Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 409 X-Gene Awakening Instrument

“Knock knock…”

In the lounge, Xu Yuegang put away the permanent properties in his hands, and several dull knocks on the door directly broke the silence in the room.

He glanced sideways at the slightly trembling door of the room. At this time, Wen Ray was still going back and forth in the scarlet whirlpool. He first gave it a look that continued to work hard, and then left three pieces of green quality on the desk next to him. of gems.

Then he waved his hand and put all the items on the floor into the storage space, and walked straight towards the door.

Soon the door opened, and what he saw was Storm with a smile on her face.

"Xinhuo, Hank is here and is currently in the underground base. The professor asked me to inform you to come there."

"Well, let's go."

"The only thing that can allow them to regain everything, instead of lingering like maggots, is strength!"

Looking into each other's eyes, Magneto could see the deep suspicion in Hank's eyes, but he didn't care and continued:

"The human species is not only cruel to us mutants, they have always been merciless and even more cruel to their own compatriots."

Thinking of this, Hank suddenly looked sideways at Magneto beside him, his eyes filled with real anger.

The prospect described by Xu Yue is very tempting. If this can really be achieved, then human beings will completely become nutrients for the development of mutants, allowing them to absorb beneficial nutrients and eliminate inferior residues.

After lightly commenting on the shortcomings of the X-gene awakening instrument, the professor finally concluded:

"Before the defects of genetic collapse are solved, using this thing rashly is no different from committing suicide."

"If a race wants to be truly independent, then first of all its continuation path cannot just be the completely uncontrollable random awakening. We need another completely stable path for member growth, coupled with an antidote that can eliminate mutant identity. ”

Price: Not owned item, cannot be sold.

"Oppression, bullying, violence, war, racial discrimination, class conflicts, interest disputes..."

"So you asked me to bring this instrument from Giyu Island to the academy as soon as possible. What is the purpose? To mass-produce a mutant army?"

"So I don't need to force anyone. I just need to reveal this opportunity to change my destiny, and countless experimental subjects who are full of resentment and despair towards human society will flock to me. Do you understand, Minister Hank?"

Listening to Hank's questioning tone, Magneto frowned slightly at first, and then slowly raised the corners of his mouth in a mocking arc.

Hearing this shocking number, Hank's face suddenly darkened. Being able to get such accurate survival rate data means that Magneto has definitely gone through a lot of human experiments, so the humans who died under this cold instrument At least hundreds of them.

"Sacrifice? Ha~"

Magneto turned to look at the professor who had finished speaking. He raised his hand to rub the metal outer wall of the awakening device and retorted:


And there are some things that her character is not suitable for knowing too much about.

Facing Magneto's inquiry, Xu Yue slowly shook his head.

Accompanied by a crisp beep, the door of the base laboratory was slowly opened. The first thing that came into view was the spacious silver room, as well as many unknown scientific instruments inside.

underground base.

“Too many factors have created countless homeless people wandering at the bottom of society. Let’s not talk about war-torn areas for the time being. In this country, you may permanently lose everything and your job just because of an unintentional disaster. , family, and even dignity will be completely robbed by society, and there will be no hope of getting up. "

"By combining the two, we can continue to attract high-quality talents and eliminate those malignant impurities that are not conducive to the development of the race or that do not identify with our own race. Only then can mutants build a solid foundation for racial independence and stable development. foundation."

Quality: light gold

Type: technological creation

Effect: Through special magnetic field radiation, this instrument can directly act on the target gene level and forcibly stimulate the X gene in the target body to complete its awakening.

Although one of them is a senior official affiliated with the government's Ministry of National Defense and the other is a terrorist wanted by the federal government, they are getting along extremely harmoniously at the moment. Regardless of each other's camps, the two of them can be regarded as young people. Made old friends.

"The mortality rate of the first version of the The survival rate is still guaranteed.”


"A small percentage of fraternity members at fraternity headquarters overseas are such converts."

"Creating an army is also one of the reasons, but it is not the focus. Mutants need a new way to be born."

"I think you must have misunderstood something. The number of people who died because of this instrument is indeed no less than a thousand, but I have never forced any existence. On the contrary, each of them is voluntary, even Scrambling.”

A few minutes later, Xu Yue took the elevator from the third floor of the castle to the underground base. As for Storm, she parted ways with him when she reached the first floor. It was now morning, and the course professors in the college could leave it alone for the time being, but She can't.

Rating: 280 (Note: Light gold items are rated from 260 to 310.)

Introduction: Do you want to take a gamble? Maybe you are the next Magneto! Of course, the greater possibility is that you will directly turn into a pile of rotten meat with collapsed genes.

In the long run, mutants will truly become a higher race than humans.

"Suicide? No, this thing gives humans a second chance to choose their destiny, and the price they pay for a new life must be high, even if the final price is death!"

Nodding in response, Xu Yue did not ask any more questions, but directly closed the door and strode out. Compared with Storm, he knew Hank's purpose of coming here better.

However, no matter how beautiful the prospect is, it is always just empty talk if it cannot be realized. At least Magneto's reaction after hearing it was just a slight movement of his eyes, but Hank on the side didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at the instrument.

A series of words of both defense and attack successfully made Hank, who was originally full of anger, speechless.

Tip 1: This instrument is only effective for life forms with X gene in the body.

"Eric, how many people have you sacrificed with this immature instrument!"

"Is this the instrument that can forcibly awaken humans into mutants?"

"Even if the cost is less than 10% survival rate, there are still many guys who are in despair who want it, so..."


[X Gene Awakening Instrument]

Walking to the professor's side, Xu Yue looked up and down at the seemingly simple metal instrument in front of him. As he spoke, the specific information about the instrument slowly unfolded in front of him.

The heated discussion never stopped. Perhaps the only person who noticed the opening of the laboratory door was the professor who was watching the show quietly.

Looking directly at the eyes that quietly turned from anger to confusion, Magneto's cold tone gradually calmed down.

"It is an awakening instrument, but it has many flaws. Although it can forcibly stimulate humans to complete the awakening of the X gene, this overly rough method will also cause irreversible damage to the already delicate and fragile genes, causing the target to eventually die of gene collapse."

"This instrument can give them the power to take back everything!"

On the other side, noticing Xu Yue's enthusiastic gaze at the instrument, the professor beside him slowly shook his head and said:

In the center of the room, a huge streamlined metal instrument stood here. On the side, Magneto and Hank were facing the instrument and discussing something fiercely. From time to time, the two of them would disassemble some parts of the instrument.

The professor did not deliberately lower his voice, which naturally attracted the attention of the other two people in the field, and the discussion not far away stopped.

After that, he no longer paid attention to Hank, who had a complicated expression, but turned his head to look at Xu Yue, who was always calm not far away.

Tip 2: Gene activation will have irreversible effects and damage to the body. People with weak constitutions are very likely to induce physical gene collapse.

"The prospect is bright, but the awakening device cannot support this future. The poor survival rate limits the possibility of mass transformation. The 9.8% survival rate is only for those warriors with strong physique and strong will. If the target is changed to scholars or politicians, the survival rate may not even reach 1%."

"It may not work with the Brotherhood alone, but it is possible with the addition of others. Hank, can this device be improved again?"

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