On the outskirts of the Holy Paradise, this dense forest is now much more lively than before.

"Saber, how far is the valley you mentioned?"

In the dense forest, a group of three people were advancing hard, blocked by dense vegetation. The leader was a middle-aged man in camouflage uniforms. He was holding a thick and curved Gurg saber, which is what we commonly call a dog. The leg knife is opening the way ahead.

As he waved his arms, several rays of cold light flashed, and the dense vegetation in front of him turned into debris. His thick combat boots stepped on the broken plant branches on the ground, making a rustling sound. Hearing the complaints of his teammates behind him, he kept moving his hands. , replied lightly.

"It's almost there, there are still about ten minutes left."

"You're so quick. This is the third time I've heard it. How did you find this crappy place?"

When they heard that there were still ten minutes left, a tall and thin man behind them complained again. After entering this dense forest, it would take them almost 2 hours just to travel, and the road was still poor.

He was moving as fast as a turtle crawling while opening a road, which made him, who was already impatient, even more irritable.

The saber opening the way ahead was as calm as ever, and the frequency of the cold light flashing in front of him remained unchanged at all, as precise as a machine.

"Two days ago, we discovered through drones that there are two large and three small ones in the valley, a total of five bear monsters. Their strength is within our hunting range, the risk is medium, and the harvest is enough for us to share."

Saber's serious tone came from the front, and the tall and thin man secretly rolled his eyes. Saber is good at everything, but with this personality, he is as rigid as a robot.

This was not the first time the three of them had cooperated in hunting, but every time he listened to this guy's cold and calm tone, it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Just as he was about to say a few more words, the teammate next to him interrupted him.

"Langyan, please stop talking. Instead of talking nonsense, it's better to save more energy. Bear monsters are difficult to deal with. They have high attack and high HP, so hunting is not easy."

The tall and lanky contractor codenamed Langyan lost interest in complaining when he heard the teammates next to him speaking. However, after his eyes glanced at the staff in the hands of his teammates, he immediately paid attention again.

"Shuanghan, aren't you a master? You can just set fire to clear the way. It's efficient and fast, and you don't have to work hard to open the way with a saber."

The teammates wearing robes and holding staffs beside him were stunned after hearing this, and then replied angrily.

"I'm just a little mage, but I can't bear the title of Master. Besides, I'm an ice mage, so I'm just trying to make a fool of myself."

"Besides, you're tired of setting fire to a place like this, aren't you?"

"Tsk! Shouldn't fireball be the standard equipment for your mages? You..."

Before Lang Yan could finish his words, a cold light suddenly passed in front of him, and the silver blade almost grazed his eyelashes, making his hair stand up in fear.


A soft sound came from behind, and the frightened Lang Yan turned around to look. The tactical dagger that had just passed by his eyes was firmly inserted into a tree trunk behind him, with a small emerald green snake nailed on the tip. The snake was not dead yet and was twisting wildly on the dagger.

A stream of dark green venom spurted out from the snout of the little snake, corroding the blade with a squeaking sound, which made Lang Yan feel chilled in his heart.


Another dagger flew in, and this time it directly nailed the little snake's twisting head to death. The snake's body twitched for a while and then stopped moving.

"Don't be distracted. There are many trees in this place, and there are naturally a lot of snakes, scorpions and poisonous insects."

What came from the front was still the same calm tone, but the irritability in Lang Yan's heart had been completely driven away by the chill that had just surged up, so he didn't complain anymore. Shuang Han on the side looked at his calm appearance, The corners of his lips were slightly raised, but he said no more words.

In silence, the three of them continued to move forward at a neither fast nor slow speed.

Ten minutes later, the saber chopped the vegetation in front of them, and the front suddenly became clear. A valley with beautiful environment appeared in front of everyone. The terrain was flat, full of green grass, and there was a small blue lake not far away.

"This place has a nice environment, Saber, where exactly are those monsters?"

"In a cave on the west side of the valley, this valley is not small. We are now in the south. Let's go. At this time, there should be only one adult bear in the cave. Let's solve this part first. "

Saber took the lead and stepped into the valley. After sizing up the landscape, he walked straight in one direction, with Langyan and Shuanghan quietly following behind.

The valley has a beautiful environment, but it is eerily quiet. It seems that apart from the plants, there is no life in the valley. In the dead silence, only the footsteps of the three of them echo in the valley.

The deathly silence around him made Shuang Han, who had the highest intelligence attribute in the team, a little uneasy. He couldn't help but softly said:

"Saber, was it this quiet here last time you came here?"

Before Saber could say anything, Lang Yan beside him said nonchalantly:

"It's a magical beast territory. All animals within the area will be expelled. It will probably be lively by the time we get to the entrance of the cave."

Shuanghan didn't even look at the wolf smoke coming from the side. He still stared at the saber leading the way. After the saber glanced around, he frowned slightly.

"There is indeed something wrong. The last time I used a drone to investigate, although the valley was not very lively, it was not so dead either. Please be more alert."

"Then why not use the drone to investigate again, we are heading there."

Saber shook his head slowly: "The drones that can be used in this magical world must at least be of green quality. The last one was smashed to pieces by a bear's paw when exploring the cave."

"Nothing, let's go to the cave and observe first. If anything goes wrong, we'll retreat."


After getting the reply from Saber, Shuanghan didn't insist anymore. Although he felt more and more uneasy, he had to travel for so long to reach his destination. In the end, he returned dejectedly just because of the slightest uneasiness. He probably wouldn't be willing to do this. .

"You just think too much and are suspicious. We have walked back and forth in this forest so many times these days, and we are still safe and sound. In this paradise, you have to dare to fight and kill in order to be prosperous."

Seeing Shuang Han still looking worried, Lang Yan couldn't help but try to persuade him, but his tone was quite unworthy of punishment.

"Jingsheng, we're here."

Saber's command came from the front row, and Lang Yan shut up obediently. He turned his head and looked forward. A huge deep cave appeared in front of the three of them.

The interior of the cave was so dark that it was hard to see clearly, but a strong smell of blood kept coming from the cave, making it look like a devil's cave.

As the distance to the cave got closer, the smell of blood became stronger, and the saber at the forefront suddenly stopped.

"Something's wrong, there seems to be some noise."

Saber's ears moved slightly, and the faint voice in his ears gradually became clearer.

"Click, click, click..."

It was a fine chewing sound, similar to using a meat grinder to grind human bones. In short, it was not like the chewing sound that living creatures can make.


Saber gave a low shout, and while retreating, he took out a rocket launcher from the space. With the flash of fire, a rocket fired into the cave.

The three of them retreated and dispersed, staring in the direction of the cave. After hearing a muffled sound in the cave, a spark flashed, and then silence returned, as if what was thrown in was a firecracker instead of a firecracker. Rocket launcher.

"Hahahaha, not bad, not bad."

A gloomy and terrifying sound came from the cave, and two narrow white lights suddenly opened inside the dark cave entrance.

"Before I was full, another takeaway came to my door. It was really considerate, haha..."

Before he finished speaking, the air screamed in the valley. Saber's pupils shrank sharply and he jumped back.

As soon as his feet left the ground, violent smoke and dust exploded in front of the saber. The saber jumped several meters and looked up.

When the smoke and dust cleared, a strange-looking handleless sharp blade was suddenly stuck on the ground. It penetrated deep into the ground like a javelin. The saber turned to look at the positions of the other two teammates.

Shuanghan blocked the flying blade with an ice shield, but his body was knocked far away. After landing, the shield collapsed, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

As for Wolf Smoke, his entire abdomen had been penetrated by the sharp blade, and the blade was stuck on the ground. The Wolf Smoke hung on the sharp blade and he had lost the ability to resist. Bloody foam kept overflowing from the corners of his mouth. With just one blow, he fell into a state of near death. , he used his last strength to tilt his head to look at the saber behind him, his eyes full of begging.

Saber gritted his teeth and was about to step forward to rescue him when a large wave of air suddenly opened in front of him, and a huge black figure appeared in front of Lang Yan. The figure's big mouth suddenly opened, and white sharp teeth intertwined down.


Rich blood bloomed in front of the saber, and a headless human-shaped fountain appeared in front of the figure. A large amount of blood spilled, filling the entire valley with a fishy smell.

The sound of crunching and chewing sounded again, but this time it was very close. A conspicuous swelling appeared on the figure's throat, then slid down to the chest and abdomen and disappeared.

"Symbiote!" Saber looked at the black monster in front of him coldly.

The symbiote swallowed the food in its mouth, stretched out its long and slender tongue, and licked clean the blood spattered on its cheeks and neck, and opened its terrifying mouth.

The white narrow eyes looked at the saber, with a look of endless aftertaste.

“Really delicious.”

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