Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1060 King Dog is shocked (4K)

Angel investor Lei Jun's entrepreneurial venture did not excite Wang Fengyi.

He just felt that Mr. Fang would think of him when he came across a good project... Of course, he might also be taking this opportunity to hope that Shen Xin would take a stand in future competitions.

Wang Fengyi couldn't tell whether Fang always wanted to put pressure on himself, but it suddenly dawned on him.

Shenxin Kechuang is both a shareholder of Yike and a shareholder of Penguin. However, over the years, Yike has been taking care of itself, while Penguin has been eating alone.

Feedback from this attitude of eating alone has also caused various complaints in the industry.

In this case, well-known Chinese investors are indispensable to rectify the situation.

Wang Fengyi has finalized the decision to reduce his holdings in his heart, and the next step is to make a new collective decision. When it comes to such changes, he can not say anything.

The process is simple and the decision has been made, then you still need to continue to study the direction of capital investment after cashing out.

Xiong said it well. There will definitely be many projects in this wave of mobile Internet development. How to identify such projects requires...

Among the four giants of YBAT, it seems that Yike has the highest level of preparation and emphasis on mobile Internet, so it is natural to listen to the advice of Mr. Fang, a professional.

Wang Fengyi put out the cigarette in his hand, stood up and walked to the window. He saw the clear sky outside, but felt that a storm was about to hit.

Well, how could there not be China’s number one investor in such a storm?

Wang Fengyi plans to exert his subjective initiative.

On July 26, Shanghai held an Asian investors conference. Well-known Chinese investor Wang Fengyi was delighted to be invited to attend. At the same time, he also called over angel investor Lei Jun.

From the perspective of an investor, Wang Fengyi's reputation is much higher than that of Lei Jun. When he goes to a place, he only greets everyone, but Lei Jun does not have such a reputation.

However, Lei Junzhi is not here. He has recently been busy looking for team members and considering how to start. The only pity is that even the entrepreneurial funds have been raised. Otherwise, he might still be able to talk about relationships with these investors.

Now, Lei Jun thinks this is a carrot meeting.

However, when he heard Wang Fengyi speaking on stage as a guest, he was immediately stunned.

"As we all know, last year's financial crisis hit the global economy hard, but the good news is that all walks of life in our country took the lead in recovering, and the one that has recovered and even accelerated again is undoubtedly the Internet."

"We are all investors, and there are still many opportunities worthy of our investment in the hot spots of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet."

"However, when it comes to investment opportunities in this area, there is now a saying in the Internet industry that deserves attention. Last week I met a person who makes mobile Android online games. At that time, I didn't quite understand what he was going to do. I just sat there That thinking.”

Wang Fengyi vividly described a real experience: "As soon as I thought about it, the entrepreneur became nervous. Then, when I looked up at him, do you know what he blurted out?"

"He said, I haven't thought about what to do when penguins play games like this..."

Wang Fengyi revealed the answer himself and helplessly spread his hands amidst the roar of laughter.

When the laughter ended, he cursed: "Damn it, I haven't asked yet, this is already stressful!"

Another roar of laughter, mixed with applause.

There are many investors here who have asked similar questions in the past two years. When the penguins come, what are you going to do?

However, when talking about such an issue in such a formal occasion, he also used swear words. Moreover, one of the outstanding achievements of the person on the stage was investing in Penguins... Today's world is somewhat absurd.

The distracted Lei Jun was completely attracted by Wang Fengyi on the stage. This Mr. Wang... what is he going to do?

"Before coming to me, I don't know how many investors he had met and how many colleagues he had asked this question." Wang Fengyi said meaningfully.

He gave the scene a moment, and then threw out another sentence: "Guess, did I vote for him in the end?"

There were two different answers on the scene, but most of them thought it was a vote. Only after you vote can you share it as an interesting story.

"I didn't vote, I didn't vote." Wang Fengyi gave the answer and added, "Everyone, it's not because I don't understand, although I did listen to it twice and didn't understand much."

The audience laughed again, Wang Gou was humble.

"It's because I didn't see confidence in this entrepreneur. It was because he changed from being high-spirited when talking about projects to hesitant when thinking about penguins. In the end, he didn't even give me an answer." Wang Fengyi was filled with emotion, "Fuck us Everyone in this industry knows that products can be designed, teams can be recruited, channels can be contacted, and markets can be developed. However, if an entrepreneur loses confidence at the beginning, I really don’t know how to invest.”

The voices of well-known Chinese investors silenced the audience.

Wang Fengyi's expression on the stage turned dull: "Just yesterday, I encountered a similar scene again. The difference from last time is that this entrepreneur wanted to hear from me how to face competition."

"Unfortunately, I'm scratching my head and can't think of anything."

When Wang Fengyi said this, he sighed: "Are these two the only entrepreneurs in the Internet industry who need to solve this problem?"

"I have been thinking about the situation I encountered from last night to today. The companies we invested six, seven, and eight years ago grew into giants. How did it become the current trend?"

His expression grew heavy.

"This is wrong, it shouldn't be like this, something is wrong!"

Wang Fengyi glanced at the audience, was silent for a while, and said: "Of course, I am just talking about what I have observed from the perspective of an investor. We all know that business operations are complicated, and the development of any company comes from It’s hard-earned, I just want to say, I just want to make a small suggestion on this occasion today..."

"Should the relevant enterprises also think about the octopus-style expansion, the self-centered traffic strategy, and the imitation and learning of replicas? I dare not say what is right or wrong here. At the very least, is there some imbalance? Isn't it? Is there room for improvement?”

The general manager of Shenxin Science and Technology said that he "did not dare to say right or wrong", but he was almost criticizing the most important corporate investment in his career.

In a public place with such a wide audience, this is bombardment!

This is almost the most famous investor in the country, and he is bombarding us!

Moreover, he also has the most relevant identity label, he is the head of Penguin’s largest shareholder organization!

Wang Fengyi finished his speech and walked off the stage.

It took several seconds for the audience to burst into applause.

Lei Jun didn't react until Wang Fengyi sat next to him. While applauding, he asked in a low voice in confusion and surprise: "Why?"

"For justice." Wang Fengyi replied calmly.

Lei Jun: "..."

Who are you lying to?

Wang Fengyi repeated it again: "For the sake of justice, we must give them a little shock of the new application."

Lei Jun was confused, what to do? What is this picture?

There were many investors like Lei Jun at the scene. Wang Fengyi from Shenxin Science and Technology came on stage and said this. What does it mean? What's the deep meaning inside?

Are you being instigated by others or being instigated by others?

If he stands up like this, will it be Mr. Fang who comes out next?

I vaguely remember that when Zhihu first opened its website, Yike and Penguin already had an argument about how to play traffic. Is this going to happen again?

In the following time, Lei Jun sat next to Wang Fengyi and felt a lot of gazes and whispers. He knew that tomorrow, ah no, today there would be media writing about Mr. Wang's speech.

It’s just...what’s the use?

Lei Jun doesn't think that just a few words can make the giant give up its development strategy. Could it be said that Mr. Wang was really stimulated by his two investment experiences?

He thought about it and couldn't figure out where the driving force of today's remarks came from.

After several more guests finished speaking, Lei Jun regained his composure and asked a question that was inconvenient to ask in the past: "Mr. Wang, Shen Xin is both a shareholder of Yike and Penguin, but I think you and Mr. Fang have always had a relationship. Pretty close?"

Not only recently, like the last Yike Financial War, Shen Xinke Chuang was even willing to set up a trap. It was almost as if Mr. Wang had something to do with Mr. Fang.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Wang’s self-deprecating remark about “being a dog” has spread so widely. Everyone feels so right when they hear it!

"Mr. Fang is more interesting." Wang Fengyi roughly knew Mr. Lei's subtext and replied casually, "Actually, it's nothing. I just want to see what Mr. Fang can do."

Lei Jun waited for ten seconds, but the result was gone.

He couldn't help but laugh: "Is that the reason?"

"If you insist on telling me, there is a reason to make money with Mr. Fang, but it is more out of the interests of Shenxin Science and Technology." Wang Fengyi looked at the beautiful investor on the stage without blinking, and said with a smile, "If you treat me Personally speaking, I am not as enterprising as you, and my family still has some money. It is enough to become a well-known investor. I just want to..."

Wang Fengyi felt that in this situation, he must write a poem to express his ambition.

The development and collision of the Internet and mobile Internet, the competition between giants is becoming increasingly fierce, and projects are also innovating in this era... all of this...

Wang Fengyi held it in for a minute, but he couldn't hold it in anymore. He saw that Mr. Lei was still eagerly waiting for him to continue.

He had no choice but to restrain his enthusiasm and said reluctantly: "I just want to see this river rolling eastward, I want to see how much this hero of the world can do, I want to see the wind and thunder raging, and I want to see the changes."

Lei Jun looked at Mr. Wang in surprise, it turns out you are not Wang Fenggu, you are...this is Wang Lezi.

But to put it this way, it’s no wonder that Mr. Fang favors him. When it comes to fun, Mr. Fang is not bad at all.

Lei Junlue compared the two confirmed shareholders of his rice group and praised their vitality from the bottom of his heart.

However, what he thought was just an episode in the meeting came to the real part in the evening - Shenxin Science and Technology announced that it would reduce its holdings of 2% of Penguin's shares in a block transaction.

The words of General Manager of Shenxin Science and Technology during the day have just caused waves on the Internet. This reduction of real money has directly shocked people inside and outside the industry!

When Lei Jun himself saw the news, he immediately called Wang Fengyi: "Mr. Wang, have you reduced your holdings of Penguin stocks? No, how can you be serious?"

"Didn't we talk about it? For the sake of justice." Wang Fengyi said with a smile.

Lei Jun hung up the phone in a daze. Could it be that he was really doing it for justice?

He suddenly felt that he couldn't see through the general manager of Shenxin Science and Technology. It was like wind and thunder, but you just went up and knocked them to stir them up...

Wang Fengyi had just finished his call with Lei Jun, and there was another call from IDG President Xiong Xiaoge on his phone.

"Wang Fengyi, you're crazy!" Xiong Xiaoge said directly, "You really sell it!"

"Xiong Xiaoge, you don't understand." Wang Fengyi was very calm.

Xiong Xiaoge sneered: "What don't you understand? It's just that Yixin is going online soon, Yike wants to enter Penguin's base business with mobile phone hardware, Fang Zhuo tricks you into looking down on Penguin, sells the stock, and by the way, it can stir up a few Level shock.”

Wang Fengyi felt...this guy named Xiong knew a little bit.

"Penguin definitely, definitely has a lot of room for appreciation." Xiong Xiaoge made another judgment, "It's unwise for you to sell at this time."

"Do you care? Are you worried about the shares I bought from you? Then don't sell them in the first place!" Wang Fengyi retorted, "Xiong Xiaoge, you are always one step ahead of me because you don't trust others. People don’t vote.”

Xiong Xiaoge felt that her good intentions were nothing more than a donkey's heart and lungs. When she wanted to talk again, her cell phone was already beeping.

In this way, Wang Fengyi made a speech during the day, talking about "making a small suggestion" and "not dare to say right or wrong", and then it was revealed that Shen Xinke Chuang was really making big moves... Even Lei Jun and Xiong Xiaoge were shocked, not to mention the others.

Websites such as Sina, Sohu, and NetEase have released press releases one after another, and related hot searches on Zhihu have quickly reached the top of the list, with many industry professionals and even executives raising eyebrows...

For a time, public opinion was rampant, and many topics quickly focused on the "entrepreneurial difficulties" and "penguin similarities" mentioned by Wang Fengyi to refute each other.

But no matter how we discuss it, public opinion is just a discussion, and after all, it is not as shocking as Shenxin Science and Technology.

It was indeed as Wang Fengyi wished. Some people lamented the shock of such bombardment and selling, but it was not exactly what he wished...

"Today really gave me a little bit of a king-dog shock!"

"Wang Gou must have been ordered by President Fang!"

" @Fang Zhuo, come out, Mr. Fang, what do you think?"

The shock of Wang Fengyi's new application turned into the shock of Wang Gou, but it was still not satisfactory. It was still a shock after all.

When the public opinion related to Shen Xin and Penguin reached Fang Zhuo's ears, he was in the process of greeting Qiu Ciyun who had returned from Germany.

It’s not easy for Mr. Qiu. He is getting older and has to travel abroad to supervise work.

Qiu Ciyun also went to Zhihu. He ate his meal and didn't talk much about work. After noticing the latest public opinion, he asked Mr. Fang about the situation in person.

"Oh, I heard Xiao Liu say it, but I haven't read it carefully yet." Fang Zhuo also didn't expect that Brother Wang would make such a speech first, and then cooperate with Shenxin Science and Technology's announcement of reduction of holdings. He was really extra attentive and trusting.

How should I put it, he is somewhat accustomed to putting multi-faceted competitive pressure on his opponents, but mainly he really wants to give Brother Wang some reminders.

Including this investment in Mi Tuan, everyone reciprocated with courtesy. You helped cash out Yike shares before and switched to Bingxin. I came across a good project in the mobile Internet, which is just a small thing.

It's just a meaning, not much else. Hey, Brother Wang is really interesting. It's really embarrassing to make such a big noise.

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