Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 369 The sky falls

The evil spirit is gathered by the residual thoughts of the deceased. When it invades the brain along the energy, the result is that the sanity of Gui Shu instantly collapses.

Listening to the pitiful wails coming from behind, Xu Yue's eyebrows slightly raised, without turning around, the halberd in his hand was just slightly pointed at the back, and the tail of the halberd, as sharp as the head of a spear, suddenly stabbed out.

Learning from the lesson learned last time, the target of his attack this time was not the head, but the heart of the chest. The tail of the halberd tore open the airflow along the way at an extremely fast speed, penetrating the green evil energy guarding the body, and was about to touch it. When targeting the skin, a fatal sense of crisis also exploded in Guizhu's heart.

The collapsed pupils barely managed to condense a trace of clarity. If the body is forcibly transformed into evil energy in the current state, the most likely possibility is that the evil energy will be completely blended with the evil energy in the body, and then it will no longer be able to remove it. In desperation, he has to use all his tricks. He deflected his body as much as possible so that the tail of the halberd that had penetrated his chest rubbed his ribs and came out from his shoulders.


In an instant, blood spattered and he felt that the halberd in his hand penetrated the flesh and blood. Xu Yue immediately pulled hard, and continuous shocks spread through the halberd shaft. In the next moment, white bone fragments mixed with fine blood mist exploded from his shoulder. Juice's entire arm was torn off by the trembling halberd.

The stumps whose sections were full of minced meat flew sideways and fell. On the other side, the severe pain also made Jushu's chaotic mind finally regain its clarity. The sticky black evil spirit was forced out from various acupoints on the facial features. He looked at the left side. The black halberd pole was swung at him again after tearing his arm apart. The green light in his eyes rose, and then his entire body turned into a ball of green mist and was swung away by the halberd.

After a moment, the spilled green evil energy regrouped in the distance, and the blood-soaked trickery all over his body emerged. In just a few seconds of the confrontation, his left arm and most of his shoulder had disappeared, and his pale ribs and The squirming internal organs under the broken flesh and blood were exposed to the air and were extremely eye-catching. At the cost of serious injuries, he once again proved what a stupid decision it was for a magician to attempt to engage in close combat with a skilled man.

If it weren't for the long-term use of evil to make Trickery naturally extremely resistant to mental erosion such as resentment and malice, allowing it to wake up at the critical moment, otherwise it would not just be a simple serious injury. The stamp gun just now would be enough. Let him die suddenly on the spot.

"Ahem, it's too big..."

Blood gushed out uncontrollably from the mouth, and was then forcibly swallowed. Looking at Xu Yue who didn't seem to be in a hurry to take action, Jushu sighed secretly, and temporarily extinguished the evil self-destruction plan. , then he stretched out his hand to hold the lawn on the right rear with his five fingers. The next second, a muffled groan came from the lawn not far away.

The green grass blades twisted and deformed, and a strange blue color appeared. Mystique, who should have left long ago, suddenly jumped out of the lawn, but after running a few steps, she twitched and fell down while wailing, and a large amount of dark green evil energy emerged from the grass. Her chest surged out and she flew automatically towards the direction of the trick. This was the true meaning of flesh compensation!

As the green mist lingered, a long sound of inhalation sounded. The evil energy lingering around him was sucked into his mouth and nose like a whale sucking water. At the same time, the hideous wound on the left side of his body also began to grow rapidly with the influx of evil energy. Self-healing, bones reset, flesh and blood squirmed, and soon the exposed bones and internal organs were wrapped again by the regrown flesh and skin. Although the broken left arm still could not grow back, the injury was greatly alleviated, and at least the problem of fighting could continue. Not big.

Opposite, Xu Yue, who was holding a halberd, quietly watched his opponent recover from his injuries. Since he would soon have a conflict with the forces behind this contractor, he didn't mind collecting more intelligence information during the battle.

His eyes paused on that weird green energy. The properties of this thing are very interesting. It can demonize, bind, plunder, heal, and even have good corrosiveness. It can be called a panacea-like almighty, but as long as its energy properties are still If one is inclined toward evil, it will inevitably be restrained by pure Yang Yan.

Boiling golden-red flames surged out from the palm of his right hand and spread rapidly along the tightly held halberd body. Soon, the remaining green evil energy stained on the blade and tail of the halberd was completely engulfed by the spreading flames, turning into a few wisps of green. After the smoke dissipated, Xu Yue glanced at the floating smoke, turned his gaze to look at the trick in the distance, and said lightly:

"This kind of energy is pretty good, what's its name?"

"Evil energy."

Speaking the name of his core energy without any scruples, Jushu looked at the golden-red flames spreading on the halberd opposite him, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes. He also asked:

"Where's that flame of yours?"

"Pure Kagero."

As soon as the word Yan fell, the reply was blown away by the roaring hurricane that was set off when he rushed in. Now that the information on evil energy has been roughly collected, Xu Yue has no interest in procrastinating any longer. After solving these two problems Afterwards, he still had to rush to Lake Alkali to investigate the specific situation, so he should not delay for too long.

The lawn under his feet was directly shattered by the huge force. When his agility exceeded 50 points, he was tens of meters away in front of Xu Yue. After just one kill, the Fangtian Painted Halberd wrapped in boiling flames suddenly appeared. It landed on top of Guizhu's head, and was hit head-on by the hunting hurricane.

Jishu looked up and saw that the wind was helping the fire, and the smashing halberd was dragging a long tail of brilliant flames, like a golden-red meteorite falling from the sky.


Under the heavy blow, the earth cracked and sunk in, and the flames spread outwards. A huge pit appeared at the point where the halberd hit. Outside the pit, there were charred ashes of grass blades that had been burned away by the flames within a few meters. However, As expected, the target of the attack turned into a ball of green mist and escaped smoothly.

It's just different from the past. Although the green evil energy that escaped this time avoided the surging force when the halberd fell, the flames that came with the halberd followed it like gangrene attached to the bone.

At the edge of the giant pit, Guizhu, holding a huge dead wood staff, walked out of the gathering green mist. But as soon as he emerged, a large amount of pure Yangyan surrounding the edge of the green mist surged down, and wherever the Yangyan passed, As if it had encountered some natural enemy, the evil energy quickly dissipated amidst the sizzling sound. In an instant, the surrounding space was enveloped in flames. Looking around, there was nothing but golden red between the sky and the earth.

The scorching heat burned all over his body, and the palm holding the deadwood staff glowed with green light. Suddenly, the human skull on the top of the staff began to roar, and a large amount of evil energy came from the skull's empty mouth, nose and eye sockets. They rushed out one after another, forming an overwhelming green tide that spread suddenly.

In terms of quality, the pure Yang Yan strengthened by Burning Fire Seed is definitely better, but the suppressive quantity can completely make up for this gap. Under the mighty green tide, the surrounding flames have no room for stalemate. Being completely engulfed, Jushu's face relaxed when he saw this situation, but the subsequent bursts of explosions directly dispelled the relaxed look that had just emerged.

At the front of the wave of evil energy, phantoms of long halberds were shooting continuously. Whenever a phantom penetrated into the green tide, it would explode on the spot. In just a few seconds, more than ten phantoms exploded one after another. A wide cavity was created in the wave.

After blasting away the massive amount of evil energy that was blocking the way, the phantoms of the halberds shot out still never stopped, and the sound of "whoosh" broke through the air in front of him. Jushu raised his eyes and looked forward to see four or five halberds filled with evil energy in the center of his field of vision. The shadow has arrived.

"Boom! Boom!..."

Violent roars broke out inside the green tide, and the turbulent air waves burst out like sharp blades, tearing apart the massive green tide on the outside. At the end of the tide, a green figure also flew out.

After landing on the soles of his feet and staggering back for more than ten steps, Guishu managed to stabilize his figure. The arm holding the dead wood staff trembled slightly. He looked at the pale skull with several cracks on the top of the staff. , in addition to the distress in his eyes, there was more shock. He recognized what the phantoms that just hit were, they were medium and close range attacks that would only appear after the skill master reached level 20.

What is the concept of master-level techniques above level 20? This means that if he is approached, even if he does not lose his mind due to the erosion of evil energy, he will be killed cleanly and torn into pieces in less than ten seconds at most.

What's even more terrible is that with the speed of the opponent's sudden advance, he can't keep the distance at all, and the dodge method of the body's evil energy transformation is approaching the limit. If the evil energy transformation continues frequently, the opponent may not need to take action. The body will collapse on its own first.

Coupled with the other party's pure Yang Yan, which seems to be particularly restrained against evil energy, it seems that no matter from any aspect, he has only one chance of death.

Thinking of this, a flash of madness emerged in Guizhu's eyes. He took out two potions and a soul crystal (small) from the space, and then stuffed them into his mouth at the same time.


A crackling sound similar to chewing candy came from the mouth. As he chewed, deep green liquid flowed out from the corners of Guizhu's eyes, and there were even wisps of cracks that spread rapidly downwards from his head and face, making his whole body look incomparable. Evil, like a porcelain doll about to disintegrate.


His throat rose up and down, and there was an extremely obvious swallowing sound. The soul crystal fragments in his throat had just been swallowed into his belly, and a wave of heat hit his face in front of him, and a bit of cold light in the rolling flames continued to enlarge in his pupils.

The corners of his mouth gradually cracked to the base of his ears, revealing a mouth full of fangs that had grown out of nowhere. He smiled ferociously, and the flesh on his head and face actually slid down along the spreading cracks, but he seemed to have no idea about it. He felt that he just swung the withered wood staff in his hand and smashed it directly into the cold light in front of him.

The tip of the halberd and the skull on the top of the staff meet head-on in mid-air. There is no meaning. The two pieces of equipment may have almost the same level, but in terms of hardness and sharpness, the deadwood staff is mainly used to assist in casting spells. It's not as good as the Fang Tian Hua Ji in Xu Yue's hand.

The tip of the halberd penetrated directly into the forehead of the skull, and then the entire head disintegrated and flew into a large number of fragments under the thrust of the halberd. Then the dead wood staff behind it was also shattered.

In the blink of an eye, broken bones and sawdust were flying everywhere. After completely shattering the dead wood staff, the front stab of Fang Tian's painted halberd still did not stop at all, and the trickery behind it did not know when the flesh and blood on his body fell off. It was all clean, leaving only an ugly skeleton with wriggling organs inside.

A pair of round eyes without eyelids were embedded in the eye sockets of the skull, staring straight at the tip of the halberd that was approaching in front of them. There was no fear in their eyes, only the hysterical madness.


The bone residue was mixed with the minced meat and exploded together. The horrifying skeleton shape of Guishu did not arouse Xu Yue's slightest fear. The long halberd first shattered the skull, and then pressed down on the halberd body, directly smashing it completely from top to bottom. Smashed to pieces, under the brutal effect of Fang Tian's painted halberd, the entire skeleton was turned into countless tiny fragments less than one centimeter in diameter, which can be said to be a true shattering of bones and ashes.

The scattered blood mist was blown away by the strong wind, and the black scale combat boots fell to the ground. Xu Yue took back the halberd in his hand, and stood right on the foothold of Trickery, although the enemy's body had been completely smashed by him. , but his cold expression did not relax at all. In Samsara Paradise, a place where strange bloodlines and abilities emerge in endlessly, breaking the body does not necessarily mean that the enemy is eliminated.

Glancing at the paradise page, which had no obvious kill prompts, Xu Yue frowned slightly. Compared with what he could see with the naked eye, the paradise's combat prompts were the best evidence to prove whether the enemy was dead.

Obviously, trickery is not dead, but what about people?

'Ran? ’

The thought that the target had escaped came to his mind, but he wiped it away in an instant. From the opponent's fighting style, it is not difficult to see that in a desperate situation, the opponent will fight to the death, and the probability of even dying together is much greater than running away in embarrassment.

While thinking, Xu Yue's pupils suddenly shrank. He felt strange tremblings coming from the ground under his feet. He lowered his eyes and saw that the ground around him was covered with fresh and fresh things that had just fallen from Guishu's body not long ago. The flesh and blood, which should have been lifeless at this time, began to squirm one after another, burrowing into the ground like fat flesh worms, causing the ground to tremble.

wrong! withdraw!

An unspeakable feeling of oppression suddenly emerged in his heart. Xu Yue exerted his strength and bent his feet slightly, preparing to jump out of this weird area. But before he could jump up, the ground as a foothold collapsed, and hundreds of thousands of body parts collapsed. The fleshy tentacles glowing with rich green light broke through the ground almost at the same time, and then covered the sky.

Like a giant octopus hiding in the ground that is hunting for food, the thick and dense tentacles cover the sky and the sun, and they are entangled together to form a huge upside-down bowl of flesh and blood, ready to drag Xu Yue directly into the ground. And crushed to pieces and killed.

However, the next second, before the giant bowl of flesh and blood composed of tentacles could shrink inward, a violent war cry exploded from inside the giant bowl.


War roars roared, and the giant bowl of flesh and blood began to tremble violently. Then countless metal fragments broke out of the wall from various positions of the giant bowl, tearing its originally flawless outer wall full of holes.

Finally, the violent sound wave caused by the war cry began to surge outwards, completely tearing the surrounding flesh and blood tentacles into pieces. All the tentacles that emerged from the ground fell apart under Xu Yue's war cry and were swept away. null.

However, although all the murderous intentions on the ground were wiped out, the second wave of trickery attacks ushered in the sky. Xu Yue stood on the ground among the broken tentacles and looked up, only to see the green tide in the sky covering a hundred meters, and In the center of the green tide is a giant skeleton made of evil energy.

A ferocious head several meters in size looked down, with green evil fire burning in its empty eye sockets. It looked down quietly at the tiny figure below. The upper and lower jawbones of the skeleton began to collide continuously, making bursts of weird clicking sounds. It seemed that It's a sneer.

Then, the sky fell!

This giant skeleton suspended in the sky, carrying the endless green tide, pressed down on Xu Yue on the surface.

"red lotus!!"

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