[The hunter triggers a special event: the plot character imparts knowledge. 】

[Techniques are being taught...]

On the deck, Barna was explaining to the two people one by one how to use the war cry skill in simple and easy-to-understand terms, how to move the throat muscles, the specific application of breath, and most importantly, how to mobilize the inner will and courage.

Despite Barna's appearance, he is extremely meticulous and patient in teaching. He must have had more than one coaching experience.

Under such meticulous teaching, Xu Yue felt that time passed quickly, and from time to time, one or two shocking or childish roars came from the airship.

With the help of Paradise, he gradually fell into a state similar to epiphany. Like a sponge, he was rapidly absorbing the relevant knowledge described by Barna, and various insights passed through his mind one by one.

[You have learned the skill: Battle Cry]


A sound wave exploded with Xu Yue as the center, and the turbulent air waves began to surge outward, pushing Barna and Lambert nearby several meters away.

"This... you have learned this?"

Amidst the sound of clanking chains, Barna looked at Xu Yue in the center of the deck with a face full of doubts about life.

You know, it took him three days to learn this skill from his instructor. This was already considered a natural talent. However, from the beginning of Xu Yue's learning to the time he successfully used it, it only took less than three hours.

[Battle cry: Lv.1 (active skill)]

Skill effect: Emit violent sound waves to cause a knockback effect within a 20-meter radius, and increase the attack power by 5%. Enemies within the affected range will undergo a double-layer judgment of physical strength and willpower. If the judgment fails, there is a 10% chance of falling into negative states such as dizziness and cowardice. .

Tips: Each time you use the battle cry, you will consume a certain amount of physical strength, and the cooling time is 300 seconds (because the hunter masters the battle cry through self-learning, it can be used continuously forcibly, and forced continuous use will cause a certain degree of damage to the throat).

The battle cry skill has high physical requirements, and it is not only physical strength, but also involves the use of mental will. Otherwise, a simple roar cannot achieve such an exaggerated effect. This skill has a very good control effect and can be used very well. Make up for Xu Yue's combat shortcomings.

"The effect is very good, thank you very much."

Xu Yue thanked Barna, his voice was a little hoarse, and the pressure on his throat was extremely high when using the battle cry skill.

"You should be a warrior."

Barna looked at Xu Yue with a complex expression. Not only was he a fast learner, but in Xu Yue's war cry just now, he felt a domineering spirit that swallowed up mountains and rivers and looked down upon all things. This will is the key.

"The effect of each person's battle cry is different. This is based on his character and will. Now that you have started, you can only rely on yourself for the rest of your improvement. I won't say much about the rest, otherwise it will affect your path. .”

"Thank you so much."

"It's okay, just a normal transaction."

Barna waved his hand casually, then seemed to remember something again, and said:

"Okay, you go back to the cabin to rest first. Remember, when you first learn, the throat is still very fragile. It is best not to use more than five times a day. After the throat adapts to such pressure, there will be no so many restrictions."

After saying that, he slapped Lambert, who was a little dazed next to him, on the back of the head and staggered him.

Until now, Lambert's war cry is just a dry howl. His muscles are strong and he is eager to learn, but it is difficult to mobilize his spiritual energy. Although Lambert's learning speed is no longer slow, compared with Xu Yue at this moment, it is simply Without contrast, there is no harm.

"You're still dumbfounded. Hurry up and practice. Look, I used to boast that I was a quick learner, but now I'm blushing."

Lambert didn't reply, but looked at Xu Yue with some resentment in his eyes. When he met Lambert's gaze, Xu Yue shrugged, returned a helpless look, and walked towards the cabin.

He was going to talk to Geraint about the black dragon again, and maybe he could dig out some more secrets of the dragon gem.

Just walked to the cabin door. Xu Yue's movement to open the door suddenly paused, and a paradise prompt sounded in his ears.

[Warning: The abnormal violator has entered the one kilometer range of the hunter, and the hunting function is turned on. 】

The prompt sounded, and Xu Yue reacted quickly. The airship was surrounded by nothing in the air. The only place where the violator could return was under the airship. He quickly ran to the edge of the deck and looked down. Below was a stretch of land. Endless forest.

Xu Yue ran quite a bit, and the sound of running also attracted Barna's attention. He walked closer in a few steps and asked:

"Xinhuo, what's wrong?"

"Barna, where is this forest below?"

"The outer forest of the Holy Paradise here is the Holy Paradise not far ahead."

As he spoke, Barna raised his gaze downwards and pointed directly in front of the spaceship. There was a magnificent group of white buildings on the top of the mountain. That was the capital of the empire and the sacred paradise.

"Barna, can you drive the spaceship to the forest below?"

"Well, this won't work. This forest belongs to the outer barrier of the imperial capital. If the airship were to land here, the target would be too big and it would trigger a warning from the empire."

"Then can you please use the anchor to send me down? I need to go down to deal with a problem."

"This is no problem, do you need help?"

Barna is not too worried about Xu Yue's safety. After playing a game before, he understands Xu Yue's strength. What he is more concerned about now is that Xu Yue still owes him a piece of equipment and cannot run away.

"No, you go to the Holy Heaven first, take this, I will come find you later, don't worry."

Xu Yue turned his hand and took out a fire glass bead from the space and threw it to Barna. It was the same bead as Laura in the previous world.

After using it once, he found that this thing was quite practical and a great locator. He prepared a few of them in advance before entering the world, and now Kairos and Bunir each have one.

As for Barna's offer of help, Xu Yue was heartbroken for a moment but still refused. He and Barna realized that it had only been a few hours and the relationship was not strong enough to trouble them to kill someone together.

Even if you successfully surround and kill the violators below, it will most likely arouse the resentment of the protagonist group, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Besides, he currently doesn’t know the image of the violator below. If the violator below is a priest with a righteous face and wielding the Holy Light, or a delicate little girl, he doesn’t think the protagonist group will be very determined. Be on his side.

Such a situation is not impossible. The violator does not become a violator because of his evil power. Paradise does not care about the good and evil of the contractor.

The only reason why they became violators is that they violated the rules of the park, violated the interests of the park, and ignored the warnings of the park, and these have nothing to do with good or evil.

"This thing is quite beautiful."

Barna looked at the beautiful glass ball in his hand. There was a coquettish purple flame floating in the middle of the clear and transparent glass, and the flame was emitting a little glow as it swayed.

After carefully putting away the glass ball, which could be worth a lot of money just for its appearance, Barna took Xu Yue and walked towards the anchor.

"Xianyu boy, you practice honestly, Xinhuo, let's go, I will send you down, will you land in this direction?"

"No, we still need to move a little further back."


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