Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 395 Red Lotus Appears

"What is that?!"

On the coast of San Francisco, following the runaway incident on the Golden Gate Bridge in the afternoon, the people along the coast and the stationed troops witnessed the birth of the second anomaly again at night - the red sun is rising!

In the dark night, a golden red sun emitting infinite flames suddenly pierced the darkness and slowly rose from the center of the bay in the distance. There were noises on both sides of the coast. Through the bright flames, everyone could clearly see that under the scorching sun was Alcatraz, which was heavily blocked by the government not long ago, and above it was a huge shadow similar to heavy clouds.

Even if they didn't know the specific situation on Alcatraz, anyone who had some understanding of the inside story of the antidote, when they saw this scorching sun, they immediately realized that the battle between humans and mutants might have started.


Golden Gate Bridge, the human support troops who had rushed to the center of the bridge naturally saw the golden red sun rising in front of them. Even though they were still far away, they could still feel the rolling heat waves coming in front of them.

The morale that had just been raised was soon on the verge of collapse in front of this shocking scene that could be called a myth coming to reality. The crowd suddenly heard the sound of swallowing saliva. After the footsteps stopped for a moment, a difficult question came from behind.

"Captain, is this level of power really what we can deal with? Is it necessary for us to rush to the battlefield? Or... Is there any meaning for us to join the battlefield now?"

Whether it was the previous metal tide that spread across the sky, or the golden red sun that rose slowly today, these were obviously not what the poor plastic guns in their hands could deal with. When the gap in combat power widened to a certain extent, the human wave tactics that had always been successful gradually lost their meaning.

A round of scorching sun fell down, and they probably didn't even have the chance to pull the trigger, and they all turned into ashes.

At the front of the team, listening to the doubts from the back, the captain in front gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"No matter how powerful the mutants are, we only need to hit them with one shot to make them lose all their strength, and now is the best opportunity, so... everyone set off!!"


While the troops on the Golden Gate Bridge were moving quickly towards the island, the people on the island were scrambling to escape.

Unlike the spectators on the coast who were watching from afar, the people who were directly under the scorching sun at this moment were truly experiencing it. The golden red scorching sun, which was about several meters in size, was hanging in the sky, and the flames cast almost made the entire island golden and red.

The temperature around was raised to a terrifying level that ordinary people could not bear, and the sea surface outside the island, which was constantly surging with boiling bubbles, served as a good proof of this.

As the sea of ​​fire gathered into a scorching sun, the idea of ​​continuing to fight was completely cut off. Now the only thought of everyone was to immediately escape from this damn battlefield that was about to become purgatory.

"This is the second level?!"

On the edge of Devil Island, a contractor with red cheeks was looking up at the golden red sun in the sky with his pupils dilated. His words were quite fierce. After venting his emotions, he retracted his gaze and looked at the head of the Ximing group beside him.

"Captain, should we continue to stay? If this fireball falls, the whole island will be burned to a scorched earth."

"… Stay away from the battlefield for the time being, retreat!"

After a few breaths, the order to retreat was spread from the pale mask whose expression could never be seen clearly. Then, many contractors gathered at the edge of the island began to flee impatiently, and immediately splashed waves on the sea below.

As the field of vision rose and expanded, it could be clearly seen that on both sides of the Devil Island, there were also a large number of people jumping into the sea and leaving. Under the current situation, there were very few people who dared to stay on the island safely.


Above the island, Magneto, who was suspended in the sky, did not notice the Brotherhood members who were fleeing from the coast. His attention was now focused on the golden red sun rising from below.

Unlike the previous appreciation, his eyes were now full of solemnity. As the sea of ​​fire on the surface gathered into a fireball, the sense of oppression it emitted increased by more than ten times on the spot. What's more, as the fireball rose, the sense of oppression continued to increase.

If Xu Yue was just a junior whom he admired not long ago, then the opponent at this time had become an opponent that he needed to pay great attention to. At least the scorching sun below must not be allowed to get closer.

The terrifying sense of oppression that followed, even Magneto felt a faint shudder from it. Regardless of ancient and modern times, among the many symbolic meanings represented by fire, the extreme destruction of burning everything is often the most significant existence.

"I underestimated you."

With his eyes slightly drooping, Magneto stared at the blazing sun that was approaching rapidly below him. While raising his body, he also manipulated the surrounding metal frenzy that stretched for more than ten meters to completely riot.

This time, it will no longer be divided into several metal torrents falling down, but the entire frenzy will directly cover the sky and press down fiercely.

A rumbling sound like a rushing flood resounded throughout the fields. The metal tide that was lingering in the sky began to collapse rapidly in the rumbling sound, and soon turned into a giant metal tornado shaped like a funnel. The tornado fell down with an indomitable momentum, and then directly hit the golden red sun that was rising into the sky.

The two giants, both with different forms but both with magnificent momentum, collided head-on in mid-air. There was no deafening roar, but in silence, the tip of the tornado that came into contact with the scorching sun was melted directly,

Just like placing a red-hot metal ball on a large block of ice. Under the extremely high temperature, the ice will melt silently in an instant, and the metal ball will also melt into the ice like a broken bamboo.

The scene in mid-air at this time is extremely close to this picture. The scorching sun easily drilled into the metal tornado above without any sound, and at the breach of the tornado, a large amount of melted red iron water was falling continuously, stirring up a large amount of smoke on the surface of the island below.

Afterwards, the metal tornado was not just passively enduring the high-temperature melting ice. When the golden-red flames completely penetrated the interior of the tornado, the gap at the lower end that was pouring molten iron closed instantly, and then the entire tornado began to collapse and gather inward in a violent wriggling.

In the sky, Magneto, who was quietly suspended above it, pressed down with his palms together. Under his control, the majestic invisible magnetic force began to gather on the surface of the metal tornado and compressed it inward. With the sound of "crackling" metal squeezing, the originally irregular metal tornado was soon forcibly shaped into a huge red sphere.

Since the terrifying high temperature of the scorching sun can easily turn it into a liquid gold and smelting stone, Magneto used a large amount of metal that far exceeded the volume of the scorching sun to wrap it up and squeeze it, so as to forcibly curb the opponent's rapid approach, and the dense metal that was constantly pressing in the sphere would continue to consume the firepower of the scorching sun, so that it would be gradually swallowed up.

The plan went smoothly. After a moment, the golden red sun in the air disappeared without a trace, leaving only the giant metal sphere that was still collapsing inwards. However, through the tiny cracks on the surface of the sphere, it seemed that wisps of flames were still coming out from the inside of the sphere.

In the sky, Magneto, with bloodshot pupils, was staring at the giant sphere under him. The old neck in the collar was bursting with blue veins due to the intense force. It was impossible to trap the golden red sun formed by countless pure Yangyan. Simply using these conventional metals that could not even reach blue quality could not do it. Even if there were more of them, the inherent fragility was always an absolute flaw.

These metals were just carriers. The main role in it was still played by the vast magnetic force driven by Magneto. They jointly constructed a special energy field, which tightly bound the scorching sun and continuously consumed it.

However, it was obvious that the energy contained in the golden red sun far exceeded Magneto's expectations. The difficulty of completely binding it even reminded him of the feeling of forcibly lifting a nuclear submarine from the bottom of the sea when he was young. You know, he didn't look so embarrassed when he lifted the entire Golden Gate Bridge not long ago.


A muffled groan came out of his nose, and even a faint blood color appeared. Magneto's face sank. The resistance from the sphere was so strong that it made his brain feel stinging.

'I can't continue to suppress it by force, otherwise the force field will be torn apart directly. Now I can only throw it into the bay to reduce its power as much as possible. '

Thoughts surged in his mind, and with the idea of ​​retreating, the majestic magnetic force gathered on the surface of the metal sphere gradually showed signs of collapse.

So, when Magneto was about to manipulate the sphere to throw it directly into the bay below, endless bright flames had already torn open the shackles and poured out from the inside of the broken sphere.


The violent roar that pierced through the clouds and split the rocks surged outward, and even the city of San Francisco, far away in the bay, was shaken by it. A large number of people who heard the roar looked up in the direction of the sound source.

On the horizon, a gorgeous giant red lotus bloomed in layers in the night sky, so beautiful that it was beyond description. The brilliant golden-red flames even spread all the way to half of the city of San Francisco.

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