Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 378 I'm here to save you


A beam of silver light flashed in the dimness, and then the skull shattered, blood mist spread, and a figure lying on the roof of the Worthington Laboratory fell silently, and blood continued to flow out from the hideous blood hole at the back of the head, gradually spreading a glaring scarlet on the surface.

After a few breaths, a dull sound of footsteps sounded. Looking in the direction of the sound source, I saw a contractor with a pair of long elf ears in black hair walking slowly out of the darkness.

Glancing at the headless corpse lying in the pool of blood, Panlagon's handsome face was obviously gloomy. Magneto's strength was much stronger than he expected, and it was far from the image of the manipulator of metal in the movie.

"Lin Feng, how many people died in the raid just now?"

After he finished speaking, the ear of a man in a green robe behind him moved slightly, and the invisible weak sound quickly rushed into his ears. After listening for a while, he responded softly:

"There were a total of fourteen people who launched a raid on Magneto just now, and then nine of them died on the spot due to the target's casual counterattack, of which four of our people died."

"Four... Tsk, it's a bit troublesome."

Muttering the death toll of his own adventure group, Pan Lagong looked up at the majestic old man who was manipulating the silver sand mist to continuously slaughter the sentinel robots in the sky, and a slight chill rose in his heart.

With the strength that Magneto has shown so far, if they want to take down the opponent, they can only use the lives of their members, and there is no guarantee of absolute success.

Although he himself has no scruples about sacrificing his men, unnecessary sacrifices are ultimately just a meaningless waste of resources.

Although the antidote can effectively suppress the unique abilities of mutants, the prerequisite is that it can hit the opponent. Moreover, there is a more terrifying monster hidden in the Brotherhood.

Apart from the plot killing, it is difficult for him to think of any other way to deal with Jean in the Phoenix state, let alone kill her.

And once the Worthington Group is defeated and completely wiped out in this battle on Alcatraz, the consequences for them after losing their power will definitely not be much better.

"Magneto's strength is far beyond expectations. Inform the team members that the original plan is cancelled and let Gu Rong and others take Jimmy away at any time. As long as the mutant child is still in our hands, there is still a way out."

"I have notified you, Captain."

Feeling the breeze blowing faintly behind him, Panlagon nodded lightly, then walked to the edge of the roof, lowered his eyes and looked down, and the bloody and chaotic battlefield below came into his eyes.

Even though there was a height of more than ten meters, the sound of fighting rising from the ground could still be clearly heard by Panlagon. On the battlefield, humans, mutants, contractors, and even a few scattered sentinel robots were mixed together into a huge, entangled and wriggling black shadow.

The wide plain was already filled with thousands of figures fighting for their lives, while the broken bridges and laboratory doors on both sides still had an endless stream of Brotherhood members and human soldiers pouring out quickly, constantly sprinkling layers of fresh and warm blood on the battlefield in the center.

The sweet and sticky smell gradually poured into the nose, and Panlagon's emerald green eyes lightly swept across the battlefield filled with rich blood below, and finally stopped at the black-robed figure standing still on the top of the broken bridge, with dense white silk threads spreading all over his body.

Wherever the opponent's silk thread passed, the enemy was either cut into countless irregular pieces of meat and scattered, or the body was entangled and controlled by the silk thread, and could only passively wield weapons to kill his teammates in horror.

The scene was cruel and weird for a while. In terms of killing efficiency, this black-robed figure was also in the forefront of the people in the entire battlefield.

"The leader of the drama adventure group, Ximing, the string fruit..."

The intelligence business in the park is very developed, especially between adventure groups of the same level. Even if the two sides have never had any intersection before, they have basically had a corresponding understanding of each other's general information. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

So after seeing the image and means of the black-robed contractor, Pan Lagong just recalled it in his mind and quickly identified the specific identity of the other party.

The most abundant thing in the open world is the mutual killing between contractors and adventure groups. Scarlet cards are also a considerable income second only to treasure chests.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of red appeared in his emerald green pupils. Pan Lagong's body was filled with green energy, and he said loudly:

"Notify everyone to go out and kill a lot before evacuating. At least we should earn more treasure chests and scarlet cards!"

After that, he turned his body and leaned back. Without any hesitation, he fell straight down from the roof.

At the edge of the roof above, Lin Feng nodded slightly after receiving the order, and then his whole body disintegrated into a few invisible breezes and disappeared.


On the battlefield below, a green shadow suddenly fell from the sky. At the moment of close contact with the ground, a roar and a large amount of smoke and dust rose simultaneously, and then the smoke and dust were directly torn apart from the inside by a wooden hand wrapped with emerald green vines.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, a majestic tree man several meters tall slowly stood up, his eyes flashing with strange green light as he swept across the battlefield in front of him. Then the ground under the tree man's feet collapsed, and he turned into a green shadow and rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

Along the way, the hurricane howled, and people flew around. Soon, a lush forest quickly spread in the center of the battlefield.

"The tree world is coming!"


Federal Government, underground strategic command post.

While the fighting on Alcatraz Island was still in full swing, the atmosphere in the command center became extremely solemn.

"The Sentinel robot has lost 40%!"

In the room, listening to the anxious reports coming from not far away, the federal president's already ugly face suddenly turned a little darker.

Three years ago, he witnessed the terrifying psychic abilities of Professor X, and today, three years later, he once again realized the true power possessed by Magneto.

Only one person can forcibly support the entire Golden Gate Bridge. Is this really what humans can do?

Under this level of power, the troops stationed on Alcatraz, which they originally thought should be infallible, now appear so weak.

The actual battle situation is not much different from what they expected. It has only been less than ten minutes since the battle. However, judging from the situation shown on the satellite images, the human defenders are already in a precarious situation. Decline.

Not only was the battle line suppressed for a time, even the sentinel robot, which was the trump card, was directly slaughtered by Magneto in a short period of time.

It is foreseeable that when Magneto has eliminated all the remaining Sentinel robots and has his hands free, perhaps this battle will be completely over.

The garrison was destroyed and the antidote was taken away. It seemed that it was about to become the final destination of the Battle of Alcatraz. However, this was obviously not something that everyone in the command center was willing to accept.

"Trask, can Trask Industries continue to send out sentries for support?"

Hearing this, the tall black man beside the president sighed slightly and said helplessly:

"Sir, the Sentinel's main battlefield is on the overseas island of Kiyu. It is difficult to arrive in time for temporary dispatch. Not to mention that this special type of Sentinel, which does not contain any metal materials, is difficult to produce and cannot be supported in the short term. "

"What about armed fighters? What about long-range guided weapons?"

"These contain a lot of metal components and will be crushed directly by Magneto."

"The only support method left now is the army, but..."

Trask paused for a moment. Although he didn't finish the rest of his words, the strange massacre that broke out in the Brotherhood's compound soon came to the president's mind automatically.

Of course, the federal army does not stop there, but the most elite group has been completely wiped out. If temporary arrangements are made, plus the time it takes to equip plastic weapons, it is estimated that by the time they arrive at the scene, only Alcatraz Island will be left. A place of ruins.


After several hopes were cut off in succession, Trask's "nothing" was like the last straw, which was quickly grasped by the federal president.

"But what?!"

Trask did not explain directly, but hesitantly looked to a certain direction in the room. The president followed his line of sight and saw a tall blue figure immediately coming into view.

Looking at Minister Hank not far away, the president's eyes flickered. Trask's unspoken suggestion was instantly understood by him. His face was tangled for a moment, but he still chose to walk towards him quickly.

"Hank, Professor X..."


On the other side, Alcatraz airspace.

The huge Sun Chaser was lying across the clouds. More than a dozen X-Men members in uniforms were leaning on the deck railings, quietly overlooking the Alcatraz battlefield below, with various expressions on their faces.

Among them, Storm couldn't help but look worried. What she was worried about was not her own safety, but the many students beside her who had never even seen blood.

Compared to Storm's complicated emotions, Logan seemed much more at ease. He was leaning against the railing and looking at the metal wolf claws that reflected the sparkling light under the moonlight. Going to the battlefield was completely a blessing to him. The road is familiar.

"Xinhuo, how long do we have to wait? It seems that the human side will not be able to hold on much longer."

Listening to Logan's somewhat impatient inquiry, Xu Yue, who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the deck, didn't even raise his slightly closed eyes and replied casually:


As soon as he finished speaking, his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the voice transmission from the professor suddenly sounded in his mind.

‘The federal government has compromised. After this battle, Jimmy will belong to the academy. You can intervene in the battlefield. However, Qin’s psychic power is covering the entire island. I cannot interfere too much, so you should be more careful. ’

'Don't worry, Professor. ’

Responding to the professor in his mind, Xu Yue suddenly stood up and said loudly to everyone:

"Get ready to go, it's time for us to enter!"

"Nightcrawler, you take the lead in teleporting the phantom cat to the southeast side of the laboratory. Be sure to bring Jimmy out as soon as possible. The rest will quickly descend through the anchor cable. Let's all set off!"


The sound of cheers echoed on the deck. The demon-like Nightcrawler tightly grasped the phantom cat's arm and disappeared in an instant after a flash of his body.

The rest of the people quickly ran towards the cabin of the battleship behind them. They would then quickly reach the battlefield by rappelling down the anchor. Of course, Angel Warren and Xu Yue were not among them. With his wings spread, he jumped off the deck and swooped down.


Alcatraz battlefield.

The fighting between humans and mutants is far from over. Instead, it has become more intense and cruel as time goes by.

The human defenders were in a state of decline. Even with the assistance of many contractors and some sentinel robots, the defense line was still suppressed by the Brotherhood and moved back continuously, gradually approaching the Worthington Laboratory in the rear.

Just as they were about to retreat, several whistles suddenly sounded in the sky, and then five or six thick black anchors fell from the sky one after another.

The airflow roared and whimpered under the swing of the anchors. The exaggerated weight, coupled with the powerful kinetic energy accumulated when falling from a high altitude, turned this ordinary anchor into a terrifying weapon comparable to a giant battering ram.

Wherever it passed, bones were broken and corpses turned into mud. It can be said that if you touch it, you will be injured, and if you touch it, you will die. Many mutants were even smashed into a ball of blood mist by the anchors before they could dodge.

Several roars echoed on the battlefield. As the anchor landed, the ground shook and gravel flew everywhere. The anchor plowed several deep, ugly scars on the ground, and the scars were covered with bloodstains and large pieces of sticky meat.

This shocking scene made the entire battlefield silent for a short time, and fell into a strange silence.

The silence lasted for a few breaths, and under the attention of everyone on the battlefield, the iron anchor embedded in the ground changed again.

The thick chain connected to the top instantly straightened, dragging the anchor straight to break free from the restraint and fly into the air, and soon disappeared into the black curtain in the sky.

At this time, the smoke and dust spreading below also slowly dissipated, revealing the X-Men members wearing the same uniforms inside. They lined up between the human army and the Brotherhood members, and used their bodies to build an irregular human wall to divide the two forces.

Above the island, the changes on the battlefield certainly could not escape Magneto's attention. He waved his hand to wipe out another sentry who attacked him, then looked up at the anchors that disappeared in the vast night, but was surprised to find that he had lost all perception of them in an instant.

His eyes flashed, and he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​flying up to find out what was going on, and instead lowered his eyes to look down, but after seeing the row of X-Men standing between the two forces and waiting in full battle array, the coldness on his face suddenly became more intense.

"Charles, are these the students you taught? A group of traitors who claim to be righteous, kill them!"

The cold declaration spread from the sky. After hearing the words of their boss, the people of the Brotherhood no longer hesitated, and rushed towards the X-Men in front of them and the human army behind them again while howling.

So, the battlefield that had just calmed down for a moment was re-provoked by Magneto, and even became more intense.


Time went back. Before the anchor of the Sun Chaser had time to fall, the roof of the southwest side of the Worthington Laboratory had already flashed blue light, and then Night Walker, who was holding Phantom Cat's arm, appeared out of thin air.

"Huh~ This should be the place."

After releasing his tightly clenched arm, Night Walker took a long breath to relieve the tension in his heart, and then began to look around.

They were now in the corner of the top floor of the laboratory. It was remote and dimly lit. After jumping over the half-person-high protective wall to the left and rear, they could clearly see the straight wall below, the steep cliff, and the surging reef coast.

And in the distance in front, you can see the boiling fire and various roars and wails from the fight. It seems that this is the main battlefield between humans and the Brotherhood.

On the side, Phantom Cat, who was also teleported here, did not look around as carefully as Night Walker did. She simply scanned the environment and took out a transparent glass ball with purple fire inside from her pocket.

Seeing the fire in the glass ball moving downwards, she was delighted. According to Instructor Xinhuo, Minister Hank had left a fire in the room where the target was imprisoned as a positioning coordinate.

And now the fire in the glass ball has changed, which means that she is now above the target.

"How is it? Can you lock Jimmy's location?"

Phantom Cat nodded quickly when Night Walker asked.

"Yes, he is a little to the right below."

"Others should be landing soon. You should go to the battlefield to help them first. I can handle this place."

"Okay! Be careful."

After taking a deep look at the smaller girl in front of him, Night Walker, who knew the abnormality of her ability, did not say much. He just gave a simple reminder and teleported away directly.

At the original place, Phantom Cat held the glass ball in her hand and moved her mind. Then she seemed to turn into a phantom, silently blending into the roof under her feet and disappearing.


In the Worthington Laboratory, in a pure white room closed on all sides.

Jimmy was squatting in the corner of the room with his knees hugged and his eyes empty. He didn't know what happened in the outside world, but not long ago, through the only narrow window, he saw a huge metal bridge across.

Then there were continuous violent vibrations from the outside world. All these abnormalities indicated that the outside world was undergoing quite significant changes, even war, and it was most likely directed at him.

Jimmy is very smart. Although he has not had many opportunities to learn knowledge and understand the outside world during his long imprisonment, he has gradually understood a fact through the words revealed by many visitors, that is, his ability is very special and is coveted by many forces.

So it is not surprising that there will be a fight, just like the princess in the game who is always robbed.

The princess is powerless to resist, and so is he.

Anyway, he has gradually become accustomed to such a boring life, so he doesn't care what forces will rob him and imprison him in the future, but he hopes that the environment of the next imprisonment point will be better.

As for having a game console and a larger window, it is best to get sunlight. Of course, it would be better if blood can be drawn frequently without frequent injections every once in a while. The needle is really painful. Only this, he seems to have never been used to it.

In Jimmy's fantasy, time seems to start to speed up, but the vibration from the outside world has never stopped.

Suddenly, a striking black color quietly emerged in the monotonous pure white room. Jimmy looked up and saw a girl who was almost the same height as him walking straight out of the wall.

In the room, the purple light of the glass bead in Phantom Cat's hand rose sharply. She stopped and soon noticed the little boy squatting in the corner.

The joy in her eyes flashed, and she took two steps at a time and quickly stepped forward, and immediately squatted down and looked at Jimmy's frightened eyes like a little deer.

"Don't be afraid!"

"I'm here to save you, we have to leave here quickly."

When their eyes met, Jimmy keenly noticed the pure joy in Phantom Cat's eyes, and he couldn't even see the greedy look he was most familiar with.

This strange look made Jimmy stunned for a moment, and then the panic in his eyes slowly faded away.

"Okay, I'll leave with you."

A few seconds later, the two people who supported each other crashed into the pure white wall inside the room, but the result was not to pass through the wall as Phantom Cat usually did, but to be blocked by the thick wall and unable to move forward.

The sound of the wall slapping continued to sound, and Phantom Cat looked at the wall in front of him that he could not integrate into at all, with a deep look of doubt on his face.

"Sorry, you will lose all your special abilities by my side!"

Jimmy's slightly apologetic voice sounded in his ears, and Phantom Cat pursed his lips, and quickly recalled the various instructions given to him by Instructor Xinhuo on the battleship.

'If you can't leave after finding Jimmy, contact me immediately with this. '

Thinking of this, her eyes lit up, and she quickly took out a small round mirror with an elegant shape from her pocket.

But just as she was about to continue, there were bursts of subtle noises from the main door of the room, as if the password was being pressed.

"They are coming to find me, sister, leave first! Without special abilities, you are no match for them. Come back to save me when you have a chance!"

Holding the boy's arms, her hands suddenly tightened. Noticing the boy's suddenly pale face, Phantom Cat patted his palms with white fingertips with some pity, indicating that he should not panic.

Then she shook the small mirror in her hand and said confidently.

"Don't be afraid, I can shake people."

After that, in Jimmy's somewhat surprised eyes, the small round mirror in Phantom Cat's hand automatically flew up, then suspended in the air and quickly enlarged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon turned into a full-body mirror of about two meters.

The inside of the mirror began to rotate continuously, and gradually formed a magnificent mirror vortex.

The next second, Jimmy's pupils suddenly contracted, and he saw a tall and strong figure in the vortex stepping out.

With the appearance of this figure, the originally suitable temperature in the room suddenly dropped sharply. A lavender cold gaze looked down. Although no emotion could be sensed, Jimmy only felt his whole body trembling, and even his breathing became heavy.

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