"Good, the target was shot down. Storm is so brave to be a target in the battlefield!"

"Not surprising. People who come out of the academy are always naive. Professor X protects them too well."

"Quick! Keep focusing fire. If you are lucky, you can kill Storm and get at least a dark purple treasure chest."

"Keep going. Alpha-level mutants are not so easy to deal with. We can't kill her in a short time. Storm will be dealt with by other high-level NPCs after landing. Focus on suppressing Wolverine and Colossus first. These two guys are about to break through the battle formation."

"Damn, where is Tank? Go up and stop these two guys. Wolverine is almost rushing to the auxiliary team area!"


In various places on the battlefield, chaotic discussions and commands continued to sound one by one from the scattered groups of contractors.

With the addition of more than a dozen X-Men, the momentum of the entire battlefield was quickly pushed to a climax.

Humans and mutants, the Brotherhood and the X-Men, the contractors and the characters, and even the contractors themselves, are all gradually transformed into a pot of boiling soup with blood splashing in the chaotic entanglement.

But no matter how the situation changes, the top mutants, who are the high-end combat power on the battlefield, are always the center of the vortex. Whether it is the powerful force that can influence the situation of the battle or the considerable rewards that can be obtained after killing, they are constantly attracting the attention of all beings in the field.

After jointly shooting down the most high-profile Storm in the sky, the human side's overwhelming counterattack was finally temporarily interrupted.

In addition to Storm who fell on the battlefield, Logan, Colossus, Iceman, Nightcrawler and other X-Men members were also targeted to varying degrees.

Among them, the lineup to encircle Wolverine Logan is the most massive. After all, among all the X-Men, he is the most comfortable on the battlefield and has the greatest killing instinct.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Logan is given enough time, he alone can kill everyone in the Brotherhood except Magneto and Jean.

Facing a guy with deadly claws and a basically indestructible body, if he is not restrained in time, the damage he can cause is definitely beyond imagination, at least the blow to morale can be said to be fatal.

Therefore, the number of contractors surrounding Logan is completely the largest in the whole field, and the bloodiness is also the highest among all.

At the top of the broken bridge at the edge of the battlefield, the Golden Gate Bridge, which was full of many Brotherhood leaders not long ago, is now left with only Jean alone.

The rest of the members joined the battlefield one after another after the appearance of the X-Men. Some of them took advantage of the cover of the war to quickly advance to the Worthington Laboratory behind the battlefield to look for targets, and the other part joined the encirclement and suppression of various X-Men.

As for Jean, the bloody battlefield at the moment made her gradually excited, but the pull of another consciousness in her brain made her stay rigidly in place, and she could only watch the cruel killing that continued in front of her with cold eyes.

After looking around the battlefield, Qin's eyes finally stopped at Wolverine Logan who was being surrounded and killed by everyone.

As the silver-white claws swung, the surrounding limbs flew and blood billowed. In just a few minutes, at least a dozen roadblockers were torn to pieces by him.

The black and yellow war police uniform had been completely dyed dark red after the blood dried, and it was covered with various wounds of various sizes. During the whole process of the siege, many guys died under Logan's claws, and he himself was also seriously injured. The metal skull was exposed at least ten times, and his eyeballs were gouged out and shattered seven times, and his heart was taken out of the chest three times...

In addition to these serious injuries that were fatal, the rest of the injuries were countless. There were not many others. Just the flesh and blood cut from his body could be piled together to completely reassemble two or three brand new Logans.

And the despair was that no matter how serious the injuries were, his missing flesh and blood and organs would grow and heal again in just a breath.

Therefore, after a long fierce battle, even though the surroundings were already littered with corpses and blood, Logan, who was surrounded and killed in the center, was still in a strong breath and had a tendency to become more and more courageous. This perfectly explained what it meant that a mere fatal injury had no effect on the battle.

In fact, as long as Logan's adamantium skeleton was not destroyed, his extreme self-healing ability would ensure that he would fight until his physical strength was exhausted. Conventional control skills would not play a big role in front of his tough will tempered by nearly two hundred years of fighting.

The sticky smell of blood rushed into the nose, stimulating Qin, who was watching the battle at the top of the broken bridge, to begin to have various abnormalities. The air around her became twisted and squirming, and her eyes slowly stained with a faint blood color. It seemed that in the next second, the violent Phoenix power in her body would break through the shackles of reason and come to the world, announcing its existence to the whole world.

But every time it was about to explode, a strong emotional fluctuation from the depths of the spiritual space would emerge, and forcibly calm down the gradually violent Phoenix power.

But this can only delay it temporarily. Every time the tide recedes, it accumulates more powerful power for the next outbreak.

Staring at the strong figure covered in blood in the center of her vision, Qin's eyes flickered, and her wet tongue couldn't help but stick out and lick her slightly dry scarlet lips. As the two consciousnesses merged in her mind, her suppressed emotions about Logan began to become more and more intense.

For Phoenix, who advocates absolute freedom, she undoubtedly loves the wild and unrestrained Logan more than the relatively restrained and indifferent Scott, and this also means that the part of Qin's consciousness is being gradually swallowed by another personality.

Suddenly, a loud roar in the distance attracted Qin's gaze at Logan's fight. She looked up and saw that the outer wall of the Worthington Laboratory at the end of the battlefield suddenly exploded with smoke and dust, and a somewhat unfamiliar silver figure jumped down from the torn smoke and dust.


On the other side, Youlin's combat boots stained with blood fell to the ground. After breaking several high walls one after another, Xu Yue finally opened up the shortest route inside the laboratory and went straight to the battlefield outside.


The long breathing sounded, and this familiar battlefield atmosphere made Xu Yue unconsciously take a deep breath. The thick smoke and bloody smell mixed with the boiling and surging shouts and killings around him rushed into his ears and nose at the same time, making his pupils, which were already blood-colored, become more and more thick, so sticky that it seemed to drip blood and tears.

The halberd in his hand seemed to sense the rising evil spirit around him, and it uttered a series of whistles.

He took a quick look at the situation in front of him, and just as he was about to leap out to the bloodiest front of the battlefield, Xu Yue's movements suddenly paused. He felt an extremely dangerous gaze coming at him.

The mere attention caused the beast instinct in his body to frantically warn him. His blood-red pupils shrank slightly, and the corners of his mouth quietly opened an arc, and then he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of his gaze.

As expected, it was Qin, or Phoenix, who was spying on him.

Under the dim light, a beautiful figure in dark red clothes was standing on the top of the broken bridge. Under the flowing red hair was a pair of eyes intertwined with passion and indifference. When their eyes met, Xu Yue seemed to see a terrifying fire phoenix that could reach the sky and the earth slowly spreading its wings behind this beautiful figure.

Wherever the wings swept, the elements retreated, everything was annihilated, and even the burning fire in his dantian began to frantically stir, and waves of passionate and eager emotions rose in his mind.

I don’t know how long it took, when Xu Yue came to his senses again, Qin on the opposite side had already retracted his gaze, and he still stayed where he was without moving at all.

“This is the Phoenix…”

Muttering, Xu Yue quickly lowered his eyes to cover up his greed that was difficult to restrain for a while. At this moment, a group photo suddenly passed by not far to his right, and fell heavily to the ground and exploded with a large amount of smoke and dust.

Soon the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing a white-haired figure in a miserable state inside.


In the pit on the surface, a broken black cloak was spread flat, and on the cloak lay Storm, who was covered in blood. Under the hole in her uniform that was obviously torn by a sharp weapon was wheat-colored smooth skin, and irregular wounds on her skin that were constantly opening and closing like a child’s lips.

And every time she breathes in and out, a lot of blood will be pumped out of the wound, and there is no sign of healing for a long time.

Storm is not like Logan. Although she is very capable of manipulating wind and thunder, her relatively weak body is her biggest weakness. Her high-profile appearance above everyone on the battlefield caused her to suffer a small loss. After landing on the surface, she was surrounded and killed by many powerful people.

She can hold on until now, which is a representative of her strong strength. However, with the increasing weakness caused by excessive blood loss, she feels more and more powerless and shows a decline in the battle.

Hearing Xu Yue's call, Storm hurriedly struggled to get up from the ground, her slightly pale lips moved, and she said:

"Did you get it done in the lab?"

"Yeah, but... you seem to have encountered some troubles here."

A strong wind whistled in front of Xu Yue, and a female mutant with the same shamatte look as Arclight and others before suddenly appeared in the wind, with a long afterimage left in the air after high-speed movement behind her.

Nightwalker stopped, she first looked at the Worthington Laboratory with cracks all over its body and the huge pit on the outer wall, and finally looked at Xu Yue who was standing in front of her with a halberd.

Through the mutant ability that can detect talents, she can sense that the man in front of her is quite dangerous, but Arclight and others who entered the lab before are very important to her, and she can't just ignore it.

A trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she frowned and said:

"You came out of the lab? Did you meet any members of our fraternity on the way?"

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