Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1042 The strong melon is not sweet (4k)

In just one day, Zhang Chaoyang, who was originally hesitant in Fang Zhuo's eyes, suddenly became decisive.

He persuaded Wang Xiaochuan to promote Yike's investment in shares, change the business strategy, and determined to bet on the development of the mobile Internet.

This situation made Fang Zhuo confused. He thought it would take some more effort, but how could he open up the Ren and Du channels all at once?

What happened to Lao Zhang? Longchang enlightenment? Feynman in your head?

Even Fang Zhuo was confused, and the senior executives of Yike Digital who knew the situation were even more confused. But it was a good thing after all. The YMS ecosystem needs an engine entrance that can be created. Since Sogou can have a consistent strategic vision, it can be try.

But... Zhang Chaoyang may really have a problem.

When Su Wei heard what President Fangda said while having dinner together, she was really shocked.

"He's going to give you his yacht?"

"It's not a gift." Fang Zhuo corrected, "You just lent it to me to play with. Why do I think he means to change his mind? Well, not necessarily, it may be the other extreme. Hey, this old Zhang, I can't be sure. , I’m not sure, it’s hard to guess the thinking of a doctor of physics.”

Zhang Chaoyang spent US$4 million last year to buy a 66-foot-long Sunseeker yacht, named "Happy".

Su Wei was still in disbelief: "He gave you his happiness? Why? What did he want? You can't hold less shares, right?"

"It's not a gift, it's a loan." Fang Zhuo corrected again, "I estimate that there is a high probability that he has the intention to quit entertainment and work hard from today on."

He continued: "However, I'm afraid that Lao Zhang won't get anything out after all the hard work and will be frustrated again. I advise him not to work too hard. He is already old and the world is not fair in the first place."

Su Wei felt that this guy was being arrogant. Well, Sohu has been a bit declining in the past two years. Mr. Zhang may feel a little strange when he looks at the growth of other Internet companies.

She thought about it for a few seconds and asked, "I'll lend it to you, when will I pay it back?"

Fang Zhuo replied: "When his wealth exceeds mine."

Su Wei opened her mouth, wanting to speak but stopping, stopping speaking but wanting to.

"Thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi." Fang Zhuo said seriously.

Su Wei nodded, this is the reason...Mr. Zhang is indeed a good friend...

Fang Zhuo added: "I plan to lend it to Zhou Xin for fun. Doesn't he like sea fishing? Last time, he seemed to have mentioned that he wanted to buy a boat, but his wife thought it was more cost-effective to rent a boat. Happiness means the more you share, the happier you are. "

Su Wei poured a glass of juice and saluted the CEO in front of her: "Well, here's to you."

Who can say that this man is not a friend?

Fang Zhuo also drank juice, took a sip, and said thoughtfully: "Lao Zhang seems to be very motivated this time. He went back without even singing. If he doesn't climb snowy mountains, show off his figure, play on yachts, and take photos, TV, giving jewelry, socializing with celebrities, and sleeping well, I think it should be pretty good too.”

Su Wei smiled: "Why do I hear a hint of envy?"

"If you can be happy, who wants to be troubled?" Fang Zhuo suddenly started to think in his heart, "It's rare to be confused and not know the true face of Mount Lu just because you are in this mountain. Who can tell your life clearly?"

Su Wei poured another glass of juice and asked President Fangda back with a question: "UC rejected Yike's investment?"

Fang Zhuo frowned for a moment and said angrily: "I officially rejected it. They have already reached an agreement with Ali and will take money from Ali and clarify the board structure. The most helpless thing is, do you know why UC rejected me? ?Yu Yongfu wants UC’s ‘independence’.”

"He said that Ma Ren promised to give UC independence. I said on the phone that I would agree to it, and then he stopped talking and finally refused."

"What's the difference between my independence and Ma's? Besides..."

Moreover, UC was eventually acquired by Alibaba.

Su Wei suppressed her laughter and tried her best to say seriously: "It must be because you are too busy. You only communicate on the phone and don't let people feel your sincerity in person."

Hearing this, Fang Zhuo reflected: "It's possible that the recent schedules are all full, and it's because Alibaba and the others got in touch too early. After I asked Yike Investment to take charge, I didn't take it too seriously."

In fact, Alibaba's capital injection into UC was basically finalized in March, but the specific details have been discussed. Earlier financing rumors include Baidu, Penguin, and 360.

Yike made its move relatively late this time, and it was through the original shareholder of UC, Morningside Venture Capital.

Fang Zhuo has never dealt with Morningside Venture Capital before, but behind Morningside Venture Capital is the Chen family of Xiangjiang, and the Chen family is the founder of Hang Lung Group. Yike, located in Hang Lung 23, only allowed the original shareholders to lobby like this. Insert one foot horizontally.

However, UC's Yu Yongfu still believes in Ma Yan's guarantee.

It is said that previous negotiations with Baidu, Penguin, and 360 were unable to provide similar guarantees.

What's more annoying is that Fang Zhuo gave a guarantee but was rejected.

Although the official reason for Yu Yongfu's rejection was that he had reached an agreement with Ali, Fang Zhuo could still feel a little bit of emotion.

Su Wei asked seriously: "Mr. Fang, please tell me, is the independence you promised true independence?"

When Fang Zhuo was asked this question... he didn't even have to answer, so he could feel Yu Yongfu's distrust even more. Even Teacher Xiao Su asked this question, let alone others?

He could only say with regret: "I would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. Everyone is still willing to do the main thing by themselves. Hey, you can understand it if you think about it. It's all this way."

Sogou’s Wang Xiaochuan seeks to operate independently, as does UC’s Yu Yongfu.

A team with prospects and development is thinking about the longer-term benefits of going public. Now it is not only possible to get money from Yike, but everyone's money is used in the same way, and many factors will be taken into consideration.

Fang Zhuo still answered the question: "Sogou and UC both want to improve the YMS ecosystem. Independent operation is a prerequisite, and a consistent strategy is also a prerequisite. It is not sweet to force it. Forget it, I really only hope that YMS can have a A simple mobile browser.”

In other words, this is his request for the entire YMS ecosystem.


From this point of view, there is no problem with UC's rejection. What Yike wants to do is the entire YMS, and all links must serve the ecosystem. What UC wants to build is the most powerful browser in China, which inevitably requires more business. Turn into blood.

Sogou is slightly different. It is a weak chaser. Only by changing the core track can we hope to be faster and stronger.

"I heard that Mr. Yu was born in Lenovo, is there some such factor?" Su Wei asked.

"I've already refused, so I won't make such speculations." Fang Zhuo's mood has returned to calm.

Su Wei nodded lightly and stopped speculating. The CEO's popularity in this direction was average, but there were also good ones. Who wouldn't give a thumbs up in the semiconductor field? It's impossible to like everyone.

"There will be a wave of mobile Internet explosions, and Yike's YMS ecosystem must be prepared and laid out on the eve of the outbreak." Fang Zhuo thought, "Yike Investment has been busy recently. Hey, I found that even if I have money, I may not be able to spend it. Lose."

"I called Wang Ningguo from SMIC a while ago and asked if there was any funding demand there, and the result..."

He spread his hands and the result was self-evident.

"Ahem, cough." Su Wei said seriously, "After all, you have Ice Core under your control. SMIC has just achieved some stability. If you increase your shareholding, there may be chaos again."

Fang Zhuo also understood what was going on after being politely rejected by SMIC.

As the same saying goes, forceful melons are not sweet. If there are really thorny problems, the other party will put down their small concerns.

The next morning, even though Fang Zhuo had a lot of things on his hands due to preparations for the mobile Internet, he still went to visit the "Happy Number" out of friendship with his friends. Even the decoration was personally selected by Lao Zhang, which really showed his care.

Taking into account Lao Zhang's intention, Fang Zhuo left a note and renamed the yacht. Before returning it to Lao Zhang, the Sunseeker yacht was called "Happy Together".

"Together" symbolizes the tolerance of YMS ecology. Only together can we get things done and achieve everyone's happiness.

At noon, I had a seafood meal with Zhou Xin on the yacht, and on the way back to the company, I visited the new headquarters. According to the plan, the Twin Towers will be capped at the end of the year and put into use as early as the third quarter of next year.

The new headquarters of Yike and Yigou were built by Yongke Real Estate. The first two buildings totaled 88 floors. The final plan was (5+45)*2 with a total of 100 floors. The total construction area is 455,000 square meters, and it can accommodate up to 15,000 people work.

However, with the needs of business development, this new headquarters may soon be unable to meet the demand, and some departments and employees will need to be relocated.

In the afternoon, Fang Zhuo briefly took a look at Tesco's promotional activities for Taobao's June 18 this month in the President's Office, but the focus was on the construction of logistics and warehousing. This year, Tesco is expected to speed up logistics in some areas. I believe Can bring enlightening experiences to peers.

At five o'clock in the evening, another piece of feedback from Yike Investment was delivered to the desk. Since April, the frequency of Yike Investment's activities has been increasing, mainly covering the links that are lacking in the YMS ecology.

However, many of the products targeted by YMS already have giant figures. Penguin, Baidu, and Alibaba have entered many fields horizontally or vertically based on the characteristics of their respective companies.

In addition to competition in specific e-commerce businesses, vertical integration and horizontal expansion are also compulsory courses for large domestic companies. Penguin is responsible for meeting all the Internet needs of QQ users, Baidu is focused on the aggregation and retrieval of information, and Alibaba is using the most The e-commerce link with the right to speak connects the upstream and downstream.

In the past, Yike tried its best to compete with international mobile phone manufacturers. This year, with the elimination of the biggest patent risks, the strategic adjustment is to evolve from a mobile phone hardware company to an ecological company that takes into account both software and hardware.

In terms of hardware, we continue to enhance the competitiveness of mobile phones, and in terms of software, we use YMS as the core to provide users with mobile services.

The strategic vision is like this... but it is easy to run into problems when it is implemented.

The latest document from Yike Investment reported that an important contact did not go smoothly. Amap declined Yike’s investment intention.

This time it is not about independence, but that AutoNavi has no financing plan for the time being and is already preparing to go public in the United States. Rather than taking money from Yike, it prefers to raise funds directly on Nasdaq.

Fang Zhuo sat in the office and carefully read the investment team's report twice, frowning deeply.

What should we do if this situation and that situation always go wrong?

The map field is said to be a competition between major manufacturers. BAT has its own achievements. Baidu Maps has been doing it since 2005. Penguin’s Sosou Maps has not yet been separated and independent. Alibaba later fully acquired Amap, and foreign Google Maps is now An indispensable part of today’s Android phones.

Logically speaking, Amap needs to burn money.

Fang Zhuo originally thought that there would be progress in contact in this direction, but he didn't expect... forget it, forcefully...

Maybe Gua just didn't encounter a strong enough force?

I'm not a melon, how do I know if a melon likes to be forced?

Fang Zhuo re-opened the files he had put down. It is difficult to do everything in ecological construction. Reasonable acquisitions or shares can achieve the effect of mutual cooperation. But there are only so many companies in this area of ​​the map. If it doesn't change this time, maybe it will still be eliminated. Ali twisted away.

He turned the document to the end and looked at Gaode's shareholder details.

Amap's founders and management have an absolute shareholding of up to 64.1%.

But the institutional shareholders who have previously raised funds must also be influential. There are acquaintances among them. Shen Nanpeng of Sequoia invested in Yike. Chen Liwu of Walden International is even more familiar. He is a director of SMIC, and others are familiar with Kleiner Perkins Caufield \u0026 Byers. , MSD and other institutions, if you are not familiar with them, others will naturally be familiar with them.

"Xiao Liu, help me make an appointment with Shen Nanpeng from Sequoia, and also make an online appointment with Mr. Xiong and Brother Wang from IDG."

Fang Zhuo wanted to call Chen Liwu first, then talk to Shen Nanpeng in person, then ask two good friends to ask familiar investment institutions, and finally persuade the management of AutoNavi.

How can a cash-burning company like Amap not be short of money?

Don't be afraid of delaying your listing. The sponsor that happened to take over your listing, Goldman Sachs, is not very reliable. I will help you find a good one.

Fang Zhuo plans to try to help YMS initially fill in the ecological link.

After a phone call with Chen Liwu, this SMIC director who firmly invested in semiconductors was very happy and directly agreed to help Mr. Fang and lobby Amap’s decision in person. After that, he chatted with Mr. Fang for a long time. SMIC situation.

Chen Liwu also heard rumors that Mr. Fang wanted to increase his stake in SMIC, but there was no movement.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, Director Chen, don't worry. SMIC's situation is very good. Isn't it hard for us to talk to each other? Not to mention my relationship with Mr. Zhang and Dr. Jiang." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I That day, I suddenly thought about making money and spending money, so I called Wang Ningguo. As you know, I just made some money."

He said with relief: "Don't worry, there won't be any turmoil. I think this is good. We all have to understand that enterprises must operate independently, and the same applies to my ice core business."

When Chen Liwu heard what Mr. Fang said, he felt relieved.

Indeed, everyone knows that Mr. Fang has made money, so if there is no turmoil, everything will be normal.

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