Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 397 Don't move, mutants! !


The rumbling thunder resounded through the sky, and the lightning it emitted completely illuminated the dark night sky. When Magneto sensed the crisis and looked up, the azure lightning was already close at hand.

The speed of thunder, when it completed the lock, it was destined that human reaction could not dodge at all.

Among Professor X’s many students, except for the cheating Jean, Storm’s potential is definitely the well-deserved first, even Scott is behind.

Since ancient times, the manipulation of weather has been the power of gods in mythology. Strong winds, thunder, even frost blizzards, solar storms, all these exaggerated powers are within the control of Storm, and the last guy who can control these abilities is called Zeus.

Storm, who has grown to her peak, is not much inferior to the professor in some aspects, and even far exceeds it. Even though she is still quite immature now, her shocking blow after accumulating power for a long time still caused Magneto a lot of trouble.

I saw lightning flashing in the night, and then a charred figure fell straight from the sky.

After falling for several breaths, Magneto, whose brain was in chaos, regained his consciousness and quickly stabilized his body.

Then the majestic magnetic force surged out of his body, allowing him to return to a normal suspended state, and the thick black ash on the surface of his body also fell, revealing the slightly red skin inside.

With the dual weakening of the defense field and magnetic enhancement, Magneto's body did not suffer much damage from this thunder strike, but the brain, which was already painful, was hit again, becoming more and more drowsy, and his mental strength gradually showed signs of being on the verge of overdraft.

The flashing lightning in the sky disappeared, and he finally stabilized his body again, but the sound of breaking through the air came from the position in front of him, and a black shadow tore through the air wave and came fiercely.

The howling hurricane in front of him made Magneto's breathing stagnate, and the rolling heat waves that followed made his cheeks red. As his pupils shrank, a cold light rapidly enlarged in his vision.

But before he could successfully touch the opponent, the defensive force field surrounding the target's body surface at that moment successfully stopped the piercing cold light like an invisible swamp.

The magnetic force surged and entangled in a network, and soon forced the black shadow attacking from the front to solidify in the void.

It was a domineering halberd with flames all over the body, and behind it was a tall knight wearing scarlet heavy armor.

As early as the thunder in the sky resounded, Xu Yue, who had personally formulated the ambush plan, quickly flapped his wings and flew out, directly out of the red lotus that had not yet dissipated, and holding the Fang Tian Huaji, he fiercely pounced on Magneto, who was unstable in the sky.

However, Magneto's strength was stronger than he expected. Storm's long-accumulated thunder did not seem to cause too serious injuries, which also caused him to be frozen in place in the next second by Magneto who reacted in time.

The invisible magnetic force tore at Xu Yue's body, wearing away every bit of resistance in his body. The air seemed to have turned into sticky resin amber, and he was a pitiful mosquito tied inside the amber.

"Amazing flames, but you shouldn't use metal weapons against me..."

Magneto's tone was light as he swept his eyes across the Fang Tian Hua Ji with a coiled dragon in front of him and golden and red fire patterns lingering around it. But when his eyes shifted to Xu Yue's eyes, Magneto's words stopped abruptly.

Because there was no helplessness and panic after being completely controlled in those eyes, only a hint of coldness and excitement after getting close successfully.

'Wait, excitement? ! ’

When their eyes met, Magneto suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness, but before he could react to where this uneasiness came from, he saw Xu Yue's Adam's apple on the opposite side move slightly.

Then, a towering demon god's phantom suddenly appeared behind the target, and his violent eyes looked down. Magneto, who was being watched by the demon god, felt a tremor in his heart for the first time. It was a fear that he had not experienced for a long time.

The next second, the terrifying war roar spread for hundreds of miles.


In an instant, the sky cleared, the clouds in the sky dissipated, and the cold moonlight sprinkled from the circular wound in the sky.

At the same time, in the layers of translucent sound waves, a disheveled black shadow also flew backwards.

After being struck by thunder not long ago, Magneto was once again directly blown away by Xu Yue's war roar.

After suffering three consecutive severe injuries, even Magneto, who stood at the top of the mutants, was about to reach the limit of his spirit of controlling magnetic force.

After being forced to roll in the air for dozens of times due to losing balance, he managed to stabilize his body with bloodstains flowing from his five senses and seven orifices, but his defensive position outside his body had become shaky.

Xu Yue's Chiyou roar, which was in a state of boiling blood, was not so easy to bear. The reason why he did not faint on the spot was that Magneto's mental strength was extremely strong. The injuries he suffered this time were far worse than before.

He shook his extremely dizzy brain hard, and as soon as his vision in front of him became clear, he saw a flash of blue light above his head, and then Night Walker, who was holding Phantom Cat, suddenly appeared and quickly threw the Phantom Cat in his hand directly towards the direction of the figure.

Phantom Cat, the main force of the third wave of attack, pounced forward excitedly, while Magneto, who had suffered repeated severe injuries, obviously had no intention of holding back any longer. Countless tiny metal pieces flew out from the cloak that fluttered behind him, and surrounded his body, forming a delicate light silver mist.

Then in front of Phantom Cat, whether it was the silver cloud that could crush the sentry robot or the invisible defensive force field, they were all useless. She jumped directly into the cloud like an untouchable ghost. Within, there was no obstruction.

Then, under Magneto's surprised gaze, the phantom cat that rushed over did not attack him, but lightly pressed his palm on his dark red helmet.

Then the touched helmet turned into a phantom simultaneously, and led by the phantom cat, it directly crossed him.

The moment the helmet was separated from his body, Magneto suddenly realized something. His pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly turned his head towards the island below and shouted:

"Qin! Help..."

But before he could even finish his cry for help, a vast amount of spiritual energy poured directly into his brain and completely controlled his body and mind in an instant.

"Charles, what on earth are you doing! Humanity has shown its fangs, why are you still prepared to passively sue for peace and sit back and wait? This is war! An endless battle for the survival of the race!"

"Don't get excited, Eric. I just found a more suitable path, a path about the independence of the mutant race. Maybe you can listen first before making a decision..."


To the outside world, when the helmet is successfully peeled off, the battle is over. The only person who can easily subdue the mutant bipolar is another bipolar.

When fully exploded, Magneto has the power to reverse the planet's magnetic field. This is a real old guy who can destroy the entire planet's ecosystem with just one person. It is no exaggeration to say that if he loses his scruples, he can completely Dragging all life on this planet to hell.

Therefore, it is difficult to imagine what kind of terrifying power the other party will burst out under the madness of dying. Anyway, Xu Yue has no intention of experiencing it.

All his arrangements for Magneto were just to peel off the special helmet that could shield the power of the mind. Without the protection of the helmet, no matter how powerful the power was, it would not be able to resist the invasion of the spiritual level.

And the professor is the most powerful person in the psychic system in this world. Even the Phoenix has been forcibly sealed by him for more than 20 years, and Magneto can be eliminated in just a blink of an eye.

The strategic goal was successfully accomplished. In the night sky, Xu Yue held Magneto with his eyes closed and Phantom Cat with an excited expression in his hands. He flapped his flaming wings behind his back and soared into the sky in the direction of the Yunhai Zhusun.


In the sea below, the gorgeous fire lotus shining in the sky has disappeared, and only the thick white mist is still spreading. In addition to the many scorched corpses floating on the sea surface, there is also a man who dived deep into the sea and successfully avoided the crisis. Contractors are emerging one after another.

Glancing around at the horrifying sight of corpses floating around and oily flowers floating on the water, they turned around and swam quickly away from the island without saying anything.

Even for these carnage-stricken contractors, the ending of the antidote battle was a bit too brutal. Thousands of people fought in a melee, but the number of people who survived in the end was less than one-twentieth-one-hundredth. Compared with the first-level survival trial, The mortality rate was even more exaggerated, and the way everyone died was more miserable than the others, especially the last group of people who were cooked alive by boiling water. Their dying cries still seemed to be faintly echoing in the white mist.

The survivors in the bay were desperately escaping, but the island was still quiet. The spreading white mist almost enveloped the entire Alcatraz Island. From a distance, it looked somewhat ethereal and mysterious.

Once you land on the island, all you can see is the devastated scorched earth. Today, almost no complete building can be seen on Alcatraz Island. The most that exists are dense metal fragments stuck diagonally on the scorched earth.

As for the surviving life form, perhaps the only one is the red-haired figure located in the center of the battlefield.

Regarding war and killing, Qin's attitude throughout the whole process was basically indifferent. The main consciousness Qin hates killing, and she resists depriving any existence of life at will, while the other Phoenix consciousness extremely advocates destruction and wantonness. She is naturally animalistic and The representative of pure desire, the survival of the fittest in nature is the survival of the fittest, not to mention how interesting it is to see all things disintegrate and destroy in your hands.

Two completely different wills are merging with each other in the spiritual space. To be more precise, one consciousness is swallowing the other. This also caused Qin, or Phoenix, to watch the whole process with cold eyes.

She watched the bloody fight between humans and mutants with great interest, but she never took the initiative to end it. She was like an arrogant nobleman who was watching the cruel fighting of beasts in the arena, whether it was a human or a fellow mutant. In Phoenix's eyes, they are just a bunch of low-level species.

As for the main consciousness Qin, she tried her best to suppress Phoenix's desire to kill and make him just a cold spectator.

So until the end of the red lotus blooming, the entire battlefield was completely deserted and desolate, and Qin never took the initiative to take action. However, this special state did not last long. When there was a faint cry from Magneto high in the sky, After it was heard, the fragile balance on the piano was completely broken.

She suddenly raised her head and looked up, her eyes no longer filled with lifeless silence, but with blazing anger.

Don't get me wrong, this change did not stem from Magneto's cry for help. In fact, Magneto was just a bigger ant to her. What really made her angry was the spiritual fluctuation hidden behind the cry for help.

After being sealed away in darkness for more than 20 years, this hatred is unforgettable. No matter how hard the main consciousness Jean tries to suppress it, she cannot stop Phoenix's boiling revenge.

Moreover, the professor's direct invasion and control of Magneto further stimulated Phoenix's remaining rationality. Now finding him and completely destroying this hypocritical old bald man has become Phoenix's only thought.


The cold words were like a cold wind passing through, blowing away all the large pieces of fallen rocks and metals around into dust. Jean stared at a certain position in the sky and slowly floated up. It was there that she felt Charles's mental fluctuations, so she needed to arrive here and destroy everything related to it.

But just as her figure was suspended in the air, a series of dense footsteps sounded in the white fog at the edge of the island, and then a large number of fully armed human soldiers swarmed out of the thick fog, and soon the muzzles of plastic guns were all aimed at the red-haired woman who was floating in the air in front of everyone.

The captain in front of the team looked solemn and shouted:

"Don't move, mutants, raise your hands, otherwise we will attack immediately!"

"Tell me what happened here!"

The shouts echoed in the foggy battlefield. Qin looked coldly at the many guns pointed at her and did not intend to pay attention to the provocation of these ants.

But the next second, the harsh sound of guns firing rang out.


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