"Haha, okay, it's settled, we're tied this time. When we get off the ground, we'll find a spacious place to fight again!"

In the cabin of the spaceship, Xu Yue, Geraint and other five people were sitting around a round table and chatting happily.

Among them, Barna's voice is particularly obvious. The look he is looking at Xu Yue is quite kind.

Although the previous contest between the two ended in vain, Xu Yue did not cancel the bet they made before the fight. Instead, he proposed that this contest be a draw, and Xu Yue was willing to use any piece of equipment in exchange for his battle cry skill.

Barna was quite satisfied with the deal. From what Xu Yue had shown before, it could be seen that his forging skills were excellent, and the price for a blacksmith of this level was not cheap.

Although his battle cry skill is unique, it is not something too rare.

No matter how this deal is calculated, he will not suffer a loss. Even if he doesn't use the things Xu Yue forges, he can sell them for a lot of gold coins. He is not financially wealthy now.

Although he is the king of mercenaries, he spends money lavishly. In addition, most of the gold coins were used to purchase this airship, and his savings are even more dwarfed.

This time, he accompanied Geraint to the imperial capital to discuss the elimination of the black dragon. On the one hand, it was out of justice, but more importantly, he planned to make a fortune from this.

Looking at the heroic and laughing Barna in front of him, Xu Yue was in a good mood. This was a pretty good opponent.

He had a particularly comfortable fight just now, and as for this deal, he was even more worthy of the deal. The battle cry skill was very effective in both single combat and group attacks, and it was very suitable for his combat system.

"Forging equipment is a trivial matter. You can come to me at any time when you have prepared the materials. Weapons and protective gear will do, but they must be made of metal."

Forging equipment only consumes some fire. He has accumulated a lot along the way, but the equipment materials can only be obtained from Barna. If the equipment materials are also included, he will suffer a small loss in this transaction.

"Have a good time. Don't worry about the materials. I know a dwarf blacksmith in the Holy Heaven. His metal materials are absolutely complete." Barna patted his chest and spoke firmly.

Hearing the words dwarf blacksmith, Xu Yue's interest immediately rose, and he immediately asked Barna:

"The dwarf blacksmith is quite rare. Barna, if it's convenient, could you introduce me to this blacksmith?"

Xu Yue was deeply impressed by the dwarf blacksmith that Barna mentioned. In terms of forging skills alone, he was one of the best in the world. Xu Yue may have relied on this dwarf blacksmith for his lack of extraordinary forging knowledge.

"No problem. When we get to the Holy Heaven, I will take you to find him."

"There's me, I'm going too. Uncle Barna, you still owe me a good sword."

Hearing Barna mention the word blacksmith, Lambert, who was pestering Geraint with great interest and asking whether the legendary stories about him were true, also became excited and immediately raised his hand.

Barna glanced at the excited Lambert and ignored him. Instead, he took Xu Yue's arm and started walking out of the cabin.

"Now that it's settled, I won't wait any longer. Let's go! I'll teach you the battle cry technique first."

Xu Yue didn't resist. Of course, the sooner he learns skills, the better. When he walked to the door, Barna suddenly paused.

He turned to look inside the cabin because Barna ignored him just now and Lambert, who was a little depressed, coughed and said dullly:

"Hey, that salty fish boy, there's not much difference between teaching one and teaching two. Do you want to learn or not?"

"Ah! Me?" Lambert was stunned for a moment, then quickly jumped down from his seat.

"Learn, learn, learn! I will learn, thank you Uncle Barna, no, thank you teacher!"

Barna looked at Lambert, who was running towards him with a red face. A smile flashed in his eyes, but he slapped him on the back of the head with his big hand.

"I didn't agree to be your teacher. Let's see what your qualifications are first. You look dull. Well, I guess you're in doubt."

Lambert wasn't angry when he was patted, but he was happy. It wasn't until he heard Barna say that he was stupid that he couldn't help but retort:

"I learn things very quickly. When I was in town, I learned everything Uncle Cullen taught me as soon as I could."

"Hey, teacher, Brother Xinhuo, wait for me."

The three of them walked out of the cabin one after another and headed to the deck. Only two brothers, Geraint and Argenta, were left at the round table in the cabin.

Argeta still held the puppy in her arms. She looked through the window at the three people on the deck with a gentle smile on her lips.

"It seems that Barna is very optimistic about this little guy Lambert."

"Lambert is very talented, agile, flexible in battle, tough, and kind-hearted. He is indeed a good prospect. It is not surprising that Barna values ​​him."

Geraint recalled what he had seen before about Lambert's behavior when monsters attacked, and he took the risk to inform all residents that he had no fear when facing monsters, and did not give up resistance even if he was surrounded by monsters.

He is tough and upright, but he is never pedantic in battle. He can do sneak attacks, feign death and other operations at his fingertips. He is indeed a good candidate for being a warrior.

After hearing Geraint's comments, Argenta chuckled.

"It seems that my brother is also very optimistic about that little guy. What about Xinhuo?"

"Xinhuo..." After mentioning Xinhuo, Geraint pondered for a moment before continuing.

"Decisive, ruthless, perseverance, and..." Geraint thought about the lingering strong smell of blood after approaching Xu Yue, and slowly spat out the last two words. "Cold-blooded."

"In short, he is a dangerous person. Although he is a member of the Radiant Knights, he is definitely not a knight."

"His fighting method must be quite bloody and cruel, even if the opponent is a monster, but this fighting habit represents his absolute disregard for life, a kind of indifference that everything he sees is insignificant."

Geraint's evaluation of Xu Yue was much more solemn than his evaluation of Lambert. After hearing this, Aljeta looked at Xu Yue on the deck with a trace of scrutiny.

After Geraint noticed Argenta's changes, he quickly followed her.

"Haha, there is no need to be so vigilant. On a bloody battlefield like Black Mountain Fortress, his character is very suitable for survival. He is a very good general. He has a different path from ours, and we won't have many in the future. Intersection, people like Xinhuo are naturally suited to the battlefield and foreign aggression."

"If he doesn't die, it will definitely become the best sword for the imperial military to expand its territory."

Speaking of the empire, a figure with black hair, black clothes and a black sword suddenly appeared in Geraint's mind, with a hint of reminiscence in his tone.

"Well, he and Bescord must get along very well. I can introduce them to them when I go to the Imperial Capital."

"Besides that, the most important thing now is that he is not weak and should be of great help to our dragon-slaying operation. We need him."

When it came to slaying the dragon, Geraint's expression became much more serious and his tone was firm, while Argenta's eyes flickered and she looked a little worried. She looked at Geraint with worried eyes.

"Brother, promise me not to die."

Geraint was silent for a long time before slowly speaking.


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