Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 357 Tell me, fire!

【Elastane pants】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise, Universal Store

Quality: green

Durability: 14/30

Type: Clothing

Effect 1: Extreme stretch (passive). Sports shorts based on special elastic fibers have extremely strong elasticity and ductility and can be extended up to 20 times the original length.

Effect 2: Comfortable body feeling (passive), body comfort level +3, and constant ‘self-cleansing’ effect.

Tip 1: Know the Hulk’s shorts? This one is even more awesome!

Tip 2: Frequent shrinkage will consume the durability of the clothing. When the durability value is less than 10 points, you can exchange it for a new one at half price at the Universal Store.

Rating: 22 (Note: Green items are rated from 11 to 30.)

Introduction: A universal store that provides all the products you can imagine. We serve all your imaginations. Detailed address: Paradise City Machinery Street...

Price: 2,300 paradise coins


【Intelligent Machinery Upgrade Program】

Origin: Avengers, Stark Industries

Quality: dark purple

Type: Mechanical products

Number of uses: 1/3

Effect: Any machine can be intelligently transformed and upgraded, and it has special blessings for auxiliary, detection, and calculation intelligent machines.

Tip 1: The upgrade effect is affected by the original quality of the modified machine, and it can be upgraded to dark purple quality at most.

Improvement 2: This product does not provide weapon mechanical upgrade services.

Rating: 248 (Note: Dark purple items have a rating of 151 to 260.)

Introduction: Produced by Stark Industries, we represent the future of mankind!

Price: 52,000 Paradise Coins


Three kinds of luster, one purple and two green, complement each other on the desk, especially the faint light of dark purple is particularly eye-catching.

In this card drawing method that relies purely on luck, the auspicious beast Wen Ray's super luck is fully utilized, which is in stark contrast to Xu Yue's previous card drawing results.

Such a result did not make Xu Yue depressed, but instead became more and more happy. Wen Yu's performance today completely made him understand the value of the word "auspicious beast", which is comparable to the son of luck.

"Well done, Wenray!"

As he spoke, he took out a clear aqua gemstone from the space and handed it to Wen Ray next to him. This gemstone was something he deliberately asked Ah Fu to acquire when he was in the paradise, although it was only of green quality. , but for the young stingrays, it is an extremely suitable gem food.

Each one is worth thousands of Paradise Coins, but compared to the irreplaceable role of the Wen Ray, the consumption of this Paradise Coin is insignificant.

Looking at the gem handed to him, Wen Ray's eyes lit up. After temporarily putting down the soul crystal in his arms, he took the aqua sapphire and started talking directly.

After opening and closing its small mouth several times, about a third of the entire gem was quickly eaten, and its crystal body also had a faint tendency to grow during the eating process, but the effect was very slight. The light luster exuding from the body surface also becomes warmer.

For Wen Ray, soul crystals can enhance the strength of the soul body, while various gems can strengthen the body level. Both are indispensable, one inside and one outside.

His gaze lingered on the ray that was enjoying its meal for a moment. Xu Yue then turned his gaze and looked at the three items on the desk again. Judging from the introduction of each item, the scarlet card just now was most likely from the source. To the contractor with a hateful bloodline.

Among them, the 'elastane pants' are the best proof. They were the only clothes left on the contractor who hated the contract when he was roaming the battlefield.

This pair of seemingly ordinary black pants not only withstood the opponent's huge size that expanded to nearly three meters, but also retained its general integrity after enduring various injuries such as missile aftermath and machine gun bombardment, until the contractor's body It is only slightly damaged, which is a good proof of its outstanding ductility and toughness.

"Universal store..."

Whispering about the store that sells this special piece of clothing, Xu Yue's eyes flashed with interest. He has the "infinite" attribute, and now he needs a set of clothes with extraordinary stretchability, and these "elastic fiber pants" The appearance of it perfectly met his needs.

Of course, he is not very interested in shabby clothes that others have worn, but a universal store that can customize such rare goods is an excellent channel.

You must know that clothing equipment, especially bottoms, is a very rare type in the entire Paradise City. Among the many sub-professions, the tailoring profession is especially rare.

Silently writing down the address of the universal store, he took back the two pieces of green equipment on the table, and his eyes fell on the most eye-catching dark purple props.

[Intelligent Mechanical Upgrade Program] is a palm-sized metal square box. Its appearance is painted in a rather aggressive golden red. The overall shape has a strong personal style. At a glance, you can tell that you are a billionaire superhero. Handwriting.

Regarding this special prop that can upgrade mechanical equipment on its own, Xu Yue does not have too much entanglement. He only has one piece of mechanical equipment in his hand that can perfectly exert the ultimate effect of this prop, and that is the blue-quality [Manifestation] Eye].

Know yourself and the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. The priority of intelligence in battle is unquestionable, and upgrading reconnaissance equipment is definitely the safest choice.

He took out the metal ball that had been with him for a long time from the space. As the ball approached, the golden-red square box on the desk automatically unfolded from the middle to both sides, revealing the complex mechanical structure inside, and at the same time a pleasant female voice sounded.

"Beep! It is detected that mechanical equipment is approaching. It meets the conditions for intelligent mechanical upgrade. Do you want to turn on the upgrade mode?"

"Turn on."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft tractor beam swept across, dragging the metal ball in Xu Yue's hand directly to the inside of the square box, and then the square box closed and levitated.

With the sound of mechanical rotation, the square box began to twist and shape automatically like melted liquid. Soon a golden-red heart suspended in the air appeared in front of Xu Yue, and began to expand and contract continuously.

"Hey! The equipment characteristics test is completed, please choose the specific direction of equipment upgrade: 1. Detection type. 2. Tracking type. 3. Auxiliary type."

A new electronic prompt sounded, and three completely different upgrade directions emerged. Xu Yue just glanced at it and directly chose the investigation upgrade direction. He knew exactly what function he wanted most now.

"Bit! The preference selection is completed, upgrading and strengthening are in progress, the estimated completion time is 3:59:59...3:59:58..."

A line of estimated time limit appeared on the surface of the golden red heart, and began to slowly pass at a speed accurate to seconds.

"Four hours? It's pretty quick."

As soon as he finished speaking, a rapid knock came from the door, immediately breaking the silence of the room.

A few seconds later, the closed door opened, and Scott's haggard and dejected face immediately came into Xu Yue's eyes.

When he learned the news from Xu Yue that Qin was not dead a few days ago, Scott's mental state did improve slightly, but soon he learned another bad news from the professor.

Although Qin is not dead, she is facing another desperate situation. She may no longer be her. A madman's second personality named Dark Phoenix with the ability to destroy the world is quickly encroaching on her main consciousness, making her about to fall into A situation where life is worse than death.

What's even more desperate is that even if Scott already knows all the reasons, he can't provide any help to Qin who is in desperate situation, and even has to stay away as much as possible, because his ability will only make things worse. This hopeless feeling of strength made him increasingly exhausted.

At the door of the room, seeing Xu Yue showing up behind the door, Scott retracted his raised right hand. After a moment of silence, he opened his tight lips and said in a deep voice:

"I heard Qin's voice. She was in pain. This was not an illusion. She was asking me for help, asking me to save her. I could feel Qin's despair and pain, struggling constantly at the bottom of the dark and heavy lake..."

"So, how long do we have to wait to rescue Qin!"

As the words continued, his mood gradually increased, and the urgency in his words was ready to come out, and the last sentence was almost like a low voice.

Hearing this, Xu Yue frowned slightly, and his spiritual perception came out quietly, but he did not observe any strange spiritual fluctuations around him.

"Now is not the time, and can you be sure whether it is Qin or the black phoenix who is asking you for help..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Scott's stern voice. The veins in his neck that burst out due to his emotional excitement were even more clearly visible under the harsh voice.

"I am sure!"

"It's either the so-called Dark Phoenix or the Qin I'm familiar with. She's drowning and suffering at the bottom of the lake. She's asking for help! Asking me for help!"

"What are you and the professor waiting for! How long do you have to wait! Tell me!!"

The angry shouts echoed in the corridor on the third floor, and even the windows at the end of the corridor were buzzing and trembling with vibrations. Doors opened constantly on both sides, and confused little heads poked out of the door, looking at the door of the room in confusion. Two people confronting each other.

Their eyes met, and the atmosphere became more and more tense with Scott's heavy breathing, even a bit tense.

After a long time, Scott's breathing gradually stabilized, and Xu Yuecai, who had never spoken at this time, said lightly:

"Calm down?"

"Come in and talk when you've calmed down."

After saying that, Xu Yue turned around and walked indoors without looking back.

Outside the door, Scott took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then looked sideways at the little heads poking out of the door on both sides of the corridor. He suppressed the impatience in his heart and lowered his tone a lot.

"It's okay, everyone go back!"

After a brief explanation, he followed closely and walked into the open door, closing it behind him.


room, living room.

Xu Yuegang took out the gourd and poured a drop of royal jelly into the teacup in front of him, when Scott's slightly apologetic voice came from behind.

"Sorry, I couldn't control my emotions."

Turning his hand to take back the gourd, Xu Yue turned around and handed the steaming teacup in his hand to Scott behind him, and pointed to the sofa in the center of the living room and said:

"Sit down, drink it first and then we can talk."



As the warm tea enters the mouth, a sweetness spreads on the tip of the tongue, and Scott's brain, which has been tortured by neurasthenia and mood swings, is gradually waking up.

The effect of the royal jelly was immediate. Seeing that the bloodshot pupils on the opposite side began to turn clear, Xu Yue also took a sip of tea and spoke lightly.

"Urgentness won't solve any problems, it will only make things worse. I don't need to tell you this, Scott."

"As for Qin, the professor will not give up on any of his students. You know this better than me, but now is not the time. We cannot solve the problem of Dark Phoenix at the moment. It is meaningless to act rashly. We still need time to prepare means. "

"What else do I need to prepare? How long will it take to prepare? I can feel that Qin can't hold on any longer. She has been submerged at the bottom of the lake for three full years!"

Although his sanity temporarily returned, the urgency in Scott's words remained unabated, but his words were much clearer.

"Even if you know the plan behind it, it won't change anything. It will only make the situation worse. Whether it's the professor or Qin, in their eyes, your thoughts and memories are a transparent showcase for whatever you want. Tell You are equivalent to telling Dark Phoenix that we cannot take this risk."

"Also, tell me first, when did you actually hear those sounds?"

"last night."

"Then are you really sure that it is Qin's cry for help and not a seduction code from another personality?"

In the original plot, Scott was guided by these voices to reach the shores of Lake Alkali, and was eventually completely swallowed by the hungry Black Phoenix. With his power gone berserk, even the gravity of the area was swallowed up completely.

Facing Xu Yue's scrutinizing gaze, Scott nodded with absolute certainty. He had never seen the dark phoenix personality mentioned by the professor and Xu Yue, but for Qin, he was confident that he would not admit her mistake.

"That voice was either Dark Phoenix or Qin. I can feel her emotions, pain, powerlessness, and despair, but there is no desire for destruction and burning desire as you call it."

After hearing the other party's categorical reply, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly. If Scott's feeling was not wrong, then maybe his guess about Qin's current condition was not accurate.

Perhaps during the three years of being trapped at the bottom of the lake, the pace of the Dark Phoenix personality invading the main consciousness was not smooth sailing. Qin's consciousness has been fighting against it, and asking for help from Scott was Qin's helpless choice. She could no longer hold on.

But unexpectedly, this request for help turned into a door-to-door takeout service, which not only directly led to Scott's death, but also caused the greatly enhanced Dark Phoenix personality to completely overwhelm Qin's main consciousness, which was said to be a loss of money. .

As for why she didn't contact the professor, the professor who gave birth to the Dark Phoenix personality occupies the main reason. There is a high probability that Qin can no longer completely trust him.

If the truth is indeed the case, then the situation may be much better than he imagined. As long as Qin's consciousness has not completely died, and there is still room for resistance, then the subsequent handling of this world-destroying phoenix will be much more certain. .

In the room, Scott noticed that Xu Yue's eyes were broken and he was deep in thought. Scott first suppressed his pressure and waited anxiously and quietly for a few minutes. But after getting no response for a long time, he couldn't help but spoke first:

"Xinhuo, how long do we have to wait to save Qin!"

The tumbling thoughts were interrupted, Xu Yue came back from his thoughts, and his dilated pupils instantly focused.

"For up to ten days, I guarantee that nothing will happen to Qin, but the first condition is that you will not act rashly and increase my burden. Do you understand?"

"There are many aspects involved in Qin's matter. That's why I'm here, so calm down."

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other, and perhaps he noticed the strong confidence in Xu Yue's eyes. Scott tightened the empty tea cup in his hand, and after a moment of silence, he nodded in agreement.


After temporarily comforting Scott, Xu Yue noticed that the other party had no intention of leaving for the time being. Xu Yue didn't mind, but casually took the empty teacup in the other person's hand and stood up to fill it again, but this time he did not add a small amount of queen honey. , before the brewing is successful, the stock of this thing is not enough to squander it at will.

Putting the hot tea in front of the other party, Xu Yue continued to ask:

"Tell me, why are you looking for me? And after you sensed Qin's request for help, why didn't you tell the professor and instead came to me as soon as possible?"

Scott did not reply immediately, but even through the thick quartz red glasses, Xu Yue could feel the tangle and hesitation in the other person's eyes. After a long time, he slowly said:

"Xinhuo, since you come from another timeline, do you know what the professor did to Qin in the past?"

As expected, it was impossible for the professor to explain this matter to them in detail. This was related to the secrets of the professor and Qin.

"If I remember correctly, the professor explained this to you on the first day I came to the academy."

"Qin is an Omega-level mutant at the pinnacle of mutants. Her power is as powerful as a god, and she can completely destroy the world. However, she awakened too early. Unlike when you awakened when you were a teenager, Qin woke up when she was only a few years old. He possesses this unparalleled terrifying power.”

"Like a child holding a nuclear bomb launch button, a casual quarrel between partners may directly cause tens of thousands of innocent lives in the entire city to be reduced to ashes by her unstable emotions. How terrible this is. matter."

"With a young and unstable mind, coupled with uncontrollable power, this is a complete natural disaster. All professors can only choose to temporarily seal Qin's ability."

After the words fell, Scott's expression did not change at all. He looked directly into Xu Yue's eyes and slowly shook his head.

"No, the professor is hiding something from us, and so are you!"

"It is impossible for the pure power of sealing to lead to the birth of another personality. The professor must have sealed something else, and he has always hidden this behavior in his heart. Even after Qin became an adult, the professor always concealed it, so Qin only came to me for help. , and not looking for professors.”

"Tell me, Xinhuo, what else did the professor seal back then?"

Unspeakable silence gradually spread in the room, and Xu Yue remained silent. Of course he knew what the professor had sealed back then. The more powerful the ability, the more serious the damage it caused when it first awakened, and Qin was no exception.

Her first awakening directly led to the death of her mother on the spot, and her father regarded her as a demon. This was a dark memory that would affect her future life.

So when the professor sealed the power of Qin, he also sealed that dark memory. But he never thought that as time went by, the combination of memory and power gave birth to a person named Dark Phoenix. Personality led to various irreparable tragedies later.

Perhaps this is why the professor tried so hard to persuade him never to try to control his mind for a long time when he was in the brainwave amplifier a few days ago. The professor had made a very serious mistake in this regard.

Regardless of whether the initial starting point was well-intentioned, the original professor did use a condescending attitude and in the name of doing good for Qin, directly used his own psychic ability to forcibly seal a memory of Qin without the other party's consent. .

This behavior is essentially long-term manipulation of the mind, so he gave birth to the bitter fruit of Dark Phoenix, which later directly led to the disappearance of the professor's own body, as well as Qin and Scott, his two most satisfied students. died one after another.

This is the price of being as arrogant as a god and trying to manipulate the mind. As the most powerful psychic in the world, Professor X once made this fatal mistake and ultimately paid an extremely miserable price for it.

Therefore, when teaching Xu Yue his psychic abilities, the professor had only one request, and that was not to make the same mistakes he made.

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