Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1040 This is Mr. Fang (5k)

When there were only two people left in the CEO office of Hang Lung 23, Kong Yu, who returned to Shanghai safely from the United States, finally had the opportunity to communicate with Mr. Fang alone.

However, when he looked at Mr. Fang who was drinking tea calmly, he didn't know where to start.

If nothing unexpected happens, Nasdaq's individual stock circuit breaker mechanism will begin trial operation next week. Because of the background of its birth, many people also call it the "Yike mechanism" and "Easy circuit breaker."

After this mechanism, the SEC’s permanent ban on naked short selling will not be far away.

The violent fluctuations of Yike for two consecutive months have finally left deep traces on the US financial market.

The first time Kong Yu met Mr. Fang was in this office. Now that he is back again, it is really sad that times have changed.

He still found a less relevant topic to talk about first.

"Mr. Fang, according to what Liang Mu wrote, can I still read the book he wrote?"

"Why can't you read it? Although it is not everything written, it is still deeper than what others know. I think it is quite interesting, but I don't know when I will see his final draft." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Don't It seems that he wants to record and research, and he has actually done a good job at Yike and is worthy of the salary."

Kong Yu drank tea: "So, everyone has a use, maybe it's just that the position is not right."

"It requires digging and hard work. For example, when I attended an Internet conference in Lin'an this time, Alibaba had an eighteenth Arhat who started a business with Ma Chen. Now that Alibaba has succeeded, some people say, why is Ma Chen so lucky? We found so many talented people." Fang Zhuo said, "These people grew up together in the process of starting a business, and finally we have such a situation, and it is the same here."

He said with a smile: "Who would have thought that the person who risked his life to find me for wages would become the king of funds known all over the world?"

Kong Yu shook his head: "Mr. Fang, this name is unlucky. Xiaobao is still under close investigation."

"Oh, yes, does he know that the plane was bought by you?" Fang Zhuo thought of a small thing.

Kong Yu replied: "He doesn't know, but I called him and told him before taking off."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

Now the confidence really flew away.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "Will Xiaobao go bankrupt this time?"

"No, it's just that the situation will be worse. He is a person who insists on judgment and dares to bet, otherwise he would not bet on the financial crisis." Kong Yu said about the situation, "Xiaobao may go to court with Goldman Sachs this time, and follow-up There will be no shortage of trouble.”

Fang Zhuo nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. After all, he had helped him make money in the past, so forget it, let's not talk about him anymore.

"What's the attitude of Lu Peining and others?"

"Decades of hard work is not as good as one day of raising the stock price. They deeply feel that there are problems in the financial mechanism. The already imperative financial reform bill will have a new round of games in the future." Kong Yu said seriously, "Before I returned to China, I Lu Peining talked about this issue and asked him how he would play the game. He said that he would take Goldman Sachs and other ten or twenty financial institutions to court."

"The hard one comes first, right?" Fang Zhuo thought.

"Almost, Wall Street, the SEC, and the White House will take action, and our matter will be over soon." Kong Yu showed a subtle smile, "At the very least, the media shouldn't be too hyped. It's just a matter of words. The matter of a mobile phone company and several hedge funds, well, maybe the performance of retail investors last month is more worthy of analysis.”

The basis of hostility revealed by retail investors being coerced seems to be more worthy of attention.

As the stock price of Yike fell back last month, retail investors who were still willing to fight flocked to other stock battlefields, but they did not make much splash because of the suspension of tools and positions such as Freetrade and Go die.

Everyone is the king of retail investors, but everyone needs to be brought together to become the true king of retail investors.

Judging from the current situation, this emotion of being taken seriously probably needs to rest for a while.

According to Kong Yu’s observation, the regulatory game between Wall Street and the SEC will be the focus later, but it may be difficult for the former to go against the general trend since the financial crisis, and will eventually be tightened.

However, tightening, loosening, tightening again, and loosening again, this is also the cycle of time.

Kong Yu has been studying the history of changes in the U.S. financial market carefully for a while, and feels that he can definitely wait for the next cycle to be loosened.

"Many of our clients are on the record this time, and they don't need any evidence. They will be wary if they have doubts." Fang Zhuo was referring to the investigation of political resources involved in MIGA funds by large institutions.

After all, the MIGA Fund has no foundation, and some people are not in Fang Zhuo's favor. This time it was basically revealed.

Even if it is Aoniu, no matter how superficially he has nothing to do with him, no matter how meticulously he hides his funds, with the overthrow of the white house, he has become a star.

However, Fang Zhuo didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to compete fairly and try to avoid encountering restraint during the development process, or encounter restraint later. This situation is already quite good.

"Our procedures are all legal, even for Lu Peining and others, legal may not work." Kong Yu said, "Funds are already flowing to Europe, and they will be slowly digested in the future, and the MIGA fund will also start to absorb them again. client."

Since it is clear and it is not illegal, then just operate it openly.

Fang Zhuo said "hmm", his thoughts bouncing around many parties involved. Although he offended many people this time, it also strengthened many relationships.

Putting aside the point of making money, there are pros and cons.

He pondered slightly: "Mr. Kong, when you have rested enough, write a report. The media is trying every possible means to find out about the situation from me. I have to get the full picture from you."

Out of respect for the current Gasoline Man, especially the car accident and shooting he suffered, Fang Zhuo was very polite.

Kong Yu didn't feel much at all. Although he had operated these two short squeezes and short squeezes, the deeper he got into it, the more he felt that he needed to be self-aware and conscious.

When he was in the United States, he noticed that some familiar faces were disappearing, and he deeply suspected that it was because of Mr. Fang's guarantee that he could land safely in Shanghai this time.

But he wouldn't ask about this kind of thing. Anyway, regardless of whether it was there or not, he would treat it as if it was there.

Lu Peining and others are very cruel, and the boss may not seem to be a good person, so there is no need to test and test human nature.

Kong Yu waited until there was another knock on the door outside the office. After chatting for a while, Kong Yu stood up and left. He really needed to take a good rest to relieve his tense nerves.

However, Zhang Chaoyang and Wang Xiaochuan, who came as promised, noticed the bald gasoline man. When they sat down to greet each other, Zhang Chaoyang couldn't help but ask: "Is that the helmsman of your fund just now?"

"Yes, he is Kong Yu. He just came back a few days ago." Fang Zhuo replied.

"He is the 'number one short squeezer on Wall Street', 'the mastermind behind Yike', 'genius trader' and 'evil bald head'?" Zhang Chaoyang was astonished, feeling like a news figure had stepped into reality.

Just like Paulson received a lot of praise after becoming famous for his short selling, Kong Yu, who was exposed this time, also received many names.

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly: "It's him."

Zhang Chaoyang couldn't help but ask again: "A lot of media said that your shares were locked in this short squeeze and you couldn't make money, but I don't believe it. How much money did you make this time?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at Wang Xiaochuan, the head of Sogou engine, who was sitting quietly next to him, and said vaguely: "I made a little profit, not as much as last time."

Zhang Chaoyang silently calculated that the last time he knew about it was the US$3 billion in large-scale transactions with Goldman Sachs. Since he also made a profit this time, it must be one-third. However, in order to support the stock price, Mr. Fang seemed to have borrowed another US$1 billion privately. Yike does stock buyback...

He sighed and said, "Mr. Fang, you can make money. No wonder you talk about acquiring Sogou."

Wang Xiaochuan, who had been quiet all this time, frowned slightly and then quickly relaxed.

"I didn't want to acquire Sogou right away. That was a joke." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "The more you earn, the more you spend. Whether it's Tesco or Bingxin, spending money seems to be burning money. I said a few days ago I also went to Changzhou, where I helped Tesco spend some money on warehousing."

I met the investment promotion leader of Changzhou on the expressway before. Since the distance was not far, he went to inspect Changzhou.

However, it was indeed quite hasty. Initially, we only investigated the feasibility of Yigou warehousing, which further covered the delivery speed in Jiangsu.

"The Yike Department has a great cause, and this time it is time to invest money in us." Zhang Chaoyang also used the term "Yike Department".

"I talked with Wang Yan. Sina can set up a small team. Whether it's Sina portal or Weibo's in-site search, we also have technical reserves." Fang Zhuo brought up the business, "Now is the time when the Internet is heading towards In this critical period of mobile terminal transformation, win-win cooperation is in the interests of both of us."

Zhang Chaoyang agrees with this.

He responded: "So, I asked Xiaochuan to come here this time because I want to cooperate better and start searching together. He is a genius in our group and has made a great contribution to Sogou."

Fang Zhuo smiled at Wang Xiaochuan. Although it was his first time meeting him, he had heard of him "before". The specific deeds were not clear. He only remembered that he used "sexy" to describe the relevant exchanges with Baidu Li Yanhong. It was probably Li Yanhong's idea. Not sexy enough or exciting or anything like that.

Judging from the quiet and vague memories since entering today, he is probably a somewhat naughty and artistic person.

"Mr. Fang, Sogou very much welcomes Yike's investment and cooperation." Wang Xiaochuan expressed his position, but then immediately said, "I am very confident in Sogou's future development, and I believe that Sogou, which operates independently, can reach the Nasdaq .”

Fang Zhuo heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and said with a smile: "I told Mr. Zhang and agreed to the conditions of AB shares. I support Sogou's independent operation. Xiaochuan, um, can I also call it that? Xiaochuan, you can't do this. You can rest assured.”

YMS needs to embed a search link to improve the ecology. It is indeed important, but it does not belong to the first level.

Unlike the core position in the PC era, the importance of mobile Internet search has declined.

In the era of mobile Internet, APPs with various contents tend to be closed, gradually building search barriers, users' usage habits have also changed, and the search business model has never been able to innovate.

Wang Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Mr. Fang's statement.

In fact, he, the head of Sogou, only regained his position this year.

After 2007, Wang Xiaochuan was removed from the position of head of Sogou due to disagreements with Zhang Chaoyang on the search business. It was not until this year that he regained control of Sogou's business based on the performance of the Sogou browser in driving the engine.

Of course, this also has something to do with Wang Xiaochuan accompanying Zhang Chaoyang to climb the snow-capped mountains.

During the period from when he was removed to taking over, Wang Xiaochuan rejected the invitation from Baidu and still stuck to Sohu. Now that his concept of "input method-browser-search" has been confirmed, he has been rewarded.

It's just... Mr. Yi Kefang's investment was like a bolt from the blue!

As an Internet practitioner, Wang Xiaochuan certainly knows Mr. Fang and has heard of his reputation.

He admitted from the bottom of his heart that Mr. Fang was great, but he didn't like the rich man's various styles.

Wang Xiaochuan has been worried since he received a call from Zhang Chaoyang two days ago. Mr. Fang said it nicely, but can Sogou really maintain independent operations? Doesn’t Fang always have a greater purpose? Can Sohu, which is in decline, withstand Mr. Fang’s plot?

He came to Hang Lung 23 with this mood, met Mr. Fang, and cautiously expressed his attitude.

"But..." Fang Zhuo said two more words and took a sip of tea.

Wang Xiaochuan's heart was lifted again after he had just put it down.

"What is the next focus of Sogou? I have not communicated carefully with Mr. Zhang during these two days of attending the meeting. What I mean is that Sogou should focus more on mobile Internet business in the future, so that it can leverage its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. "Fang Zhuo put down his teacup and talked about business development as usual.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a reactive response from Wang Xiaochuan, the person in charge of Sogou.

"President Fang, Sogou's development has been planned. You have to rest assured that we will have no problems with our independent operations." Wang Xiaochuan gave such an answer.

Fang Zhuo blinked, glanced at Wang Xiaochuan, and suddenly smiled: "Xiaochuan, I don't want to interfere with your operations, I want to talk about the future of search."

"Mr. Fang, you also know that in today's search market, Baidu is undoubtedly the number one far beyond the second place." Wang Xiaochuan said with a serious face, "In order to compete with Baidu, Sogou has built a 'three-stage rocket' 'The competitive strategy is to bind users and the market through input methods, browsers, and searches."

He continued: "This year, Sogou input method's market share has reached 70%, and the launch of Sogou browser has rapidly increased the number of search users. Last year, Sogou engine's market share was less than 3%. Next year, I am confident that Raise that number to 10%."

Wang Xiaochuan tried to soften his expression and tone, and said sincerely: "Mr. Fang, I hope you can trust our team."

Trust, stay out of things, and keep operating independently.

Moreover, Fang Zhuo understood that what he said just now was also a kind of interference.

He muttered: "Okawa..."

Wang Xiaochuan considered the status of the other party and said at this time: "Mr. Fang, I am not disrespecting Yike's investment. As the person in charge of Sogou, I hope that all the opinions I hear can convince me and promote Sogou's development." develop."

He became the head of Sogou again by virtue of the three-stage rocket "input method-browser-search" on the PC side. He also believes that this model will bring good prospects to Sogou. What Mr. Fang just said is already a strategic difference. .

Fang Zhuo looked at Wang Xiaochuan again, and then at Zhang Chaoyang who was silent: "Xiaochuan, although Yike's investment has not been completed yet, I believe that Mr. Zhang and I have the same goal. If Sogou wants to develop, Sogou can develop." .”

He continued slowly: "The problem now is that you may have made a mistake. It's not that I want to convince you, but that you want to convince me."

Fang Zhuo's voice became decisive: "You may be very good at search, but I can assert that the mobile Internet is the greater future. Any manufacturer, including Sina, Sohu, Baidu, and Penguin, once they cannot grasp the mobile terminal , it will inevitably fall into decline.”

Zhang Chaoyang, who was silent, sat up straight unconsciously.

"Now, you have to convince me, why don't you take advantage of Baidu's sluggishness and focus on mobile? Why do you ignore Yike and the increasing number of Android smartphone users? Why do you still focus on PC as your main strategy? End?" Fang Zhuo asked three questions.

He stared at Wang Xiaochuan and softened his tone again: "If you can't convince me, then I will convince Mr. Zhang to let Sogou business change again."

You can keep operating independently but stay on the right track.

Wang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Chaoyang subconsciously.

Zhang Chaoyang remained silent this time, just like before.

Wang Xiaochuan pursed his lips and looked at it! The rumors are true, this is Mr. Fang!

Seeing that Wang Xiaochuan did not give an answer, Fang Zhuo looked at Zhang Chaoyang inquiringly and said: "Xiaochuan, you can go back and think about it carefully. I think you have ignored the advantages that Yike Hardware can bring. To understand this, we Let’s talk about search strategy.”

He smiled at Zhang Chaoyang and said, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Chaoyang thought for a few seconds and then said: "Seek common ground while reserving differences, seek common ground while reserving differences, since Mr. Fang said so, then Xiaochuan, you should think more about it, Mr. Fang also hopes that Sogou will do well."

Wang Xiaochuan responded dully, hesitated, stood up and said goodbye to the two of them.

He felt like he really needed to think about it.

"Xiaochuan, 10% may be a big increase, but Google is about to withdraw from the Chinese market. Sogou should take a longer-term view anyway." Fang Zhuo said when Wang Xiaochuan was about to walk out of the office, "I don't know about Baidu. , but Google is fully prepared for the mobile era."

Wang Xiaochuan paused for a moment and said "hmm" before walking out of the president's office.

"President Fang, this is our youngest group vice president." Zhang Chaoyang said after Wang Xiaochuan left.

"Did my tone of voice sound serious?" Fang Zhuo understood the meaning.

"The first meeting is indeed not a light one." Zhang Chaoyang picked up the tea cup, "It would be better if we chat while eating."

Fang Zhuo frowned and said, "I'm not someone who just sits back and watches others make mistakes."

Zhang Chaoyang reiterated his attitude after a moment: "Mr. Fang, Sogou will be an independent company."

Fang Zhuo agreed: "No problem, as long as you don't make mistakes."

Zhang Chaoyang glared at Mr. Fang and said, "What do you mean, do you want to cooperate?"

"If you insist on making mistakes, what's the value of cooperation?" Fang Zhuo asked, "Mr. Zhang, the future of the Internet is mobile. Do you agree?"

Zhang Chaoyang thought about the answer.

"Okay, you go back and think about it. If you don't understand, let's not talk about cooperation." Fang Zhuo followed the same trend and waved his hand to drive them away.

Zhang Chaoyang: "..."

Fang Zhuo wondered: "What? You are so old, do I speak in a strong tone?"

Zhang Chaoyang felt that it was not heavy just now, but now it is heavier.

But his logic suddenly became clear. The future of the Internet is mobile, three-stage rockets are the art, and betting on mobile is the way.

If there is a way but no technique, the technique can still be sought. If there is a technique but no way, it will stop at technique.

Let’s talk about Tao first, and then talk about technique.

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