Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1284 Sales Target (4k)


Screen to body ratio!

With the end of the last brand launch conference in "Yu Sanjia" at the end of September, the keywords about size quickly became a frequently mentioned content in the media and quickly aroused heated discussions among users.

Since the release of iPhone and Mars in 2007, the original smartphone Nokia was even labeled as a "non-smartphone", and the world's original red ocean mobile phone market has undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, the novelty of consumer electronics has only a short shelf life for users.

Not to mention this year's Samsung and Apple, the overall performance of last year's "Yu Sanjia" has been criticized as not having much innovation, but just regular stacking due to hardware advancement.

This year, this month...

The freshness comes out all of a sudden!

Huh? It seems that the hardware is still improving...

No matter, the hardware has improved a lot! !

Yike generously announced Sharp, the supplier of this full-screen display. On this night alone, it received inquiries from many mobile phone manufacturers. Then, Sharp said that the production capacity was not enough and it had signed an exclusive agreement with Yike.

Also in the evening, major screen suppliers were constantly asked whether they could realize Yike's full-screen display this time. In particular, Samsung's own department and LG were under the greatest pressure.

Yike was the last manufacturer to release a product this time, but unfortunately, it also did a great job.

Will this work be effective?

Whether it's Cook in California or Lee Jae-yong in Seoul, they all felt a twitch in their hearts when they watched their competitors' press conferences and saw the Mars 6 Pro debut...

What Yike brought out was not something from the laboratory, it was a mass product given directly!

These are completely different things.

Regarding the advancement of screen-to-body ratio, both companies have conducted relevant research, but it is indeed not to the point where Yike can promote it to consumers.

Fortunately, Yike's launch time in mid-November is obviously due to production capacity problems, which is somewhat gratifying. As for the invisible brand image and public opinion spread, that is what Yike... deserves.

There's bad news and good news for Samsung and Apple at the same time.

Bad news: Yike launched a full-screen display, and its own products this year lagged behind.

Good news: It can compete for the honor of being the fastest to prepare for next year’s full-screen phone.

Even with this good news, Lee Jae-yong spent the whole day pacing back and forth in the office in addition to meetings. Samsung was the first to launch this year, and it turned out to be the most decadent of the three. It happened to be that Yike launched a blockbuster product. It was really What a bad luck!

The top priority is to find ways to solve the hole digging problem in the screen as quickly as possible.

Since Yike is capable of producing, it will completely follow Yike’s set of full screens.

As night fell, Lee Jae-yong yawned as he thought about his opponents from neighboring countries, feeling that he suddenly lost his energy.

He licked his lips. He was feeling down. He should cheer up.

Soon, the exhausted Lee Jae-yong once again called Vice President Cui Shengwu, roaring and asking him to implement the screen drilling issue as soon as possible.

After three consecutive phone calls, Li Zaiyong's spirit calmed down a bit, and he finally thought of some good news that could comfort him.

Our Samsung 28nm can start mass production, but Yike’s ice core is still cold. Everyone has a winner or loser.

However, news is conserved, and there is one more good news. Only at night, he receives another bad news.

——Apple officially informed that orders for the A7 chip installed on the iPhone 5S next year will be cut in half.

Obviously, Apple is not worried about the sales of next year's products, but has transferred the order to its new supplier Taiji.

Ever since Apple announced its "de-Samsung" policy, the relationship between the two parties has been at loggerheads, and they have already gone to court over patent issues. Now this step...

Although it was a matter of time, Li Zaiyong still felt like he was hit hard.

He was stunned for a moment, then immediately picked up the phone and called Apple CEO Cook to criticize the other party's decision.

Cook has a gentle personality. Even when faced with the constant criticism from this competitor and supplier, he still listened quietly until...

Lee Jae-yong became angrier as he talked, shouting: "If Steve Jobs were here, he would never make such a stupid decision!"

Cook finally couldn't help but replied: "If it was Steve Jobs who answered the phone, he would have already cursed you halfway through."

Unlike Cook, who was low-key, Jobs was often grumpy.

Lee Jae-yong was stunned and sarcastically said: "If Steve Jobs were here, how could Yike launch such a product?"

"Because Apple hasn't come up with such a full-screen display, Samsung can't copy it, right?" Cook asked the competitor's real demands.

Precisely because of Samsung's importance in Apple's supply chain, the technology and design of the two are similar, which is a point of this round of litigation.

"If Steve Jobs were here, if Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs..." Lee Jae-yong was so choked that he lost his train of thought and directly named him, "Cook, you are far inferior to Steve Jobs, Apple will definitely decline in your hands! Your decision is..."

This time, Cook hung up the phone directly.

He felt that the CEO of Samsung Electronics across from him had made some inexplicable gaffe for making such a call so early in the morning.

However, when Cook opened his laptop again and stared at the products at yesterday's Yike press conference, he couldn't help but think of what Lee Jae-yong said.

If Steve Jobs were...

As the person who takes over Apple, Cook has always been under a lot of pressure.

This time, the pressure seemed to be even greater.

He looked through the competing product information revealed at yesterday's press conference and considered the possible impact on the market. He couldn't help but walk in front of the mirror and mentally repeated what he had often warned himself during this period.

"Don't think about what Steve will do, just keep doing the right thing."

Yike's full-screen mobile phone will be a shock, but in addition, Samsung and Yike have both launched a high-medium-low style of play. Cook has made up his mind that Apple should also implement this plan to deal with competition. and increase the impact of the system.

Next year, in addition to the iPhone 5S, a cheaper version of the iPhone 5C will also be launched.

By the time Cook arrived at the company, today's arrangement had temporarily changed to a discussion of Yike products.

Compared with Samsung's annoying imitations and patents, Yike is more of a top competitor. This time, it did not live up to this positioning, which really surprised everyone in the company.

Today, after years of competition, the pricing of the three flagships of Apple, Yike, and Samsung are basically the same. This is one reason why the industry gave them the nickname "Yu Sanjia".

The price of the iPhone 5 released last month for 16G/32G/64G is 599/699/799 US dollars respectively. This is a pure retail price, and more sales rely on operators’ bundled packages. The price of a two-year bundle is US$199/299/399.

Similarly, Samsung released in July also has this specification.

"This version of Mars Pro only has a 32G version, but the price has been raised to US$899, and the price on the operator side has also exceeded US$499." Apple's senior vice president Eddie talked about the opponent's actions this time, "This is certainly They are very confident, but whether it is a single version or the release time, it proves that Sharp's production capacity is extremely limited."

Cook nodded slightly, but also said: "Now that Yike has taken it out, this plan is generally fine. If the production capacity is not enough, it can be improved. If the Pro version becomes an instant hit, Sharp's plan will become more and more mature."

"LG has organized research and development to expedite research. They said it doesn't necessarily mean digging holes. It depends on which solution is more conducive to early implementation." Eddie said after thinking, "It would be great if there was a Pro prototype."

After a discussion in the conference room, another executive suddenly said: "Larry tweeted a photo of himself holding a Mars Pro."

Cook took the phone and looked at it, commenting: "Larry smiles brightly."

Can it not be brilliant?

The showdown between Samsung and Apple in the past two months was also a showdown between Android and iOS. It is said that Samsung Trump has started to give promotional discounts in some channels.

For this flagship model, this is tantamount to a dive, which somewhat damages the image.

Now, the real Android machine king has appeared, and the effect is indeed extraordinary.

In particular, the atmosphere at Yike's press conference yesterday was very good. Many reporters wanted to interview Yike's Yu Hong after the end to seek more information about the Pro version. However, Yu Hong declined the interview and instead asked Google Larry and Sharp who were present. Okuda faced the camera.

Regardless of Okuda or Larry, they did not forget to talk about their respective things when they praised Yi Ke repeatedly. The morale was really excellent.

Regardless of these related parties, the popularity of social media platforms is also very high, and everyone is very willing to pay for the new gadgets launched by Yike.

This is no longer Yike that needed to convince many people in 2007, but a first-tier mobile phone brand with a large user base around the world. Its products have been convincing enough.

Except for tablets, of course.

"Maybe everyone wants Pro, but its Mars 6 sales are not enough?" Craig, the senior vice president in charge of software engineering, suddenly had a whim and raised an angle.

Cook looked at Craig and couldn't help but smile: "This expectation is good."

There is a Pro version in the front that has attracted much attention. This year’s Mars 6 has no flaws and has been upgraded in a regular manner. Moreover, only experts know that the optimization of photography hardware and algorithms of Mars 6 and Selfy 3 is very remarkable.

Apple has personally verified this after using Sony's CMOS solution.

Cook really couldn’t imagine the reasons why Mars 6 would be so cold.

He said seriously: "Gentlemen and ladies, I think we have to admit the fact that Yike has taken the lead in the confrontation with us, and we need to make more efforts."

"Maybe you don't need to be so pessimistic until you see the actual machine." Eddie responded slightly optimistically.

"Indeed, I haven't seen the actual machine yet." Cook confirmed first, and then said, "But even I think so, things may be more terrifying."

To a certain extent, this also reflects everyone’s implicit trust in the Yike brand.

There was silence in the conference room.

Cook observed the expressions of the senior executives and offered good news: "However, no matter what, Samsung, which is also equipped with Android, will only make the situation worse."

Everyone is in a better mood, yes, there is also Samsung.

On the last day of September, also the day after Yike’s global press conference, Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, accepted an interview with the China Securities Journal at its headquarters at No. 333, Lujiazui Ring Road.

"Mr. Fang, we saw an enthusiastic response on the Internet to the mobile phone launched by Yike yesterday. What do you have to say about this?" Reporter Peng Jianjun first asked a question.

"It's very good. I hope it will be well-received and well-received. We did make a bolder attempt this year and hope to bring something new to consumers." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Peng Jianjun mentioned a current phenomenon: "Mr. Fang, there have been rumors that the mobile phone launched by Yike this time will be the last song. Have you ever heard such a statement?"

"I've heard it too." Fang Zhuo responded directly, "You asked today, so I have to officially say that we will not only sell mobile phones this year, but also sell mobile phones next year. The so-called 'swan song', this... …Probably some friends are concerned about the stability of our supply chain, but Yike has no problem and will continue to introduce better products to consumers.”

Peng Jianjun secretly praised Mr. Fang for being "pure and pure". This kind of public opinion in China was quite popular for a certain period of time. Now he has said it clearly. Although he has not studied it carefully and has no clear evidence, once suspicion arises, he will be charged. It has already been established...

Considering Mr. Fang’s non-vegetarian style of doing things, it’s more of a crime than a crime.

However, thinking of Mr. Fang as the "King of Retail Investors" who manipulates the sentiments of retail investors overseas, this seems to be a trivial matter.

"Everyone is very concerned about the full-screen mobile phone of Yike Pro version this time. Mr. Fang, why can't it be shipped until mid-November? Can the normal supply be met by then? Yike's goal for new products this time is How many?" Peng Jianjun asked three questions in a row.

"The full-screen solution is not easy and the cost is high, but it looks more beautiful, doesn't it?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "So, we are trying our best to overcome the difficulties for this beauty, and the shipment will be in mid-November. That’s the price, and tight supply will also be the price.”

He did not conceal what would happen at that time. After hesitating for a while, he said: "I have not discussed the sales target of this year's model with the company internally, but personally, I hope it can exceed 100 million units."

When Peng Jianjun heard this number, he asked: "Mr. Fang, when you founded Yike and entered the mobile phone industry, did you ever expect that you would propose such a sales target today?"

"I said I thought about it, do you believe it?" Fang Zhuo laughed.

Peng Jianjun didn't believe it. At that time, Nokia was the big brother in the global mobile phone industry that seemed absolutely impossible to overturn.

But when he looked at Mr. Fang's smile, he was a little suspicious. He didn't really think about it seriously, right?

Just when Peng Jianjun continued to ask questions, Fang Zhuo's cell phone rang, and the screen showed a call from China Unicom Vice President Wu Yunjun.

Fang Zhuo signaled the interview to be suspended and would continue after answering the call.

Peng Jianjun was formulating new questions while listening to the phone call next to him, and he had already organized words to describe this scene in his mind - at the time of our interview, China Unicom called Mr. Fang, and it sounded like he wanted to seek more Pros. Orders, I seemed to hear the ringing of the phones one after another in Yike's office. These sounds seemed to be helping Mr. Fang's sales target of 100 million units.

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