Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 358 The antidote is revealed

"This matter is related to the secrets of the professor and Qin. If you really want to know, just ask the professor yourself. Although I know it, I have no right or obligation to tell you, and..."

In the room, Xu Yue paused in his words and looked at Scott with deep meaning in his eyes.

"Neither does Professor. As the captain of the X-Men, I think you should know his character and conduct very well."

"Not all truths must be made public. The purpose of burying certain things under the soil is to prevent them from rotting and smelling in the sun, making people look evil. If you must dig them up, , then we must prepare in advance all the consequences and costs that will occur after the stench spreads.”

After saying this, Xu Yue said no more, but after taking a sip of tea, he closed his eyes and began to silently recall the complex inscriptions recorded on the surface of the golden dome last night.

On the other side, Scott held the teacup with both hands and remained silent for a long time. The faint heat at the mouth of the cup continued to rise, covering his face a little blurry.

I don't know how much time passed, but the professor's voice suddenly sounded in Xu Yue's mind.

"Xinhuo, come to my office. Hank has come to the academy with news about the 'antidote'."

It finally begins!

His slightly closed eyes quickly opened, and Xu Yue glanced at Scott, who was still in a dazed state. Being mixed in between his lover and the professor who was like a teacher and a father, Xu Yue was full of confusion.

"I'm going to the professor's office now. Hank is here. Do you want to come with me?"

The chaotic thoughts were interrupted, and Scott silently put down the teacup in his hand and shook his head slowly.

"No, I need to wake up a little more."

After that, the two stood up and walked towards the door one after another.

There was no words all the way until they reached the corridor on the second floor and the two of them parted ways. Scott's lonely figure had just walked not far away when he was stopped by Xu Yue's voice.

"Scott, I remember that when you first woke up, you almost killed a classmate, right? It just happened that the iron toilet door blocked the main impact of the laser, so he should have died directly. It turned into a minor injury.”

Although he didn't know why Xu Yue suddenly mentioned this matter, Cyclops nodded slightly after hearing it.

It was precisely because of this unexpected and hurtful awakening that his family sent him to the professor's Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, where he stayed for more than twenty years.

Seeing Scott nodding that he was right, Xu Yue lowered his eyes and continued with some emotion:

"That's really lucky. I didn't cause irreparable losses when my abilities were awakened. A considerable number of mutants with dangerous abilities don't have this luck. Once they awaken, they often cause mistakes to those around them that they will never forget for the rest of their lives, and they will regret it for the rest of their lives. ”

Having said that, Xu Yue ignored Scott's reaction, turned around and walked quickly towards the professor's office. But in a corner where no one noticed, a purple light spot fluttered from his fingertips, quietly Silently he got into Scott's trousers.

Regardless of whether the other party was convinced or not, he had to ensure that he would not leave the academy rashly. Xu Yue did not mind taking some tough measures when necessary.

Behind him, Scott looked stunned. The four words 'unforgettable' flashed through his mind like lightning. Awakening of abilities is a stage that every mutant cannot escape.

It is precisely because of the awakening of their abilities that they separated from the original human population and forcibly integrated into the oppressed mutant group. Some separation processes were slow and silent, while a larger part of the separation process was bloody and cruel. , always starts with destruction and death.

But no matter what kind of separation process it is, it is an extremely unforgettable memory for every mutant. But regarding Qin, Scott has never heard her talk about the process of awakening her abilities.

Scott used to think that the other party was deliberately avoiding it, but now thinking about it, maybe in Qin's impression, this memory really does not exist, which means that the professor has tampered with Qin's memory and thinking!

"What happened to Qin when she was a child..."

Scott was muttering in a daze on the spot, while on the other side of the corridor, Xu Yue, who was walking quickly, was also talking softly to someone.

"Looking at Scott's appearance, he must have reacted. Since you want him to know, why don't you tell him in person? Professor."

"This is Qin's past, and I am not qualified to tell anyone about this experience on her behalf. If Scott really wants to know all this, he will explore it himself."

"When you decisively chose to seal Qin's memory, you shouldn't have the same thoughts now, right?"

After a long moment of silence, the voice in his mind sounded again, but the words were filled with a hint of bitterness.

"I didn't have many choices at that time. The uncontrollable power and the painful memory of killing my mother made Qin extremely emotionally unstable when she was a child. She was full of vigilance and darkness. A small stimulus might cause her to lose her entire life. Every castle has been razed to the ground, like a child supporting an entire mountain range. Just one release of force may cause her and everything around her to be crushed to pieces by the collapsing mountain range."

"In that case, I stubbornly believed that only by sealing everything could Qin live a new life based on forgetting the past."

"When Qin became an adult, I also tried to tell her these things, and prepared to slowly guide her to master the vast power inside her body. But when I was about to do so, I suddenly discovered that the Black Phoenix was already sealing was born quietly in the prison of his soul."

"I couldn't change that evil personality, nor could I kill it, so I could only passively strengthen the seal, which ultimately led to the situation evolving to this day."

"People with psychic powers have absolute control over the mind and memory, but there are still too many things we cannot control. Xinhuo, you Chinese have an old saying, those who are good at swimming drown, and those who are good at riding are fallen. I once thought arrogantly I was helping Jean, but it turns out that I just delayed the outbreak and made a bigger mistake..."

Perhaps because Xu Yue already knew a lot of information, the professor did not hide anything from him, but instead took all the responsibility on himself in his narration.

Xu Yue did not interrupt the professor's words, but listened silently. It was not until the other party finished speaking that he asked a question he had wanted to know for a long time.

"So you discovered the existence of the Dark Phoenix a long time ago? Did you really not find Qin at the bottom of the lake in the past three years?"

"...Come in first, we'll talk about some things later."


On the second floor of the castle, the principal's office.

Storm was chatting happily with a male mutant who looked like a beast but wore a suit and ties, while the professor sat quietly aside and said nothing, but he looked a bit lonely.

Perhaps sensing something unusual about the professor, the beast mutant paused his conversation with Storm, looked sideways at the professor sitting in the wheelchair, and said doubtfully:

"Charles, what's wrong?"

The sound of words interrupted the professor's thoughts. He first raised his eyes and smiled gently, diluting the inappropriate and lonely mood in his body, and then turned his head to look at the slightly closed door of the principal's office.

"Nothing, the new teacher from the college has arrived."

Upon hearing this, Hank's eyes lit up. Before that, he had heard the professor and Storm mention this teacher more than once, and they were all words of praise.

"Oh, is that your student that I don't even know about?"

The next second, the door was slowly pushed open, and Xu Yue stepped in, wearing regular clothes. What he saw was a blue beast in a black suit.

"Hank McCoy, Secretary of Mutant Affairs, please."

Hank, codenamed Beast, his initial mutant ability was not very strong. When he awakened, his body was only slightly strengthened and his feet were transformed into the same shape as his hands.

This ability is undoubtedly the lowest among mutants, but his real strength has never been his mutant ability, but his unparalleled scientific research wisdom.

The underground base of the Technological creations were all independently developed by him. He was an out-and-out genius, proficient in biology, mechanics, genetics, biochemistry and other disciplines.

In 1962, Hank got acquainted with professors, including Mystique Raven, whose freely deformable skin greatly aroused his interest.

Therefore, he, who often felt inferior to his deformed feet, began to study Raven's blood and tissues. In a very short time, he developed a serum that could temporarily inhibit the changes in his own mutations. The ecstatic Hank had not yet had time to conduct human experiments, so he excitedly took the results to find Mystique Raven, preparing to work with her to get rid of the deformed changes caused by the genetic mutation.

But because Raven had fully accepted her mutant identity at this time, she chose to refuse, and Hank could only inject himself.

The initial effect of the serum was excellent, and it successfully transformed the deformed legs back to their original appearance. However, the good times did not last long, and soon the consequences of the imperfect serum began to erupt. It completely activated the mutant genes in Hank's body and produced irreversible damage. distortion.

In the end, Hank completely transformed into a beast. He had thick hair and a majestic body. His whole body turned into the same blue color as Raven. He gained strength, physique, speed, reflexes, jumping ability, etc. Extraordinary strengthening.

This failure made him almost crazy, and then under the guidance of the professor, he gradually accepted this wild version of himself, and cooperated with the professor to create the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters. For decades, he has been a professor. 's right-hand man.

Then, as the door to the upper echelons of the government finally opened to the mutant community, he left the academy and became the Minister of Mutant Affairs. He was also the most representative mutant official within the country's ruling level. He was the leader of two races. The most important coordinator and voice between them has a pivotal social status.

The information about Hank flashed through his mind quickly. Xu Yue looked at the blue beast in front of him, which was wild and elegant, and while smiling back, he also stretched out his right hand to hold it tightly.

"Xinhuo, I think he is the physical education teacher of the college. Dr. Hank, I have long admired him."

"Haha, what I learned from Ororo is that you are much more than that. You are powerful in combat and have superb teaching methods. You are also the strategic teacher of the new generation of X-Men."

"It's just a part-time job."

When they met for the first time, the two of them were quite friendly. After exchanging a few words of business talk, they stopped talking and were about to start talking about serious business. Hank's sudden visit was not just to meet an old friend.

Just as he opened his mouth, the door behind the crowd was pushed open again, and a slightly provocative voice came from the door.

"Who is this furball?"

Everyone turned around and saw that the speaker was none other than Wolverine Logan, who was leaning on the door.

To be honest, compared to the Logan I met in the world of "Death Fight", he is completely different in this world. He is flamboyant, wanton, and has a very provocative bad mouth. These are all different from the loneliness in another timeline. The old image is out of place.

But no matter which image he takes, they are just Logan in different stages. However, for Xu Yue, compared to the old and declining Twilight Wolf, the current strong and arrogant Wolverine is indeed more to his liking.

Within seconds of Logan's arrival, the harmonious atmosphere in the principal's office was stirred up with a distinct smell of gunpowder. In terms of bad breath, Logan's talent is obviously no less than that of a certain flower who likes to wear armor. Young Master.

The latter relies on his extraordinary wisdom and countless wealth and capital. As for Logan, he relies entirely on his strong combat power and a steel frame that can never be killed.

"Wolverine, I heard you are as brave as a beast."

"Each other."

After a few words of conversation, or in order to lighten the atmosphere, Hank took the initiative to show his kindness and started to praise him. Unfortunately, Logan's rather mocking words "each other" made the atmosphere completely stagnant.

Hank was sincerely praising the opponent for his fighting prowess, while Logan directly pointed out that the opponent looked like a beast.

The taboo in his heart was brought up, and even with Hank's gentle temperament, the corners of his slightly hooked mouth instantly dropped.

On the other side, Storm glanced at Hank, who looked gloomy on both sides, and Logan, who looked indifferent. After sighing helplessly, she took the initiative to change the topic to ease the atmosphere.

"Hank, Magneto will definitely come to save Mystique."

A few days ago, Mystique Raven, who is affiliated with the Brotherhood of Mutants, entered the National Drug Inspection Bureau to steal a certain confidential document, and then failed and was captured by the government. This special incident involving the largest hawk camp of mutants is Hank. One of the purposes of visiting the professor in the college today.

Seeing that the topic was brought back to the right track by Storm, Hank also adjusted his mood again, retracted his gaze from Wolverine Logan, and continued:

"He's not the problem, at least not the most pressing one."

"A pharmaceutical company has developed mutant antibodies that can suppress mutant genes. This is also Ruiwen's main goal of sneaking into the Drug Inspection Bureau."

As soon as these words came out, Logan and Storm frowned immediately, while Xu Yue and Professor, who had known about it for a long time, looked calm.


"It lasts forever, they call it the antidote."

"What's worse is that because of the sudden outbreak of the Battle of Cairo yesterday, more than 100,000 civilians were killed and injured in the battle between the Egyptian army and mutant lawless elements. This led to the federal government preparing to intervene in the distribution of the antidote. They planned to Promote the antidote to the whole society as quickly as possible.”

Hank's calm words continued to echo in the principal's room. The professor glanced at Xu Yue beside him with an incomprehensible expression.

Xu Yue looked at his nose and heart without saying a word. On the other hand, Logan looked sideways at Storm opposite him. Among the people in the room, Storm recognized the identity of the mutant the most.

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