Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 430: Eden and Return

Overseas, Kiyo Island.

While Professor X, Hank and others were constantly running around the world, Magneto and Xu Yue were not idle either.

Within ten days, they worked together to completely transform this former Brotherhood base.

The bright sunlight in the early morning fell from the sky, and suddenly reflected an endless sparkling golden light on the sea. In the center of this golden light, a full-metal island that was several times larger than before was standing.

Looking closely, the island was not just several times larger in size, but also had countless complex and magnificent inscriptions on its surface. The dense inscriptions were spread all over every inch of the island, and they looked shining under the sunlight.

Above the island, Xu Yue and Magneto stood in the air, quietly overlooking the new Kiyo Island below, which took them a full ten days to transform.

In three days, it will become the Garden of Eden that carries the mutant country Krako, and become a real floating island in the sky.

"Boy, are you sure these fancy patterns can really play such a big role?"

Retracting his sight from the island under his feet, Magneto glanced at Xu Yue beside him. Although the other party's previous actions have fully proved that he is reliable enough, he still has some concerns when facing this special field that has never been involved.

Can a giant floating island that can carry tens of millions of people really be built with only some unknown patterns?

Compared to reality, this sounds more like a fairy tale in a storybook!

Beside him, Xu Yue naturally heard the distrust in Magneto's mouth, but he did not intend to explain immediately. Compared with the paleness of words, it would be more convincing to let the other party witness the rebirth of Kiyo Island with his own eyes.

His eyes swept over the fine inscriptions all over the surface of the island, and finally stopped at a giant pyramid building covered by thick black cloth in the center of the island.

As Xu Yue's mind moved, a lot of specific information about Jiyou Island suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Garden of Eden]

Origin: X-Men, Xinhuo

Quality: Light gold

Category: Special Building

Durability: 100/100

Driven requirement: Intelligence attribute greater than 75 points.

Equipment effect 1: Sunlight Inscription (active/passive), after activating the inscription effect, the inscription can convert pure natural sunlight into unique sunlight energy by shining on the sun, and provide continuous energy supply for the entire island.

Tip 1: Maintaining the sunlight energy concentration effect for a long time will accelerate the wear and tear of the island's own materials, and eventually cause irreversible durability reduction.

Tip 2: The converted sunlight energy will be accumulated in the core energy pool inside the island for long-term storage.

Equipment Effect 2: Fu Yue Inscription (Active/Passive): After activating the inscription effect, the inscription will automatically absorb the surrounding earth and stone elements and condense them freely into a solid unified entity.

Tip 1: By mobilizing mental power to flow through the island, the earth and stone entities condensed by the Fu Yue Inscription can be simply manipulated.

Equipment Effect 3: Yu Wu Inscription (Active/Passive): After activating the inscription effect, the inscription can convert any energy or mana into a large amount of buoyancy to support the island's floating, and freely adjust the island's movement direction by consuming mental power.

Equipment Effect 4: Energy Protection (Active): Consuming a large amount of energy and part of the earth elements condensed by the Fu Yue Inscription, a giant energy shield can be mixed around the island to resist foreign invasion.

Rating: 310 (Note: The score of light gold items is 260 to 310.)

Introduction: Although it has not yet been fully formed, it is undoubtedly a rare wonder in the world. This is the sky floating island, the Eden of God! !


After checking all the information of the Garden of Eden one by one, Xu Yue's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

The pale gold full-rated equipment is the highest quality he has created so far.

Although this thing is essentially just a transformation and upgrade of the Jiyou Island and does not have any attack capabilities, the 4 equipment effects can completely make up for all the shortcomings of the equipment.

This Garden of Eden can be said to be the culmination of all his current forging skills. The metal island at the moment is just the initial skeleton. When it is full of soil and rocks and hangs high in the sky, it will be the complete form of the Garden of Eden in the true sense.

At that time, the metal Jiyou Island inside will become the core skeleton of this miracle creation, and the vast amount of soil and rocks absorbed by the Fuyue inscription will become the flesh and blood texture that fills the skeleton, plus the energy heart provided by the Sun Shining inscription, the invisible wings created by the Yuwu inscription, and the protective membrane provided by the energy shield technology.

With the combination of the four systems, Eden will completely become a miracle that surpasses all the countries in the world. As for the attack capability, at this level, it no longer needs any special attack means.

Just raise the entire floating island to the height of the clouds, and then smash it down. Then, let alone a country, even if the opponent is a continent or even an entire planet, it will be buried with Eden under the suicide attack.

And this is the biggest reliance that mutants can rely on to survive in the future. After all, no matter how great the benefits are, when the price they face is the decisive consequence of being destroyed together with it if they are not careful, any existence will weigh whether it is worth it.

In other words, the Garden of Eden will soon become a "Sword of Damocles" hanging over the heads of all mankind. Only such a threat can temporarily curb the insatiable greed of mankind.

Of course, the more powerful the power, the higher the requirements for its driving. 75 points of intelligence attribute is the most basic condition for controlling the Garden of Eden.

Only with a vast mental power like the sea of ​​smoke can this giant floating island that can carry tens of millions of people be freely controlled.

This alone has made 99% of the existences in the current world feel helpless, including Xu Yue, whose intelligence attribute has not even broken through 50 points.

And the only one who can really meet this requirement, apart from Qin in the Phoenix state, is Charles, who was recently strengthened by Tianqi.

In a way, this is also an alternative insurance for the Garden of Eden.

It can be foreseen that when the Garden of Eden is completely formed and lifted to the sky by Professor X, it will be the time when his main task completion is raised to the extreme and he can leave the world.

Thinking of this, Xu Yue's gaze towards the huge island below began to become more and more profound. After a moment, the emotions in his eyes slowly subsided. He glanced at Magneto, who was becoming increasingly anxious beside him, and then slowly spoke:

"Pure words are meaningless. Inform the professor that the skeleton of the Garden of Eden has been built. Next, we need his power to make it fully formed."

"Soon, you will see it surpass all mankind!"

The decisive words immediately dispelled all the doubts in Magneto's eyes, leaving only the lingering faint heat.

"I'll wait and see!"


In the next three days, when Professor X entered the island of Kiyo, this already huge metal island began to expand at an exaggerated speed.

Now the giant pyramid in the center of the island has already lifted the thick black cloth used to cover it, and the bright sunlight pours on the golden surface of the tower. Silently, the sun-shining inscriptions all over the tower body began to take effect gradually.

The invisible sunlight was quickly transformed into an almost endless golden liquid, which continued to spread and move along the fine lines that continued to go down, and was finally slowly transported to the large energy storage pool inside the island.

In order to build this energy heart that supplies the entire Garden of Eden, the Brotherhood and the X Academy were almost bankrupt. It was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club and the Angel, the heir of Worthington Industries, who generously contributed countless resources, and only then was the massive amount of gold needed to build the Sun Pyramid gathered.

However, although the price paid was huge, it was still worth the money.

This giant pyramid, which is several times larger and larger than the [Sun Shining Golden Dome], is slightly inferior to the original in quality, but its huge size advantage greatly makes up for its shortcomings, so the massive energy generated can still fully meet all the needs of the Garden of Eden, and even far more.

With the support of abundant energy supply, the Fuyue inscriptions scattered throughout every corner of the island began to shine with a soft earthy yellow light.

Above the island, a giant magic mirror with a diameter of more than ten meters is hanging in the air. Through the teleportation ability of the magic mirror, endless earth, rocks and quicksand are being dug by many mutants of the Brotherhood.

They converged into a broad and magnificent yellow waterfall, which fell down with a bang, and under the effect of the Fu Yue inscription, it turned into waves of water that gradually spread to the entire island. Soon, the originally cold metal island turned into a huge khaki island that continued to expand outward, and only the bright pyramid in the center remained the same.

At the same time, when the Garden of Eden was rapidly moving towards its complete form, a large number of mutants who received the news of the founding of the country were also swarming from all over the world towards the coordinates provided by the X Academy.

In this cruel world, almost all mutants have experienced discrimination and oppression in human society, so they are often very enthusiastic about the warmth of their own kind, not to mention that this is an unprecedented mutant country.

Among them, Storm and Quicksilver and others worked together to form a special personnel transport team, preparing to transport some mutants with related abilities such as rapid construction or plant growth to the Garden of Eden in advance, in order to speed up the formation of the mutant country Krako.

So as Hank blew the horn at the international conference, mutants all over the world became active.

And in the busyness that affected a wide range of people, the noisy three days passed in a flash.

Until noon on the third day, the noise in the X-Men world did not stop, but instead showed a trend of intensification.


Overseas, the waters of the original base island.

Although countries around the world are deliberately downplaying the news of the establishment of the mutant country, it is obvious that their technological means are far from enough to limit the illusory power of the mind.

It was on this day that Professor X took the initiative to show his abilities to the world for the first time. Without any signs, an invisible mind wave instantly swept the world and once again synchronized the minds of all intelligent life on this planet.

The familiar feeling that appeared at the end of the apocalypse came again. People only felt a flash before their eyes, and then an unfamiliar scene occupied all their vision.

It was a vast blue sea. In the center of the sea, a vast island as wide as a small land stood quietly.

The bird's-eye view slowly zooms in, and you can see lush plants and tall buildings on the island. In the center, there is a giant pyramid that seems to be made of pure gold, shining in the sun, making it dizzying.

It has to be said that the huge scale of mutants, which reaches tens of millions of levels, makes all kinds of strange mutant talents emerge in an almost endless stream. As long as you are willing to spend time to search carefully, there is basically no special ability that cannot be found.

It is precisely for this reason that Xu Yue and others were able to transform the originally bare metal island into a beautiful and well-equipped living place in front of them in just three days.

The zoomed-in perspective did not stay for long before it was raised again. The next moment, the calm sea suddenly stirred up huge waves. Then in the dull eyes of more than six billion people, the vast island of unknown size gradually gradually It tears open the sea surface and slowly rises in the boiling waves.

The island does not rise very quickly, but its slow posture gives people an almost breathless feeling of horror and oppression. The roar of a large number of waves crashing into the sea is deafening. Looking up, I can see thousands of white curtains of water. The curtain is falling straight from the edge of the rising island, like a series of magnificent waterfalls.

The real senses brought about by the spiritual connection make all the beings who witness this scene feel as if they are actually there, so at this moment, the world is completely silent.

I don’t know how much time has passed. When everyone came to their senses, the vast island not long ago had risen to the heights of the clouds. As far as the eye could see, misty clouds and mist were lingering and passing through, adding to the beauty of the entire island. There is a vast and ethereal fairy atmosphere.


Suddenly, an ethereal cry suddenly resounded, and following the sound, I saw a strange big red fish leaping out of the sea of ​​clouds. Its huge body of hundreds of meters directly smashed into the clouds and mist, and the powerful wings on both sides were waving. There was a big storm.

This big fish constantly swimming around the floating island is the true form of the stingray that has activated its sea swimming skills. The stingray feeds on luck, and now the Eden, which has attracted global attention, is unknowingly surrounded by... A vast amount of majestic luck gathered together.

Although invisible to ordinary people, in its eyes, the island in front of it is comparable to a grand banquet piled with countless delicacies.

Of course, since the ray is known as an auspicious beast, it will not do the evil deeds of robbing luck. What it swims around and swallows will only be the floating and complicated luck. Not only will it not cause any damage to the Garden of Eden, but it will It will also help these sudden massive amounts of luck to become condensed and stable as quickly as possible, which can be described as a win-win situation.

A few breaths later, when the eyes of the world began to be gradually attracted by Wen Yu, who had explosive charm attributes, Professor X's gentle voice was heard.

"From today on, the nation of mutants living in the Garden of Eden on the floating island - Krako is established!"

"In the future, Krako will protect every mutant equally, and it will become a common home for all mutants."

“All compatriots on this planet, no matter where you are or what your situation is, as long as you silently recite the name of Krako ten times every Saturday at noon, we will send a team to take you home within three days. "

"Remember, no matter where you are..."

The professor's words were loud, gentle but with an indescribable firmness. No matter how miserable the mutant family was in the past, when Krakow is high in the clouds, all the dirty things in the past will be swept away. null.

From today on, they will no longer be the poor group struggling to survive in the cracks of society, because above the clouds, they truly own a vast territory that belongs entirely to mutants!

The meaning behind this declaration is clearly visible. At this point, everyone understands that the past of mankind's wanton oppression of mutants will be completely changed.

Not to mention the countless living beings under the clouds who were either crying with joy or filled with resentment and fear. In short, Xu Yue, standing tall on the back of Wen Ray, was very satisfied with this declaration.

The moment the declaration ended, the long-awaited paradise prompt sounded in his ears.

[Tip: A serious change in the plot has been detected, and the fate of the mutants has drastically deflected. The cause is being verified...]

[The verification is completed. The Hunters have led and created the current large-scale force in the world - the country of mutants, 'Craco'. This force has been recognized by the will of the world. The establishment is valid. You have obtained 26.6% of the source of the world. Now you have obtained the source of the world in total. 117.1%]

[Tip: The source of the world obtained by the hunter has reached 117.1%. Yes/No convert it into the seed of the world. To complete this transformation, 100% of the source of the world needs to be consumed. 】

[Seed of the World: It can greatly improve the overall evaluation when settling in any world. 】

[Tip: The source of the world obtained by the hunter exceeds 100% for the first time, and you get the following information. 】

[If the source of the world exceeds 100%, it can be converted into the seed of the world. 】

[If the source of the world exceeds 150%, you will receive a world-class treasure chest reward. This is an additional reward and does not require the consumption of the source of the world to transform. 】

[Tip: World-class treasure chests can only be obtained in three ways. 】

[1. There is a chance to obtain it when you go through the trial world. This is a special reward in the trial world. 】

【2. Kill the influential plot characters in any world. 】

[3. After obtaining 150% of the World Source, you will be awarded with an additional World-class Treasure Chest. ]


[Hint: You get a special faction treasure chest (Krako)]

[Hint: Persist until the fate of the mutants deviates dramatically, and the completion of the main task "Save" is correspondingly improved. The current completion is 98% (excellent). Yes/No submission, and you will be eligible to return after submission. ]


In the cloud, Xu Yue's eyes swept through the large amount of prompt information in front of him one by one. The information about the World Seed and the World-class Treasure Chest is not unfamiliar to him.

Among them, the World-class Treasure Chest needs no further explanation, and the value of the World Seed is not just as simple as improving the comprehensive evaluation.

This thing is a high-end resource. If it can be sold to a high-level contractor of about level 7, the resources that can be exchanged are no longer described as getting rich overnight. It is no exaggeration to say that it will take off directly.

But the biggest problem is that he has no stable channel for cashing out. If he dares to throw this thing out for trading when he has just entered the second level, the result will probably be no different from a child carrying gold in a busy city.

Even if the transaction is successful, the subsequent risks will definitely be far beyond imagination. Don't expect that the hunter number cannot track this authority. In Paradise, a ghost place that advocates the law of the jungle, as long as you are willing to pay the price, there is nothing absolutely impossible to do.

And if it cannot be sold, the seed of the world can only be said to be of little use to him now. When the real attributes have not been broken through, this thing is more risky than beneficial to him, and there is no need to take risks.

On the other hand, choosing to transform it into the seed of the world will greatly lower his task evaluation. The amount of the source of the world will seriously affect his final attribute point reward.

At the critical moment of entering the second level and the development of the four attributes, attribute points are crucial to him.

The lower the foundation is, the more he cannot fall behind. This is related to whether he can keep advancing and keep the snowball-like crushing state. If he is slow, it is very likely that he will lose everything in the future.

So after only thinking for a moment, he decisively rejected the plan to transform the world seed. Anyway, as long as he can always stay strong, such opportunities will only increase in the future, and he doesn't need to take risks at this time.

However, the completion of the main task is quite in line with his expectations. 98% completion is already extremely excellent.

As for 100%, it is likely that he will need to destroy all humans. When only mutants are left on this planet, there will be no more trouble.

And such an ending is absolutely unacceptable to the professor and others, so he has no need to waste time.

Finally, he turned his eyes and looked deeply at the magnificent floating island shrouded in clouds and mist not far away. Xu Yue did not plan to say goodbye to the professor and others. For the entire X-Men world, he is always just a passerby.

"Submit the task and return!"

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