Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 396 Thunder Falls

Above Devil Island, huge and gorgeous fire lotuses bloomed layer by layer in the air, and spreading outward with them, in addition to the terrifying high temperature and dazzling flames, there were also countless pieces of broken metal that were difficult to estimate.

Thanks to the effective assistance of Magneto, this blooming of the red lotus can be said to be the most exaggerated fragmentation bomb in terms of size and power in this century.

When the red lotus bloomed from the inside out, the outer spherical shell weighing more than 10,000 tons was also shattered into countless metal fragments at the same time.

The terrifying screams emitted by this even covered up the violent roar that resounded through the sky, and not only was the momentum terrifying, but the killing power it produced was even more exaggerated.

Under the red lotus, the land was disintegrating and the sea was churning. Because at the last moment of the explosion, Magneto was about to throw the ball into the bay. Although it failed to succeed completely, it caused the position where the red lotus finally bloomed to be much lower than expected, and most of the power was released in the islands below and the surrounding seas.

With Devil's Island as the center, the surrounding sea area of ​​about half a kilometer was turned into a purgatory in an instant. First, the overwhelming metal debris tore everything apart with a piercing scream, and large pieces of gravel and waves splashed and boiled under the dense debris.

The island, where most of the population had been evacuated, was fine. Although its surface was covered with dense metal fragments, almost turning it into a giant hedgehog, fortunately, the casualties were not serious, especially at the Golden Gate Bridge on the edge of the island. Qin, standing on the top of the broken bridge, was the best stabilizer. Any metal fragments approaching her within a few feet would be silently disintegrated into powder.

The sea area around the island was quite different. A large number of miserable corpses with different causes of death floated in the churning waves, and the blood stains spread from them dyed the entire sea area scarlet. No matter whether they were humans, mutants, or individual contractors, they had just escaped from Devil's Island when the devastating blows from the sky followed one after another. Facing the metal fragments that fell like a rainstorm, their fates were surprisingly the same.

Then the pouring metal rain stopped, but what followed was a terrifying high temperature with even more lethality. Layers of flaming lotus petals slowly unfolded in the air. Although they never touched the surface of the earth or the sea, the high-temperature burning wind on the periphery was howling and sweeping. Wherever the burning wind passed, the waves surged, the sea surface evaporated, and a huge amount of seawater was instantly evaporated, turning into white mist rising and overflowing in the sky.

For a while, the white mist rolled under the red lotus, and it was ethereal and seemed like a fairyland. However, there were no immortals living in seclusion, flying white cranes, or anything in this fairyland. There were only charred corpses rising and falling in the boiling sea water, and miserable wails sounded one after another.

When the metal fragments were shot not long ago, many people who had noticed the crisis in advance dived into the depths of the bay at a very fast speed in advance. Through the damping effect of the sea water, they successfully avoided the first round of fragments, but the second round of burning wind whistled and sent them to hell again.

The seawater was instantly boiled by the high temperature carried by the foehn wind, resulting in the tragic situation of flesh and blood falling off bones in the boiling water for the creatures in the sea area. This was the case for fish, and humans were no exception. Many creatures that did not dive deep enough were quickly cooked alive by the boiling seawater.

Under the dual pressure of high temperature and suffocation, one after another, the helpless figures floated to the surface of the sea, but what greeted them was not life, but the high-temperature foehn wind that could easily turn flesh and blood into charred corpses.

[You killed the US Army Lieutenant—Andrew]

[Andrew is a senior non-commissioned officer of the Federation Military in the X-Men World. You obtained 1.9% of the World Source, and now you have obtained 22.2% of the World Source in total]


[You killed the Lizard—Vade Byron]

[The Lizard is a member of the Mutant Brotherhood in the X-Men World. You obtained 2.2% of the World Source, and now you have obtained 24.3% of the World Source in total]


[You killed the Fire Man—John]

[The Fire Man is an elite mutant in the X-Men World. You obtained 3.3% of the World Source, and now you have obtained 46.7% of the World Source in total]


At the center of the Red Lotus, more than ten Paradise prompts rang in Xu Yue's ears. Although the giant fire lotus that consumed the feasting fire generated by dozens of contractors did not cause any obvious injuries to Magneto, the mutants and human non-commissioned officers who died in the Red Lotus brought him a lot of World Source benefits.

After careful counting, the amount of world source obtained was as much as 20%, which was slightly more than all the gains obtained in the past.

However, Xu Yue's attention was not on these unexpected prompt sounds at this time. The wings of the Fiery Hell behind him flapped slowly. He was suspended in the golden red sea of ​​fire and stared up, his eyes fixed on the tiny black dot in the sky.

He had expected that the red lotus could not do anything to Magneto. The strategic purpose of this red lotus was just to consume all the metal controlled by the opponent and further attract his attention.

Facing this majestic old man who could be called a mutant bipolar with Professor X and had a more prominent reputation, Xu Yue never had any contempt. With his current strength of just entering the second level, he could never be Magneto's opponent, so there was someone else who was the real main attacker.

All he had to do was to contain and consume.


In the sky, Magneto, with a faint bloodstain in the corner of his eye, lightly pressed his forehead. When the red lotus forcibly tore open the binding force field, the backlash that followed also made the old man in his 80s feel the long-lost brain pain.

But that was all. After a few days of recuperation, this subtle mental injury would be completely healed. After rubbing the forehead with his thumb for a while, the pain in the brain was slightly reduced.

Feeling his somewhat drowsy mind regaining consciousness, Magneto breathed a sigh of relief this time, loosened his right hand that was rubbing his forehead, wiped the wet bloodstain in the corner of his eye, and looked down in a trance.

I saw that the figure of Devil's Island was no longer visible below, only the gorgeous flames blooming in the hazy white mist were extremely eye-catching, and the flames that shot up into the sky even made him feel a little dazzling at high altitude.

"Xinhuo? How come I haven't heard of this name before..."

Rubbing the moisture between his fingertips, Magneto muttered to himself in the thick night, but before he finished speaking, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart, which made his face suddenly change, and he looked up quickly.


There was a rumbling thunder in the sky, and then a blue lightning column that reached the sky and the earth fell down in front of Magneto's horrified eyes.


In the sky, the Sun Chaser, which was wrapped in gold wire, stood quietly in the sea of ​​clouds, and on the deck, Storm, who had been teleported away from the battlefield, was floating on it with white eyes, and the black cloak behind her was rustling.

The roaring hurricane supported her figure, and above her head, there was a thick cloud curtain with flashing lightning, and a large amount of thunder power gathered and roared under her control.

Only after hearing the violent sound of the red lotus blooming below, she raised her arms and slammed them down. Then a huge lightning bolt that could be regarded as a lightning pillar fell from the center of the cloud curtain above her head.

The azure lightning illuminated the deck of the Sun Chaser behind her. At the same time, the Night Walker on the deck who was holding the Phantom Cat's shoulder also disappeared instantly when the thunder struck.

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