Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1275 Reciprocity

073 Reciprocity

Facts have proved that Professor Hu’s flag is not only effective domestically, but also effective in front of Intel.

Bingxin has carried out a lot of technical cooperation over the years. It has not only joined the technology development alliance composed of "defeats" such as Infineon and GlobalFoundries, but also jointly developed baseband technology with Yike, Samsung and Apple.

In China, Bingxin has led more technical cooperation, not only in the semiconductor industry, but also in extensive research and development with universities.

This time, Fang Zhuo still has to be thankful that he has you.

After finishing this trip of sincerity and promotion, he called Hu Zhengming, who had just landed, and talked about what he had seen and heard at Intel, and truthfully described the respect of the other party.

It is also different from the domestic SMIC. It will take a long time for SMIC to really implement the FinFET process. Intel has been trying small-scale mass production since last year. This year, it announced that it will use 22nm in 2013. Plans to introduce FinFET into mobile chips.

There is nothing to say about Intel's technology, but its problem on the mobile side is that it insists on using the complex X86 architecture, which lags behind ARM in terms of power consumption and performance.

In order to solve this problem in the plan announced this year, Intel announced that it will launch mobile chips based on the Silvermont architecture, which it says is very competitive.

With new architecture, new processes, and new goals, Intel is now eager to have technical experts in related fields come over to communicate, not to mention Hu Zhengming, the "Father of FinFET" who saved Moore's Law.

No matter how proud Intel is in the technology field, the teams led by Hu Zhengming and his disciple Liang Mengsong, who worked together at Bingxin, are extremely attractive.

"There is nothing we can do. I have to go out of my way." Although Hu Zhengming had traveled a long distance to fly here, his voice on the phone was full of energy and said with a smile, "Intel has invited me before. This time we have a win-win exchange. Bar."

He has been the first to know the news about ice cores these days. He paused briefly and said consolingly: "It is indeed difficult without EUV, but although multiple exposures increase the mask process and other links, the cost and overall yield are both If you can work hard to overcome it, the sky will not fall."

"Yes, as long as the professor is here, the sky in the ice core will not collapse." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"Okay, everyone takes turns to hold on. This time I will try to see if I can hold on." Hu Zhengming also laughed, "Finally, I have reached a field where I feel confident."

Fang Zhuo has actually seen a lot of solemn faces recently and received a lot of nervous phone calls. Now that he hears Professor Hu's laughter, he feels a little more relaxed.

Professor Hu is not only a flag to the outside world, but can also stabilize the morale of the military inside the ice core.

It was late, and taking into account the jet-lagged rest, Fang Zhuo met Professor Hu face to face just before departure, but they didn't chat for too long. Apart from Intel, they only talked about the intention of using SMIC as a vest to curve EUV. .

"You can try it, but one is definitely not enough. Let's see how many SMIC can buy." Hu Zhengming didn't care about EUV at this time. "Anyway, having one is always better. In the final analysis, it probably depends on yourself. "

He thought for a while and said with a smile: "It's okay. If you carry forward the spirit of optimism, I can probably still see that day."

Fang Zhuo's thoughts turned around, but he couldn't pick it up immediately.

"I try to be like Zhang Zhongyan. His body is really great." Hu Zhengming said cheerfully.

Zhang Zhongtong is 16 years older than Hu Zhengming and is still active in his job.

Fang Zhuo said seriously: "We all strive to be on the same page. When my seventieth birthday comes, Professor and Dr. Liang will come over and visit the ice core with me."

Hu Zhengming was amused and shook hands with the boss again. This was one of the things he liked about ice cores. It was hard not to say that Mr. Fang's own existence seemed to represent a long-term goal.

After saying goodbye to Professor Hu, Fang Zhuo and his group got into the car heading to the airport.

This trip was a tour of Germany and France, and then I needed to return to my country to talk about future development in light of the current restrictions. When things came to a close, I felt a little anxious at home without seeing anyone.

In the evening, the private plane took off.

Liu Zonghong looked at his boss looking thoughtfully at the scenery outside the window and said, "I don't know what kind of products Apple will launch this month."

Fang Zhuo was still looking at the sunset outside the window and replied casually: "Now the main thing is to catch up with each other in terms of core performance. Apple's chip is different from the original design, but there will not be too unexpected changes. After all, That’s Cook.”

From the overall market perspective, consumers around the world have quickly adapted to smartphone systems, but they still have a strong demand for performance development.

This is probably an important reason why Samsung is pushing for self-designed chips this year. It also hopes to achieve a greater degree of software and hardware integration to facilitate matching the system ecology.

Liu Zonghong nodded silently, thinking about the real restrictions imposed on his trip to the United States. He also thought about the recent background and said, "November is very soon."

From flying in May to flying back in August, these three months passed in a blink of an eye, but I still haven't seen one important factor come into effect. The final results of the American election will be announced in November.

Fang Zhuo smiled: "It's very soon. I hope our relationship will be as good as before."

Liu Zonghong didn't know if the boss had other intentions. He figured out that the other party was not interested in chatting, so he quietly put away some newspapers and documents.

According to his opinion in the past three months, the boss should have achieved his goal. With the voices of a group of semiconductor and Silicon Valley companies, Bingxin was also "successful" in suspending the listing, but in the end there was still a purchase restriction.

But from another perspective, this restriction has not been deepened, and it is probably barely acceptable.

Liu Zonghong has been with him all these years and feels that he can generally feel the boss's mood. He thinks that his mood this time is not as low as the outside world thinks.

The "Qingzi" landed at the Dresden International Airport in Germany. There was no rest this time. It was not just to inspect the ice core factory, but to accompany Hilbert and others, the leader of the capital, to see the semiconductors here. Industry friends.

Due to the establishment of the ice core factory and its geographical logistics advantages, it has gradually entered the European industrial supply chain. And because ice core continues to pursue advanced manufacturing processes, its future upgrade potential is also favored by the administration.

Dresden was once the industrial and ecological city where Fang Zhuo's inspection project was implemented. This time he came here not only to carry out the usual maintenance activities, but also to ask about the inspection of the legendary second overseas ice core factory.

Fang Zhuo naturally did not say that he had finalized his landing in France, but smiled and said that the next stop for Qiu Ciyun and others was to come to Dresden.

Hilbert was very satisfied with Mr. Fang's statement and believed that his side had strong competitiveness. He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the ice core experience.

"Ice Core is a global brand. Those people in the United States are too barbaric. What reason do they have to restrict Ice Core from buying things from Europe!" Hilbert was quite indignant.

Fang Zhuo nodded seriously and said: "Indeed, we also think their restrictions are unreasonable and have submitted a complaint. At the very least, our European factories should be able to buy equipment from Europe."

Hilbert agreed more this time. The ice core factory is a joint venture with Germany.

"But no matter what, this situation has already occurred in the ice core." Fang Zhuo looked out, "We should face this development challenge together."

Hilbert nodded first, then smiled: "Yes, speaking of which, Magdegeburg is developing very fast. The last time I visited the ice core factory, it happened to be at night. The ice cores under the moonlight were really beautiful. It’s very beautiful, and I think we can have an industrial landscape like this in Dresden.”

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and said sincerely: "If the conditions are right, Dresden will also have a new era "Ice Core under the Moonlight". Personally speaking, whether it is Magdegeburg or Dresden , Bingxin is willing to work with European friends for mutual benefit."

When Hilbert heard Mr. Fang compare it to the oil painting "Dresden Under Moonlight", he became even more fond of him. He shook hands with him again and said seriously: "Of course, this is a developing friendship, and we should Let’s maintain it together.”

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