Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 429: Sunfire and the Founding of a Nation

Cairo, ruins.

Now all that is left of Cairo is this scorched earth ruins, with a huge pit lying in the center of the scorched earth, and a long river of magma running through it, with golden and red all over the ground.

Suddenly, a black combat boot stepped on the long river, and immediately a large piece of red liquid splashed everywhere.

Ignoring the wisps of green smoke rising around him, Xu Yue stepped directly over the magma flowing in front of him and walked quickly towards the several incandescent flames that still remained at the bottom of the pit.

At this time, only a few minutes had passed since Tianqi died on the spot. During the whole strangulation process, he basically did nothing else except taking out an Apollo at the beginning and harvesting with an arrow at the last moment.

It was never a problem for him to deal with Tianqi. Since the opponent was resurrected by Ah Fu, a sophisticated large net targeting his weaknesses had already quietly sealed all of Tianqi's life.

Although Xu Yue's planning ability is far from first-rate in the entire Paradise City, after occupying the absolute advantage of intelligence and manpower, he can deal with an old antique who has been sleeping for thousands of years.

Since he dared to wake up Apocalypse, he would definitely be sure to make the other party sleep again!

So, the biggest price he paid throughout the process was just a sun god Apollo worth more than 100,000 Paradise coins. This loss is not worth mentioning to him.

And even if there is no Apocalypse, the test explosion of Apollo is one of his plans that he has already made, and now it is just the right time to make the most of it.

While thinking, a heat wave suddenly hit his face, and it also brought Xu Yue's flying thoughts back on track.

His steps paused slightly, and he looked down, only to see a strange white flame swaying in the wind in front of him.

The reason why Apollo was given the title of Sun God is, on the one hand, because the huge fireball produced after its explosion is like the sun falling, with a mighty momentum.

On the other hand, a large amount of solar fire that can burn almost everything will be generated at the moment of its detonation.

It is precisely because of the blessing of this solar fire that Apollo can burst out such an unreasonable and terrifying power.

And what Xu Yue is plotting is this unique solar flame produced by Apollo.

If this flame can be absorbed into his burning fire, then maybe rubbing Apollo with his hands will no longer be a delusion.

Thinking of this, a trace of heat can't help but appear in his eyes, especially after witnessing the actual power of Apollo with his own eyes, this desire spreads like wildfire in his heart.

In terms of power, the giant fireball covering a full two kilometers is far beyond the red lotus under his full power. For this reason alone, the quality of the solar fire is definitely better than the pure Yangyan in his hand, not to mention the real burning damage of up to 6,000 points in the center.

"The quality is higher than expected, but the number..."

At the bottom of the pit, Xu Yue looked at the swaying white flame in front of him, and his joy faded slightly, then he slowly frowned.

The quality of the sun fire is higher than expected. Just getting close to it, the exaggerated temperature made his whole body feel hot.

You know, with his fire resistance, even a lava bath is just a trivial matter, but in front of this shrinking flame, his fire resistance at this time seems particularly weak.

In terms of quality, the sun fire is beyond doubt. If it is divided according to the level of the paradise, it is at least the fourth level, or even a higher level of flame.

The only problem now is that the number of this kind of flame is too scarce.

He looked around and saw that there were only seven or eight remaining white flames scattered sparsely in the entire pit, and their size was still rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This amount of residual fire is not comparable to the endless fire, and there is a huge gap between it and the condensation of fire source.

According to the classification of the Burning Decision, flames can be roughly divided into four levels.

The first is residual fire. About 99% of the flames in the world are of this type. Although they are powerful, they are just rootless duckweed after all. They will be extinguished when they are burned out.

Whether it is the pure Yangyan that he usually catalyzes with mana, or the several groups of sun fire in front of him, they all belong to the category of residual fire.

The second is the fire source. Most of these are condensed from a large amount of residual fire, or differentiated from fire. Compared with the fleeting residual fire, the biggest feature of the fire source is that it can exist for a long time and never stop. Even if the igniter is burned out, it will not easily die.

The third is the fire seed. This kind of fire is favored by heaven and earth, and it is full of spiritual energy. After being controlled by a living being, it can be completely differentiated into thousands of ways and has infinite magical uses.

The reason why Xu Yue can use mana to catalyze the flame at will is due to the unique burning fire in his body.

As for the fourth type, the fire is matured and transformed into spirit. The Emperor Yan of the Douqi world finally transformed into a similar special form with the help of the burning method.

These four types are progressive, and those who can meet the requirements of the burning method must at least be at the level above the fire source.

In other words, even if he swallowed all the residual fire of the sun in the pit, he could not control this powerful and unique flame.

However, even so, this time is not a gain. At least for the pure Yangyan in his body, these residual fires rich in a lot of solar breath can be said to be a great supplement.

Even if the quality cannot be jumped after swallowing, the power can be strengthened accordingly.

Sensing the constant excitement and restlessness coming from his Dantian, Xu Yue's slightly frowned brows finally relaxed. Without too much delay, he took out a transparent glass bead.

Soon, under the influence of mana, invisible suction force swept out from the inside of the glass ball, absorbing all the surrounding blazing white flames in an instant.

After the suction disappeared, a magnificent white flame quietly appeared inside the originally empty glass ball, which looked particularly delicate.

Throwing away the purple prop in his hand that had changed its image, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly. Although this thing is expensive and can only be used once, it is indeed worth the money. You can prepare a few more in the future.

For all kinds of flames with special properties, he can say that the more the better, so he can buy more means of preservation in case of emergencies.

"Boy, haven't you finished it yet?"

While looking around, a shout suddenly came from above. Looking up, it was Magneto and Qin who were waiting at the outer edge of the pit.

They don't have as strong fire resistance as Xu Yue, so facing this giant pit where the long river of magma flows wantonly, they can only choose to stay away and wait.

But even so, the terrifying high temperature overflowing made his face flush, and there was faint sweat seeping from his temples.

"It's done, get ready to leave. It's time for us to complete the last step."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yue turned over his hand and took the glass ball containing the remaining flames of the sun back into space. Then he spread his wings behind his back and rose up from the ground with a roaring hurricane.

"To build a nation that belongs entirely to mutants!"

The low voice was blown away by the hurricane, and then Xu Yue turned into a ray of fire and shot straight into the sky, followed closely by Magneto and Qin.

After taking away the remaining solar fire, the entire ruins of Cairo have lost their remaining appeal to him. As long as he can be sure that Apollo can stably produce solar fire, then sooner or later this flame will be in his pocket. It just consumes more resources.

With the support of the Furnace and Forging Shop, he is confident in terms of resources.

Now that things have happened in Cairo, he has only one last task left in the X-Men world, and that is - founding the country!


Soon, ten days had passed since the end of the Battle of Cairo.

Although the world-destroying flood did not arrive as promised, the chaos caused by the apocalypse still left the entire human society in a mess.

Especially within the twenty-four hours of the final declaration, although the fighting was fierce on the battlefield in Cairo, the various areas outside Cairo also performed equally well.

Due to the extreme fear of the end of the world, too many people chose to go crazy in the last moments of their lives. As a result, the largest riots in history spread to the entire world. For a time, disorderly killings and flooding were everywhere in major cities around the world. of war.

Especially in those countries where weapons can be openly carried, the roar of guns and artillery continues day and night, and the atmosphere of doomsday is extremely rampant.

Therefore, by the time Apocalypse was overthrown and countries around the world were finally free to rectify public security, the population and resources damaged in this riot had reached a shocking level.

If you include the millions of troops and countless weapons and equipment that were directly sacrificed at the hands of Apocalypse, then the damage to human countries this time is almost no less than a large-scale global battle.

The outbreak of chaos often only requires a small opportunity, but the damage caused by quelling the chaos can only take a long time to slowly make up for it.

And just as countries around the world are quietly licking their wounds, the actions on the mutant side have just begun.

First, unknowingly, the news that the X-Men destroyed Apocalypse in Cairo and saved human civilization swept the entire world like a hurricane.

Often, the more painful the period, the more people need heroes to express their emotions, so that they can forget all the gloom of the real world.

Therefore, the X-Men, who have always been a positive force for mutants, have played this role very well. Coupled with the inaction and repeated failures of the human government during the recent chaotic period, it has intensified the popularity of this heroic image.

Even the mutant group, which was originally feared and hated by everyone, has subtly shown signs of improvement in reputation. Gradually, a brand new concept began to gradually gain popularity with the help of the professor and others.

That is, no matter what contradictions and conflicts existed between humans and mutants in the past, the two were always brothers of the same clan.

Mutants have proved with facts that when there is a foreign enemy in the world, if human beings are defeated, they will be the ones to turn the tide at the critical moment.

The widespread spread of new concepts further restored the bad image of mutants around the world. Later, when the situation intensified, Dr. Hank McCoy, as the new United Nations Ambassador, announced to the world at an international conference A major and ground-breaking proposal was made - "Three days later, the mutant forces with X Academy as the core will officially establish an overseas nation." ’

At that time, a special country composed entirely of mutants will officially enter the world stage.

This brand-new country is called Krako. They will take over all mutant crime incidents around the world, and welcome all mutants to actively join it, without any requirements or conditions.

And as long as new mutants are born in the future, they will automatically obtain Krako citizenship, and no other country will persecute them at will.

At the end of the proposal, Dr. Hank also announced two core technologies that are the foundation of the country, the ‘X gene suppression drug’ and the ‘X gene activation surgery’.

The former can allow anyone who hates the identity of a mutant to return to the human group. This drug will become a basic welfare for Krako citizens. As long as they apply, everyone can get a free injection, but from then on they will have nothing to do with Krako.

The latter can forcibly activate the X gene in the human body, allowing an ordinary human to evolve into a mutant with various special abilities.

Of course, this technology will not be provided free of charge. Only those who meet certain requirements and make sufficient contributions to Krako will be eligible for this operation.

The two technologies complement each other and will completely break the insurmountable gap between humans and mutants. Once released, they have set off a storm around the world.

Let’s not talk about the violent storm caused by the announcement of the proposal. Faced with this ambitious and almost undisguised proposal for the establishment of a country, to everyone’s surprise, it has won the unanimous approval of the five permanent members of the United Nations.

Even the Federation, which used to oppress mutants the most, did not express any opposition at this time.

In fact, any country with a slightly longer-term vision can understand what consequences will be caused once the mutants become powerful, but after all, this is a different time.

On the one hand, due to Apocalypse, the armed forces of all human countries have suffered a nearly devastating blow, and the destruction of nuclear weapons and many heavy weapons has greatly reduced their confidence.

In this case, facing the X-Men who can destroy Apocalypse without injury, it is difficult for humans to continue to show an extremely tough attitude.

After all, who can guarantee that the doomsday judgment incident not long ago will not happen again? Especially when Magneto inadvertently showed the world the hundreds of nuclear bombs densely packed on the island of Kiyo, this worry was directly raised to the peak.

On the other hand, the release of X-gene activation technology also showed the world a new possibility, a possibility that can allow them to have all kinds of powerful powers, and even the ability to live forever.

Although the X Academy will not hand over this technology, it has promised that after the establishment of the country, Krako will provide them with a certain number of activation quotas every year free of charge, and even the category of awakened genes can be designated accordingly. Apart from anything else, Wolverine's self-healing ability alone is enough to make them all crazy.

In the face of immortality, race? Don't joke.

How can this illusory artificial division compare to the real practical interests? As long as they are willing, they can shape mutants into more advanced new humans in minutes.

The strategy of sweet dates in one hand and big stick in the other is very old-fashioned, but it can always last for a long time. In addition, agreeing to the establishment of mutants is a condition that Hank has fought for from human countries in advance during the Cairo Battle.

So when the mutants showed their fangs and demonstrated their own value, this unprecedented proposal for the establishment of a country naturally became unimpeded.

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