Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1061 The listener has a heart (4K)

In 2009, Shenxin Technology took action again, which immediately aroused public opinion.

The last time it made a move, it reduced its holdings in Yike shares. At that time, everyone thought it was a break between the two parties. It was later proven that no one would admit that it was a tactic.

Is this shot a clarion call for attack from Yike?

No matter what, Shen Xin's two moves were to reduce his holdings in the two domestic giants. Some people are already calling on Wang Fengyi to buy the stocks of Alibaba and Baidu, so that he can get the title of YBAT killer by selling them in the future.

Since the first quarter of this year, the Internet industry has rapidly recovered from the financial crisis, and with the explosive development of smartphones, competition seems to have become extremely fierce.

There has been a lot of discussion on Zhihu about this new application for science and technology. Many people know that Wang Fengyi likes to visit Zhihu, so they @the person who criticized Penguin came out to talk about his motives.

From evening to late at night, Wang Fengyi never showed up.

It wasn't until close to early morning that he appeared in the comment section of an answer to "Call the King Dog" and seriously talked about his thoughts.

"From my own investment experience, I think this situation is unhealthy. Maybe the giants themselves will say, this is my advantage and this is how I want to develop, but I think we should stand more for small and medium-sized enterprises and even entrepreneurs. angle."

"Because it is indeed not easy for this group of people to develop. On the contrary, the giants may need more, how should I say, supervision? Control? That's pretty much what it means."

"From Shenxin's perspective, Shenxin is a shareholder of Penguin. Our team believes that this is not conducive to long-term development and may be counterattacked, so we made the decision to reduce our holdings."

Because the number of words in the comment area is limited, Wang Fengyi also divided it into two posts.

Once he responded, more people wanted to participate in the discussion.

Wang Fengyi conducted a wave of discussions from some more targeted angles.

As a well-known domestic investor, although the views of General Manager Shenxin Science and Technology may not be agreed by all users, his down-to-earth attitude is indeed reflected in the number of likes.

In the early morning, Wang Fengyi replied to a less relevant question.

——Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, why do you still answer questions under the title "King Dog"? Aren't you angry?

Wang Fengyi: Well, I was just joking about it at first, and somehow it spread. I was a little angry at first. One time I had dinner with Mr. Fang, and he praised me, saying that I was stupid and that I was quite talented. Master style, hey, so now when I see people shouting like this, I feel like they are calling me "Master Wang".

This answer from Shenxin Kechuang once again received many likes from Zhihu users.

However, the more active Wang Fengyi is on Zhihu and the higher the discussion on related topics, the more indifferent Penguin is.

Due to multilateral relations, many Penguin executives who had previously appeared in Zhihu, a unique Chinese community in China, no longer appear, at least, no longer appear with official certification.

This holding reduction from Shenxin Technology was a sudden attack. The announcement was made after only a short communication, and the time was chosen on Friday, which seemed somewhat malicious.

On Saturday, the social media platform Weibo took advantage of the situation and announced that it would join forces with TV stations to create the "Weibo Annual Selection Event" to collect names and awards from netizens.

Two men surnamed Wang were causing trouble together, and it was seriously suspected that this was an organized and premeditated competition.

As for business development, isn’t this a cliché?

The name Wang is not important enough. Mr. Fang already talked about it last time. It was useless and not worth refuting.

What Penguin really pays attention to internally is action. One is the increasingly prosperous development of Weibo, and the other is the construction of the YMS ecosystem.

The social media platform Weibo’s competition for users’ time should not be underestimated. Penguin’s Weibo has been trying hard to catch up, but the results are not good. Internal reflection is still based on previous strategic misjudgments. It was immersed in the track of socializing with acquaintances, which led to the failure of Sina Weibo. There is enough time to launch first, so Sina Weibo is two steps faster and one step faster.

Fortunately, there is a small benefit this year. Yike Department broke up with Baidu, and Sina Weibo was also affected. Now when you search for "Weibo" on Baidu, the top one has become Penguin Weibo. This kind of traffic from search engines The trade-off may bring the distance between the two parties closer.

As for the YMS ecosystem, Yike has made successive moves since the second quarter, cooperating with Sogou and investing in AutoNavi. It seems that its ambitions in the product chain are huge.

Looking at the entire ecosystem outlined by Yike, there are already mailboxes, games, searches, and maps... So, will this ecosystem have communications?

Will Yike get involved in communications? Or at what point will it get involved?

This is a competition that Penguins take even more seriously.

Penguin President Liu Chiping has stated at several regular high-level meetings that Yike will definitely add communication links to the so-called YMS ecosystem.

Therefore, Penguin must invest more resources in the mobile terminal to prevent possible competition in the future.

The social platform will be transferred to the mobile terminal, and internal projects can also consider different tracks. In addition, in view of the explosion of smartphones, Penguin can invest in a few more mobile phone hardware projects.

Doesn’t Android claim to be open source? Doesn’t YMS not force you?

If Penguin can invest in a few smartphone brands with good sales, the threat from hardware can be reduced a lot.

Based on this logic, Penguin is also doing project incubation internally, encouraging middle and high-level people who want to start a business to try this aspect.

With judgment in mind and preparation in hand, even if you encounter backstabbing from shareholders, you will not panic.

What's more, Wang Fengyi, the shareholder, has already made his position clear, and he doesn't feel the pain of one of his own suddenly jumping to the other side.

The growth of the domestic market is far from over. Even if the stock price does fluctuate, it will only be temporary and harmless.

The public opinion was hot on Friday night, and Penguin issued a neither salty nor lukewarm announcement on Saturday. Then it did not do much public relations activities and just watched with a cold eye.

Wang Fengyi originally had the intention of arguing with Penguin executives, but when he saw that there was almost no movement from the other side, he felt a little disappointed.

By the evening of Sunday, there was another movement on Sina Weibo, but it was the release of the WP version of the mobile software, and also announced the development plan for the Symbian version, which will be launched in mid-August.

Just an hour later, Penguin Weibo also informally announced its software development plan, maintaining close competition with Sina Weibo.

Wang Fengyi felt a little disappointed. Investors were still not good enough. Look at Wang Xing's Weibo. As soon as there was any movement here, he would immediately fight back.

At nine o'clock in the evening, he received a call from Mr. Fang, who wanted to have supper with Lei Jun and others, so he went over immediately.

When Wang Fengyi arrived at the location, the seafood porridge had just been served, and several people were talking and laughing.

"Brother Wang is here, sit down, sit down, I'm chatting with you." Fang Zhuo stood up to greet the well-known Chinese investor.

Wang Fengyi came over with a smile: "What are you talking about about me? I was feeling frustrated. I was thinking about how to discuss it with Pony, but in the end, there was no movement at all."

He said this, and after sitting down, he shook his head and said, "On the way here, I saw some people gossiping that I was trying to destroy Penguin's stock price."

"Ah? Isn't it?" Fang Zhuo laughed.

"Of course not, otherwise why would I use bulk transactions? The direct secondary market is terrible." Wang Fengyi said plausibly, "I am just expressing my position. It is Shenxin Science and Technology that expresses its position from the perspective of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises. Penguin cannot do this. "

Lei Jun heard Mr. Wang's words again after two days, and he almost believed it.

Wang Fengyi looked back and saw there was wine in the yard.

He got up and moved a box of beer and put it on the table. As he opened it, he greeted the unfamiliar faces at the table. After a while of greetings, he learned that two of them were members of Lei Jun's entrepreneurial team.

That’s considered half one of our own.

Wang Fengyi had nothing bad to say, as long as he didn’t mention Yixin PP. He complained: “How candid I am on Zhihu. Mr. Xiong does a good job on this website. I also want to communicate with each other, but some people are just weird. I I also saw several corporate bosses giving me likes."

Fang Zhuo took the wine and said with a smile: "Doesn't this mean that China's number one investor has caused a big shock?"

Wang Fengyi poured the wine, still a little angry, and mentioned a few well-known names in the industry.

Fang Zhuo listened casually, but was a little surprised after hearing "Zhou Hongyi" and asked curiously: "Does Zhou Hongyi also agree with Penguin's current development model?"

"It's not like I agree or disagree, um..." Wang Fengyi recalled briefly, and said, "I just liked the answer that analyzes the relationship between the roles of investors, shareholders, and companies."

As an investor and shareholder, his current turmoil is considered offside by some people.

"Oh, that's it." Fang Zhuo raised his glass and drank a glass of wine with everyone before saying with a smile, "Then you are joking, saying that you are getting a salary for everyone, Penguin also has a QQ doctor, if you can't get enough, you will enter the 360 ​​game Got it."

Penguin has QQ Doctor, an auxiliary function released at the end of 2006. It was first embedded in the QQ login box and can help users quickly scan to determine whether there are no account-stealing Trojans. In September last year, it added a system cleaning function.

Just this month, QQ Doctor just launched the network traffic monitoring function.

From the current point of view, the 360 ​​functions of QQ Doctor and Zhou Hongyi are quite different.

While drinking, Wang Fengyi listened to Mr. Fang and Mr. Lei talking about group buying projects. He checked the functions of QQ Doctor and felt that the situation mentioned by Mr. Fang might really happen.

Penguin is almost paranoid about the projects it can handle, especially in the field of computer clients, and its purpose is very clear, which is to strictly guard against the rise of other companies.

"Mr. Fang, you said that according to the habits of penguins, is there any vigilance on QQ Doctor's constant iteration of this QQ doctor?" Wang Fengyi asked after waiting for a glass of wine.

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "Who knows? Why don't you call and ask?"

Wang Fengyi thought about it carefully and gave up the idea. There should be some vigilance over there. Penguins in recent years have been very dissatisfying.

If this is made clear again... I wonder what both sides think?

Wang Fengyi has not forgotten his identity as a Penguin shareholder, but he also wants to see what changes can happen.

He thought carefully, organized his words, and calmly responded to the answer that was praised by many industry leaders. He also used 360, which has made a breakthrough in the field of computer security, as an example to talk about how he "earned a salary." ".

Wang Fengyi deliberately did not make it too clear and talked vaguely about the power of the penguin in this example.

——Even if 360 has over 100 million users, how can it deal with Penguin with more traffic?

The implication is that even 360 will not work, let alone those grassroots projects.

However, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention.

Who is Wang Fengyi?

Although some people joke that this is also an investment tycoon, is what he said really just casual talk?

What's more, this person has held Penguin stocks for so many years, so he must know some details about the situation.

Others laughed it off. Zhou Hongyi of 360 became a little gloomy after seeing the response from the head of Shenxin Science and Technology. The company has developed rapidly this year. This is not something that can be concealed, but Penguin’s QQ Doctor has always In the iteration, the two sides already have some sense of outpost warfare.

Does this king dog know anything?

Zhou Hongyi thought about it carefully and dialed Wang Fengyi's phone number at noon on Monday. He talked about Penguin's behavior in the past few years in a crusade-like tone, and then asked if Penguin had any developments in the field of computer security.

"Haha, Mr. Zhou, you are asking, I don't know, even if I know, I can't say it." Wang Fengyi laughed, "Besides, I am an investor, I am a shareholder, how can I be offside?" Woolen cloth?"

This is exactly the Zhihu answer that was liked by Zhou Hongyi.

When Zhou Hongyi heard this, she knew that Mr. Wang still had complaints in his heart. He immediately explained that he just felt that one of the cases in the answer was explained in a simple way, and he thought the answerer had literary talent, so he gave it a thumbs up.

Wang Fengyi laughed, not entangled.

Zhou Hongyi asked again: "Mr. Wang, the computer security field is actually not big. Our 360 already has many users. How can this penguin get in?"

"Mr. Zhou, you asked the wrong person again. Well, your company has established a user advantage. If Penguin wants to compete, he may have to use strange tricks. I don't understand strange tricks. On the Internet, don't you, Mr. Zhou, know the best about strange tricks?" "Wang Fengyi replied.

The so-called strange trick...

Zhou Hongyi thought for a while, switched positions, and said, no, he wouldn't be as rogue as I thought.

Wang Fengyi didn't say much, but seemed to say a lot.

Zhou Hongyi hung up the phone and thought about it. The penguin was so big, so it shouldn't be that excessive.

The head of 360, who has rich experience in "strange moves", fell into thinking.

On the other side, Penguin executives who did not respond but still paid attention to Wang Fengyi were also attentive listeners.

360 is developing rapidly and is one of the most dynamic Internet companies in the past year or two. Therefore, it has long been on the radar and has corresponding competition plans.

But this plan was still being prepared, why was it suddenly brought out by Wang Fengyi?

I don’t know who to use as an example, but I chose 360. Isn’t this unintentional? Will 360 merge with Yike?

There shouldn’t be much room for business convergence between the two sides, or does Wang Fengyi’s Shenxin Technology have any ideas about investing in 360?

Gee, one of the shareholders of 360 is IDG. This person is not much different from Wang Fengyi of Shenxin Science and Technology. There may be Yike Fangzhuo's instructions behind it.

It's annoying, why are there investors everywhere who have a close relationship with Fang Zhuo?

Do these investors have to go to Hang Lung 23 to hold a meeting before investing?

Penguin has conducted relevant internal discussions and judgments to consider whether to release the version that enters the computer security field in advance.

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