Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 370 The Wonder of Faith

In the sky above the battlefield, a huge humanoid skeleton was wrapped in vast green clouds and pressed down in the sky. The whole scene was vast and strange.

And when the stretching clouds and mist completely connected with the ground, a spark lit up at the place where the two touched, and then the tiny spark suddenly exploded, and bright golden red flames suddenly shot into the sky.

Amidst the deafening roar, a huge golden red fire lotus slowly bloomed in the center of the green mist, and the gorgeous flame lotus petals unfolded layer by layer, seemingly slowly but quickly.

Wherever the lotus petals swept away, the green clouds that were affected evaporated and burned on the spot, and even the giant skeletons in the clouds were quickly dissolved without any resistance.

In an instant, nearly one-third of the body was reduced to nothing. The skull with only the skeleton remaining began to show a trace of panic visible to the naked eye. It turned around and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, it took the initiative to come to the door, and its escape speed was obviously faster than But the golden and red fire lotus spread out layer by layer beneath him.

On the other side, the exaggerated noise caused by the fire lotus and skeleton also attracted the attention of the other two people on the battlefield.


The lawn was blown up by a black shadow that threw up a large amount of mud. Wan Hao, who was once again blasted away by the Red Prison, stood up. The flying mud and dust dispersed. He slowly stood up from the pit. He did not rush to fight back, but First, look sideways at the shocking scene in the distance that seems to appear in a myth.

As far as he could see, he saw a giant evil skeleton that began to annihilate inch by inch as the golden red fire lotus bloomed under him. The fleshless throat made no sound, but in a daze, he seemed to really hear the skeleton's imminent death. The pitiful cry of someone dying.

Even though they were far apart, the billowing heat wave set off by the blooming fire lotus still hit his face across a very long distance. The blood-stained clothes were torn apart by the heat wave, and his cheeks were set off by the blazing flames. In addition to this unforgettable scene, there is also a trace of horror that cannot be concealed in the golden red eyes of Zhi Hao.

He knew the origin of the Fel Skeleton, which was a fatal blow that trickery could only deliver by sacrificing life and soul. Under this attack with the ultimate goal of killing both of them, even if the leader risked his life, he could not guarantee that he would be safe. Next, judging from the current situation, the evil skeleton is vulnerable to this golden red fire lotus.

Thinking of this, the fighting spirit that filled his heart quickly faded, and the idea of ​​​​escape gradually occupied all his thoughts. Compared with the troublesome scarlet armor, it was obvious that the contractor behind it was undoubtedly more terrifying.

Now his teammate Gui Shu has basically announced that he is cool, and once the opponent completely kills the evil skeletons and frees up his hands, he will definitely be the next cool guy.

He didn't think he could survive the double siege of the opponent and the armor. It was meaningless to simply die, so he had to escape quickly before the fire lotus completely engulfed the skeleton.

After making up his mind, the ugly-looking Wan Hao quickly looked away. Just as he was thinking about how to escape effectively, a fishy wind hit his face again.

Chi Yu, who was carrying a long knife, came to attack again. As the battle progressed, its aura became more and more ferocious after drinking a lot of blood.

In fact, even if there is no threat from Xu Yue, if the fighting continues for a while at most, Wanhao will sooner or later be oppressed by the ever-increasing combat power of the Red Prison Armor and try to escape. After all, it has the special ability to quickly become stronger by sucking blood. Now, what Chi Yu is best at is protracted battles, but Wan Hao's explosive state of telekinesis cannot last long and can only become weaker and weaker.


Sparks exploded with the sound of metal clanking, and the scarlet long knife that was slashing was directly smashed open by the fist wearing the heavy arm armor. With the huge force from the long knife, Chi Yu turned around and spun around. At the same time, the empty sword was smashed open. The blood-colored liquid surged at the front of his left arm, and soon formed a heavy shield that was very similar to the Baxia Tower Shield.

Theoretically, as long as there is enough blood, Chi Yu can simulate any form of weapon. Although these weapons do not have special equipment effects, their weight and shape are actually real.

So Wan Hao had just repelled the incoming long sword, but when his opponent turned around, a heavy blood-colored shield two meters away hit him head-on. The blow was caught off guard and there was no way to avoid it.

The heavy shield that came brazenly blocked all the space for dodge. Wanhao's eyes narrowed, and his retracted right arm instantly condensed a strong white light of mental energy. Just as he was about to punch out his right fist and strike in front of him. When the heavy shields collided head-on, the idea of ​​​​escape suddenly appeared in his mind.

The ruthless emotion in his eyes flashed, and then he decisively gave up the plan of a head-on confrontation, and quickly turned sideways to raise his arm, firmly protecting his right arm that contained a large amount of mental energy in front of him.


The heavy shield collided with the defensive gauntlet, and the sound was like the tolling of an ancient bell. As expected, the powerful man was blown away by the heavy shield.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow flew directly over a long distance of tens of meters before falling. Before the splash of smoke and dust dispersed, Wan Hao jumped up from the smoke and coughed up the dark blood accumulated in his chest. Without any hesitation, he turned around and galloped away from the battlefield.

Behind him, Chi Yu looked at his opponent's escaping back, with blood in his eyes. Then the infinite Zen beads embedded in the ghost face on his waist and abdomen began to tremble slightly, and the entire armor also synchronized with the giant shape, and the blood mist evaporated from the body. The watch overflowed, and the shadow cast on the ground gradually became larger, two meters four, two meters eight, three meters...

Soon, an armored giant nearly four meters tall stood on the lawn. His wide combat boots sank into the soil. Under the heavy step, the ground under his feet was cracked inch by inch, and the red prison turned into a monster amidst the roar. A beam of blood flew towards the direction where Zhihao was escaping.

After a moment, the vast fire lotus in the center of the battlefield dissipated, and dissipated with it was the giant skeleton that once controlled the clouds and mist in mid-air.

On a scorched battlefield, long rivers of red magma gradually pooled into a low-lying area in the center, and Xu Yue slowly walked out of this magma lake.

Compared with the first level, the strength of the contractor opponents encountered after the second level has undergone a qualitative change. Whether it is the abomination, the black dragon, or the giant skeleton just encountered in Egypt, their strength cannot be underestimated. , at least they are no longer those miscellaneous fish that can be easily smashed to pieces by him with a casual blow.

"The evil energy is actually stronger than I expected."

At the edge of the magma lake, Xu Yue lowered his eyes and looked at his slightly shriveled right hand, his tone was a little low. This special energy is extremely corrosive and predatory to life force. Even 90% of the evil energy is absorbed by the red lotus. Even if only a very small part of it comes into contact with his arm, most of the flesh and blood that has not yet been metalized will lose most of its life.

Shaking his slightly stinging arm, and after making sure that it would not affect his combat effectiveness too much for the time being, he temporarily put the injury behind him and glanced around. At this time, he was the only one on the devastated battlefield. Outside, there was no longer any living body that could stand upright, and Chi Yu and the contractor who fought with him had long since disappeared while escaping, and the entire battlefield was filled with deathly silence.

However, a mutant who was stabbed in the back by a teammate was still lying on the edge of the battlefield. His eyes fell on a blue figure lying on the lawn in the distance. Xu Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and stepped forward.

After arriving near the target, he aimed his combat boots at the waist of the figure and gave it a slight push. The prone Mystique rolled half a circle on the spot and turned into a face-up position.

"Well, not dead?"

Looking down at Mystique, whose chest was still rising slightly at his feet, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly. Due to the long distance, the other party was lucky enough not to be affected by Honglian, but even without Honglian's second attack The damage and the evil energy she suffered previously also made her breathing weak, and she was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Compared to Xu Yue's slightly shriveled arms, Mystique's current body shape has changed drastically. Her originally graceful body has become as skinny as a stick. If it weren't for the strong vitality brought by the mutant genes to maintain it, she might have finished absorbing it. After that, she had become a decaying mummy.

The most overbearing characteristic of evil energy is its extreme plunder of vitality, which is most vividly reflected in Mystique.

As his eyes moved, murderous intent emerged in his eyes. Even though Mystique was not very powerful, she occupied a huge proportion of the plot in the world of X-Men.

She is a key figure who walks between the two poles of mutants, and is the main instigator of the apocalypse of the Mutant Sentinels. She has been involved in every important event node. As long as she is killed, the number of World Sources obtained is estimated to be second only to Ten Thousand. Magneto and Professor X.

Perhaps sensing the murderous intent emanating from the soldier master, the eyes of the dragon relief entrenched on Fang Tian Hua Ji Ji opened slightly, and strands of scarlet blood seeped out from the tiny openings, causing the surrounding temperature to rise. There was a sudden drop, and it was very cold.

After a moment of silence, the overflowing evil spirit slowly dissipated. He put the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand back into his body. He picked up Mystique, who was still unconscious at his feet. He closed his eyes slightly to sense the location of Chi Prison, and then Then he spread out his metal wings and soared into the sky.

Killing Mystique is easy, but it is difficult for the professor to deal with it. For the professor, Mystique Raven, who he grew up with, should be his only relative in the world. The source of the world is so small. It's not worth Xu Yue's desperate risk.

A few minutes later, Xu Yue, who was flying through the sky, suddenly stopped and flapped his wings slightly. He was suspended in the sky and looked down. He saw bursts of thunder beneath him, and two figures, one black and one red, were constantly entangled. .

The dark pupils shrank, and under the extreme vision that had been strengthened many times, the scene below quickly enlarged in the field of vision. After fully seeing the battle situation, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. The battle on the surface was not an evenly matched entanglement as he imagined, but It was a one-sided beating, and the scene was quite brutal.

The sound of rapid breathing continued. The scarred Wanhao struggled to get up from a wide pit and shook his dazed head. His lips, which were abnormally pale due to excessive blood loss, trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something. Something, but before the words could be heard, the particularly familiar whistling sound above the head sounded first.

Looking up, he saw a high blood-colored metal wall in his field of vision that immediately covered the entire sky and was falling rapidly. Under the pressure of the biting wind, Wan Hao's angry eyes were filled with despair.



The deafening roar instantly dispersed all the noise, and an armored giant was seen holding up an exaggerated giant shield at least five meters high in the wilderness, aiming it at the pothole in front of him and slamming it down. In an instant, the earth trembled, and smoke and dust flew everywhere. There was also a rapid and weak scream.

With just one heavy blow, the shield in the giant's hand was firmly embedded in the pit on the ground, and it was a perfect fit. Then it did not stop, but pulled out the heavy shield again, raised it high, and finally smashed it down.

There was a continuous roar for a while, and the heavy shield kept falling like a pile driver. Every time it was lifted up and dropped, the pits on the ground would expand a bit, and at the same time, the dripping blood stains attached to the surface of the heavy shield continued to increase.

Under normal conditions, Wan Hao and Chi Yu were evenly matched, but after Chi Yu activated the giant effect of the infinite Zen beads, the comparison of combat power between the two sides became a one-sided crushing.

After catching up with the target, the wrist hero was completely suppressed after only a few confrontations, and now he is being continuously hit by the opponent.

And Chi Yu also developed a new use of the heavy shield in his hand. When the body size reaches a certain level, the long sword is no longer enough to fully utilize its advantages. On the contrary, the heavy tower shield covering a huge area can reduce the power of ten people with one force. The ultimate effect.

The roar in the wilderness resounded for a full two minutes. Only then did Chi Yu stop this cruel game like whack-a-mole. The heavy shield in his hand turned into blood-colored liquid and blended into his arm armor. A pair of scarlet blood eyes drooped slightly, and he saw only the person in front of him. Lying in the huge pit was a miserable figure with twisted limbs.

After a series of blows, although Wan Hao was not dead for the time being due to his strong body, he was now on the verge of death with too much air coming out and too little air coming in. Even his mind fell completely into a coma.

His cold gaze swept across the pit, Chi Yu leaned down, stretched a wide metal hand into the pit, and grabbed the miserable figure inside.

Blood dripped slowly through his fingers, and the blood in his red eyes flashed. He raised the wrist in his hand above his head, using his waist as the dividing line, grasping the upper and lower ends with both hands, and then twisted it left and right like twisting a towel. A twist of force.


Dripping fresh blood spurted out from the 'flesh towel' that had been twisted into a twist above, and dripped down all over the body of the armor. The whole scene was particularly bloody.

After more than ten seconds, all the blood on the body surface was absorbed by the armor. In the faint blood mist, Chi Yu threw away the twisted and shriveled corpse in his hands. While shrinking its body, it also turned and looked towards the sky.

In the sky above, a beam of golden red fire streaked down.

Soon, the flowing fire fell lightly in front of Chi Yu, and Xu Yueti walked away from the escaping flames with the weak Mystique.

"How's Scott doing?"

Hearing this, Chi Yu, who was silent in front of him, directly inserted his arm into the chest armor and pulled out the still unconscious Scott from the body.

Although he looks pale now, his vital signs are still stable.

As for why he turned pale after being knocked unconscious, that was the price paid by the imperial envoy Chi Yu. Although he remained unconscious throughout the process, it was obvious that Chi Yu would not be so friendly as to need to ask for the consent of the host when receiving payment. Degree.

Glancing at Scott's white lips, Xu Yue's eyes were a little strange. Who knows how much blood Chi Yu sucked from him.

You must know that every second the giant state is maintained, it consumes a lot of energy. The enemy's blood absorbed during the battle alone is far from enough to provide support, so Scott, who is inside the armor, is undoubtedly Became the best source of blood supply.

However, compared with saving his life and losing some blood, this loss seemed a bit insignificant. He did not think that the Brotherhood kidnapped Scott for any friendly and kind purpose.

Throwing Mystique in his hand to Chi Prison, Xu Yue said calmly:

"Take them back to the academy and keep an eye on them, especially Mystique. Don't let her die on the road."

Reaching out to take Mystique, Chi Prison nodded solemnly, and then stuffed Scott, who was holding it in his left hand, back into his body. At the same time, warm blood spread from the palm of his right hand, slowly seeping into Mystique's body, causing His weak breathing suddenly became stronger.

After doing all this, it did not delay any further, but turned around and ran quickly towards the direction of the academy.

On the same spot, Xu Yue, with a dull expression, retracted his gaze and looked at Chi Yu's leaving figure. The ten years he spent in the Divine Forging Kingdom made the other party's intelligence level jump to the highest level among the many combined-blade equipment in his body. The existence of intelligence.

This is due to ten years of accumulation, but the power of faith enshrined throughout the Shenforging Kingdom must also play a big role.

The birth of the Panlong weapon soul of Fang Tian Hua Ji was also not short, but in Xu Yue's perception, so far, Panlong has nothing else in his mind except killing. It can be said to be quite pure. This is different from Chi Compared with the level of intelligence shown in prison, it is completely different.

From the fact that Chi Prison can effectively utilize Scott's mutant abilities in battle, and from its bloody and cruel execution methods against wealthy men, it is not difficult to see that the opponent's intelligence is extraordinary. This is why Xu Yue is confident that the two of them will be killed. The reason why he was handed over to Chi Yu and sent back to the academy alone.


Looking at the miserable, twisted corpse on the ground, Xu Yue murmured thoughtfully, then raised his hand to summon a ball of pure Yang Yan to completely incinerate it.

After the flames were extinguished, he picked up the scarlet card revealed in the black ash, then spread his wings and soared straight into the sky, aiming for Lake Alkali.



Inside Lake Alkali.

Wrapped in a transparent light red protective cover, Qin sleeps quietly at the bottom of the lake. Her eyes are closed, but her face will occasionally become distorted and weird, sometimes sad and painful, sometimes uncontrollable anger.

Every change of expression will set off an invisible spiritual storm on the bottom of the sea. Wherever the storm affects, whether it is flesh and blood fish of various colors, or strong and hard stones and debris, etc., they will turn into something silently and silently. There are no exceptions to the scattered powder.

The fundamental reason for all these changes lies in the two different personalities of Qin Na who are fiercely confronting each other in the spiritual space that ordinary people cannot observe.

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