said lightly:

"Where is the Golden Dome?"

"Under the temple, my lord."

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