Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 411 Nuo Mask for Worshipping Gods

Around San Francisco, in a small, remote town.

At this time, the setting sun was shining in the evening, and the sky was full of clouds and red clouds.

Although the overall size of the town is not too large, the permanent population is still five to six hundred people. Usually at this time, the town should be bustling with people and noisy.

But now there is a strange silence, the streets and alleys are empty, as if it has suddenly turned into an abandoned dead town with no life left.

The line of sight extends from the edge of the town to the center. A wide garden square that is obviously modern is standing quietly. A faint black mist is surrounding the square. In the garden square inside the black mist, there are originally colorful gardens. The flowers had disappeared, and in their place was a terrifying white sea of ​​bones.

Countless human skeletons covered almost all the space around the square. Empty skulls were scattered everywhere, looking up aimlessly at the sky. Under the scarlet glow, the entire sea of ​​bones did not feel ferocious, but instead looked hideous. It reveals a breathtaking and strange beauty.

"The taste of fear is really mouth-watering."

In the center of the sea of ​​bones, a thin figure in a black evening gown was sitting on a throne of bones. Under a pale mask, a pair of dark eyes were full of greed. Along with the sound of air screaming like a whale sucking water, the whole forest The sea of ​​bones began to tremble violently, and then dense gray shadows poured out from every corner of the sea of ​​bones.

The phantoms were roughly human-shaped, but often distorted. Their heads and faces had their lips wide open, and they were wailing. For a moment, the terrifying wailing and wailing sounds spread throughout most of the dead town, but these sounds were soon replaced by screams. The hunting wind was torn to pieces.

The overwhelming gray wave of shadows did not last long, and was swallowed up completely by the black figure in the center in an instant, leaving only a loud burp to indicate their final outcome.

"The quality is worse than the batch in the forest, but the taste of fear is better. Haha, there is only a thousand souls missing. Which town should the next batch go to?"

Hoarse whispers spread from under the pale mask, and after swallowing up the last remaining death energy in the sea of ​​bones, the violator slowly stood up from the throne of bones, and instead of being rewarded for completing the main mission, he started killing people in the derivative world. The benefits to him will only be greater.

Whether it's flesh, blood or soul, they are all excellent tonics for him, and he can't satisfy his cravings!

The skeletal throne beneath him collapsed, and a pair of dark eyes under the pale mask looked far away from the town. He was about to stand up and leave, but then his movements suddenly froze, as if sensing something, she quickly raised her head and looked up, The originally flabby body became tense in an instant.

Looking up, it was clear that there was nothing there last time, but he could clearly feel a vast pressure like the heavens pouring downwards.

A sharp howl pierced the stone and cracked the clouds, and the pale mask on the offender's head and face shattered on the spot, and countless billowing black shadows suddenly surged out of it. If you look closely, you can even see a large amount of black smoke wandering around. The twisted soul within.

The moment he sensed the vast power in the sky, he quickly realized what was happening. The only person in this world who could use this level of mental attack could only be Professor X.

In a daze, he seemed to see a vast spiritual power so majestic that it condensed into a huge mountain range, pressing down on him.

Facing the bipolar mutants who stand at the top of the current world, the offenders did not take any chances and immediately burst out with their most powerful power.

However, the next second, the soul mist that had killed hundreds of government troops instantly collapsed in front of the professor. The air above was billowing, as if an invisible hand was grabbing it from the top of the head.

In just the blink of an eye, the black mist that continuously poured out from the violator's body was shot away, and then the twisted souls wandering inside were forcibly annihilated by the professor's mental power after a rapid whine, thus revealing the inside. The emaciated figure is as still as a statue.


The crisp sound of bones breaking suddenly came from the edge of the sea of ​​bones. The body of the stationary violator trembled slightly. He sensed a being with a vicious aura all over his body walking slowly from the outside of the square. The strange sound when the boots were crushed was like a death knell approaching step by step.

He wanted to struggle and resist desperately, but his soul, which was completely suppressed by the professor's vast mental power, had long lost the qualification to control the body, and even his perception of the outside world began to become intermittent.

Until a joking voice came into his mind, and then all his senses were completely engulfed by endless darkness.

"Heh, this is the easiest hunting mission."

[Tip: The hunter has successfully hunted the violator, and the hunting mission is completed. 】

[The hunting performance was excellent this time. The violators did not cause any corresponding damage to the rules of the derived world. The overall evaluation is excellent! 】

[This is the first time a hunter has completed a second-level hunt, and it has been completed within 15 days of opening the derived world, and the reward will be tripled. 】

[You get the Gold Medal of Honor x1]

【Gold Medal of Honor】

Category: Rare items

Introduction: Items can be redeemed in the Honor Store. Specific information can be viewed in the Honor Store after returning to Samsara Paradise. The Honor Store is located in the hunter’s exclusive room.


In the center of the pale sea of ​​bones, with the help of the professor, Xu Yue approached the wanted contractor by the government military without any obstruction.

As expected, this person was the offender that he had not had time to deal with since he entered the world.

In a short moment, he was able to wipe out a fully armed force of hundreds of people and leave them without a single survivor. Judging from this record alone, the strength of this second-level offender should not be underestimated.

Unfortunately, facing Professor X, whose mental power can completely cover the world after the amplification, as long as his strength level is still in the second-level category, he still has no power to resist.

After finding the exact target Hank mentioned, the professor originally planned to capture him alive and hand him over to the military for processing, but the human skeletons that almost filled the entire square at the scene successfully changed his mind. The meaning of killing enemies on the battlefield and killing civilians indiscriminately is very different.

Those who eat people naturally do not need to be treated as human beings.

As for the evil beast that eats people wantonly, the most appropriate way to deal with it is to cut it off without leaving any room for it.

So he died!

Looking at the other party's dark face that seemed like a bottomless abyss, Xu Yue's expression did not fluctuate at all. He just drove the magic knife in his hand to suddenly tear open the airflow. A purple light flashed in the void, and then the violator in front of him was completely cut in the middle, and the body was also transformed into two pieces of debris and flew out to the left and right.

At the same time, a series of paradise prompts rang in his ears, but then they were covered by countless screams in front of him. There was no blood flowing out of the two pieces of the violator's neatly cut corpse, but instead there were countless twisted souls.

They laughed wildly or wailed and flew out from the violator's dark chest and abdomen. It seemed that what Xu Yue cut open was not a human body, but a human-shaped cage holding countless souls.

But in an instant, Xu Yue's eyes were filled with darkness, and a strange and cold feeling that made people feel cold all over swept over his body, and began to madly rush into the depths of his flesh and blood.

Looking from the sky, a group of expanding deep clouds and mists were surging from the center of the sea of ​​bones. The dark clouds and mists and the paleness of the bones complemented each other, and the contrast was sharp, giving people an extreme shock that the clouds and mists were about to swallow everything.

In addition to the visual impact, the sharp and piercing terrifying roars came one after another, without stopping for a moment.

The main source of these roars was the huge clouds and mists that had expanded to a range of more than ten meters in the center of the sea of ​​bones. Those dense ghosts that were faintly visible were wandering around, and the hideous ghost faces constructed by the deep fog also appeared on the edge of the clouds and mists, struggling to escape as soon as possible.


The next moment, just as the ghost cloud was still spreading, a beam of light suddenly emerged from the cloud and turned into a nearly ten-meter-tall goat-horned giant beast at the top.

The giant beast stepped into the air with four feet, its tiger eyes drooped, and as its sharp teeth opened and closed, a ferocious roar that shook the entire square immediately, and even the cloud that was spreading below suddenly stagnated under the roar.

The surface of the cloud suddenly raised layers of boiling ripples, and then amid the terrified roars of many ghosts in the cloud, the surging suction force broke out from the mouth and nose of the giant beast above. Under the sweeping suction force, the ghost cloud in the sky gathered into a funnel shape and began to pour into the black mouth of the giant beast.

Soon, in just a few minutes, the deep cloud on the pale sea of ​​bones was swallowed up by the gluttonous beast. Its gluttonous nature was naturally strong against such weak souls that won by quantity.

After swallowing the last mouthful of mist, Taotie narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, then jumped down directly and disappeared into the body of the tall figure below.

[Hunter Intelligence +1]

The number of souls in the four digits, even if they are weak in nature, the exaggerated scale still benefits Taotie a lot, and only the small amount of feedback from them can directly increase Xu Yue's intelligence attribute by 1 point.

Feeling the cool energy flowing through his brain, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly. This is an unexpected gain. In addition to the improvement of intelligence attributes, the "surprise" left by the offender is more than that.

[Nuo Mask for Offering Sacrifice to God]

Origin: Void, Great Nuo Cult

Quality: Unknown

Category: Special Accessories (up to four accessories can be worn)

Equipment Effect 1: Communication with God (Passive), the Nuo mask made of special materials has the special ability to carry weak divinity. The Nuo mask can be connected and bound to a certain god. After the binding is completed, the god can achieve spiritual connection with the life form wearing the Nuo mask, and even grant divine power.

Tip: The Nuo mask has completed the god binding, and the bound god is **** (this information has been hidden, and it can be unlocked by wearing the Nuo mask.)

Equipment Effect 2: Offering Sacrifice to God (Active), through the Nuo mask as a connection channel, the host can carry out a sacrificial ceremony to the bound god, provide him with faith, flesh, blood, soul and other offerings, and obtain the corresponding blessing feedback from the god.

Tip: The connection between the Nuo mask and the god will not be separated by the world barrier.

Rating: (Nuo mask is a special item, and its specific rating will be affected by the bound god.)

Introduction: Wear it, lost lambs, I will give you immortal life and unimaginable power!

Price: After wearing it, it will be bound to the host's soul, cannot be sold, cannot be discarded, and will automatically drop after death.


"Put me on...Put me on!...Put me on!!!..."

Looking at the pale strange mask in his hand, Xu Yue's eyes showed a trace of fear, but more of the extreme greed of the Taotie soul.

You know, the title of [God-killing Command] he got in the previous world, in addition to the power of the sea god, can also accommodate a force of gods. Now this Nuo mask is just right.

Last time it was the magic mirror, this time it is the Nuo mask. This group of violators is really full of talents.

With a chuckle, Xu Yue tossed the pale mask in his hand, and decisively ignored the increasingly fierce roar in his mind, flipped his hand and put it into the storage space. With his will attribute, this level of mental induction is completely useless.

It's okay to use the mask as bait, but I'm still reluctant to wear it. Moreover, he is also quite interested in the equipment effect of the mask itself. This kind of equipment that can cross the barriers of the world is the second time he has encountered it.

After dealing with all the gains from hunting the violators, Xu Yue glanced at the pale sea of ​​bones around him, and a pair of flaming wings behind him suddenly spread out. As the wings flapped, he turned into a beam of fire and soared into the sky.

In the sea of ​​bones below, a few remaining flames first drifted away, and then these scattered flames began to automatically devour all the surrounding materials and expand rapidly as fuel, and soon the flames expanded into a blazing boiling fireball.

After that, the scattered fireballs were connected in series, and finally formed a fierce sea of ​​fire that burned the sky, turning all the tragic situations in the town, including the town itself, into billowing black smoke that drifted everywhere.


After dealing with the violators, Xu Yue's next time gradually became free. Often after each surging wave subsided, there would be a relatively gentle period of calm. The ocean needs enough time to accumulate strength so that it can set off a more boiling storm next time.

This is true in nature, and it is also true in human society.

After the disastrous Battle of Alcatraz, the human government needed a lot of time to lick its wounds and accumulate strength.

Therefore, at the social level, various policies and measures that are conducive to easing racial conflicts between humans and mutants began to be implemented one by one. The originally sharp conflicts were slowly calmed down under the government's tough dispatch, and the whole situation seemed to be very good.

At least on the surface, the relationship between the two races is steadily moving from independence and hatred to the ultimate goal of peaceful coexistence and prosperity.

But in the hidden corners that others cannot observe, the massive resources of the Federation are being madly input into the laboratories of Trask Industries Group. At the same time, the strategic command post under the White House is also a lively situation with lights on all night and people flowing through.

In addition to the federal areas where the atmosphere is calm on the surface but undercurrents are surging in private, the other areas involving conflicts between humans and mutants have become increasingly tense.

More and more sentinel robots began to appear around the Brotherhood headquarters, which was isolated overseas. Their models were changing rapidly, and their actual combat lethality was also rising at a terrifying speed. However, due to the quiet slowdown in the intensity of their attacks, this change did not attract much attention from the Brotherhood members.

In Cairo, the capital of Egypt, after the outbreak of the Cairo Campaign, which killed and injured more than 100,000 people, the entire ancient city of Cairo fell into a state of tense and alert military control. Even though half a month had passed, the number of soldiers patrolling the streets had not decreased at all, but continued to increase.

Cairo, which should have been a world-famous cultural tourism ancient city, now seems to be quietly transforming into a military stronghold.

It seemed to have become the heart of Egypt, and was swallowing up the country's economy, military, armed forces, and even high-end talents at all levels in an imperceptible hidden trend...

This process of absorption and swallowing was silent, and the outside world could only feel that the whole of Cairo was becoming more and more closed and alert. Therefore, a large number of exploration methods from contractors or the federal government began to be reasonably expelled from Cairo.

Therefore, no one noticed the increasingly weird atmosphere in Cairo and the huge hole that was being dug and widened on the surface of a certain slum.

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