Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1043 Only today did you know that I am me (4k)

The work at YMS is not going well. In addition to calling on friends to help solve the problem, Fang Zhuo is also considering related structural adjustments within the company.

Yike Investment was originally an independent company. When it acquired Sina, it appeared as an independent company. Later, in order to facilitate development, it was absorbed into Yike Technology and became a business department under "Yike".

However, when this department began to target the YMS ecosystem, its actions were somewhat weak. Major manufacturers have abundant funds for horizontal or vertical expansion, and often need other resources as bargaining chips.

Correspondingly speaking, as just an investment department team of Yike, their connection with the mobile phone product department is not smooth enough, and the resources on the negotiation table are not rich enough.

Fang Zhuo noticed this situation and felt that strategic adjustment also required internal organizational changes - the establishment of the YMS business group was imminent, and the person in charge of this business group also needed to be carefully screened.

The structure of Yike has always been relatively simple. The core is marketing and R\u0026D. The system, marketing, hardware, software, supply chain and other departments that are extended around these two cores serve them, plus personnel, finance, legal , internal audit and other functional departments, this constitutes the entire system of Yike.

Fang Zhuo had discussed internally before this year's annual meeting that he would make organizational adjustments to cope with the company's future development and better adapt to the complex situations destined to be faced in the mobile Internet era. Today's investment setback is just another manifestation of the problem. In front of you.

On the morning of June 16, after communicating with Director Chen of SMIC, Mr. Xiong from IDG and Mr. Gou from Shenxin Technology also agreed with heartfelt approval and were willing to help find institutional shareholders who were familiar with them to talk about what Yike Investment could do. benefits.

Funding is only one aspect, and the C-side mobilization that Yike can directly bring is another important aspect.

At ten o'clock, Shen Nanpeng, another important shareholder of AutoNavi, arrived in Shanghai. At the invitation of President Fang, he flew over from there after temporarily finishing his work in Yangcheng.

Shen Nanpeng called in advance. In addition to reconfirming the meeting time, he also made a small request.

"Mr. Fang, I happened to meet an investor friend on the incoming plane. He also wanted to pay a visit to Yike. I don't know if it's inconvenient for Fang. It's Mr. Lei Jun."

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised and said with a smile: "Friends investors, do you all call him that now? Well, I'm still used to Jinshan's name. No problem, let's come together. Mr. Lei and I have met several times."

In fact, he is more accustomed to Xiaomi's name.

Lei Jun resigned from the successfully listed Kingsoft Corporation at the end of 2007. In the previous two months, "IT Times" had just used Kingsoft CEO Lei Jun as its cover and wrote an article of more than 10,000 words "Lei Jun." and his Golden Mountain Kingdom".

Lei Jun surprised everyone when he resigned. He did not find another job and devoted himself to becoming an angel investor.

It just so happened that Fang Zhuo saw Lei Jun's name two days ago, and he was among the shareholders of UC Browser.

While Fang Zhuo was waiting for the arrival of Shen Nanpeng and Lei Jun in the office, he was reviewing the company's internal discussions. UC Browser refused to cooperate. Now he has three options: Google, Sogou, and self-development.

The first thing to exclude is Google Chrome. Yike mobile phones are now using Google abroad. This is the GMS ecosystem, but it still faces a support problem in China.

Next is Sogou. Just a few days ago, the focus of the Sogou team was still on the PC side. Although there are also products for Android and iOS, they are very mediocre to use now.

Either continue to promote cooperation with Sogou, or apply the open source kernel and make magical modifications.

Sogou has made it clear that it will be independent from Sohu, and the same problems as UC will arise in the future. It needs to be commercialized to regain its blood, and this will also conflict with the simple purpose that Fang Zhuo wants.

Fang Zhuo adheres to the attitude of respecting independent operations and already has a tendency in his heart.

Near noon, the two investors arrived at the famous Hang Lung 23.

Hang Lung 23 has many stories in China, and many big names have been here.

Just counting back, in the past two months, a group of world-renowned funds were confused, depressed, and lingering here.

Shen Nanpeng and Lei Jun had a small discussion on the way here. Mr. Fang is still being evaluated by foreign media. Yike's two financial wars will definitely be a story that will be talked about in the future, and it seems to Mr. Fang that It's just a medal added - of course, this medal is eye-catching enough.

“This is the world’s strongest mobile finance company.”

Lei Jun walked out of the elevator with his backpack on his back and saw the logo of Yike Company, and couldn't help but sigh.

Shen Nanpeng pursed his lips and smiled. It was not only the domestic media that spoke of Yike like this, but also the foreign media that gave Yike such a title. There was no controversy.

He was moved by the scene and talked about a past event that he rarely mentioned to others: "I bought shares of Yike with Xu Xiaoping before, for US$5 million."

Lei Jun glanced sideways: "Did it take place in April or May? How many times has it doubled?"

"I bought it when Yike was listed. Oh yes, I also bought 5 million US dollars of shares in Bingxin through IDG." Shen Nanpeng said, "The stock price of Yike was fluctuating at that time. Xu Xiaoping and I regretted it after buying it. I came here specifically to see Mr. Fang and felt trapped."

He laughed and said: "Xu Xiaoping and I discussed that we would take action when the stock price rose by 10%. As a result, he really took action immediately when it reached 10%. I laughed to death."

Lei Jun also smiled: "Then you still keep it?"

Shen Nanpeng shook his head and said proudly: "No, I sold at 15% and made more than 700,000 US dollars."

Lei Jun was in awe, Shen Nanpeng did have a higher investment level than Xu Xiaoping.

Shen Nanpeng spread his hands: "Who would have thought that Yike would come out like this? We all bought it with our own money, and we just wanted to escape from Mr. Fang's clutches."

Lei Jun squeezed the Mars3 mobile phone in his hand. Mr. Fang’s claws had magical power.

While the two were talking, Liu Zonghong, the secretary to the president of Yike, came up to him.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Lei, please come this way. Mr. Fang has just been on the phone with the Silicon Valley R\u0026D team. Let me greet you first on his behalf." Liu Zonghong pointed the direction of the President's Office with a smile, while hesitating whether to help Mr. Lei. I took off his backpack, but seeing that Mr. Lei was carrying it firmly, he had no intention of putting it down...

It was not Shen Nanpeng's first time to come to Yike and he was familiar with the roads. Lei Jun's emotions were more complicated when he came here for the first time.

The two arrived at the CEO's office. Liu Zonghong gently knocked on the door and opened it, apparently having received instructions in advance.

Two investors entered the office.

The first thing Lei Jun saw was Mr. Fang, who was still on the phone by the floor-to-ceiling window.

Mr. Fang had a smile on his face, with one hand on the phone and the other on the sofa to welcome him.

When Lei Jun saw Mr. Fang again, he couldn't help but have a few labels pop up in his heart.

The mysterious man in this world! The world's top richest man! The creator of the Android machine king! Big player in behind-the-scenes trading!

He felt that Mr. Fang was looking at him with a rather appraising look. Seeing that the secretary next to him had already poured tea, he hurriedly sat down first.

A minute later, Fang Zhuo hung up the phone, stepped forward quickly, and shook hands one after another.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Lei, long time no see. I got an unexpected call from Silicon Valley. I'm sorry."

Shen Nanpeng smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, you're welcome, I probably know what's going on. On AutoNavi's side, to be honest, I also think it should seize this wave of mobile Internet and actively transform into individual customers. "

Today's map manufacturers, such as AutoNavi, Kailitech, NavInfo, Baidu and other brands, mainly focus on vehicle navigation and GIS. As mobile phones gradually increase the number of geographical location information and applications, the situation is divided into two directions. One is B side, one is C side.

The latter is a transformation and a development, and it would be great if we can get support from mobile phone manufacturers in this regard.

Shen Nanpeng believes from the bottom of his heart that Yike, who has money and hardware, is a perfect partner for AutoNavi. Even a slight delay in listing in the United States is worth it. The only risk is reduced to a very low level because AutoNavi’s management holds a large number of shares.

Fang Zhuo was very happy that the investor was so forthcoming.

Shen Nanpeng not only invested in AutoNavi, but is now a director of AutoNavi. His words will increase his influence again.

Fang Zhuo happily talked about the minor problems he had encountered recently, and categorically stated that he would definitely respect the independent operation of the company, and it was indeed Yike who was looking for a suitable partner.

This is a collaboration and nothing else.

Shen Nanpeng nodded frequently.

No problem, no problem, AutoNavi is already discussing transformation internally, and this Yike investment is appropriate.

He picked up the tea cup. If he could facilitate this matter, he would not be a helper.

Shen Nanpeng chuckled and glanced at the inscription hanging on the wall of Mr. Fang's office.

Tsk, no matter whether Mr. Fang can't do it or not, at least this word is written really well.

"Mr. Shen?" After Fang Zhuo finished speaking, seeing Director Shen didn't respond, he thought he had different opinions.

Shen Nanpeng came back to his senses and said seriously: "Mr. Fang, I will do my best to persuade Amap, whether it is funds or strategies, I believe this is a perfect investment."

Fang Zhuo nodded and said, "Very good, friend."

If AutoNavi's shareholders' persuasion does not take effect, then it will wait until it is listed. The secondary market will be easier to operate.

He also talked about the sponsor issue of Amap’s listing.

Fang Zhuo has always been a very sincere person. Now that he talks about the sponsor, Goldman Sachs, he talks frankly about some grievances. Goldman Sachs shorted its clients twice, which is simply an outrage to both humans and gods.

Shen Nanpeng looked serious. Indeed, fortunately, Goldman Sachs' two short-selling operations were plotted by Mr. Fang. Otherwise, Yike would be really dangerous. If Mr. Fang can find a suitable sponsor for Gaode, then why not replace Goldman Sachs? Woolen cloth?

The two chatted for a while and reached a consensus.

Lei Jun, who was sitting next to him, didn't speak much, and when he occasionally made a sound, he seemed a bit obscure.

Shen Nanpeng noticed this situation and felt a little strange. He actually talked about a lot of Yike's products and things along the way. Why didn't he communicate with the real owner when he came to see him?

When Mr. Fang turned around to pour tea, he touched Mr. Lei with his arm and expressed surprise in his eyes.

Lei Jun knew what Shen Nanpeng meant. When Mr. Fang was about to add water, he quickly signaled for him to come. Then he met the inexplicable and appraising eyes, and suddenly he wanted to have a real communication in his heart.

"Mr. Fang, it's very presumptuous of me to come here this time." Lei Jun spoke unhurriedly, "I heard on the plane that Mr. Shen was coming to Yike. I remembered that Mr. Fang had mentioned the seven major development directions in the future, so I couldn't bear it. I can’t help but want to come over and take a look, listen to Mr. Fang’s thoughts, and ask Mr. Fang for advice.”

He continued: "I agree very much with what Mr. Fang said. For a good business, you can see what it will look like in the future."

Fang Zhuo previously mentioned seven directions at the annual meeting, consumer electronics, social networks, electronic payment, cloud computing, semiconductors, new energy, and artificial intelligence. These are widely circulated.

"Mr. Lei, you're welcome. It's not the first time we've met. The last time we met seemed to be in the capital." Fang Zhuo didn't expect Mr. Lei to mention what he said.

Lei Jun nodded. The last time they met was in Dangdang's office... That time, Mr. Fang led someone to kick down the door to collect money. Dangdang lost the bet. Hey... where is Dangdang? Dangdang is gone now.

"Mr. Lei worked in Jinshan for a long time and was very successful. Now that he has become an investor, are he examining the next direction?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Lei Jun hesitated for a moment before nodding. In the past year and a half, he found that investing could not bring him full satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.

Fang Zhuo continued to smile and said: "Let me guess, Lei is always wrong..."

He reached down and pointed to the cell phone on the table.

Lei Jun was surprised, thinking that Fang always pointed to the e-commerce store on the 22nd floor downstairs, and nodded: "Indeed, I am still very interested in e-commerce."

"Ahem." Fang Zhuo did not hide his wrong guess, "Mr. Lei, I thought you were interested in consumer electronics, such as mobile phones."

Lei Jun did not deny it: "I have talked about mobile phone products with Mr. Huang of Meizu before, and even visited in detail part of the supply chain cultivated by Yike in China. Mobile devices will definitely develop very well, but I think I One shot is enough.”

"One shot?" Fang Zhuo felt very strange.

"Yeah, I admire Hanwang for making mobile phones priced at 1,699 yuan. Meizu's 2,199 yuan is also good. Android phones are bound to become popular quickly and are already comparable to or even better than foreign brands." Lei Jun and Meizu's Huang Zhang has communicated with me many times and talks about this very smoothly.

"However, I see that Yike supports the domestic supply chain, has upstream links such as Ice Core, and also cooperates with MediaTek. If Yike makes entry-level models in person, it will surely crowd out many manufacturers that are flocking to it."

He looked at Mr. Fang with sharp eyes and asked, "Mr. Fang, will Yike personally make the entry-level model?"

Fang Zhuo pondered, is this such a mess?

He replied: "We won't do it for the time being. We will have to look at the development in the future. Our biggest goal now is to stabilize the price of 4,000+."

"Standing firmly in the mid-to-high end, investment and linkage can be made in the mid-to-low end. Once the YMS promoted by Yike has a scale, it can be invincible." Lei Jun expressed his opinion.

Anyway, once Yike goes down, he feels that few domestic manufacturers can stop it. YMS will have a strong power with the hardware, which is difficult to challenge.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea, um...oh yes, did you just talk about e-commerce?

"Mr. Lei, are you interested in e-commerce? Do you want to go back to's model?", which Lei Jun sold, has been completely merged by Amazon.

"Mr. Fang, there is a discount website in the United States. I think it is very interesting. It is a very low discount that can be traded if it reaches a certain number of people." Lei Jun became brighter.

"Groupon." Fang Zhuo's mood was a little complicated. He was talking about group buying last time. He was talking to Qingzi, Qingzi, Qingzi, look at Lei Jun.

It’s not that there’s a lack of opportunities for success in life, it’s that there’s a lack of eyes for discovery. Look at people! !

Lei Jun nodded immediately: "Yes, Mr. Fang, Groupon, this model is very interesting. I think if it can be developed, it can expand the boundaries of many businesses. Although Mr. Fang did not mention e-commerce, Tesco is doing very well. I always I feel that e-commerce still has great development potential.”

This is obviously the eighth of Mr. Fang’s seven major directions.

"Groupon, Groupon, Gaopeng, it uses the Internet to present offline commerce. It is indeed a good direction. Online To Offline, O2O, this is a blue ocean." Fang Zhuo acknowledged Lei Jun's view.

Lei Jun became happy: "Mr. Fang, do you think this can be done in China now?"

Fang Zhuo pondered again and again, "Isn't it OK?"

In the end, he still had no conscience and nodded: "Mr. Lei, I think it can be done in China, and it is a track with high achievements. Mr. Lei, you have a very keen vision."

Lei Jun suddenly felt relieved and leaned back slowly. Today he opened the golden rope and broke the jade lock here. President Fang from the CEO Office praised him. Today he knows that I am who he is.

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