Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 359 Reactions from all parties

In the principal's room, as Logan expected, after hearing the news about the antidote, Storm was the first to explode. Her face became angry at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her words were full of sarcasm.

"This is ridiculous, you can't cure mutants."

"Scientifically speaking..."

Next to him, Hank opened his mouth to defend himself. The purpose of his visit to the college was, on the one hand, to inform the professor of the news that was destined to affect the entire mutant community.

On the other hand, it was also entrusted by the President of the Federation to win the support of the X-Men forces in order to alleviate the social pressure that may be encountered when the antidote is implemented.

After all, the reason why the government established the special department of Mutant Affairs is to mediate the sharp conflicts between the human and mutant camps at critical moments.

It's a pity that Hank's defensive words were interrupted by Storm as soon as he started. With her character, she would never allow mutants to be ridiculously defined as a disease.

"How could they know when we became a disease..."


The next second, Storm's passionate speech was also interrupted. Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the professor with slightly lowered eyes. He looked serious and said in a deep voice:

"They're holding a press conference."

Hearing this, both Logan and Storm were stunned, and then turned to look at the TV that was not turned on in the corner of the room.

Xu Yue stepped forward and turned on the TV screen. The press conference screen soon appeared on the screen.

Due to the cooperation of high-level government officials, this announcement was carried out live on all channels, which will ensure that everyone watching the TV program can receive this important information as soon as possible.

The picture shows an old white man standing behind a microphone. The scrolling subtitles below are marked with words such as ‘Worsington Laboratory, Alcatraz Prison’, which is the specific address where the press conference is held.

Alcatraz Prison is a small island in a lake about 3,000 meters away from the coast of San Francisco. It is surrounded by deep-sea cliffs on all sides, and boats are the only means of passage.

Because of its unique geographical environment, this island prison received a large number of prisoners after it was built in 1854. In 1934, it was officially established as a prison for serious criminals by the federal government. At that time, it was known as the most difficult prison to escape in the world. .

Even if the prisoners finally escaped from the reinforced concrete building where they were imprisoned after all the hard work, they could still only look at the ocean and sigh when facing the vast waters three thousand meters away from the land.

It is worth mentioning that in order to prevent the famous scientist Professor Qian Xuesen from returning to the motherland, this legendary figure was briefly detained here.

It was not until 1963 that the notorious Alcatraz prison was finally closed due to economic and environmental problems. It was subsequently purchased by Worthington Industries, a Fortune 500 company, and transformed into today's Worthington Experiment. room.

As for the old white man, he is currently the only person in charge of Worthington Industrial Group - Warren Worthington II, and he is also the main promoter and investor of the antidote.

After the host of the press conference introduced the old man's identity, thunderous applause erupted from the scene. When the applause stopped, Worthington II calmly began to speak.

"So-called mutants are people just like us, they are just infected with a disease that affects healthy cellular activity."

"But I stand here today to tell you that there is still hope. This was once the most famous prison in the world, and now it will become a base for liberating mutants!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you a cure for mutants. Finally, we have the cure."

The old man on the screen held up the potion in his hand, his whole person was impassioned and his words were sincere.

"Mutants and humans should be close family members, not antagonistic enemies. Yesterday's tragic battle in Cairo has alerted us. The casualties of more than 100,000 civilians have made us fully aware that the contradiction between the two sides has reached a level There is no need to wait! Terrorist forces like the Brotherhood of Mutants continue to grow!”

Magneto: “…………”

Yes, for the loss of Cairo, the Egyptian military decisively passed the blame to the Brotherhood of Mutants. Magneto can be said to be sitting at home while the blame comes from the sky.

However, this situation is not unusual. The reason why the Brotherhood of Mutants is notorious all over the world is that the tireless efforts of various governments account for at least more than 30% of the credit.

"We can no longer ignore the deterioration of the situation. Humans and mutants should achieve common greatness through cooperation and integration, rather than dying simultaneously in confrontational wars. The potion in my hand is to save this sad fate. The only antidote.”

"In the face of mutants who are tortured by mutant genes, the antidote will give them new life and health. For those criminals who rely on their mutant abilities to act recklessly, the antidote will permanently disarm them. It is the key to a new era and is The step towards peace is the redemption of suffering, the shackles of sin, and the catalyst and bridge for humans and mutants to achieve common greatness. It is the 'antidote'!"


At the same time, Warren Worthington II’s highly inflammatory speech instantly swept across the entire federation. It was like dropping a big stone in a lake with surging undercurrents, and the ripples that spread out layer by layer immediately caused received varying responses from various forces.


There is an underground base covered by special metal somewhere in the Federation. This is a hidden space that is isolated and shielded from electronic radar scanning and psychic perception scanning.

With a muffled sound of 'bang', the TV that was playing seemed to be squeezed by an invisible hand, collapsing directly inward and turning into a twisted piece of scrap metal.

The broken wire protruded from the center of the scrap metal, and electric light splashed and sizzled in the air. On the other side, Magneto looked at the TV wreckage in front of him with a gloomy expression. His anger spread like a substance, attracting all the metal products around him. They are all trembling slightly.

"First it was the Mutant Registration Act, and now it's this so-called antidote, ha!"

"Humanity is really determined to exterminate mutants. It seems that we have kept a low profile for too long, causing humans to forget the power of mutants. They need a profound lesson!"

"John, get ready to summon our compatriots and tell them that the war is about to begin!"

Behind him, a blond young man with an unruly expression stepped forward quickly after hearing the words. After whispering a few words to Magneto, he turned and left.

Before leaving, he glanced at a man in black robe with a mysterious temperament behind Magneto. His eyes were full of undisguised hostility, like a puppy deliberately competing for favor.

This blond young man is named St. John Allardyce, codenamed Pyroman. His mutant ability is to control flames, but he cannot generate it. He was originally a member of the The student Iceman Bobby at the same time can be said to be incompatible with each other.

The outbreak of the Lake Alkali Dam incident three years ago made him completely disappointed with the 'weak' College He was afraid of his feet, so he decisively abandoned his former mentor and fell into the arms of another mutant leader, Magneto, and quickly became one of his confidants with his fairly good strength.

As for the man in black robe, he was a brand new member of the Brotherhood of Mutants just a few days ago. The opponent was powerful and had a team of mutants named "Theatre". In just a few days, the brothers The meeting had been elevated to a position of great importance, and all these changes made Pyro John increasingly wary of it, fearing that his position would be in jeopardy.

The footsteps gradually got farther and farther in the underground base until they disappeared completely. Magneto then turned to look at the man in black robe who was standing respectfully aside and said slowly:

"Xi Ming, how much intelligence have been collected about yesterday's Battle of Cairo?"

Hearing this, Xi Ming beside him lowered his eyes and spoke calmly.

"It was a group of outsiders who were searching for an ancient object called the Golden Dome in Cairo. It was said to be related to ancient Egyptian mythology, which triggered the Egyptian military's siege."

"Golden Dome?"

After searching for this unfamiliar name in his mind and confirming that he had no recollection, Magneto temporarily forgot about it. At the moment, he had more important things to solve. As for this golden dome, the antidote was waiting for it. After the matter is settled, it's not too late to go to Cairo.

Now that the Egyptian military has put the blame for massacres on the Brotherhood of Mutants, don't blame him for intervening. Although the Brotherhood is quite accustomed to taking the blame, this does not mean that They had no temper. Thinking of this, Magneto tightened his lips, revealing an extremely cold arc.

"They wantonly slaughter people for a dead thing. These so-called government and military forces are still the same as before. Human beings, ha!"

He smiled mockingly, then lowered his eyes to look at Xi Ming in front of him. Under the black hood was a gray-white mask that covered his face, making him vaguely unclear.

"Mystique was captured by the government three days ago to explore the 'antidote'. Go ahead and bring her back to me safely."

"As you command, Lord Magneto!"

After a moment, Xi Ming's back slowly disappeared into the darkness. Behind him, Magneto looked at his back with a gloomy look. No better than Pyro John, who knew the ins and outs of the situation. The power of mutants like Theater who joined the Brotherhood halfway has not been fully gained. His trust.

Especially as the leader, although the opponent is powerful, he is also deep-minded. Even if Magneto does not have the ability to see through people's hearts like his old friends, he can easily see that the opponent's purpose of joining the Brotherhood is not simple.

However, regardless of loyalty or selfishness, as long as it can be driven, Magneto, who is currently lacking reliable subordinates, will not refuse anyone. The main force of the Brotherhood is basically guarding the base camp of Gio Island, where Trask Industries is working The Sentinel Legion fought fiercely. If he hadn't received the news from Mystique temporarily, he would not have come to the Federation at this critical period.

This is exactly the case, so the current Magneto is very short of subordinates, and he can be said to have no taboo on meat and vegetables.

After briefly worrying about the base camp for a moment, Magneto quickly came to his senses and looked sideways at the metal wreckage that was squeezed into scrap metal in the space, his eyes cold.

"The antidote..."

"Charles, I hope you are safe this time. The antidote can only be controlled by mutants!"


Federation, somewhere in a magnificent conference hall.

Several mutants with different appearances were also watching the live broadcast on the computer screen simultaneously. When the screen was interrupted, the white-haired woman in the upper seat spoke lazily:

"Let's talk about this antidote. Do we, the Hellfire Club, want to participate?"

"The club's goal is to quietly control human society through political and economic influence in a hidden place. The antidote involves too much turmoil. After Worthington Industries' live broadcast, it has attracted the attention of the entire federation and even the world. , it is not suitable for us to participate, and the club cannot be exposed to the public for the time being.”

"The bishop is right. The club should not interfere in this matter, and the Brotherhood will definitely not allow the antidote to be fully rolled out. I have received news that Magneto has arrived in the federal territory, and the federal government's plan cannot be realized. , let’s just give some help in the dark.”

"Where's the professor? Is there any movement?"

"Beast went to visit X Academy this morning. However, the professor made too much noise three years ago. The government is very vigilant. The X-Men should not take the initiative in this matter. By the way, four days ago There is a new mutant teacher in the academy, and the information says that he is a former student.”

"Since it concerns the professor, there is no need to investigate further. How is the investigation going in Cairo?"

"We basically have some clues. It is related to an ancient artifact called the Golden Dome. It is said that this Golden Dome has a close relationship with the world's first mutant. Moreover, the logic of the Egyptian military's actions is very wrong. There is a high probability that someone is operating secretly. ”

"Well, dig out that man. Also, find out where the golden dome is? Bai Che, how is the battle on Giyou Island?"

"It's still in a stalemate, but judging from the current situation, the iteration speed of the Sentinel robot is getting faster and faster. There are mutant gene detectors all over Trask Industries. Their top management are all die-hard mutant exterminators. Our people It’s hard to penetrate.”

"Continue to deliver supplies to Kyou Island. It cannot be lost. If the situation really collapses to an irreversible point, Kyou Island may be our last utopia."


A large amount of secret information about various forces was spit out at will in the conference hall like a treasure trove, and was finally collected to the white-haired woman above, who then processed it one by one.

"That's it. Let's wait and see about the 'antidote' for the time being. The rest of the affairs will go about their duties and the meeting will be dismissed."

As soon as she finished speaking, except for her, everyone else in the hall turned into a blue data stream and disappeared. The entire hall instantly turned from noisy to silent, with only the lazy voice of the white-haired woman slowly speaking. echo.

"Heh, it seems to be getting more and more lively."


Alcatraz Prison, press conference scene.

Warren Worthington II on the podium has put down the potion he held high in his hand, and is now answering questions from various reporters in the venue one by one. The latter is active and enthusiastic, and the former is gushing, and the atmosphere is quite heated for a while.

On the outside of the venue, two contractors dressed as guards showed little interest in the Q\u0026A not far away. After watching for a while, they simply started chatting.

"I heard that a lot of people died in Cairo yesterday. The leaders of the Deathstroke Adventure Group and the Bird Adventure Group both died there. Tsk, they are both well-known adventure groups in the second level."

"Are there not many such things in the open world? No matter how famous you are, you are vulnerable to absolute strength. How can hidden forces like Apocalypse be discovered so easily? The more greedy you are, the greater the risk. !”

Hearing this, the other contractor beside him nodded in agreement, and then continued:

"Hey, did you say that the big guy who cleared the country in Egypt found the golden dome that can awaken the apocalypse?"

"Do as much as you want. Regardless of whether we find it or not, that is an issue that the group leader should consider. It has nothing to do with the two of us."

"Yes, but why does the leader have to join Worthington Industries? In the original plot, the entire island was basically destroyed by the Phoenix?"

"Joining the mutant camp has high risks and low returns; the human camp's Trask Industries has too frequent wars; and it's difficult for the military to take over; after several rounds of calculations, only Worthington Industries is the most suitable."

"Mastering the 'antidote' itself is the biggest advantage. If it is done well, we will take advantage of it as long as it can kill Magneto. As for Qin, just run away as soon as possible. Who in this world would not want to have a meeting with Phoenix."


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