[Prompt: The hunter has entered the field of ‘supernatural silence’. All supernatural factors and energy elements in this field will be in an absolutely inert state. Genetic biological mutations will automatically fail. Talents are deeply suppressed...]

[Prompt: The hunter's chewing steel talent has entered a suppressed state. The body metalization ability cannot be used. The burning fire is silent. The power of the controlled flame is reduced by 80%. Various active abilities...]

"Supernatural silence..."

A series of paradise prompts appeared in front of him. Feeling the burning fire that suddenly shriveled in the dantian, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at the mutant child opposite with some surprise.

Jimmy's ability is more outstanding than he expected. This is equivalent to a human-shaped silence totem pole, and the scope of influence is far more than just mutant genes.

This little guy is equivalent to a human-shaped plug-in for him. The suppression range of supernatural silence does not include basic attributes and various passive abilities, and techniques are also not in this category. And it happens that these are all aspects he is very good at.

In other words, apart from the flames and metalization, Jimi's combat power was not greatly reduced, but for other contractors, it was very different, especially for those mages who used various spells as their main means of attack. Once Xu Yue, who was carrying Jimi, got close to them, their miserable end was completely foreseeable.

In the room, Jimi, who was already affected by the invisible evil spirit, was keenly aware of the heat in the eyes of the tall figure in front of him, which made him panic immediately. He began to retreat uncontrollably, and at the same time, a hand that looked particularly pale because it had not been exposed to the sun for many years also tightly grasped the hem of Phantom Cat's clothes.

"Don't be afraid, this is my teacher, we are all here to save you."

Jimi's fear was quite obvious. Sensing the pulling force on the clothes, Phantom Cat hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

After she finished comforting him, she looked up at Xu Yue in front of her and said anxiously:

"Teacher Xinhuo, I can't use my ability around Jimmy, and the people from the laboratory seem to be coming in soon! So..."

Following the direction pointed by the phantom cat, Xu Yue shifted his attention away from Jimmy and looked at the door of the room not far away, which was dripping and seemed to be about to open in the next second. He said lightly:

"It's okay, as expected."

"I will send Jimmy back to the academy directly, but before that, I need to borrow some blood from him first."

As soon as he finished speaking, blood-colored liquid surged on his right arm, and soon a dark and mighty arm armor condensed and emerged. Then the palm covered by the arm armor opened and reached out to grab Jimmy under him.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."


In the outside world, in front of the door of the pure white room where Jimmy was imprisoned, a young man wearing black-framed glasses was constantly operating something in front of the password lock on the right side of the door, and the sound of "beeping" key input was heard one after another.

Behind the man, another contractor was holding his hands in front of his chest, silently watching his teammates' complicated operations.

However, as time went by, the tightly closed door in front of him showed no sign of opening, which made his expression gradually change from indifference to impatience.

"Shanmu, it's been 3 minutes. Can you do it? The leader doesn't have much time left for us."

Hearing the urging voice from behind, Shanmu, who was trying to unlock the door, turned pale and replied without turning his head:

"It's almost done. The special password lock of the Worthington Group is not so easy to crack. It rotates every 3 seconds and has multiple identifications. Once an error is made, it will be completely locked..."

"But wait for another minute at most. I will definitely be able to fix this broken thing!"

Hearing that it would take another minute, Gu Rong in the back frowned. The situation outside the laboratory was not optimistic. If he waited another minute, the mutants of the Brotherhood might have already rushed in. It would not be easy to get out smoothly by then.

Thinking of this, he said no more, but stepped forward quickly, grabbed the clothes on the back of Shan Mu's neck and threw it away.

"Get it done, there's no time to wait for you, just force the door!"

After saying that, he flipped his hand and took out a sheathless Tang sword from the space, then decisively aimed at the wide iron door in front of him and chopped it down.


A sharp metal friction sound rang out, and sparks flew. Gu Rong's Tang sword penetrated the inside of the door with difficulty. At the same time, because the system detected that the prison room was under an inexplicable attack from an external force, a sharp and noisy alarm sound suddenly filled all the surrounding space.

The four corners of the roof had baffles flipped one after another, and four small automatic machine guns instantly emerged from the secret compartment behind the metal baffles, and all aimed their guns at the position of Gu Rong under them.

But before the muzzle could emit sparks, several sounds of breaking through the air were heard first, and then the four machine guns that had just appeared turned into discarded parts scattered on the ground in the blink of an eye.

On the right side of the door, Shan Mu, who had taken action to deal with the automatic machine gun, shrugged slightly. This time it was his turn to urge.

"You reckless man, forcing in will soon attract the attention of the Worthington Group and the human military. We are not out of the human camp yet, so hurry up! Before their people arrive, we must take Jimmy away from here immediately."

Gu Rong, who was still cutting the steel door, did not reply, but the cutting speed increased a lot, and soon an irregular rectangle was cut.

Then Gu Rong took back the Tang sword that had penetrated the door, and he raised his right foot and kicked out with all his strength.


A deep roar resounded at the door, and the metal door panel was completely separated by this heavy blow, and the irregular rectangular metal block fell heavily to the ground.

In the light smoke and dust, the pure white fully enclosed room inside was also revealed. Of course, there was also a Fang Tian Hua Ji wrapped in golden and red flames flying in the air.

Wait, Fang Tian Hua Ji? !

The joy that had just bloomed on his face froze instantly, and Gu Rong's dark pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip. With the appearance of Fang Tian Hua Ji, a fatal sense of crisis exploded directly in his heart, and he smelled a strong breath of death in a trance.

The attack came too fast, and it was definitely too late to dodge. He could only raise the Tang sword in his hand quickly, hoping to resist for a moment, so that he still had hope of escaping.

However, the next second, the Tang sword that Gu Rong had high hopes for was completely shattered by the attacking halberd, along with his upper body.

First, the Tang sword burst into countless metal fragments, and then Gu Rong's body from the abdomen upwards turned into a fine and dense blood mist.

Finally, the blood mist was penetrated by the halberd that continued to shoot forward without any hindrance. Under the raging hurricane raised by the halberd, the blood mist mixed with fine meat and bone residue was evenly sprinkled on every inch of the surrounding space.


The bloody and incomplete lower body fell to the ground, splashing large pieces of blood on the silver-gray floor.

And the crisp sound of the blood splashing completely awakened Shan Mu, who was in a daze.

Not long ago, he witnessed the whole process of his former teammates from terrified resistance to being blown into a blood mist without any resistance. His slightly trembling pupils condensed again. He had no intention of avenging Gu Rong. After he regained consciousness, his only thought was to escape, the farther the better!

He was just a contractor who preferred to assist and bless. Now Gu Rong, the main combat member, was killed instantly. He didn't think that he would have any other ending except to die.

Green light emerged from his feet. Shan Mu, who had added movement speed to himself, flashed and quickly disappeared from the spot, heading straight for the glass door leading to the corridor outside not far away.

It was a pity that the attacker who walked out of Jimmy's cage was obviously faster than him, so when Shan Mu, who was fleeing in a panic, just arrived near the door.

There were waves of heat behind him, and the terrifying temperature burned his scalp so much that he even faintly smelled the pungent smell of burning hair.

In front of him was the door that was getting closer and closer, but there was also a strong wind behind his head. If nothing unexpected happened, he would only end up dead if he continued to run.

MD, let's fight!

With a fierce look in his eyes, Shan Mu's running steps suddenly stopped and turned back. While his turning steps led his whole body to quickly deviate from the original route, he also changed from facing away from the attacker to facing the attacker head-on.

The scene in his field of vision was reversed, but what came into view was not the face of the attacker, but a silver hand that was constantly enlarging in the golden and red flames.

"Wait! I..."

The oncoming strong wind made Shan Mu's just-raised idea of ​​resistance disappear again. The words of begging for mercy stopped abruptly before they were fully spread, leaving only a faint echo floating in the exploding blood mist.

And his good head was blown up on the spot by Xu Yue's big hand that slapped it down fiercely a breath ago.

The headless corpse at his feet fell straight down, and the blood mist in front of him was burned away by the remaining pure Yangyan. Xu Yue, who had killed two people in a flash, took a breath slowly, and the strong smell of blood began to rush into his nose, making the dark evil spirit lingering around him more active.

"Teacher Xinhuo..."

The slightly trembling call of Phantom Cat came to her ears. She had just walked out of the prison room and did not see the scene of Xu Yue's brutal slaughter of the enemy, but the two mutilated corpses lying in the pool of blood still brought great spiritual shock to this mutant girl who had never actually walked out of the campus.

She was not fragile, but the bloody picture constructed by the headless corpse in front of her and the broken lower body with the internal organs and intestines flowing freely was really a bit too stimulating for her, a rookie who had just started out.

"You have to try to get used to it. This kind of scene will not be rare in the future. The battlefield has always been a cruel place where you fight to the death."

Noticing that Phantom Cat was standing still at the pool of blood at the door, Xu Yue reminded him lightly, and then the purple feasting fire automatically burned up and burned the two corpses on the ground into black ash in an instant.

Seeing that the hideous broken corpses at her feet were all turned into ashes, Phantom Cat took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, feeling the strong nausea that kept churning in her stomach gradually subsided, and then she quickly walked to the side of Xu Yue who was surrounded by feasting fire at this time.

"I understand, teacher, I will adapt as soon as possible. Since Jimmy has been sent back to the academy, should we go to help Teacher Aololi and the others now?"

"You need to go, and I have to deal with a problem."

After speaking, Xu Yue, who had absorbed the feasting fire on his body, raised his eyes and looked at the left side of the room, where he could faintly hear bursts of muffled thunder approaching quickly, as if a steel chariot was breaking through layers of walls and crashing from a distance.

Even though they were far away, the vibrations they caused were easily detected by his vibration perception.

Soon the vibrations in the room became stronger and stronger, and even the phantom cat beside Xu Yue sensed the abnormality around her, as if something invisible was tightly grasping her heart and began to tighten, which made every cell in her body seem to be shouting for her to run away quickly.

After hesitating for a moment, the phantom cat, who was very confident of her own strength, did not continue to insist on staying in place. After nodding heavily at Xu Yue, she turned around and ran towards the wall on the other side of the room, and merged directly into the wall and disappeared.

Her phantom ability may not be very offensive, but when it comes to saving lives, it is no less than the teleportation on the space side, and it may even be better.

At the original place, glancing at the back of the phantom cat leaving neatly, Xu Yue reached out to recall the Fang Tian Huaji that he had thrown as a javelin before.

During the liquid transformation, the long halberd in his hand quickly transformed into a giant tower shield like a high metal wall.

A few seconds later, the wall facing the tower shield exploded, and a majestic figure at least two meters tall rushed out from the collapsed bricks and stones.


The thick metal round helmet on the figure's head collided with the heavy tower shield standing in the center of the room. In an instant, a hurricane surged, and the layers of sound waves set off invisible waves in the air that seemed to be substantial. The air was shaking wherever it passed, and even the glass doors not far away were shattered into debris all over the ground.

Then the ground under his feet was torn apart by the overflowing mighty force. The tower shield wrapped Xu Yue and turned into a black shadow, breaking through the air wave and flying far away. It even hit the wall behind him and created an irregular pit with a diameter of about three meters. He returned to the prison room he had just left, but this time the way he returned looked a little painful.

On the other side, while the tower shield was flying backwards, the majestic figure that was rushing over was forced to stop charging, and he took several steps back uncontrollably before regaining his balance.

He shook his dizzy head, and his eyes in the thick helmet were full of disbelief. He was actually forced to stop by someone?


Then a violent roar came from the giant's throat. All the emotions in his eyes were occupied by extreme anger that seemed to destroy everything. The invincible red tank should not and could not be stopped by anyone.

"I will tear you in half!!"

Amid the roar, the ground was forcibly crushed, and the whole room trembled with the charge of the red tank. The wall that had just suffered heavy damage was hit again with a big hole.

After Xu Yue, the room where Jimmy was imprisoned welcomed its second uninvited guest.

Soon, the solid room, which was built with special materials comparable to steel on all sides, began to tremble constantly, and the amplitude of the trembling was rapidly increasing. Amid the loud rumbling sounds, the outer wall of the room gradually "grew" irregular hemispherical protrusions, as if the battle inside was not a humanoid creature at all, but some kind of more ancient wild beast.

Until a violent war cry far surpassing the previous one rang out, and then the metal door of the prison room, which had been destroyed once, finally completely shattered. The red tank with a somewhat dilated pupil flew out from the bursting metal fragments, and the exaggerated weight of more than a thousand pounds drew a straight horizontal line in the air. After smashing a thick wall again, it fell heavily into the metal corridor outside the room.

At the completely shattered door behind, Xu Yue, with a dark blood stain on the corner of his mouth, stepped out, and the surface of the majestic arm armor on his arms was also covered with blood stains.

Although his clothes were a bit embarrassed, his eyes were frighteningly bright, full of fanatical fighting spirit of excitement.

[Comparing the intelligence attributes of both parties..., comparison completed, our intelligence is 1.26 times that of the enemy, and 100% of the enemy's information is obtained]

The information is as follows:

Name: Kain Mark (Red Tank)

Category: Mutant

Health: 87%

Mana: 300/380

Strength: 58 (increasing kinetic energy)

Agility: 46 (increasing kinetic energy)

Stamina: 60 (increasing kinetic energy)

Intelligence: 38

Charm: 4

Skill 1: Extraordinary Body (Passive LV.28): As a mutant in an evolving body, the mutant genes in the body give Red Tank an extraordinary and ultimate body, strength +15, stamina +15, health +1400.

Skill 2: Talent·Kinetic Energy Storage (Passive LV.29): Red Tank can store kinetic energy indefinitely in the body when charging. This kinetic energy can greatly enhance the physical strength, strength, and agility attributes, improve the body's defense and destructiveness, and can be converted into physical energy consumption and increase the speed of injury recovery...

Tip: After the charge is interrupted, the kinetic energy storage will automatically end, and it will not start to accumulate again until the next charge.

Tip: Long-term storage of kinetic energy will permanently have a slow strengthening effect on various attributes of the body.

Skill 3: Extreme Density (Passive LV.25): Long-term kinetic energy enhancement makes the density of Red Tank's skin, muscles, bones, etc. about four times that of normal humans. The body weight is far higher than the same period (current weight is 862 kg), the body defense is permanently +24 points, and it has a strong resistance to pain, and is immune to most toxins, malignant radiation and various diseases.

Skill 4: Infinite Stamina (Passive LV.22): The unique physiological structure prevents Red Tank from producing fatigue toxins during physical activities. The speed of physical energy consumption during charging is reduced by 80%. His muscles and bones will never be fatigued, damaged, dissolved, or in any negative state due to excessive exercise.

Skill 5: Self-maintenance (Passive LV.24): The weak kinetic energy spontaneously generated in Red Tank's body can perfectly achieve self-maintenance. This part of kinetic energy can automatically meet all his consumption of breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.

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