Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 354 Sun Shining Golden Summit

Slums, dilapidated temples.

At this time, all kinds of corpses scattered all over the place have been cleaned up, leaving only the strong smell of blood that still lingers.

Outside the door, after receiving the news, Xu Yue quickly arrived nearby on a Taotie, and led by Ah Fu one after another into the ancient and dilapidated earthen temple.

The door was opened. Compared to the dilapidated exterior, the interior of the temple was cleaner than expected. Although it was not magnificent, it was extremely solemn.

The most eye-catching thing about the temple is a huge stone sculpture with an eagle head and human body. The statue is tall and straight, with its waist wrapped around its hips. It holds two scepters intertwined on its chest. It wears complicated and exquisite necklaces around its neck. There is a smooth sun disk, and behind it is a stone wall with a large number of inscriptions and images carved on it.

This is the most noble sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology - Ra, the head of the Nine Pillars of Gods. In some legends, even all the gods were created by Ra, and humans were born from his tears and sweat. among.

He is the Creator of all things, and the sun is his symbol and his eye. Wherever the sun shines, Ra's sight is everywhere.

The eagle-headed human statue on the altar is just one of the many representative images of Ra to the outside world. In addition to the falcon, he also has different appearances such as scarabs, rams, lions, and cats, which all symbolize his different preferences. power.

Of course, the above are just boasts in myths and legends. In the real history of this world, Ra is only one of the many mythical identities of Apocalypse.

Apocalypse, named En Sabah Nur, was the first mutant on record and was active in the First Dynasty of Egypt before 3000 BC.

He has the ability to transfer his own consciousness to seize the body and devour all the power of the host. Over the long years, Apocalypse has acquired countless mutant abilities through frequent transfers of bodies, which makes him almost omnipotent.

Therefore, with the support of powerful forces, he became a god and left myths and legends based on him all over the world, of which La is the most important one.

Looking at the overall layout of the temple, various information about the sun god Ra and Apocalypse quickly echoed in Xu Yue's mind. After his eyes paused on the eagle-headed figure in the center for a few seconds, he turned his head and looked to his side, a little behind. Ah Fu said:

"Where is the entrance to the underground space?"

"Behind the statue, sir."

Having said that, Ah Fu walked forward quickly, bypassing the most conspicuous statue in the hall, and pressed hard on the stone wall behind which was covered with various inscriptions and images.

As an inconspicuous ordinary inscription dented under the force, a subtle sound of mechanical rotation immediately sounded, and the ground behind the statue also quietly changed.

A gap suddenly cracked in the center of the large stone brick, and then the stone brick sank and shrank to both sides. Soon an underground secret door came into view, and inside was a stone staircase extending downward.

"The concealment is good. No wonder so many contractors searched for it for four days without finding it."

"The temple was built in 1983, about 25 years ago. It has only one meaning, and that is to protect the underground space below them when they dig. The pyramid tip that can awaken Apocalypse, including Apocalypse himself, is now in this underground space. within."

As he spoke, Ah Fu released his right hand that was pressing on the stone wall and walked slowly to Xu Yue's side.

"Master, the downstairs has been cleaned and it's very clean."

"Well, lead the way."

After saying this, Ah Fu took the lead in leading the way, followed closely by Xu Yue.

The underground corridor is not cramped. The stone stairs that extend downward are flat and wide. There is an incandescent lamp that is always on at intervals at the top, illuminating the entire corridor exceptionally brightly. It can be seen that it has been repaired many times.

A few minutes later, the long corridor finally came to an end. Xu Yue suddenly saw a bright light in front of him. The entire underground space was spacious and vast. The light was slightly dim, but it was more quiet. In the center was a tower half buried in the soil. The giant pyramid is surrounded by more than a dozen yellow cushions, numerous mining picks piled in the corners, and blood stains everywhere.

The golden dome he was looking for was located at the tip of the pyramid. The top body made of pure gold shone under the light, and the complex inscriptions and smooth lines carved on the surface were even more radiant and exquisite.

Beside him, while Xu Yue was looking up and down at the pyramid in front of him, Ah Fu also began to explain the relevant history that he learned from the old man in white robe not long ago.

"In 1983, a group of explorers who always believed in the existence of the legendary Almighty God Shanba traveled around the world and finally found this giant pyramid buried deep in the ground in Cairo."

"They firmly believe that this pyramid is Shanba's sleeping tomb. As long as they can completely dig it out and enter the interior of the pyramid, they can awaken the great god and realize all their wishes."

"So they built a Sun Temple above the space to hide from others, and began a long road of excavation. They did not dare to let the Cairo government discover this secret, so they could only act in secret. In addition, it was difficult for heavy excavation machinery to pass The tunnel is relatively narrow and they cannot carry out large-scale construction, so they can only dig it manually like tomb robbers. "

"For 25 years, they didn't know how to wake up. While worshiping the magnificent underground pyramid, they continued to dig downwards, and finally opened up this huge underground space."


Listening to Ah Fu's explanation, Xu Yue stepped towards this magnificent wonder, which was dozens of meters high in bare volume. The closer he got, the more massive and ancient he could feel it.

Compared with the Pyramid of Khufu on the surface that has been completely transformed into a scenic spot, the nameless pyramid in front of you in the deep underground space is undoubtedly more in line with the positioning of the Pharaoh's mausoleum. It is mysterious, vast, and awe-inspiring.

Different from the conventional wall made of huge stones with a stepped surface, the wall of this pyramid appears smooth and flat. He raised his hand and placed it flat on the surface of the wall. Xu Yue tapped it with his fingers, and the vibrations spread rapidly. , and soon, the entire pyramid and the parts below that were still buried by the soil came into my mind.

As the perception deepened, a tall figure buried in a large amount of rubble inside the pyramid gradually became clear in his mind. This was Apocalypse in his sleeping state.

Thousands of years ago, the Four Horsemen under Apocalypse discovered a mutant with high-speed self-healing ability. This ability represents nearly infinite vitality and a never-fading body. Therefore, Apocalypse once again chose Apocalypse, whose body was about to decay and wither. This mutant was chosen as his new body.

And just in the middle of the body-changing ceremony, he was betrayed by the coalition of his subjects. Human beings do not need a god who will not age and can rule them forever.

The body-changing ceremony must use the sunlight energy converted from the golden dome in the pyramid as energy support. During this period, even Apocalypse, who is as powerful as a god, will fall into a deep sleep.

It was at this opportunity that the human guards waiting outside the tower used the traps they had laid out to destroy the foundation below the tower, successfully causing the entire pyramid to completely fall into the ground during the collapse.

In the end, the loyal four knights of Apocalypse were killed by collapsing boulders one after another in order to protect his body, and because of the sudden interruption of the body-changing ceremony, he fell into an eternal sleep that lasted thousands of years in the bottomless darkness.

After the perception was over, Xu Yue took back his palm that was flat on the wall and took half a step back.

"The excavated part only accounts for one-third of the entire pyramid, and Apocalypse's physical body is still in the pyramid, and there is no abnormality."

Hearing this, Afu from behind breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the ultimate goal of finding the Golden Summit is still for Apocalypse. In another timeline, the other party completed the resurrection as early as 1983. No one can guarantee that in 2006 now At this time, is Apocalypse still sleeping here intact?

Based on the human government's urinary nature, if the location of the other party is known in advance, then Afu has no doubt that Apocalypse's final destination must be torn into pieces on the autopsy table. Now it is confirmed that Apocalypse is in good condition. He is in Cairo this time Only when the mission goal can be considered successfully completed and live up to the expectations of his master.

Keenly aware of Ah Fu's mental fluctuations, Xu Yue raised the corner of his mouth and said in approval:

"Well done!"

"I'm just following your plan. Master, what will you do after the apocalypse? Are you going to kill him?"

The current Apocalypse is just sleeping, but has never died. The safest way is to kill it in advance. If nothing else, with the intensity of Apocalypse, the treasure chests that are exploded will at least be of light gold quality.

Killing him directly before he wakes up is the safest way, and the benefits are not low. However, Xu Yue spent so much effort in Cairo, and what he did was far more than just a pale golden treasure chest.

"Apocalypse wants to kill, but not now. Humanity needs an enemy, a god who can launch a world-destroying flood. Only by making them realize their own powerlessness can mutants have the possibility of entering the stage of history."

"Furthermore, flesh demons have limitations after all. Ah Fu, whether you can go further depends on whether Lord Tianqi's ability enhancement is strong."

After saying that, Xu Yue didn't wait for Ah Fu's response. The metal wings behind his back spread out, and he flew into the sky with the flutter of the wings.

He was going to take a closer look at the golden dome that could convert sunlight energy. If nothing else happened, it should be a high-quality prop.

On the same spot, Afu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes began to show a trace of fiery heat as he looked at the pyramid in front of him.

[Sun Yao Jinding] (High-tech solar energy conversion panel)

Origin: X-Men

Quality: light gold

Category: Special props

Effect: Solar energy concentration (passive). By shining on the sun, the Golden Dome can convert pure natural sunlight into unique solar energy. Solar energy has two biased characteristics: life and sacred. It is mild and stable in nature and can be used for science and technology. , magic side, mysterious side and other facilities provide universal energy support.

Tip 1: Maintaining the solar energy gathering effect for a long time will accelerate the wear and tear of the material of the golden dome itself and cause irreversible reduction in durability.

Tip 2: The accumulated solar energy can be condensed into liquid and solid forms, and its energy properties can be maintained for a long time.

Tip 3: High-level forging, magic pattern, and technology workers have a small probability of understanding the Sun Yao Inscription or Sun Yao Technology Energy Circuit Diagram through the Golden Dome. (knowledge skills)

Rating: 309 (Note: Light gold items are rated from 260 to 310.)

Introduction: This is a perfect combination of technology and mystery, a supreme masterpiece that utilizes stellar energy to the extreme. This design comes from the engineers of the Universe God Group.


"Light gold!"

Near the tip of the pyramid, Xu Yue's pupils dilated after checking the detailed introduction of the golden dome. He had guessed that this golden dome should be a piece of equipment or props of good quality, but he did not expect that the quality would be so high.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the biggest gain this time would be you."

After calming down his somewhat agitated mood, Xu Yue looked at the pure gold square spire in front of him, with unconcealable joy in his eyes. The next best thing was to receive a light gold prop. The most important thing was that this prop was as good as his The 'Negative Yue Turtle Pattern' he obtained before can generally enable him to learn a brand new inscription sequence.

Rubbing the mysterious lines on the surface of the golden dome, his expression gradually became fanatical and he murmured in a low voice.

"Energy sequence, solar inscription..."

Energy is the material basis for human survival and development, and it is also the cornerstone of civilization's progress. Compared with the inscriptions such as Yuwu and Yue Yue he had obtained before, the solar inscription of this energy sequence is undoubtedly more precious.

As his wings flapped, Xu Yue wandered around the golden dome, touching or tapping from time to time. After a long time, he finally gave up the intention of continuing to study. The complexity of this thing was far beyond imagination, and what was revealed on the surface was just The most obvious part, the complex circuits inside the Golden Dome that can only be sensed through vibration are the real core part.

Even if he has experience in studying the 'Negative Mountain Turtle Pattern', if he wants to achieve results on the 'Sun Yao Golden Summit', the time unit must be at least measured in months, and he does not have so much time to spend on it. Cairo.

As for taking it away for research, there is no need to consider it. Not to mention that his current storage space cannot hold such a large item for the time being. Even if it is to resurrect Apocalypse later, he cannot rashly dismantle it.

‘Don’t worry, the meat can’t escape in the pot. The worst that can happen is that we have to use the magic mirror to teleport back and forth every night for research. ’

Muttering silently in his mind, he wrote down all the lines on the surface of the golden dome, and then dropped down without looking back.

After his boots landed, Xu Yue gave Ah Fu a few general instructions. After arranging everything, he summoned the magic mirror and left Cairo.

Only the ancient mausoleum under the deep light was left on the spot, and a flesh-and-blood demon doll waiting beside the mausoleum. In the Cairo city area above, the smoke rising everywhere had gradually disappeared, leaving only the faint and resounding cry. The sound still lasts and grows longer with the passage of time.


Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters, teachers’ dormitory on the third floor.

Xu Yue stepped out of the unfolded magic mirror and looked around. The clean and bright room was empty.

Putting the restored magic mirror back into his body, he looked sideways at the simple and elegant casement window on the side. The moonlight outside the window was long and the night was thick. From leaving to returning, he spent nearly half a day in Cairo, but fortunately for all purposes All have been achieved.

The hidden danger of Apocalypse has been eradicated, and the initiative is now in his hands. When it will be detonated depends on his plan. Next, he only needs to concentrate on dealing with the troubles of X Academy.

After taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling it, he walked towards the bathroom. As he walked, the red prison armor worn on his body automatically melted into the gurgling blood-colored liquid, revealing the inside that had turned into wisps of cloth. Torn clothes.

The enlargement effect of the infinite characteristics is very strong, but the corresponding damage to the clothes is also devastating. Regular clothes cannot wrap up the huge body that is three meters tall. After returning to the paradise, the matter of finding special clothes must be put on the agenda.

He tore off the tattered cloth strips on his body and threw them aside. Xu Yue kept this in mind and walked into the bathroom naked. Soon after, the sound of thin water flow could be heard from inside the bathroom.


Downstairs, in the principal's office on the second floor of the castle, when Xu Yue suddenly appeared in the dormitory, the professor who was crouching at his desk correcting students' homework noticed it. The movements of his hands stopped. He frowned and looked at someone on the third floor. direction, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

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