Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 385 Battlefield Situation

"It's indeed Psylocke."

At the end of the corridor, Xu Yue grasped Lingdie's neck with one hand and forced him to stand upright against the broken wall.

If the previous lightning attack only made him doubt the identity of this female mutant, now after passing the 'Eye of Insight' detection, he has truly determined the exact identity of Psylocke.

Psylocke, in another timeline, is one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. Unlike Angel, who rises to power because of its symbolic significance, Psylocke is comparable to Magneto and Storm. The powerful ability to stand out.

Among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Magneto is definitely the number one in terms of strength, but it is still unclear who is second between Psylocke and Storm. In terms of large-scale destruction, she is definitely outmatched, but when it comes to latent assassinations, , she can easily defeat Storm.

From the various characters she competes with, it is not difficult to see how terrifying Psylocke's potential is. In the hierarchy of mutants, she can be classified as an Alpha-level mutant, second only to gods.

The reason why she was easily solved by Xu Yue in the current world is mainly because she still needs a long growth process before she is in her prime. The Psylocke in the Apocalypse timeline is a heroic female warrior, but in this timeline Psylocke is a murderous thug who is in the underground gang.

The difference between the two is visible to the naked eye, but even so, the other party's assassination still caused a lot of trouble for Xu Yue.

Of course, the important reason why Xu Yue never exerted his full strength is also an important reason. Otherwise, under the sweep of Zhang Er's long halberd, all the creatures in the entire corridor space will be in a state of collapse. Or if he decisively uses the war roar, he can also The Spirit Butterfly that was close behind him was thrown away.

However, there was a huge risk of causing the already shaky laboratory to collapse on the spot, so during the entire confrontation, he only used the most destructive magic sword Thousand Blades at the beginning.

"Is it a telekinetic weapon? It's really powerful."

His eyes fell on Lingdie who was struggling in his hands. Xu Yue's palms tightly grasping the opponent's neck slowly tightened, accompanied by a gradually stronger sense of suffocation. The long-term lack of oxygen in the brain made her struggle harder. He began to become weaker and weaker, and finally his already chaotic mind completely fell into a coma.

Feeling that the resistance in his hand had completely disappeared, Xu Yue's clenched left hand relaxed slightly. At the same time, he lowered his eyes and looked at the open palm of his right hand. There was a vertical blood hole running from front to back. It was the hole that Ling Die had killed not long ago. The bloody wound caused by the long knife of telekinesis.

With his current defensive power, the steel-made flesh and blood film is no less than an ordinary dark purple metal material, but even so, it can still be easily penetrated by the long sword of telekinesis. This shows that the opponent's sharpness is even better than that of the demonic sword. A Thousand Blades might even be better.

And extreme sharpness has never been the main feature of the telekinesis sword. Its most powerful feature is that it can directly attack the target's soul. In essence, the material of this thing itself is an explicit extension of mental power, which is closely related to the soul. A special soul weapon with a similar structure to the chain.

Among the many ability sequences, time and space, soul, destiny, law, etc. are undoubtedly the top ones, and Lingdie's ability involves the soul level, which is the main reason why Apocalypse values ​​her.

Similarly, Xu Yue also took a fancy to this, otherwise his previous response process would not have been so friendly. As long as he was more ruthless, Lingdie's ability to keep a whole corpse after the attack was considered a mercy on his part.

The talent of telekinesis that can directly harm the soul has extremely high potential, and with experience in condensing psychic chains, by studying the spiritual power structure of the spirit butterfly, perhaps Xu Yue can also use this to condense telepathy weapons with similar properties. This ability will come in handy later on.

Therefore, no matter what the specific reason is, killing Spirit Butterfly directly is definitely the most loss-making option. Only by using Ah Fu's puppetization for his own use can the best benefits be obtained.

As the silver liquid surged, the magic mirror body was condensed by Xu Yue. With the input of mana, the palm-sized magic mirror soon expanded into a large portal of about 2 meters. After a wave of smooth mirror surface, the mirror surface On the other side, the scene of Cairo, thousands of miles away, emerged, and in the center of the picture, Ah Fu stood respectfully.



He nodded lightly in response. Without saying too much, he picked up the Spirit Butterfly in his hand and threw it directly into the mirror. Then he took out the metal solution tank that had been used to hold Qingbai's hands from the space, and also threw it into the mirror. Throw it into the mirror.

If the magic mirror had not been strengthened in the past, this kind of teleportation between two continents would have taken at least several minutes to arrive. But now, after successively undergoing strengthening +12 and combined blade blessing, Xu Yue's side is almost the same. Throwing it into the mirror, Ah Fu on the other side was able to accept it smoothly.

"There is a portable biological prop in the metal can. You try to see if it can be successfully transplanted and used. As for this mutant, turn it into a puppet as quickly as possible. I will use her soon."

"Roger that, sir."

After briefly explaining the specific uses of this person and thing, Xu Yue quickly walked towards Warren III on the other side of the corridor with the magic mirror. Lingdie was very experienced in stunning the opponent before, so even the previous battle was not insignificant. , but he is still in a coma and has not been affected much.

You know, Dr. Rao, who escaped with Warren III not long ago, died miserably in the aftermath of the battle between Arc Light and Xu Yue. He was destroyed by the raging invisible shockwave and died. Compared with the two, his luck is already very good.

"As for this human, just take care of him and don't let him die."

"Finally, Cairo can speed up the deployment. After this battle, it will be Tianqi's turn to appear."

"We are already arranging people to dig, sir, and it will be completed successfully in two days at most."

While speaking, Xu Yue also picked up Warren III who was leaning against the edge of the wall and threw him directly into the magic mirror.

So far, the goals of transferring Jimmy and rescuing Warren III have been completed, and this Worthington laboratory has lost its only attraction to him. What remains is to solve the chaotic battlefield outside the laboratory.

He turned the magic mirror in front of him into a liquid and took it back into his body. What appeared in his hand was the Fang Tian Hua Ji, which was surrounded by a faint evil spirit. After sensing the huge evil spirit surging outside, the Panlong weapon soul inside the halberd had long been hungry and thirsty.

Therefore, as soon as the halberd appeared, a violent dragon roar shook the surrounding walls and trembled endlessly. The right hand holding the halberd tightened its force, and the wound on the back of the hand had been restored to its original state under the healing effect of the Red Prison. Only a small blood mark was left, which was slightly twisted with the contraction of the palm muscles.

Then the halberd in his hand was swung out, and the whistling hurricane it raised swept the entire corridor with a violent roar. Wherever the halberd passed, the bricks, stones and steel along the way were all turned into dust and scattered, and Xu Yue shot out of the corridor along the wide hole opened by the halberd.


Outside, the chaotic battlefield did not calm down with the appearance of the X-Men, but became more and more intense.

Originally, under the strong suppression of the Brotherhood members, the human forces suffered heavy casualties, and the territory they occupied was retreating step by step. Without the blessing of modern weapons, human soldiers were beaten by the mutants with various means and strong bodies. Even with the help of a large number of contractors, they inevitably gradually entered a situation of total defeat.

This overwhelming retreat situation lasted until more than a dozen X-Men joined the battlefield, and it was finally alleviated. Although they were all compatriots, their purpose of coming here was obviously not to help the Brotherhood to kill humans wantonly. Therefore, as soon as they entered the battlefield, they clearly joined the human army and jointly resisted the fierce invasion of the Brotherhood members.

To be honest, compared with this chaotic battlefield with at least thousands of people fighting crazily, only a dozen members of the X-Men mixed in can be called a drop in the bucket, but in this world where extraordinary people exist, the appearance of a high-end combat force can often match hundreds or thousands of people.

The most outstanding performances were undoubtedly Storm and Iceman. With only a few moves, they directly swept away all the previous decline of the human side, and revitalized their originally sluggish morale.

After everyone was teleported to the battlefield by Night Walker, Storm's eyes turned white immediately. She decisively activated her ability to manipulate the weather and slowly rose above the battlefield with the support of the strong wind, and then the disasters came one by one.

First, four or five huge tornadoes with a width of several meters swept the battlefield, and people flew everywhere. The figures swallowed by the tornado were like poor clothes trapped in a drum washing machine, and could only wail and roll uncontrollably in the strong wind.

In just a few breaths, at least dozens of Brotherhood members completely lost the power to resist because of the raging tornado.

Then the thunder came again. The dense silver snakes of lightning fell from Storm's open fingers. The moment they landed, they began to jump and extend in the crowd, forming a wide-ranging silver electric net. The figures in the electric net all foamed at the mouth and twitched and fell to the ground, which looked particularly spectacular.

In terms of large-scale killing and skill performance, Storm is the best among the entire mutant group. Manipulating the weather and controlling the wind and thunder are often the powers that only gods in legends have.

And if Storm, who controls this mythical power, lets go and exerts it at will, it is estimated that she alone can plow the entire Devil Island. At that time, let alone the thousands of people in the melee, the violent sea of ​​thunder can even make the entire island barren and completely turn it into a dead island.

Of course, this is the most extreme state. Storm, who still retains her rationality, would never go so crazy. Therefore, although the raging wind and thunder sea in the field seems to be powerful, its power is within the controllable range. Most of the affected Brotherhood members have completely lost their combat effectiveness, and the number of deaths is very small.

In the battlefield below, compared with the extremely high-profile Storm, another ice man with large-scale killing ability is much more wretched. He glanced at Professor Ororo who was showing his power in the air. A few traces of fanaticism flashed in his eyes, but quickly converged. Then he quickly squatted down and pressed his hands covered with white frost on the ground. In an instant, the cold wind surged and the temperature dropped sharply.

Accompanied by the sound of freezing ice, the thick white ice layer began to spread rapidly from the front of his hands. After just a few seconds, the area of ​​about tens of meters in front of him turned into an ice field. At least hundreds of people's feet and the ends of their calves were frozen and bound by ice, and it was difficult to break free for a while.

Then it was Colossus and Logan's turn to play. One of them had a metal skeleton, and the other had a steel body. Their incomparable bodies and exaggerated self-weight meant that they didn't even need to do anything else on the battlefield.

They only needed to charge forward, and the enemies in front of them who were still bound by ice and had no way to dodge were like crops standing in rows in the fields. They were easily harvested and fell to the ground. From above, the whole scene was particularly comfortable.

This is the role of high-end combat power. As soon as they appear, they can make up for the disadvantage with absolute power. In addition to Storm, Logan and others on the battlefield, Nightcrawler, Angel, Wolfsbane and other X-Men reserve forces are also working synchronously.

Blue shadows flickered in the crowd. Every time they appeared and disappeared, a member of the Brotherhood was inexplicably flashed to the sky above the sea outside the demons, and fell helplessly to the bottom of the sea with screams.

Angels hovered over the battlefield, their exaggerated wings whistling and swooping down with the wind. The huge kinetic energy generated by this was enough to easily defeat the enemies under their feet every time they fell, just like a hawk hunting...

For a while, each X-Men member showed his magical powers and soon completely reversed the situation. The human army, which had been suppressed to the vicinity of the laboratory, also launched a counterattack and gradually pushed the most intense battle front back to the center of the battlefield. There were even drivers who continued to advance.

However, this good situation did not last long. As the high-end combat power of the Brotherhood began to take the initiative to attack, Storm, Logan and others were restrained and entangled one after another, so the situation on the battlefield eventually fell into the most tragic stalemate. As time went on, the bloody smell accumulated in Devil's Island became stronger and more pungent.

In the center of the battlefield, Iceman panted and pulled his hands out of the ice. The long-term activation ability would put a lot of burden on his body. During the rest period, he did not attack again, but carefully moved his position to hide himself.

According to Instructor Xinhuo, the more conspicuous you are on the battlefield, the faster you will die. Unless you are strong enough to withstand any risks, you must learn to hide yourself.

Obviously, his frost ability is not strong enough to be as arrogant as Professor Ororo, so he naturally has to be more sleazy.

Thinking of this, he looked up again at Storm, who was manipulating the wind and thunder and dominating the whole battlefield. But as soon as he raised his eyes, he heard the roar of guns and cannons in various parts of the battlefield, followed by beams of fire flashing in the air, and finally exploded together.

Various long-range attack methods formed a boiling sea of ​​fire above the battlefield, and in the center of the sea of ​​fire, Ororo, who was like a storm goddess not long ago, fell straight from the sky to the battlefield like a bird with broken wings.

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