Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 494 The Hunt Begins (Part 2)

Chapter 494 The Hunt Begins

"Spider... Spider?!"

In the midst of the tension of having difficulty breathing, she turned pale, and with difficulty retracted her sight, turning to look at her plate.

Sure enough, several huge black spiders were lying on top of her, one of which raised its body towards her, with a pair of chelicerae raised high, as if to demonstrate to her.

As an S-level transcendent, seeing the actions of ordinary spiders, she should have found it funny or interesting, but her heart was hijacked by panic and fear at the moment, and she could not regard this scene as normal.

She came to think about why her extraordinary spiritual intuition did not play its due role, and she did not notice the inexplicable disappearance of Saint Luan and others.

She stood up suddenly and was about to leave the restaurant.

But at that moment, she felt a sudden cold and greasy feeling on her forehead, and she stopped instantly.

With trembling hands, she touched it and placed it in front of her eyes, only to find a drop of black viscous liquid.

Tick, tick...

More and more black viscous liquid dripped from above, and she inevitably got a lot of it on her body.

At this time, more and more ordinary spider webs began to cover the corners;

The places on her body that were stained with black viscous liquid turned from cold to hot, and then she felt severe pain and began to corrode her flesh and blood.

She slowly realized that the liquid contained highly corrosive venom.

Where is this church?

It's clearly a poisonous hell!

He... He is coming!

It must be Him!

Why didn't the magic circle barrier block it?

Where are Mike and the others?

She suppressed the fear in her heart and the severe pain from her body, and let her spiritual power spread from the inside out as pure and sacred light.

——Although she lost the "Glorious Charm", her extraordinary power as a Glorious Blessed One was preserved.

This slowed down the venom's corrosion rate slightly, but it was only slowed down. Her life breath was still declining, and she had to take more measures to save herself as soon as possible.

So, she ignited clusters of sacred flames, burned the spider webs, and made sure she was not entangled in them. At the same time, she identified the direction and ran out of the dark window.

The instinct of survival urged her to leave this ghost place immediately.

However, she was shocked to find that no matter how she ran and made sure she kept moving, she could not reach the door.

The white cloth dining table retreated, and the door of the restaurant was right in front of her, a little bit bigger, but she could not leave.

How could this happen?

Catherine turned to the window willingly, and used her mental power to push the door open. The boundless darkness immediately penetrated from the window.

Outside the window seemed to be an endless dark space, and terrifying shadows flashed from time to time inside, which made Catherine, who was desperate to escape, hesitate.

Her intuition told her that the darkness outside the window contained something more terrifying than the venom in the room.

The idea of ​​climbing over the window disappeared.

Seeing the darkness outside climb up the windowsill like a substance, enter the room, and crawl towards her.

She turned around without thinking and ran towards the back door as hard as she could, while calling out in panic with a trembling voice.

"Bishop Saint Luan! Mike! Where are you?"

There was no response.

There was only the ticking, ticking sound...

On her body, the increasing pain from the places where the venom was attached.

Her neat leather jacket was corroded and riddled with holes, but her fair skin was exposed, and her dark and rotten flesh...

With a click.


she grabbed the door handle, like grabbing a life-saving straw, and the joy of relief surged up. She pushed the door open eagerly and stepped in.

What came into view was a scene that made her even more desperate.

There were countless similar rooms here, with dim light, full of depression and insecurity. Although the space was spacious, the low ceiling made people breathless, and there were protruding corners, and it seemed that there were unknown dangers hidden behind them.

More importantly, she saw the exit.

Just as Catherine was stunned, the thick darkness pressed against her back;

As the cold and deep touch spread, a filthy and non-human black arm stretched out, some of which were on her shoulders, some pinched her neck, and some grabbed her limbs.

Slowly, dragged backwards.

After a long time, half of the body of this glorious follower had sunk into the darkness.

Catherine, who realized that death was approaching, had a dark scene in front of her eyes, and the ticking sound disappeared.

She lost all her perception, as if she had walked into an endless night,

which instantly detonated the fear in her heart, and was continuously detonated, layer by layer, exploding without limit and end.

Unprecedented fear,

Her body trembled wildly, her soul continued to curl up, and her heart contracted to the extreme, like a steam boiler with an unknown pressure limit, which could explode at any time and anywhere, but could not evacuate any energy inside.

If it were an ordinary person or a spiritually advanced transcendent, they would have fainted at this time.

But Catherine was an S-level transcendent after all, and she did not go into shock, so she could only endure this fear.

Because in this extreme fear, her brain had no thoughts, including shutting down her consciousness to avoid unknown dangers.

" me..."

In this moment of despair, she murmured unconsciously.

As if fate had heard her prayer, the darkness in front of her eyes suddenly began to recede, and her senses quickly returned. She felt a warm and strong hand grabbing her arm.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Catherine, whose vision had recovered, looked at the speaker, who was undoubtedly a very handsome man wearing a windbreaker with a shawl.

Next to the handsome man stood the tall and slightly fat Bishop St. Luan in red, and four white cardinals of the Statue of Liberty Church.

"Mr. Des... You are finally here... I almost, almost..."

Catherine looked at the handsome man, holding his hand tightly, her eyes filled with tears of surviving the disaster, and her voice trembled.

She finally survived the rescue of the leader of the "New World" and found Bishop St. Luan.

With these two human strongmen beyond the S-level on the scene at the same time, her hope of survival would be much greater.

But, what about the others?

Catherine looked around unconsciously and found that she and others had left the church and came to an abandoned town with no people.

On the surrounding soil, there were two miserable corpses...

One was corroded by venom and completely unrecognizable, emitting a pungent smell;

Another one was no longer called a corpse, but a dismembered corpse, because it was cut into hundreds of pieces, the cut surface was smooth and flat, and snow-white spider silk could be seen on the edge;

The last one was a dried corpse with blood and spiritual power drained, and despair and pain could be vaguely seen on his face, but even so, there were still dozens of palm-sized black spiders biting his body, leaving dense wounds...

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