Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1041 Yike’s style (4k)

The cooperation between Yike and Sohu that hit it off right away has caused some minor problems.

But Fang Zhuo is not anxious about this.

He feels that he has expressed respect for the independent operation of the Sogou team, and now it is only natural for him to reach an agreement on the general direction of development. This is what should be done and should be understood by the other party.

Wang Xiaochuan may be upset, and Zhang Chaoyang needs to wake up.

The day after the reply, Fang Zhuo still rejected Nokia's request for another meeting. Through Elop, he conveyed his attitude that Nokia should deeply review its patent trolling behavior, sincerely and publicly apologize to all the victim manufacturers and pay the dues. Royalties.

According to Elop's feedback from the center, Simmons will seriously consider it.

But according to the arrangements of the Nokia team, they no longer stayed in Shanghai and set off for the capital.

Fang Zhuo guessed that Elop was at odds with both parties, so he invited the Microsoft executive to stay and discuss the patent licensing between Yike and Microsoft. It must be one that both parties are willing to abide by.

At this point, Nokia's team coming to China this time is divided into two halves. Microsoft's small team is temporarily docking with the executives arranged by Yike in Shanghai, and the handling is considered serious business.

On this afternoon, Fang Zhuo invited Zhang Chaoyang to the company again and asked him to participate in a YMS manufacturer discussion meeting with him.

It is normal for business cooperation to have fluctuations. It is common for talks to occur once or twice, for a month or two, or even for a year and a half.

Looking at the domestic search market, Baidu, Google, Microsoft's newly launched Bing, Penguin's Sosou, Alibaba's Yahoo for e-commerce search, NetEase's Youdao shopping search, Sohu's Sogou engine...

No one is willing to be acquired, and some even have no room for cooperation.

Sina does have search technology based on portals and Weibo, but it is not very proficient in this area. Based on the win-win concept of seizing the mobile Internet track, today's Sogou engine deserves to be modified and cooperated.

Fang Zhuo invited Zhang Chaoyang to either talk to him about the search market or engine technology, or to let him attend and listen to the current development of smartphones.

Yike has been promoting YMS since the beginning of the year, and the results are not satisfactory. Hanwang and Meizu, which have already released mobile phones, and Kesheng, which is about to release products, have all been awarded YMS certification.

Compared with the open source Android system, YMS will review application software and provide a unified message push service. Yike will also conduct software and hardware testing for YMS-certified manufacturers and provide security, compatibility and other test suites.

Once the mobile phone products of YMS manufacturers are different from other non-certified mobile phones in terms of user experience, consumer groups will be able to provide pressure from the market, and the YMS camp is expected to continue to expand in scale.

This set of designs is not novel, it is just learned from Google GMS, but unlike the binding between Google and Android, Yike is still more relaxed in China.

Zhang Chaoyang, who was invited, quickly understood what Mr. Fang meant during the meeting.

There are four manufacturers in the conference room, Yike, Meizu, Hanwang, and Kesheng. Among them, Meizu has transitioned from music players to mobile phones, Hanwang has previous experience in communication products, and Kesheng is the former head of Changhong. The brand founded by Ni Runfeng received investment from Yike.

Because of Fang Zhuo's appearance at this YMS meeting, the three heads of Meizu Huang Zhang, Hanwang Liu Yingjian, and Kesheng Ni Runfeng all came in person. In addition, Yike also had key employees in technology, marketing, and supply chain.

Fang Zhuo didn't say much, but the three manufacturers with similar positioning talked happily.

Meizu M8 is a switch to Android, and Huang Zhang has put a lot of effort into it. The touch IC supplier has been in persistent discussions for several months, and the mobile phone frame solution has been discussed for several months. The supply of baseband chips has also been difficult to achieve with Infineon. After debating for a long time, it was finally priced at 2,199 yuan and went on sale in February this year.

The research and development process of Hanwang mobile phones is easier, because with the help from Yike and the guidance of the domestic supply chain, starting from scratch does not delay the progress of the products. The two mobile phones named H1 and H2 are priced at 1,699 and 2,199 yuan. On sale in March.

Neither Meizu nor Hanwang has purchased Qualcomm's chips. Considering the cost, they used products that MediaTek had previously cooperated with Yike, and the two companies were in direct competition.

However, Zhang Chaoyang was sitting in Yike's conference room and saw that the two families were really chatting and laughing, and they didn't regard each other as rivals at all.

After the lively discussion stopped, he smiled and asked: "Mr. Huang, Mr. Liu, you didn't discuss the pricing of this product before. There is a price conflict."

They are all about 2,000 yuan, and they are all Android phones. Hanwang also has another model with the same price.

Logically speaking, these two families should be jealous when they meet.

Hanwang's Liu Yingjian knew what Zhang Chaoyang meant as soon as he heard it, and replied: "Mr. Zhang, to be honest, Mr. Huang and I have also talked about product prices, positioning, and markets. There is no need to avoid taboos between our two families, including Brother Ni's Kesheng. There will always be competition, but the biggest competition now is between Android smartphones and non-Android smartphones.”

Ni Runfeng also nodded: "Why are we fighting internally about Android? Oh, it may be that Yike and Samsung are fighting, but of course our domestic market is to expand the new smartphone market. Don't look at the sales of Hanwang within three months of its launch. 500,000 mobile phones, I dare to call out the sales target of 5 million units for Hanwang next year."

The two Android phones launched by Hanwang in March have been very popular. The 1699 is really small profit but quick turnover. This year’s sales are on the way to 1 million.

A mobile phone can be sold in the millions right after it is launched. This is a pretty transformation and a glittering new track.

The same goes for Meizu. It cut off its original M8 plan and hesitated a lot when switching to Android. The sales of 300,000 units since its launch in February this year also proves that Android phones have sufficient vitality and a broad consumer base.

At present, there is still a good thing in the domestic consumer market.

With Yike establishing a brand name in the entire Android camp, other manufacturers can push their products to consumers with twice the result with half the effort. After all, Yike’s mobile phones cover the mid-to-high end, and many consumers’ first choice is still the mid-to-low-end price range.

If the price is in place, the supply chain at the sub-level and even the sub-level can bring a steady stream of revenue in the incremental market.

Of course, in the long run, the more Android manufacturers capture the market, the more competitive they will be. But that is for the future. This year, we are trying our best to impact the entire mobile phone market.

The discussion atmosphere in the conference room was very good. Yike has found and cultivated some supply chain links in China. However, after some comparison, most of them still used parts from foreign manufacturers. Now, the domestic supply chain cooperates with other active manufacturers, and there are also A great chemistry.

After the half-day meeting, Zhang Chaoyang felt that these people who make mobile phones are very energetic.

From this, this is also a microcosm of the booming development of the domestic mobile phone market.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a foreign online meeting to attend temporarily. I originally wanted to chat with you about this dinner tonight, but now I can only postpone it." Fang Zhuo answered the call forwarded by his secretary. Sorry, temporary situations often arise when working in different time zones.

"Now that you're gone, Yi Ke still has to provide food for my people, right?" Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile.

"That's no problem. No matter where you eat, Yike will reimburse you. If you want to drive your yacht out to sea, I will also reimburse you for the gas." Fang Zhuo shook hands with Zhang Chaoyang.

"Mr. Fang, how long do you think it will take for the development of the mobile market to see obvious results?" Zhang Chaoyang suddenly asked a serious question.

"Three to five years?" Fang Zhuo thought about it seriously and then said, "By the time we can see obvious results, others have already started from the first year. What's the use of you joining the game in the fifth year?"

Zhang Chaoyang was deeply convinced when he heard this.

The team from Sohu did not go out to eat, but tasted the food directly in Yike's employee canteen.

However, Zhang Chaoyang was thinking while eating, and the discussion from behind caught his attention.

"The research team's budget was approved before, but yesterday Mr. Fang called me to the office and asked me a question, why is it that the research I see is so closely integrated with commercialization."

"I was stunned. How can the company's research proceed without commercialization? What's more, this cloud computing is supported by Mr. Fang himself, and it will eventually be implemented in the application prospects of Yike and Yigou. Bar."

"I thought about it again and again, but I still didn't come up with the answer."

The voice behind him sounded a bit regretful.

Another voice was a bit joking: "This shows that we are moving towards a large international company. I suspect that Mr. Fang must have compared the research atmosphere in Silicon Valley. To be honest, I went to Yike Silicon Valley R\u0026D Center for rotation before, and it was indeed More free, um, or kind of academically relaxed.”

Small and medium-sized companies are all trying to survive and develop, and only large companies have room to make a profit.

Zhang Chaoyang listened to the enthusiastic and gradually divergent discussion of the group behind him, and suddenly realized that today, whether in the conference room or here, he saw a kind of vitality that is rarely seen within Sohu today.

When was the last time I felt this kind of energy in Sohu?

Zhang Chaoyang's emotional ups and downs are like those between companies corroborating each other.

Sohu, the current Sohu is like, the Rayleigh-Jeans formula with ultraviolet disaster, it needs to be corrected...

Zhang Chaoyang's idea suddenly became smoother. If he wanted to modify the Rayleigh-Jeans formula, he could consider the energy quantization of the one-dimensional resonator, and then use the Boltzmann distribution formula to find the thermal average energy of the resonator. Use the thermal average energy to calculate Classic result correction can finally successfully obtain the correct Planck black body radiation formula.

"Mr. Zhang, why are you laughing?" The Sohu vice president next to him also pricked up his ears to listen to the discussion behind him, and suddenly saw a smile on his boss's face.

"I laugh at Planck." Zhang Chaoyang replied.

Vice President: "?"

Before he could ask further questions, the subsequent discussion had already spread from Silicon Valley to China, and happened to also talk about the Lin'an meeting two days ago, and the rumored cooperation between Yike and Sogou to challenge Baidu.

"I think Sogou is not very good. This year's input method is OK, but it is difficult to achieve the final conversion. There is a problem with their three-level strategy."

This sentence struck the ears of the Sohu team.

Wang Xiaochuan didn't come with him today, but someone from Sogou business came with Zhang Chaoyang, so he couldn't help but turn around unconvinced.

Forget it if it’s Mr. Fang, but if it’s not Mr. Fang, it’s okay for Baidu’s Mr. Li and Mr. Ali Ma to criticize the strategy. Are you such a high-minded and low-handed person even when you’re eating and talking in the cafeteria?

As the Sogou people turned around, Zhang Chaoyang also turned around and looked at the people who had been chatting behind him.

He is dressed in ordinary clothes and wears glasses. He is a stranger and unremarkable.

Zhang Chaoyang is the leader of a faction. Naturally, he will not get angry because of a single sentence. Instead, he smiled and said: "You said there is a problem with our three-stage rocket strategy? How can there be a problem?"

Several employees of Yike recognized that this was Mr. Zhang from Sohu, and were inevitably a little embarrassed. Wasn't this pointing at the monk and calling him a bald donkey?

When Zhang Chaoyang saw that several people were silent, he added: "No way, do the people in Yike have such a shallow knowledge? They don't even dare to say anything when they meet me?"

It's an obvious provocation but very easy to use.

The bespectacled man who had just been talking about Sogou put down his spoon and said calmly: "Mr. Zhang, we are just chatting. Since you are willing to listen, let me share my views."

"Needless to say, the situation in the domestic search market is that all companies are competing under Baidu."

"Sogou has developed well this year. The input method-browser-engine of the three-stage rocket seems to be in good order. However, its effect will not last long. The penetration rate of Sogou input method is very high, and it seems that there will continue to be huge flow."

"But this kind of traffic scale is very false. The input method is just a tool. What is the user's attitude towards tool-based products? Is it just a matter of using it and leaving? Is it coming and going as soon as you call it? If Sogou has to mess with this tool a lot, it may It leads to the opposite result, so I say this is false traffic, and using it as a strategic basis will be very limited."

"Similarly, what about Sogou Browser? Browsers are just an entrance for users, and they are destined to become more and more homogeneous. A user who uses a browser only uses it to explore the Internet, and is by no means very interested in this browser."

"How is it possible for the terminal's Sogou engine to continue to grow and compete with its weak first two levels?"

The man with glasses said disapprovingly: "Baidu has such a large market share in China. It can almost be said that the one that beats Baidu is definitely not another engine, and it is definitely not another homogeneous search + information model. Yike wants to uphold this strategy. If the cooperation with Sogou is really aimed at Baidu, there will be big problems."

Zhang Chaoyang sighed after hearing such words, and suddenly fell in love with talents.

He is a person who likes and values ​​talents very much. He also had the attitude towards Wang Xiaochuan that "I can wait for you as long as you go to school."

"What's your name?" Zhang Chaoyang asked, "Are you interested in coming to Sohu?"

He sat in Yike's cafeteria poaching Yike's people.

The bespectacled man looked at his colleagues. He smiled and did not respond to the solicitation from the head of Sohu. He nodded and left.

Zhang Chaoyang looked at the group of Yike employees leaving and suddenly felt lost.

Even though he is an unknown person, he also has elegant words.

Yike still has a strong momentum, but Sohu seems to be a product of the previous era.

Zhang Chaoyang was silent for a while, and flashed through his mind several colleagues who had been favored in Lin'an in the past few days, and sighed: "I need to have a good talk with Xiaochuan, and I also need to think carefully about the development of Sohu."

The vice president next to him nodded: "Is Planck the quantum mechanics guy? What's so funny about him?"

Zhang Chaoyang couldn't help but touch his chin. Planck is not funny. If this continues, Sohu will become very funny.

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