An hour later, when Xu Yue followed Bunir back to the square, the entire square had changed drastically.

All the previous light balls and staffs had disappeared, replaced by a huge bonfire in the center of the square.

The golden red firelight illuminated the square clearly. Surrounding the bonfire were densely packed circles of long tables, filling the entire square.

The long table was filled with all kinds of meat delicacies, fruit drinks, and there was nothing short of it except that there was no wine.

Now a large number of people have gathered in the square, and a steady stream of soldiers are coming from all over, but they are not wearing armor, just wearing casual clothes.

At a glance, the whole square is bustling with people, the strong aroma is everywhere, and there are endless cheers and laughter.

Compared with the bloody and cruel battlefields during the day, the atmosphere here reminded Xu Yue of the bustling night markets in the city.

He was suddenly pulled back from the cold hell to the boiling world. The huge difference made him feel a little dazed.

Compared to Xu Yue, Bunir, who had experienced many parties at the side, seemed much calmer, his eyes gleaming as he looked at the many delicacies on the long table.

In this remote and cold frontier fortress, there are not many opportunities to eat these delicacies. The surrounding Black Mountain is a wilderness, and farming and hunting are completely unfeasible. All supplies are provided by the empire. Most of the food we eat is special military rations that have no taste. Although it is nutritious, it has no taste at all.

"The banquet has begun, come in quickly."

After greeting Xu Yue, Bunir took the lead and walked towards the center of the square, where the seats of the Glow Knights were.

Xu Yue also followed closely behind. Along the way, many soldiers raised their glasses to invite Xu Yue and praised him endlessly.

Xu Yue's performance on the battlefield during the day was so outstanding that most soldiers knew about him.

"Thank you brother this time..."

"Invincible, he can be said to be brave..."

"Brother, awesome!!"

"I have a sister..."

Amidst the sounds of praise that were either elegant or straightforward, Xu Yue came to the center of the square. The layout here was no different from other places, except that it was located closer to the bonfire, but it was the place where the entire fortress' high-level banquets were held.

After arriving here, Xu Yue met more familiar faces, and most of the Glow Knights were in this area.

After seeing Xu Yue's arrival, everyone greeted him warmly. Compared with the ordinary infantry, the people who followed Xu Yue to fight the whole process knew better how powerful he was. His strength was on par with their captain, especially the magical Flames are even more unpredictable.

After responding with a smile one by one, Xu Yue followed Bunir straight to the front, where there was only one person sitting on the long table, the leader of the Glow Knights, Kairos.

While greeting everyone, Kairos also saw the two people who came together.

Ignoring Bunir, who had already unceremoniously sat aside to eat, Kairos looked at Xu Yue with a rare smile on his face, pointed to the empty seat on the right, and signaled to Xu Yue:


Xu Yue followed Shan Ruliu, and after sitting down, he also started to eat. He had been fighting since he entered the world, and his physical strength was exhausted. By now, he was already hungry.

Moreover, the food tasted surprisingly good. The meat was delicate and delicious, and the taste was rich and full. It was a taste he had never tasted before. It should be a species unique to this continent.

After biting it with his lips and teeth, a charcoal-roasted and oily animal leg was eaten in the intestines. The food on the long table also adhered to the style of the military. Most of them were large pieces of meat. Although they were large in size, they were skillfully prepared. Excellent.

The animal leg is cooked at the right temperature, charred but not burned. When you tear open the crispy skin, the rich spice flavor and the unique soft and moderate texture of the skin can be heard from your mouth.

After swallowing the skin, take another bite and you will find the tender and juicy meat. The flame roasting makes the legs charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and also infuses the unique flavor of spices into the meat juice.

The delicious and plump meat rolls in the mouth. Every time you chew, in addition to the fresh and delicate taste, the mellow and smooth meat juice also explodes in the mouth. It can be said that it melts in the mouth and leaves a full mouthful of fragrance.

While he was eating vigorously, a rough voice rang out in the square and spread further and further.

"Soldiers, we returned with a great victory today, haha!!"

"Tomorrow, we will have a day off. There will be no military regulations or curfew tonight."

"Everyone, drink to win!!!"

The sound waves spread, and after a moment of silence in the square, cheers and shouts rose into the sky, and the atmosphere was instantly brought to a climax.

With a swishing sound, all the soldiers stood up, holding high the fruit drinks in their hands.

“Drink to win!!!”

"Hahaha, feel free to eat, feel free to drink, you have enough for today!!"

"Long live the General!!!"

The cheers boiled again, and Lord Thorne laughed loudly in his seat. The heroic laughter spread, and more and more laughter sounded, shaking the sky.

It took a long time to gradually subside.

"The one with the loudest voice is our general, Thorne."

Bunir came over from nowhere, pushed Kairos away, and introduced everyone in the field to Xu Yue in a low voice.

Kairos looked at Bunir who had squeezed in between the two of them, his eyes twitching slightly, but he still silently moved his position to the side.

Xu Yue looked at the figure who had just shouted. He was a strong man over two meters tall, with a majestic build, red hair, and a rugged appearance. He was the only person in the audience still wearing armor.

The armor has a strange shape, like solidified magma, with wisps of red lines wrapped around it, making it look extremely domineering, paired with his full head of red hair.

Compared with the boiling bonfire in the center of the square, it gives people the illusion that he is more fiery.

Now he was working hard to cook, but the huge animal legs seemed a bit petite in his mouth, almost one bite at a time.

When Xu Yue was looking at him, Thorne suddenly stopped eating, moved his eyes upward, and met Xu Yue's eyes accurately.

Their eyes met, Thorne grinned, gave Xu Yue a thumbs up, and then continued to work hard.

'Very strong...'

Xu Yue's expression remained unchanged, but thoughts surged in his heart.

Bunir on the side did not notice anything unusual, but continued to introduce to Xu Yue one by one along the seats starting from Thorne.

"The one with the pained look next to Boss Thorn is our quartermaster and manages all the logistics in the fortress."

"Your contribution to this battle is not small. In addition to the promotion of military rank, you will definitely receive a lot of merit points,"

"It takes some time to get a military rank, but the merit points come quickly. I will take you to him tomorrow. He has a lot of good things in his hands."

Hearing the word quartermaster, Xu Yue's attention immediately focused. This meant a lot of good things, whether it was soul crystals, rare resources, equipment, or skills, which could effectively improve his strength. He is now Nothing is missing.

Looking away from Thorne, it was easy to distinguish the person with a pained face, but this quartermaster was not a goblin as Xu Yue imagined, or a short little old man.

But a young man with a very kind-looking face was looking around at a bunch of soldiers eating haphazardly around him, his face full of pain.

"This is Lord Hubert, whom I introduced to you before."

"This is the chief engineer of the fortress, she is..."


Time passed slowly amid the joy of the banquet and Bunir's low-pitched introduction.

On the wall of the fortress, a strange black figure quietly emerged. Looking at the noisy bonfire square below, she spoke with a faint tone.

"Haha, let's celebrate..."

"The peaceful days will soon be over~"

The soft tones floated in the wind, and the figure turned into black mist and dissipated.

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