Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 493 The Hunt Begins (Part 1)

When everyone was sitting at the white cloth table filled with sumptuous food, enjoying dinner and gradually relaxing their nerves, a sound of gasping for cold air attracted their attention.

"Pierre, what's wrong with you?"

Mike seemed to have discovered something, stared at the handsome man closely, and asked.

I saw Pierre slowly lifting his thumb and index finger, which were twisted together, and spread them out, revealing something floating in the air.

It was an extremely thin, silver-white silk thread.

It seems like... spider silk.



Inside the restaurant, there was a sudden gasp and the sound of tables and chairs being moved on the floor.

Except for Bishop St. Luan and the waiter at the corner of the table, everyone became tense.

Among them, Catherine had the biggest reaction. She stood up directly and scanned her surroundings vigilantly, fully deploying her mental power.


Then in the next second, a pure flame was suddenly released from the palm of his hand and shot to the top corner of the restaurant, causing it to burn and make a crackling sound.

A black thing no bigger than half a palm fell down.

Mike was the first to realize the gaffe of himself and others. After smiling awkwardly, he said to Catherine:

"'s okay, sit down, it's just an ordinary spider silk and a common spider."

After finishing speaking, he expressed his apology to Saint-Louan:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bishop, our nerves are too sensitive right now."

"Don't be nervous, everyone." Saint Luan smiled helplessly:

"The Statue of Liberty respects the existence and rights of every life. Regarding this harmless insect, we clergy allow them to survive and multiply in the church."

Catherine's state was not relaxed at all, she snorted coldly:

"Mr. Bishop, you underestimate that evil god. How can you be sure that the spider just now is not one of his descendants?"

"Since that is an extremely ancient and evil god, we must be careful in every detail to look for signs before danger breaks out."

Saint-Louan shrugged his shoulders, used a fork to put the turkey leg meat cut by the waiter next to him into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, then said slowly:

"Miss Catherine, I fully understand your feelings. After all, you are not familiar with the boundaries of Saint-Surich Cathedral..."

"But if... I mean, if, the 'Spider God' really stretches his tentacles inside the church, and even looks at us dirtyly in a dark place, ready to harvest our lives at any time..."

"Then I want to tell you that it would be a great pity not to enjoy a delicious Holy Communion and cherish the quiet time before a fierce battle, or death."

Catherine looked very unhappy and sat down without saying a word.

At the same time, there was a commotion and exclamations among the pedestrians passing by the gate of Saint-Surich Cathedral.

"Goddess bless you! What is that?"

One by one, they stayed away from this famous church, as if this was not a tourist attraction, but a place of supernatural horror.

And indeed it is.

Because they saw masses of substantial darkness rising from the ground, and a curtain composed of black mist covered the porch of the main building of the cathedral.

Next, there is the entire door, the entire front, sides, and top of the main building, including the internal main hall, nave, chapel, choir, main altar, baptistery, exhibition hall, etc.

Including ancillary buildings, the entire church of St. Zurich covers an area equivalent to two standard football fields, exceeding 10,000 square meters.

But such a huge building complex was completely shrouded in darkness in a matter of ten seconds. No outline details could be seen, and it was impossible to know what was going on inside.

The sudden abnormality caused a large number of citizens and pedestrians to evacuate and move in panic, and attracted soldiers who maintained order and sealed off the scene.

The strange thing is that since the darkness invaded, there has been no sound in the Saint-Surich Cathedral, including calls for help, and no clergy, tourists or believers have escaped.

It seems that it has become an independent and different space.

Soon, the super soldiers who were stationed in the capital Tisny rushed here, looked at it nervously, and did not approach rashly.

"Damn! Why did this happen when the 'Thinking Circle' reappeared?!"

"Be careful! Don't get stained by these black things!"

"This is at least a ghost-level strange incident. We alone cannot solve it... But what kind of existence dares to attack the main church of the church?"

Some people complained, some were wary, and some were suspicious.

Suddenly, the darkness suddenly changed again. Undead creatures walked out of the rolling darkness, making all kinds of strange screams, laughing and neighing, and moved towards the surrounding supers with malicious intent.

Only then did they put down their own thoughts and join in the battle.

And inside the restaurant of Saint Zurich Cathedral,

Everyone seemed to be ignorant of the external changes and quietly enjoyed the Holy Communion provided by the church without saying a word;

Although the light outside the window is slightly dim, it is normal for 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

The atmosphere was oppressive and strange, with only the subtle sounds of chewing and the sound of metal touching tableware echoing.

Like a robot, Catherine buried her head and numbly put the food into her mouth, but she couldn't taste anything, so she had to chew it twice and swallow it.

Therefore, she simply could not understand what Bishop St. Luan said. When people face a life-and-death crisis, they have lost the ability to enjoy life.

At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind——

That is to survive.

Gradually, the dining sounds in the restaurant became smaller and smaller, and she thought that this routine dinner process was finally coming to an end.

Although there was still a lot of food on her plate that she had not finished, she couldn't wait to get away from this self-deceiving silence.

So, she raised her head and looked at Bishop St. Luan on the opposite side, planning to say something.

However, what caught her sight was a scene that made her eyes freeze and her spine shiver.

The seat that originally belonged to Bishop Saint-Louan was empty, including the dinner plate...

No, not the dinner plate. It was covered with a layer of dirty spider silk, and the food residue was wrapped in the web. Several spiders climbed onto the plate and started to attack the food residue in the spider web.

It seems like several years have passed.

"Bishop... where is Mr. Bishop?"

She hurriedly glanced to the left, only to discover an even more chilling fact——

At some point, except for herself, the restaurant was empty. Mike, Pierre, Chang, and the waiters were all missing.

Their dinner plates were also covered with a layer of spider webs, and dense spider threads connected to every corner of the restaurant, attracting hungry spiders to eat.

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