In a remote slum area in Cairo, a wide and deep pit is gradually taking shape and widening under the continuous excavation of several machines and a large number of soldiers.

At the edge of the pit, Xu Yue and Afu are quietly overlooking the progress of the entire pit project. In order to revive the mutant god thousands of years ago, sunlight is the key energy source to reawaken his vitality, so before implementing the plan, he first needs to dig a connecting channel directly to the underground space.

"How long will it take?"

Faced with Xu Yue's inquiry, Ah Fu, who was a little behind, did not hesitate and replied without thinking:

"It will be completely dug in two days at most. When the time comes, as long as the curtain covering the golden roof is lifted, the Apocalypse sleeping underground can be awakened at any time."

"Well, no hurry, we still have plenty of time. How is Cairo under control?"

After nodding lightly, Xu Yue no longer paid attention to the construction site in front of him. He turned around and looked back. Even though it was night, the densely packed high-rise buildings and unbearable colorful neon lights filled the entire night.

This is Cairo, the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa and the Arab world. It spans the Nile River, is majestic and magnificent, covers an area of ​​3,085 square kilometers, and has a permanent population close to 10 million. It is a genuine political, economic, cultural, commercial and transportation center in many regions.

Even though Cairo also has a large number of ugly and chaotic slum areas, its core area is still prosperous. It is a shining pearl standing in the Nile Delta. Even the night cannot cover its brilliance, but makes it more dazzling.

On the side, Ah Fu also turned around and saw the gorgeous neon light reflected in his lake blue pupils, but he could not see any joy or admiration, only a condescending indifference.

Queen Nitia can quietly and completely control a huge kingdom in the magic world, and now Ah Fu, who has inherited her special puppet ability, can easily control an entire prosperous city in about half a month.

Ah Fu may not be strong in frontal combat, but in other auxiliary aspects, he is definitely at the top level.

Puppetization will not affect the target's memory and intelligence, but will capture the target from the body to the soul. The puppetized puppet will hardly reveal any abnormality, but will be extremely loyal to his master.

Under this dimensionality reduction attack, these armies and regimes composed of ordinary people have no room for resistance.

"Master, in this city, no one can go against your will."

Glancing at the elegant figure with a slightly bent upper body behind him, Xu Yue's eyes flashed with a trace of satisfaction. Ah Fu's ability can create an extremely loyal and fearless army for him in a short time.

If it is combined with the enhancement of [God Killing Command] and the super mobility of the magic mirror portal, even without the help of mutant forces, he is fully confident that he can plow the entire San Francisco from beginning to end.

But this is meaningless. If you want to complete the main task of mutant race independence, this is not a problem that can be solved by force alone, and his strength is far from being strong enough to fight against the entire human civilization. He needs more power and advantages.

"It's not enough to just control the army, Afu, I, or the island of Kiyo, need more foundations, people's livelihood, economy, light and heavy industries..."

"If you want to build Kiyo into an independent territory that can support the entire mutant civilization, the Brotherhood alone can't support the healthy operation of a civilized country. The necessary survival supplies and industrial chains alone are enough to drag them down."

"So before awakening the apocalypse, Afu, I need you to extract comprehensive and sufficient nutrition in this city of Cairo in advance, and store it, and use it to provide help to Kiyo at the critical moment. You have about ten days to prepare, can you do it?"

Wen Ah Fu did not answer immediately, but closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, constantly calculating in his mind how much materials and what industries were needed to support the independence of a civilization in the early stage. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, then smiled and nodded:

"No problem, master, I will do all this."


"By the way, has the puppetization of Psylocke been completed?"

"Of course!"

As he spoke, the shadow in front of Xu Yue was faintly squirming, and then the tall purple ninja walked out slowly from the darkness. Unlike the strange killing Matt style a few days ago, she now removed all the heavy makeup, but instead revealed a touch of heroic and cold beauty.

When she came closer, without any hesitation, Psylocke decisively lowered her head and knelt on one knee, looking at the Youlin combat boots in front of her with fanaticism.

"Psylocke, meet the master!"

His eyes fell on the purple figure kneeling in front of him, and Xu Yue raised his eyes slightly.

"Yes, in addition to her, select 10,000 soldiers with excellent physique and willpower from the Cairo army as soon as possible. I will need them next."

"Yes, sir!"


Three days later, X Academy, brain wave amplification room.

"She is a talent with great potential to condense her spiritual energy into a sharp weapon. Yes, her ability can indeed speed up the efficiency of separating the Black Phoenix consciousness!"

"The mind chain can only seal the soul, but the telekinetic blade she condensed can easily cut the soul consciousness, which is really suitable..."

In the familiar spherical space, the professor in the wheelchair was carefully looking at the purple lightsaber extending from Psylocke's hand, and his words were full of undisguised excitement.

In another timeline, Psylocke was one of the four knights recognized by Apocalypse, and her talent and potential were beyond doubt. The other party's telekinesis could be said to be the prototype of the soul's materialization. The meaning of turning the invisible mental power into a physical weapon was far more terrifying than imagined.

In a sense, the telekinetic blade she condensed casually was at the same level as the professor's mental barrier and other things that took a lot of effort to build.

This was also the reason why the professor was so excited after seeing Psylocke's ability. Jean and Dark Phoenix's consciousness were too deeply attached. Even if he wanted to completely separate them, he could only rely on slow grinding to slowly tear the consciousness of both parties.

But Psylocke's telekinetic blade is different. As long as she finds the connection point between the two consciousnesses, she can easily separate them directly.

On the other side, while the professor was excitedly looking at Psylocke's weapon, Xu Yue was also quietly watching Qin, who was still unconscious on the bed.

Compared with a few days ago, her face has not changed at all, but the fluctuations of her mind have become much calmer, no longer violent and fierce as when they first met.

His eyes swept over Qin one by one, and after a moment, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the professor beside him.

"Professor, just resealing the Black Phoenix after separation will not solve the problem. It's just going back to the starting point. We need a more thorough method."

The indifferent voice slowly echoed in the room. The professor's movements suddenly stagnated when he heard the words, and the excitement on his face quickly subsided. He stared at Xu Yue's eyes with a solemn expression.

"Promise me, don't try to control the power of the phoenix, Xinhuo. Because of it, I almost lost two students."

"... Don't worry, professor, you just need to send me and Lingdie to Qin's spiritual space. I just want to talk to her."

After a few breaths of silence, the professor's dull response sounded in the space.


After the words fell, the professor didn't say anything more, but directly put on the amplification helmet beside him. With the vast spiritual power, waves began to rise in this space. Xu Yue only felt that his eyes went black and he lost his perception.

When he regained consciousness again, the first thing that came into his eyes was a two-headed giant phoenix tied tightly by countless chains.

One gentle, one crazy, two completely different voices suddenly rang in his ears.

"I heard the professor mention you, Xinhuo, thank you!"

"Ant!! You stole my power!!"

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