Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 390: Sweeping with a Halberd

As the raised upper body of the giant beast Ba Xia was smashed down, waves of earth suddenly rolled up where the thick front feet met the ground. In the violent roar, Ba Xia turned into countless earth-yellow airflows and poured into the ground.

Then the island shook and the earth cracked, like a high-intensity earthquake erupting here. Deep vertical and horizontal cracks spread to a hundred meters away in an instant. Centered on Baxia's foothold, the surrounding land plates of tens of meters were almost Throughout the fall, all those who could not escape from this area in time were immediately swallowed up by the land that turned into an abyss.

And this is just the prologue before the disaster begins. As the massive mountain air that has been accumulated for a long time erupts again deep in the ground, a more ferocious earthquake is felt from under the feet, and a deep earthy yellow luster comes from every line on the surface. It emerged from the gap and then exploded.

In an instant, the earth dragon turned over, with a deafening roar. Countless large rocks exploded from the surface, and then, under the effect of the 'Mountain Breaking' passive skill, these rocks flew in the air. The rock exploded again.

Just like thousands of stone grenades detonating at the same time, the surging air waves that gathered together suddenly turned into a mighty ripple wave that spread outward layer by layer in the air. The unfolding air waves seemed to be slow but actually fast, just a few breaths away. After that, it went straight across the entire island battlefield. Wherever it passed, many beings whose basic attributes were not strong enough were directly lifted away. For a while, people were flying, and the impact was widespread.

The movement this time was incomparable to the rising fire balls before. After the air wave swept across the entire battlefield, the chaotic fighting on the entire battlefield came to a brief standstill, whether it was the trembling ground under your feet or the sounds in your ears. The continuous roar caused them to unconsciously focus all their attention on the rear of the battlefield where the explosion started.

Looking around, I saw that the Worthington Laboratory in the rear was completely shrouded in a large spread of smoke and dust, and a giant gray mushroom cloud more than several meters high suddenly emerged.

Inside the smoke and dust are countless tiny stone fragments that are still flying and sputtering in the void. The sound of breaking through the air, which is as fine as the cry of a thousand birds, is occasionally mixed with several rapid and shrill screams.

On the periphery of the mushroom cloud, ugly surface cracks are growing and spreading outward in a radial manner. However, compared to the density of cracks inside the smoke, the distribution of ground cracks on the outside appears to be much sparser.

On the land between these cracks, gloomy-looking contractors were scattered. Although their positions were different, they all turned their backs to the crowd and stared at the chaotic area in front of them that was shrouded in thick smoke and dust.

These are the group of contractors who participated in the siege of Xu Yue before. When Ba's giant beast smashed on the ground, either because they were in a far back position or because of their superb escape methods, they all managed to escape Ba at the critical moment. That massive blow to the ground.

However, although the physical damage was avoided, the shock in the heart was not reduced at all. With one blow, the ground cracked and the mountains collapsed, and the erosion was hundreds of meters, directly sinking most of their members. This level of attack was absolutely unparalleled in the entire second level. It is a rare existence, at least no one in the field can do it.

Even though they all know that this method is unlikely to be used frequently in a short period of time, it is obvious that even if the skill of summoning giant beasts cannot be used, the target's other abilities must not be weak, so they can continue to surround and kill. , perhaps therefore the risk of death will be much higher than the possible gain.

Thinking of this, contractors began to retreat quietly in the crowd. After a while, the number of sparsely distributed encirclements gradually dropped to less than ten.

As for the remaining contractors, some of them are too greedy and do not intend to be easily scared away, while others have various special reasons why they cannot give up casually.

Among them, the puppet masters and others of the drama adventure group undoubtedly belong to the latter group. Before they get the exact information about the mutant Jimmy from Xu Yue, they have no right to retreat, otherwise the group leader will not be able to spare them.

Staring at the smoke and dust area in front of her that was gradually calming down, Yue Qin, who was located behind the puppet master to the right, frowned and at the same time spoke loudly and encouraged the many contractors around who looked hesitant:

"You don't need to be too afraid. The blow just now was just louder and affected a wider range. The lethality was not as terrible as imagined. Whether it was the cracking of the ground or the exploding gravel, it was still far away. To the point of killing us instantly.”

"The reason why the contractors who were trapped in the smoke and dust at this time have never been able to escape is just because the target is taking advantage of the chaotic environment to divide and kill them one by one. The opponent facing us in the open area is definitely not us. opponent."

"Moreover, the target was not unscathed in the previous joint bombing. In addition, the mana must be consumed a lot now, so we have an advantage now!"

"Everyone, get ready. The strangulation inside is almost over. Let's work together to kill him!"


After Yue Qin's loud encouragement, the originally sluggish atmosphere at the scene finally returned to a bit of solemnity. As soon as she finished speaking, a raging hurricane was summoned by a magic contractor with a wave of his hand.

The roar of the wind blew away most of the thick smoke and dust in front of the crowd in an instant, and the tragic scene inside also came into view.

As far as the eye can see, the land is devastated by cracks and falling rocks. Different land plates are staggered, like a broken old chessboard, and there is almost no flat and wide place to stand on.

The only chess pieces dotted on this chessboard are the bloody corpses with different causes of death. They are scattered everywhere, some are directly smashed by large pieces of falling rocks, and some are full of sharp stone fragments. But more of them are cut in two by sharp weapons, and the head and upper body are smashed by heavy weapons. It is obvious that they are man-made.

Just a simple sweep, there are at least dozens of cruel corpses exposed on the surface of the field, which makes people feel cold, and this does not count the parts that are directly swallowed by the cracks in the ground that suddenly cracked.

Suddenly, just as everyone was looking at the battlefield, a black shadow suddenly flew out from the smoke and dust that had not yet been dispersed. This stimulated the nerves that had become extremely tense due to the large number of corpses in the field of vision.

So before they could confirm the specific identity of the black shadow, the intensive long-range attacks that had been ready for a long time were directly thrown by everyone, and they surged towards the black shadow that had not yet landed.

"Wait! He is not..."

Behind the crowd, Yueqin, who was the main attack reconnaissance and auxiliary skills, discovered the abnormality of the black shadow at the first time. Although the other party was still breathing, he was extremely weak and obviously not the target they were going to deal with.

It was obvious that she was a step late in speaking out to stop it. Before she finished speaking, the boiling and exploding flames had completely enveloped the figure in the air. Even before it landed, the figure turned into a pile of charred and broken scattered pieces of meat.

His eyes paused slightly on the fallen corpse, and Master Ou's face changed, and an extremely bad feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

‘No, we are making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, so the target of attack must be the weakest point, which is… the back of the team! ’

Thoughts surged in his mind, and after realizing the most likely position for the enemy to launch an attack, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly turned his head to look at the back where many fragile contractors such as auxiliary and long-range contractors were gathered.

But as soon as his vision shifted, he saw the shadow behind him suddenly wriggle strangely, and then a tall knight riding a ferocious beast quietly jumped out of the shadow, and the sticky black evil spirit expanded outward. The knight swung a two-foot-long Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand, and blood waves rolled wherever he passed, and then the dazzling red covered the entire vision of the puppet master.

Behind the team, a ring of blood-colored waves was seen surging, and delicate minced meat and pale bones flew out simultaneously. The strong smell of blood instantly filled the whole scene. Under the waves, the incomplete corpses that disappeared from the waist up fell together.

In the middle of the fallen corpse, Xu Yue, riding on the fierce beast Taotie, had a cold look in his eyes. The long halberd in his hand was full of evil spirits, and the red armor around him was dripping with blood. As his mouth and nose opened slightly and he took a long breath, the blood-colored wave in the air that had not yet landed seemed to be inspired by something, and suddenly turned into dozens of flying blood-colored ribbons, which began to automatically merge into the armor one after another.

A large amount of fresh blood was swallowed by the red prison, making the armor itself more and more scarlet, and the gurgling heat flow also flowed through Xu Yue's body, causing his health and mana that had been damaged by the previous battles to recover at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the contractors who were still on the periphery suddenly discovered that the target of the siege that they had been vigilant against had now quietly moved from the smoke and dust in front of them that had not yet dissipated to the back of their weakest team.

And within the first moment after he appeared, he used a halberd to directly kill nearly 80% of their auxiliary control contractors, including Yueqin who was the first to notice something wrong.

The ability of shadow jumping is comparable to the divine skill of the space system in the dark night. It gives Xu Yue absolute mobility that is almost unrestricted. With the combination of the two, he will become the most terrifying assassin in the dark night, and his deterrence has increased several times.

It only takes one close opportunity, and those fragile contractors can't hold on for a few breaths under the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand, which covers an area of ​​up to six meters. It can be said that they will collapse at the touch and disappear in an instant.

A pair of eyes full of astonishment looked back and saw that in the focus of the field of vision, the indifferent Scarlet Knight was lingering by more than a dozen flying and circling blood-colored silks. Or he noticed the eyes of the crowd, and the blood in his eyes rose, and then the Fang Tian Hua Ji with murderous aura was swung away by him.

During the swing, the long halberd that was swinging in the air began to grow with the wind, from the initial three meters, to five meters, seven meters, nine meters...

Finally, in the eyes of everyone in shock, the Fang Tian Hua Ji suddenly turned into a ten-meter-long, meter-thick dragon-shaped pillar, and smashed into the air with a whistling wind and a terrifying power that seemed unstoppable.

The increase in the size of the giant halberd was far more than just a simple volume. Its power was also geometrically doubled. Wherever the dragon-shaped pillar passed, it seemed that even the void was groaning and trembling. The squeezed airflow hissed and roared at the end of the halberd, and the wind it raised was even more terrifying and fierce than the tornado group guided by Storm Girl before.

Just watching from a distance gave people an extreme sense of oppression that made it difficult to breathe, and the many contractors who faced the pressure of the pillar at this time were even more unbearable.

‘If you can't take it, you will be crippled if you don't die, so... run! ’

The pupils in his eye sockets, which had shrunk to the size of a needle tip, were still trembling. The giant pillar had not yet arrived, but the raging wind that had arrived earlier had already torn the faces of the contractors into pieces, and at the same time, the courage and confidence of everyone to confront it head-on was torn to pieces. The idea of ​​retreating suddenly grew wildly in everyone's mind.

However, facing Xu Yue's exaggerated attack with nearly 60 points of strength attribute and a coverage area of ​​about 20 meters, there were very few people who could escape safely.

The next moment, the figures in the raging wind flew and scattered, and blood rain poured down. With just one blow, except for a few people, almost all the contractors who participated in the siege were killed or injured. Most of the stronger ones were seriously injured and dying, and their bones and flesh turned into mud, while those with weaker bodies basically fell into the same fate as those fragile assistants, and were directly turned into blood rain and flesh slurry, and there was no body left.

At the original place, after swinging for a week, the Fang Tian Hua Ji returned to its normal size and was taken back by Xu Yue. The power of the long halberd in the giant state was terrifying, but because of this, he could only swing it with the momentum, and it was impossible to use it under normal circumstances, unless he was giantized together with it.

But at the moment, these opponents who had already suffered heavy casualties were obviously not worth him using this huge cost-consuming move. As his eyes moved, he took all the surviving contractors around him into his mind.

Then, a few purple fluorescent spots automatically flew out of the body surface. Xu Yue stretched out his hand and waved, and more than a dozen fragments of the magic knife flew out like hidden weapons. At the same time, his drooping legs lightly clamped the belly of the mount.

The Taotie under him immediately understood, and the black fur on his body rippled and tumbled. It carried Xu Yue and jumped out lightly, and both of them merged into the shadow and disappeared without a trace.

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