Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1274 Technical Chips (4k)

There was nothing too urgent about Lu Qi's visit.

Although Microsoft has intensified its competitive relationship with Yike in disguise after its ambiguous relationship with Nokia, as a giant, it is more focused on Google and is more concerned about its own reforms.

Fang Zhuo also talked to Lu Qi about Microsoft after taking him to visit Yike's Siri laboratory.

Lu Qi was not responsible for Microsoft's mobile strategy, but he was also curious about the head of Yike's views on competition, and then he got a series of laughs.

"Ah? Competition...this, the competition between us..."

"Just talking about this mobile strategy, Ballmer did one thing right, which was to step down in time."

"Now Nadella has made some amends and announced that he will provide free WP systems to manufacturers."

"Since new smartphones were launched in 2007, since Yike, Apple, and Samsung have established themselves in the market, since Android has become the world's largest smartphone system...Microsoft's WP is finally free for manufacturers."

Fang Zhuo looked at Lu Qi with a smile: "What do you think I should think?"

Lu Qi was speechless.

It's outrageous to say this, but I don't seem to feel it in my daily work.

It can only be said that the giant’s appalling slowness is often felt to the core.

Fang Zhuo looked at Mr. Lu's expression and asked with some confusion: "When you ask this, I'm really curious. Is it true that this matter was not discussed at Microsoft's internal meeting?"

Lu Qi replied with some embarrassment: "This kind of... is more detailed."

The discussions at the meeting were more macro-level, and these were not within the scope of responsibilities. It would be good if I could do a good job in the application software.

Lu Qi was silent for a moment and then said: "Nokia's cooperation with us will be deeper. Although it is difficult to return to the previous position, there is still some hope after all."

"The strategic alliance between Nokia and Microsoft." Fang Zhuo thought for a few seconds and commented, "a Frankenstein monster made up of clumsy and unrealistic parts."

Lu Qi pretended to wipe his forehead: "Mr. Fang, I'm going to sweat."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Then let's end this unpleasant topic."

He continued: "Change it, change it, and talk about you wanting to leave Microsoft."

Lu Qi: "..."

Suddenly, I felt a little bit like Mr. Fang’s own style.

Let’s talk about the technical prospects.

One of the things Lu Qi is currently responsible for is artificial intelligence research, which has been named "Xiaobing" internally. Therefore, he has sufficient interest in the user-oriented Siri that Yike has launched.

Fang Zhuo was not stingy. During lunch, he invited several people in charge of the laboratory, and everyone happily chatted about the natural language processing behind it.

Before leaving, Lu Qi talked about something more formal, asking about the cooperation between Yike and Google on search engines.

Yike uses the Google GMS framework outside of China, which bundles various Google functions accordingly. However, for the default search engine, Google has to pay Yike.

Not only Yike, but also Apple and Samsung also collected this money from Google.

Microsoft search Bing, which Lu Qi is responsible for, is a direct competitor.

"Yike has no idea of ​​​​changing this cooperation for the time being. If Microsoft really wants to talk about it." Fang Zhuo pondered for a while, "When our contract expires next year, if Mr. Lu is still at Microsoft, remember to come with more sincerity. "

Lu Qi smiled bitterly, did he have to jump into this slot?

He asked sincerely: "How much sincerity does Microsoft need?"

"We previously signed a three-year agreement with Google, and after it expires next year, we will sign it once a year." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "I'm afraid the annual increase will be more in line with the market."

Lu Qi had also inquired about the agreement between Yike and Google before, but the confidentiality level of both parties was quite good, and the figures were relatively vague.

Seeing Lu Qi's bright eyes, Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Yike and Google are partners. The previous US$500 million was a friendly price. For a one-year contract... Microsoft is interested and we will discuss it next year."

Lu Qi took a breath and had a rough assessment in his mind. The previous price was 500 million US dollars in three years, and the next one-year signing will probably be at least 500 million US dollars a year.

The problem is that Microsoft couldn't get Yike with this offer. Can it even be competitive if it is doubled?

He nodded slightly, thanked Mr. Fang for the price certification in person, and thought more about cooperation resources besides price.

"Mr. Lu, if you come out of Microsoft and don't want to join the company and want to invest, remember to come to me. I also have acquaintances in the investment field." Fang Zhuo maintained his parting enthusiasm.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "I have no intention of investing at all."

"You guys, if you can't survive in the enterprise, most of them will invest." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I would say, if you are no longer at Microsoft, you might as well just consider starting a business. When the time comes, you are welcome to come to Yike to find it. Resources for collaboration.”

Lu Qi shook hands with the head of Yike who was in a difficult situation. No matter what, the mental outlook he saw today left a deep impression on him.

After Lu Qi left, Fang Zhuo thought about his domestic friends and businessmen. Adu is still quite arrogant now. Lu Qi has led its good development for a period of time. Without him, I don’t know what the situation would be like.

This kind of thinking lingered in my mind for a short time and then disappeared.

Fang Zhuo's last arrangement before leaving the United States was to visit Intel. The main purpose was to discuss the cooperation between Bingxin and Intel in the semiconductor field.

As an important player in the global semiconductor industry, Bingxin has no foundry cooperation with Intel because the latter has its own advanced wafer manufacturing plant, and Intel currently does not provide external OEMs.

Based on this situation, Intel plays a role in technical standards competition in the foundry field.

Fang Zhuo had already made an appointment in advance, and also made a special appointment with Intel's Vice President Tate.

This is the senior executive who was sent to Washington by Intel to attend a closed-door meeting.

On August 6, Fang Zhuo led his team to Santa Clara and met Tate.

He just met and expressed his gratitude to this person when shaking hands: "Tate, thank you very much for your evaluation of the ice core in Washington and your support for the development of the industry."

Tate had met Mr. Fang on other occasions before, but had not had much interaction with him. When he received the call this time, he guessed that it had something to do with the meeting in Washington. Hearing this, he said regretfully: "Mr. Fang, it's a pity that the business side Wrong decisions were still made.”

He was not surprised that Mr. Fang knew about the closed-door meeting.

However, Tate also believes from the bottom of his heart that since Bingxin has a wide range of American and European investment institutions, it should follow the rules instead of using forced interference.

If there is one, there are two, and the victims of the long-term consequences will not just be ice cores.

Fang Zhuo waved his hands up and down: "That's not something we can change, but I'm very grateful to hear your righteous speech in this situation."

"No, Mr. Fang." Tate said seriously, "It may not be impossible to change. You can try to push it."

He paused and continued: "Just like CSIS, if its people are not suitable to express opinions, then the right people should be allowed to do so."

This is intentional. Senior consultant Allen lost his job. This was not a big deal, but it was noticed by others. However, attention does not mean that he cares.

Ice core restrictions have become a reality, and it does no harm if the consultant does not consult.

Fang Zhuo smiled and let go: "Ice Core has already tried to solve this problem in Washington, but the work must continue. I can only hope to seek more technical cooperation."

Tate nodded and thought for a moment: "Bing Xin has already expected this?"

Bingxin's pursuit of cooperation with Intel in immersive lithography technology was not limited, but had conversations since the beginning of this year. Thinking about it now, it was the other party's plan for a rainy day.

It makes sense for the company Bingxin to develop in China.

"Our approach in this regard is more based on the slow commercialization of EUV." Fang Zhuo mentioned the objective reasons, "ASML does not ship, and it is delayed year by year. Immersive process expansion is a very reasonable choice."

ASML has long hoped to deliver EUV for commercial use, but it is beyond imagination. Now it only hands over experimental models to Taiwanese journalists and Samsung.

Recently, some media have been promoting it, saying that it will be commercially available next year, but ASML paradoxically did not refute the rumor.

However, the industry is pessimistic about commercial speed. Intel’s own judgment is that it will take at least three or four years.

Tate led Mr. Fang to visit Intel and mentioned areas of cooperation that Ice Core was interested in. Intel has now extended 193nm immersion lithography technology to the 15nm process in the laboratory.

This breakthrough proves that 193nm immersion lithography technology combined with multiple lithography patterning technologies can be extended to smaller process nodes than imagined.

However, there is still a gap between the feasibility of the process and whether it can be commercialized, and the improvement of yield is the key.

Fang Zhuo came to visit Intel with a straightforward goal, which was to directly promote cooperation between the two parties from a higher level.

He listened to Tate's introduction and nodded frequently.

When Tate finished with some dry mouth, Fang Zhuo said with emotion: "It sounds very good, although I didn't understand it very well."

Tate: "..."

Seeing that Mr. Fang nodded appropriately, he didn't dare to be careless, and his introduction was also sincere.

"Intel is the leader in the semiconductor industry. Although I don't understand it, Bingxin is very eager to cooperate with Intel in this area." Fang Zhuo said directly, "It's just that you don't seem to be willing."

The cooperation between Bingxin and Intel has been progressing slowly. From the beginning of the year to now, everyone chatted for a while, and then nothing happened, and then chatted for a while, and then there was no follow-up.

Tate smiled and said formulaically: "We have always had an open attitude towards technical cooperation, but recently we really don't have the energy to promote external exchanges in this area."

He paused and continued: "Ice Core cannot purchase EUV this time. If there is a breakthrough in immersion lithography technology in the future, we will definitely have better sparks."

There seems to be little communication in this area now. Intel has always played the role of promoting technological progress in the industry.

On the contrary, although Ice Core has gradually grown in OEM scale, it is still just an OEM company.

What's more, I heard that ice cores are slow in 28nm technology, which is nothing to discuss.

Out of pride, Tate is willing to show off the company's technological breakthroughs and advancements. However, when it comes to mutual cooperation, objectively speaking, what is the value...

"I'm just here as an outpost. Our chief technology officer, Professor Hu Zhengming, is on his way to the United States." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "After all, I don't understand technology, so someone who can understand technology needs to come here. , Professor Hu particularly respects Intel and is very willing to discuss various technologies with Intel."

Tate coughed, thought for a while, and said: "As I said before in Washington, I don't think ice cores should be subject to any so-called restrictions. However, the situation has become such that ice cores should not be subject to any so-called restrictions." That’s where it stops.”

"We have always attached great importance to the Eastern market, and we also feel that Ice Core can develop rapidly relying on the Eastern market. Intel is willing to consider further cooperation with everyone based on the attitude of cooperation and mutual benefit."

Objectively speaking, if Ice Core can achieve such a foundry scale, there are indeed areas worthy of cooperation, such as Professor Hu's FinFET technology, which is the area that Intel is currently focusing on.

Ice Core's 28nm is slow, and Intel has reached the 22/20nm node where FinFET can be introduced.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, not to mention that Professor Hu is the jade from other mountains.

Tate maintains respect for the technology giants in the industry and is willing to be more open-minded.

Fang Zhuo shook hands with Tate and said with a smile: "Professor Hu will arrive tomorrow, and our co-CEO Dr. Liang Mengsong will fly to the United States at the end of the month. We sincerely hope to promote mutual cooperation in more technical fields."

Although the current task of ice cores is very heavy, EUV is limited and the importance of multiple exposure technology has soared. This is worthy of the joint efforts of Professor Hu and Dr. Liang.

Tate nodded deeply. Dr. Liang's reputation has become even greater since he left Taiji. However, with Dr. Liang's ability, ice cores also have difficulties in 28nm, and it does take time to accumulate the overall technology.

His thoughts turned around. Professor Hu's work in Ice Core was simply a waste. It would be great if he could join Intel.

Tate continued to lead Mr. Fang to visit Intel. With the possibility of technical cooperation, many things would be easier to talk about. He also expressed some views on the current competition in the industry.

For example, 28nm front and rear gates.

At present, both Intel and Taiji have carried out mass production of 28nm, but the increase in production capacity is not enough, and they are also committed to improving the yield rate.

Tate is very confident in the 28nm technical solution and believes that Taiji must have taken the wrong path this time.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think?" He asked the opinion of the head of Bingxin.

Fang Zhuo pointed at himself with his index finger, why: "Me, me? This, me..."

Tate laughed. It was just an introduction, and it was not appropriate to talk in depth.

He let Mr. Fang go and did not embarrass him. I heard that Bingxin was involved in both solutions. I am afraid that this is also the reason for the slow progress of 28nm. He is going the wrong way. (End of chapter)

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