Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 391 Now, kill them all!

On the battlefield, after swinging his halberd and killing most of the contractors around him, Xu Yue did not intend to let go of those who were still alive.

After all, the example of not killing the snake but suffering from it is not uncommon in this reincarnation paradise full of infinite possibilities. Since he has already started, it is best to cut the grass and root it out.

So more than a dozen purple streamers began to fly around under the attachment and manipulation of the split thoughts, and accurately locked all the contractors who were seriously injured and dying but still had a few breaths left in the venue.

The sound of breaking through the air was as subtle as a mosquito. After a few breaths, the fragments of the magic knife contained in these flying streamers penetrated from the target's eyebrows one after another, and then flew out from the back of the head. In an instant, blood flowers appeared and a little red was soaked.

The target didn't even have time to feel the pain, only felt a numbness in the center of the eyebrows, and then the consciousness fell into eternal silence, leaving only a red dot in the center of the eyebrows and the rapidly disintegrating pupils in the eye sockets to indicate the fact that they had died one after another, and the already weak breaths around them were completely cut off.

While the purple streamer was harvesting lives one by one, Xu Yue on the other side was not idle either. However, compared with the seriously injured contractors harvested by the streamer, he was chasing and killing those who were safe and sound under the sweep of the long halberd and were able to escape in all directions.

On the battlefield, a contractor wearing assassin leather armor was desperately fleeing, but as the heavy shadow at his feet rolled and twisted rapidly, his running steps suddenly stopped, and a few traces of despair appeared in his already panicked eyes. He opened his lips slightly, and while he opened his mouth to speak, his body also jumped away to dodge.

But before the voice could be heard, a Fang Tian Hua Ji whistled out from the surging shadow and tore apart all the noise in the air, and the figure of the Queen who was retreating in the air was torn apart together with it.

Two broken legs fell straight from the sky, and a faint blood mist spread on the spot. In the blood mist, a tall knight with a scarlet body stood proudly.

With a light wave of the long halberd in his hand, the knight sprinkled all the blood stains on the halberd, forming a long mottled blood mark on the surface. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the broken limbs below. He retracted his sight indifferently, and then the fierce beast Taotie under him jumped out and disappeared into the shadow again.

A moment later, the same shadow surged at the other end of the battlefield, and the blood mist spread. Soon, another fleeing contractor was easily slaughtered by the fiercely smashed long halberd.

Taotie, which has the ability to jump in the shadows, is like a fish in water in the dark night, and Xu Yue's figure has become weird and unpredictable. The extreme mobility coupled with the brutal long halberd that almost collapses at the touch makes him the most terrifying bloody hunter with the most terrifying killing efficiency on this battlefield.

Every time the tall knight riding the ferocious beast jumps out of the shadows, in an instant, a contractor will go to extinction in an extremely tragic and violent way, without exception.

Even the most defensive meat tank contractors, after being successfully approached by him, basically can't survive three hits of the long halberd. Often, one hit breaks the shield and armor, the second hit is seriously injured and dying, and the third hit turns blood and flesh into mud, not to mention those who are already weak in physique. Most of them only need to swing the halberd, and they will end up with blood and flesh all over the sky and die on the spot.

In the distance, the people who had temporarily stopped fighting because of the huge noise caused by Ba Xia's pounding on the ground did not fight again, but turned their attention to the bloody massacre that was going on behind the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, the main reason why the Brotherhood led the crowd to attack Devil's Island was to kill the mutant Jimmy imprisoned in the Worthington Laboratory.

Now, the fight that broke out near the laboratory behind the battlefield showed a possibility, that is, when they were still fighting desperately, Jimmy might have been taken away by someone first.

So before they figured out the real situation of the laboratory, their fight was meaningless. Instead of continuing blindly, it would be better to wait for a while.

So a pair of eyes with unknown meaning began to look back, and saw a scarlet knight flashing in the dim light, and every time he appeared, a bright blood mist suddenly bloomed in the air.

The dissipated mist slowly spread in the air, and soon the entire battlefield was stained with a faint red. Even the lights cast at the edge of the island were eroded into a strange color.

As if a blood-colored filter was put on everyone, the cruel and efficient killing in the distance never stopped. Slowly, even the nose was gradually covered by the rich and sticky smell of blood.

Although there were not many people who mastered the ability of teleportation on the battlefield, there were still a few of them, but no one could be as devastating as the Scarlet Knight. This was a cruel and elegant bloody massacre created by the perfect combination of extreme dexterity and violent power.

The Scarlet Knight, who was floating and flashing in the blood-colored mist, would splash a trace of blood in the air every time he swung the halberd in his hand. The dim and hazy night was the best background curtain, and the rapid wailing of the deceased before his death was the best music drumbeat.

Looking around, the Scarlet Knight's slaughter process actually revealed a strange primitive charm, like a carefully choreographed bloody drama, which made the many spectators in the distance feel cold all over, breathe rapidly, and have red eyes.

Soon, the efficient killing did not last too long. With the last shrill scream, it officially announced that all the contractors locked by Xu Yue were killed or injured.

The scarlet knight riding the ferocious beast disappeared into the shadows in the drifting blood mist, and when he reappeared, he was back on the broken ground covered with vertical and horizontal cracks and various fallen rocks.

At this time, the rising and spreading smoke and dust had dissipated, and the Worthington Laboratory in the back also appeared in everyone's eyes again. However, after experiencing the shock wave bombardment from the inside and the landslide caused by the giant beast, the laboratory is now in ruins, with only a pile of broken walls and ruins standing.

Most of the main buildings collapsed completely due to the violent earthquake that broke out at close range not long ago. This miserable ruin also clearly announced a fact to everyone in the scene. If Jimmy is still in the laboratory, then he is most likely to become a bloody meat paste filled between bricks and rubble.

"It's obvious that the antidote has been destroyed along with the collapse of the laboratory, so do you still want to continue fighting?"

In front of the ruins, the Taotie under Xu Yue turned into a shadow and dissipated, and he glanced at the people in front of him indifferently among the countless swirling blood-colored silks, and at the same time, the voice wrapped in a cold and murderous aura began to spread rapidly.

Upon hearing this, everyone in the field suddenly had different expressions. The Brotherhood showed confusion, while the human side had complicated eyes, but no matter what their expressions were, the desire to fight between the two sides was simultaneously waning.

In fact, the cruelty of this battle was completely beyond the expectations of both sides. At this moment, the number of corpses scattered and piled on the island has reached an astonishing hundreds of thousands, among which the casualties of the human army were the most tragic. If it weren't for the X-Men coming to help at the critical moment, perhaps they would have been slaughtered one-sidedly.

Although the mutants suffered less casualties, their morale was hit harder. Compared to the well-trained army on the other side, they were actually not much different from a mob. After all, a few days ago, most of them were just members of underground gangs fighting for power at the bottom of society.

When they were fighting in a favorable situation, they might rush forward and be extremely fierce, but once the situation was deadlocked or even at a disadvantage, the fear of death in their hearts would unconsciously grow rapidly.

They had no time to think during the fierce fighting, and until now when the fighting stopped, looking at the miserable corpses with different death conditions around them, a sense of panic like a venomous snake began to surge in their hearts, drowning the surging fighting spirit in their hearts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, when both sides were weak in fighting spirit, Xu Yue's light words were like a basin of cold water poured on their heads, completely extinguishing the few fighting desires on the battlefield. The battlefield, which was originally tense and full of fighting, fell into an unspeakable silence because of these few words.

As for the many contractors who were mixed in the two forces, they were naturally unwilling to let the chaotic fight that allowed them to fish in troubled waters end. However, Xu Yue's invincible bloody massacre not long ago obviously played an excellent deterrent role, so no one jumped out to openly question it for a while.

The silence lasted for a few breaths until a majestic old man with a cloak rolling in the sky slowly fell down, which completely broke the stagnant atmosphere in the field.

"Whether the war continues or not does not depend on the child named Jimmy, kid, he is just an inducement. Since humans have taken the initiative to provoke the war, when and how it ends will depend on us..."

Unlike the professor's gentleness and humility, although they are of similar age, Magneto's voice is extremely tough. Even if his tone is still gentle at this time, his words always reveal a sense of iron and blood that cannot be resisted.

The only common feature is that both of them speak with a firm belief that makes people believe in it. This is a common feature brought to them by being in the position of spiritual leaders for decades.

"So, kid, are you a mutant or one of those pathetic humans?"

The tough voice was still ringing above, Xu Yue looked up and saw a figure with a dark red cape swaggering and rolling behind him floating in the air. The old face under the metal helmet was full of wrinkles, but the eyes were extremely bright and clear, and contained a pure determination after seeing through the world.

When their eyes met, Xu Yue actually had the illusion of seeing the professor, but the emotions contained in these eyes were more iron-blooded and murderous, and carried a hint of scrutiny.

"Of course it's the former, but blind war has no effect except to intensify conflicts, and... we have no chance of winning now."

Even though he solved dozens of special models of sentinel robots by himself not long ago, Magneto is still in a stable breath, and even his clothes are still clean and new, without any signs of having just experienced a brutal fight.

After hearing the reply from below, he lowered his eyes and glanced at the blood-colored silk that was being swallowed up and absorbed around Xu Yue, as well as the miserable corpses piled up randomly on the surface. His eyebrows were slightly raised, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

This kid? Is he really Charles' student?

"Although it's still some clichés, it's much better than Charles's hypocritical kindness. Are you really his student?"

"Of course."

After the words fell, the corners of Magneto's lips, which were tightly pursed in the air, actually lifted up an arc for the first time, and his cold face also showed a bit of softness.

Although Xu Yue had just killed many members of the Brotherhood, he believed in the law of survival of the fittest and obviously did not care about the sacrifice of his men. As long as they were all compatriots, instead of mourning the death of the weak, it would be better to try to recruit this young compatriot who was strong and cruel.

What's more, the other party was Charles' student, a student who was much tougher than the wolverine!

"Ha, it's rare that Charles can teach a student like you, but you are not suitable for the academy. Those naive X-Men will only restrain your power. Join my Brotherhood. I will give you the most favorable conditions and let you completely liberate your talents. How about it?"

[Monitoring the invitation of the Brotherhood leader, after agreeing, the Hunter's camp will be changed from X-Men to Mutant Brotherhood, the main task will be changed accordingly, the camp reputation will be automatically locked to respect, and you will get any camp's special rewards: Mutant talent awakening opportunity (1/1), dark purple metal forging materials (optional), camp store...]


As Magneto's solicitation sounded, a paradise prompt also popped up in front of Xu Yue. His eyes swept over the special rewards at the end of the prompt. His eyebrows jumped slightly. It can only be said that it is worthy of being a mutant brotherhood with an entire all-metal island overseas. It is indeed rich and powerful.

Of course, the rewards from the X-Men camp are not inferior. Whether it is the various advanced knowledge of the psychic system that he has learned from the professor during this period, or the dozens of mutant blood wrapped in special capsules in the Qiankun Gourd, they are only part of the rewards.

In terms of atmosphere, Professor X is not inferior to Magneto in any way. It’s just that because of the different emphasis, the way of expressing the rewards is not consistent, but it appears more restrained.

Turning off the paradise prompt in front of him, Xu Yue raised his eyes again to meet Magneto’s bright eyes under the helmet, and said lightly:

"Sorry, I am the professor’s student, Mr. Magneto."

"So, do you want to continue?"


The four looked at each other, and Magneto did not respond immediately, but the corners of his mouth turned back to a cold and hard state, and the softness on his face turned into an extreme indifference like cold iron.

"Heh, Charles..."

After a meaningless chuckle, he no longer paid attention to Xu Yue below, but looked directly at the battlefield on the other side of the island that had temporarily stagnated, and said lightly:

"Humans have provoked, they have started a war, so this battle will never stop until one side is completely defeated!"

"Now, kill them all!"

"Let humans open their eyes and see the anger of us mutants!"

The cold words swept across the entire island in an instant like a cold wind. As soon as the words fell, the battlefield that had been calmed down suddenly rioted, and the deafening shouts of killing rushed straight into the sky.

Maybe because of the leader's prestige, or because of the worship of power, in short, with the resounding of Magneto's war declaration, the two camps on the island once again stepped into a life-and-death battle.

Moreover, unlike the previous evenly matched situation, the battlefield at this moment has returned to the situation of being crushed by the Brotherhood. Even with the help of many X-Men members, it is useless. During this period, a large number of contractors belonging to the human side began to quietly escape from the island.

After all, Magneto has freed up his hands. The risk of continuing to fight is doubled, not to mention that there is a more powerful Phoenix behind that may explode at any time. If you don't escape now, you may never have a chance to escape again.

In the sky, Magneto glanced at the contractors who were fleeing outside the battlefield, with a sarcastic look on his face, but he did not stop them. Compared with those cowards, he has a better target to deal with personally.

His sight shifted, and he looked down at the silent Scarlet Knight below, with an indifferent tone.

"I think my answer is clear enough. Now, we can continue. Where is Jimmy?"

"I can sense that his human magnetic field had shifted before the lab collapsed, so you'd better answer me honestly."

Below, facing Magneto's question, Xu Yue didn't even look up. His attention was now on the small metal ball in his hand.

[Comparing the intelligence attributes of both parties..., comparison completed, our intelligence is ? ? ? times that of the enemy, and 32% of the enemy's information is obtained]

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