Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 408: Eating Blades

[Hint: The hunter has caused serious changes to the plot, and the important fluctuation points are being explored...]

[Hint: Cyclops Scott Summers's original death fate has been reversed. Scott is an important plot character. The hunter will obtain half of the world source carried by this character. You will obtain 3.1% of the world source, and now you have obtained 49.8% of the world source in total]

[Hint: Phoenix Jean Grey's original death fate has been reversed. Jean is an important plot character. The hunter will obtain part of the world source carried by this character. You will obtain the world =Source of the World 4.7%, now a total of 54.5% of the Source of the World]

[Hint: Professor X, Charles Francis Xavier, was originally destined to be annihilated, but his fate was reversed. Scott is an important plot character. The hunter will obtain part of the Source of the World carried by this character. You will obtain 3.6% of the Source of the World, and now a total of 58.1% of the Source of the World]

[Hint: Serious changes in the plot have been detected. The completion of the main task "Save" has been improved, and the current completion is 33%]


X Academy, lounge on the third floor.

Because of the fact that he had consumed too much energy to condense the demon seed not long ago, Xu Yue slept in the room for about two days before he was able to wake up slowly, and the tingling in his brain finally subsided for the most part.

When the demon seed is incubated, it will extract the tiny soul energy of the main body as the foundation of its existence, so the intelligence attribute will be permanently reduced after the incubation is over.

Similarly, this is also the fundamental reason why he can perfectly harvest and absorb the monster after it matures. In a sense, the demon seed is a fragment of his soul, and the two are originally from the same source.

Therefore, every time the demon seed is condensed, it will cause considerable trauma on the spiritual level. That is, Xu Yue has a special physique that combines the soul and the body, and the spiritual healing effect of the Radiance of Life, so he can recover roughly in just two days.

After taking a sip of the fragrant sweet tea with a small amount of royal jelly, Xu Yue, who is now sitting at the desk, slowly retracts his sight from the paradise prompt in front of him. After experiencing the stop on Devil Island, his early planning has basically been successfully completed.

In the original timeline, the X-Men, who should have been seriously injured, successfully avoided the tragic ending of most of the main combat forces being killed and injured with his participation. Instead of declining, they became the strongest force second only to the human government.

Now Jimmy, the antidote, the best "weapon" against mutants, has become one of the many students in the college, and the other two major forces of mutants, the Brotherhood of Mutants and the Hellfire Club, have also secretly reached a deep cooperative relationship with the college. Together with Hank the Beast, who has just taken office as the UN ambassador, it can be said that he has initially integrated the entire mutant community into one.

Whether it is the Brotherhood that advocates armed resistance, or the X Academy that advocates educational inclusion, or the Hellfire that is preparing to quietly erode control from the capital level, or the Ministry of Affairs that occupies a certain position in the government class, under the connection of Xu Yue, these forces have jointly built a hidden tacit understanding.

As long as the time is right, then under the leadership of the four leaders, Magneto, Professor X, the White Queen, and Hank the Beast, this force covering armed, educational, economic and political aspects will be able to play an unpredictable role at a critical moment.

As for the friendly attitude shown by the federal government now, just watch it. On the one hand, this gesture is to fulfill the promise made before the Battle of Alcatraz, and on the other hand, it is because the mutants showed too much super-standard combat power in the battle, so the government needs to temporarily ease the contradictions and stabilize emotions after the defeat. This is just a stopgap measure.

He is sure that in the corners that the professor cannot observe, combat meetings on how to suppress or even directly destroy the mutant race have been held countless times.

How can others snore beside the bed? Human beings are destined not to allow the second party to rise and challenge their status as the overlord of the food chain. This has nothing to do with morality, but just naked survival.

So he must take the lead in launching the follow-up plan before the other party takes action, and create a mutant god who almost ruled the whole world for the human side in the true sense. If the phoenix that appeared for a moment only frightened humans, then the brutal god that will come next will make them experience what despair is.

When everything is settled, it will be the best time for mutants to be independent.


Suddenly, a crisp sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly sounded in the room, interrupting Xu Yue's tumbling thoughts.

He restrained the dim light in his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a blood-red vortex suspended in the void, and below it were a large number of equipment and props piled up into a hill, with white, green, blue and purple luster flashing endlessly.

At the top of the hill, the auspicious beast Manta ray flapped its nimble wings and soared above. Noticing the sight of its owner, it blinked its eyes, glanced at the blue equipment that rolled all the way from the top of the hill to Xu Yue's feet with a guilty conscience, and then after an innocent hum, it quickly turned around and dived into the blood-red vortex behind it.


Looking at the azure fish tail disappearing into the whirlpool, Xu Yue chuckled, and the gloomy evil spirit lingering around him slowly dissipated. He lowered his eyes to look at the equipment props piled up on the floor, his eyebrows slightly raised, and he couldn't help but reveal a bit of joy.

In this battle on Devil Island, he gained far more than the Origin of the World and the progress breakthrough in the main quest. In addition, there were five treasure chests and up to double-digit scarlet cards, most of which were quietly picked up by Taotie using the ability of shadow jumping on the battlefield.

Among them, the treasure chests were not in a hurry to deal with, and he handed all the scarlets to Wen Yu for extraction after waking up. After the experience of opening the scarlet cards before, he had deeply realized the gold content of the two words of the other party's auspicious beast.

And now it seems that Wen Yu's performance is still stable.

At present, the scarlet cards have not been fully opened, but there are already many items piled on the floor, and more than half of them are various equipment. Ordinary items without quality luster are estimated to be about 30%. This kind of luck is already quite exaggerated.

Although most of the transfer equipment is white and green, they can all play a role for him. At most, they can be crushed and used as raw materials for magic dust.

Standing up and walking to the pile of equipment, Xu Yue first picked out the ordinary items and threw them aside, especially the bottles of shampoo that looked particularly dazzling.

Then he sorted them from low to high quality, and roughly scanned all the equipment and props in front of him one by one. When he finished exploring all the items, more than ten minutes had passed.

In general, although most of them were ordinary items, there were still a few surprises. In addition to the recovery potions and food that he never had too many, two pieces of equipment attracted his attention the most.

[Blood Rage Berserker]

Origin: Ancient Tribe, Barbarian Bull Blacksmith

Quality: Purple

Category: Bull Horn Helmet

Durability: 70/70

Equipment requirements: Strength 26, Stamina 30.

Equipment Effect 1: Berserker (Passive), after wearing this equipment, the body pain is -20%, the fighting spirit is +4, and the sanity is -2. After each injury, the anger will be automatically accumulated.

Tip: Berserker (Passive) is a constant effect, and there is no consumption during the process.

Tip: The accumulated anger can be kept for up to one hour.

Equipment Effect 2: Blood Rage (Active), when the anger value accumulates to 100%, this skill can be activated actively, and the user will automatically enter the blood rage state, strength +5, physical strength +5, health recovery speed +150%, and the berserk effect is doubled.

Tip: In the blood rage state, 1% of the blood in the body will evaporate every minute due to the high temperature of the body.

Tip: The blood rage state can be turned off by itself, if your reason can still support you to think about it.

Rating: 149 (Note: The purple equipment rating is 71 to 150.)

Introduction: Fighting bloody battles until death, for the tribe! ! !

Price: 44,000 Paradise Coins.


Looking at the rough-shaped bull horn helmet in his hand, he did not hesitate, but put it on his head directly. This helmet is the highest-rated piece of equipment.

As the helmet was put on, his vision was soon covered with a faint blood color. At the same time, a manic fighting spirit suddenly exploded from his heart, and a faint white gas was exhaled during his breath. Even though the blood rage effect was not activated, the blood vision in front of him still made him feel like wreaking havoc in the room.

The effect was immediate, but unfortunately it was not suitable for him. He was insensitive to all equipment or skills that would affect his rationality. In his opinion, only the power that could be controlled could be regarded as his own power.

Compared to him, this thing was more suitable for Logan or the group of berserkers in Paradise City. Anyway, when the battle was in the air, they didn't need rationality, which was a more troublesome thing.

But anyway, the value of this bull-horned helmet is unquestionable. The excellent equipment effect is completely worthy of the equipment score of 149, and it is only a millimeter away from the purple full score equipment.

As long as it is matched with a suitable weapon soul, he can easily upgrade this equipment to dark purple soul fusion equipment, and its specific value can be multiplied by several times.

However, compared to forging and selling, he now has a more suitable way to deal with this equipment.

Restraining the fanatical fighting spirit in his heart, Xu Yue's mind moved, and then the gurgling silver solution automatically gushed out of his body, slowly and completely wrapped the bull-horn helmet on his head.

After a while, the helmet was assimilated by the solution and penetrated into his body, and the familiar paradise prompt sound rang in his ears.

[Blade combination completed, the current number of combined blades is (8/8): Fang Tian Huaji, Chiyu (Wuliang Zen Pearl), Demon Knife Thousand Blades, Earth Tower Shield, Xiaoyun Bow, Magic Mirror, Blood Rage Battle. ]

Feeling the increase of another piece of equipment in the combined blade space in his body, Xu Yue stretched out his right hand, and the rough bull-horn helmet soon reappeared in his hand as the silver liquid squirmed.

Looking down at the helmet in his hand, Xu Yue's eyes did not have the past joy, but only a touch of indifference.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Suddenly, as his five fingers slowly tightened, the sound of metal breaking quietly echoed in the room, and dense cracks began to spread rapidly from the top of the helmet to the outside.

The next second, there was a muffled bang, and the helmet was crushed into countless silver-white light spots, which flew away and flowed into his mouth and nose in a breath and were swallowed up.

[Blade LV.20 Additional Ability: Blade Eating]

Blade Eating: The combined blade weapons taken into the body can be turned into food. The essence obtained after swallowing can be used to upgrade the level of the "combined blade", and can also be used to strengthen other combined blade weapons. After strengthening to a certain degree, the weapon can obtain a quality transition.

Tip: When converting a combined blade weapon into a resource, its characteristics can be completely extracted at the cost of reducing the quality of the essence.

Tip: The extracted permanent characteristics can be permanently integrated into other equipment through forging techniques. The characteristics have certain requirements on the material of the equipment itself. The integration of characteristics will cause permanent changes to the equipment. Conflicts in characteristics or excessive stacking can cause equipment damage.


[Blood Rage Berserker's Blade Eating Completed, Current Combined Blade Count Reduced to (7/8), Combined Blade Level Upgrading…]

[Combined Blade Upgraded to LV.21]

[Combined Blade Upgraded to LV.22]


"An equipment with a near-purple full score can only be upgraded by two levels, which is a real money-eating beast, but compared to consuming soul crystals for upgrading, this method is indeed more practical, and… it seems to be more effective."

The slightly closed eyes opened, and under his perception, after swallowing the horn helmet, not only did the combined blade level rise by two levels, but even the other combined blade weapons also gained a lot of benefits at the same time, and with a slight tremor, it seemed that the spirituality had increased slightly.

'Uh, it shouldn't be because of fear...'

Rubbing his chin, which had already grown a thin stubble, Xu Yue immediately put this thought behind his mind and leaned over to pull out another piece of equipment from the equipment pile at his feet. It was a light sniper rifle with a dark green sheen.

[Death Announcement]

Origin: Hunter x Hunter

Quality: Green

Category: Light Sniper Rifle

Durability: 20/20

Attack Power: 10~18

Equipment Requirement: Intelligence 14

Equipment Effect 1: Death Announcement (Active): Consume 10 mana points, the next attack will complete the mystical connection with the locked target, unless the kinetic energy of the ammunition is exhausted, then the attack will penetrate all obstacles and accurately hit the target's designated position.

Tip: After the Death Announcement (Active) is launched, the mana consumption of the next Death Announcement shot will double, and the accumulated state will be refreshed after 10 hours.

Rating: 30 (Note: Green equipment rating is 11 to 30.)

Introduction: Obstacles? No! All I see is a smooth road, this will be the death knell of the death announcement, welcome the death that cannot be dodged in despair!

Price: 4900 Paradise Coins


This equipment is particularly shabby compared to the previous [Blood Rage], even though it is a green full-rated equipment, its quality can only be classified as a medium-low level among the many transfer props on the floor.

Especially with an attack power that has not even reached 20 points, even if this sniper rifle can hit the target's head, the damage it brings is quite limited for a second-level contractor.

The only thing that can attract Xu Yue's attention is its special equipment effect comparable to a padlock. Thanks to this special ability, this sniper rifle with worrying attack power can be piled up to the level of green full score.

For other people, this [Death Notice] is completely useless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away, but for Xu Yue, it is the biggest gain among many equipment.

As long as the unique equipment effect of the food blade is extracted, whether it is attached to other high-quality sniper equipment or used to strengthen the Xiaoyun Longbow, its value can change dramatically.

This is the most abnormal part of the Shokuhan ability. If he is given enough samples, he can create countless artifacts.

As the silver solution squirmed, the light sniper rifle in his hand soon disappeared, and what appeared in his hand was actually a dark green crystal, with a small skull inside it rising and falling.

[Death Crystal]

Quality: Special

Type: Permanent Characteristics

Introduction: Using special techniques, this characteristic can be permanently embedded in a certain equipment, giving it a specific equipment effect.

Tip: The conflict between the characteristic and the equipment may cause its effect to be unusable, or even cause serious damage to the equipment itself.

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