Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 41 Black Mountain Fortress

The plain battle ended, and under the guidance of the holy airship, the legions began to return to the fortress in an orderly manner.

As a fortress army stationed at the foot of Black Mountain, they would conduct such a battle every once in a while, and they were already familiar with the process.

Most of these battles were initiated by humans, on the one hand to curb the number of monsters in Montenegro, and on the other hand to train soldiers.

This is not only a huge military station, but also a cruel training ground.

However, the activity of monsters in recent years has led to increasingly frequent battles, almost to the level of once a month. This has increased the demand for the fortress's manpower. It is against this background that the contractors have entered the world.

As the march continued, until the sky sank and the red glow disappeared, the legion arrived under the Black Mountain Fortress.

Xu Yue, who was riding a war horse, was naturally among them. He was at the forefront of the army, looking at the huge military fortress in front of him.

The Black Mountain Fortress was established decades ago. It was the bridgehead for the Alliance Army to resist the Black Dragon Army. It was built by many races such as humans, elves, and dwarves. As the only defensive building on the continent that gathers the technical crystallization of all major races, its It's unimaginably tall and majestic.

The fortress is entirely ink black, and its building materials are locally sourced from obsidian, which is the most abundant near Montenegro. After being blessed with countless magic and divine spells, its walls can even withstand the black dragon's breath spray and remain intact. No damage, after decades of wind and rain erosion, it is still as clean as new.

Xu Yue didn't feel anything strange before he got close to the fortress, but after getting closer, he truly felt how majestic the entire fortress was.

Standing at the base of the wall and looking upward, the two adjectives of "thousands of feet tall" standing on the wall and "reaching the sky" are vividly expressed by the entire city wall.

"It's spectacular. When I saw the Black Mountain Fortress for the first time, I was so amazed that I couldn't speak."

A knight drove his horse up to Xu Yue, also keeping his head raised and looking up. His name was Bunir, Kairos's deputy and the second-in-command of the Glow Knights.

In the previous charge, if Xu Yue and Kairos were the forwards of the first echelon, then Bunir was the leader of the second echelon.

No less cold and dull than Kairos, Bunir was much more cheerful and active. On the way back to the fortress, Xu Yue learned a lot of information about the Black Mountain Fortress and the situation on the mainland through him.

After arriving near the fortress, seeing the two chatting happily, Kairos simply asked Bunir to act as Xu Yue's tour guide, while he left first. As the leader of the knights, he needed the first time after the battle. Go and report the situation to Lord General Thorne.

It is worth mentioning that this guy Bunir is not only good in strength, but also in excellent appearance. His face is handsome but not feminine, and his body is strong but not bloated. Coupled with his long pale golden hair and sea blue eyes, he is simply... Perfect knight template.

At least compared to Kairos' iceberg face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Bunir's external image of always having a gentle smile is obviously more in line with the public's perception of knights, so the Knights' external communication is basically based on him. Responsible.

According to Xu Yue's conservative estimate, this guy's charm attribute is definitely not less than 10 points.

"Let's go, it's time to enter the city. I will take you to visit the Black Mountain Fortress later. The fortress will be very lively today!"


With doubts, Xu Yue followed Bunir into the Black Mountain Fortress.

"It's quite lively. After every victory in a battle, the fortress will hold an all-night celebration banquet to celebrate the victory."

While explaining, Bunir led Xu Yue through Wengcheng, the outermost part of the fortress, then to the tall gatehouse, and finally after traveling along the wide main road for a while, he came to a huge square.

Although it was night, the square did not feel dark. Four huge light balls were arranged in all directions, reflecting the square softly and brightly.

"The banquet hasn't started yet, and now it's time for the priests of the temple to perform large-scale healing spells on the injured soldiers."

"Look, over there."

Xu Yue looked in the direction of Bunir's finger and saw that a huge staff had been erected in the center of the square, as big as a giant pillar.

Around the staff, many priests in white robes were busy working on something. The fine runes centered on the staff and began to expand outwards, eventually forming a huge magic circle.

"It's almost time, the healing is about to begin."

Bunir's voice rang in his ears, and then the staff changed. A milky white glow bloomed from the highest point of the staff and spread.

After a moment, the glow enveloped an area of ​​about several hundred meters with the staff as the center, forming a huge light shield. The light was gentle but not dazzling, attracting the attention of everyone in the square.

"All the wounded should come in one by one, and the goddess will grant you healing."

The speaker was a priest wearing a luxurious priest's robe. Different from the ordinary simple priest's robe, his robe was quite exquisite, edged with gold wire and embellished with gems.

"This is Lord Hubert, the temple priest. He is the highest-ranking cleric in the fortress and the leader of the priest team."

Bunir looked at Priest Hubert, who was commanding the priests under the huge staff, with respect in his eyes, and gave him a strange courtesy from a distance.

After listening to the introduction, Xu Yue firmly remembered the name and face of this priest. In this world where there are all kinds of extraordinary powers, the title of temple priest sounds not simple.

In the square, as Hubert's voice came out, many soldiers surrounded by the light mask began to enter the light mask in an orderly manner.

After a large number of people poured into the mask, white light spots began to fly out from the staff, and then lingered around the wounded inside the mask.

As the light spots gradually integrated, the condition of the wounded began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wounds scabbed and healed quickly, and the complexion changed from pale to rosy.

And at the place closest to the staff, Xu Yue even saw some wounded people with mutilated limbs gradually growing new limbs surrounded by countless light spots.

"Except for the seriously injured who require emergency treatment, most of the injured will be treated uniformly in this way, and this process usually lasts for an hour."

"Come on, let's go in too. In addition to treating injuries, the healing array is also very effective in restoring physical strength."

With that said, Bunir led Xu Yue into the scope of the light barrier. He had also suffered several serious wounds in previous battles.

Although Xu Yue was fine on the surface, his internal organs were still aching. During the charge, he was inevitably hit by a few axes. His current defense only reached the surface of his body, which was not enough.

After the two of them entered, Bunir did not go deep. He just pulled Xu Yue to stand on the edge and opened his mouth to explain.

"The closer we are to the center of the array, the better the treatment effect will be, but with our physique, it is enough here. Those ordinary soldiers need a front position more than us."

Xu Yue nodded to express his understanding, then stopped talking and began to close his eyes to feel the effect of the healing array.

Waves of warmth spread inside the body as the light spots blended in, and a warm feeling spread from the internal organs, as if the whole body was soaked in a hot spring.

The dull pain in the chest and abdomen disappeared, the soreness in the limbs gradually subsided, and the blood volume that was originally only 72% on the panel began to fill up.

Ten minutes later, Xu Yue opened his eyes and he had returned to his full strength.

"How's the effect."

The treatment had ended long ago. After seeing Xu Yue open his eyes, Bunir who was waiting aside smiled and asked:

"very nice."

"Okay then, follow me and I'll take you to other places. There's still some time before the banquet starts."

These chapters will be relatively dull and are transitional chapters.

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