Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1289 Cutting off the vassal (4k)

The National Day holiday is approaching, and the sales of Yike's new machines have reached a new level.

In addition to arranging his own personal medical treatment, Qi He is also methodically arranging the company's competition with friends, contacting Sina to conduct special report investigations, and also contacting offline media resources.

In addition, he also did the preliminary work of communicating with Sogou.

As a company that is supported by Yike resources but is still dominated by Sohu directors, Sogou's development is still very good.

Dujie is in the first echelon of the search market, the second echelon is empty, the third echelon is Sogou, and the fourth echelon is other domestic brands.

It is actually not easy for Sogou to develop to such a scale in the current situation where Duji occupies an absolute market position. However, it is always inevitable to compare it with Duji.

Not all companies want to defeat the giants. If they can gain a certain market share, make profits and go public, and raise the stock price as high as possible, this is already good.

Qi He is very clear about Sogou’s overall stance.

On the morning of the 3rd, he called Wang Xiaochuan and talked about the new situation in the current competition.

Duji has successively won cooperation with mobile phone brands such as OPPO, Samsung, and Apple, and has bundled partners with important revenue businesses. It no longer allows Sogou to encroach further.

What should we do now?

Will it only grow with the growth of Yike and YMS manufacturers?

The problem is that Samsung and Apple are not vegetarians either.

Qi He put this question in front of Wang Xiaochuan, and then heard the answer from the other side.

"Mr. Qi, open up Yixin." Wang Xiaochuan made a constructive suggestion, "Yixin's huge traffic is second to none in the country. As long as we develop a search portal on Yixin, our market share will definitely increase significantly. promote."

Qi He: "Uh..."

Wang Xiaochuan thought that Mr. Qi was sincerely discussing ways to solve the problem with him, so he said excitedly: "I know that Yigou and Yixin have reached a service plan, and our Sogou can also pay fees according to a similar agreement. Mr. Qi, what do you think? "

"Mr. Wang, do you know Yi Xin's position on Yike's side?" Qi He asked knowingly, but he was confused, "Yi Xin's decision-making power is very high."

Wang Xiaochuan tried his best to say: "Mr. Qi, hold a meeting and invite Mr. Zhang to come. Let's try it. This is also a cooperation that benefits both sides."

"Traffic is not a panacea. The development path of Yixin is set by Mr. Fang himself. Don't mention me, even Zhang Xiaolong may not have made the decision to cooperate with Sogou at this level." Qi He moved out of BOSS.

Wang Xiaochuan was inevitably disappointed when he heard Mr. Qi's polite refusal.

He remembers step-by-step movements more clearly than the other party, which is undoubtedly an attempt to strangle Sogou's development space.

Wang Xiaochuan said helplessly: "The company will indeed be more difficult in the next one or two years. Mr. Qi, I still want to visit Mr. Zhang in person. It would be better if I could meet Mr. Fang."

"Actually..." Qi He gave a twist.

"Mr. Qi, what do you say?" Wang Xiaochuan asked.

"I have always felt that Yixin can promote cooperation in multiple fields." Qi Hexian gave his supportive attitude, "But, Mr. Wang, I will tell you the truth today. There have always been voices within the company developing its own search brand, but I think, We are partners, and I think Sogou’s potential is far beyond this.”

Wang Xiaochuan's brows frowned deeply.

He had never heard such rumors, but this was what Qi He, who was in a high position, said, and it wouldn't be strange if Yike really decided internally to conduct a search.

Just like the mobile browser made by Yike, it does maintain its simplicity and is very popular among users.

However, this is not good news for Sogou.

Wang Xiaochuan heard Qi He's other expression. If the interpretation is deeper, the YMS president is responsible for the connection between Yike and its partners. If Yike develops another search by itself, he may not necessarily be responsible.

From this point of view, Qi He definitely hopes that the business he is responsible for will develop better.

"Mr. Qi, if Yike conducts search at this time, it will also face competition from Duji, and the pattern of the mobile market has been initially determined." Wang Xiaochuan reasoned.

Qi He said lightly: "Who says it's not the case, but I heard that Mr. Fang has also considered this voice."

Wang Xiaochuan was silent, ah, Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang is quite unpredictable.

"Mr. Wang, I've been thinking about the current search model these days. To be honest, I think it's really hard to beat Duji who keeps pace with it." Qi He put forward an idea, "Can we get closer to users? "

Wang Xiaochuan didn't quite understand what the other person meant. He pondered for a moment and said, "Sogou has always been committed to providing users with the best search services."

"I was not feeling well two days ago, so I searched the situation using Duji. As a result, the diagnosis and treatment provided by the hospital shown above was very wrong." Qi He said about the real user experience, "Even people like me who often use the Internet are like this. , what will it look like with more users? Now when I search, the information on the front is like the fresh cowhide advertisement on the telephone pole. Can we make changes? "

"Sogou has been more restrained in this regard, and has also cut back a lot of advertisements in the Yike department." Wang Xiaochuan thought that Mr. Qi wanted to talk about "simplicity and beauty" again, which was also something that had always been difficult for him.

Qi He turned to mention the situation facing Sogou: "Mr. Wang, if the current situation continues, Sogou will face the attention and actions mentioned by Duji, and it will be nothing more than a slow death with a weak sense of existence. If this is the case, Yike In the end, I’m afraid I’ll have to consider doing it myself. Anyway, it’s more convenient to communicate with internal resources.”

Wang Xiaochuan frowned again and took back the "change" from above: "Mr. Qi, what is the change you want to say?"

"Compared to Duji, Sogou is indeed simpler, but if it is not concise enough, it is not concise, let alone beautiful." Qi He said seriously, "It's like Duji's medical advertisement. I am deeply affected by it and disgusted by it. Dasheng, can’t Sogou really get closer to users and just remove these?”

Wang Xiaochuan said "Ah", not expecting to hear such an uncommercial sound.

He thought for a few seconds and said: "Mr. Qi, Sogou is really restrained in this regard. It can't be profitable, right? If Sogou doesn't accept ads and just burns money, that's also death."

"It's not that Sogou doesn't accept all advertisements." Qi He said this first, and then added, "Instead of dying slowly, it is better to put it to death and survive. If Sogou can usher in a wave of word-of-mouth explosion and spread, hypothetically, we leave The revenue from medical advertising has expanded the overall market share. Can it be slowly recovered and establish longer-term development?"

Qi He is not a pure deceiver. He talks about another possibility with conditions and threats.

Sogou's current market share is 25%. If it cuts off medical advertising but its market share rises to 40%, will the overall revenue be made up from other sectors?

Wang Xiaochuan laughed when he heard this: "It is still difficult to grab a lot of shares from Duji at once."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly became silent.

Something doesn't seem right.

Mr. Qi made a special call, specifically mentioned the field of medical advertising, and clearly mentioned his idea of ​​making amends. There were even unfavorable voices within Yike.

What do you want to do?

Wang Xiaochuan asked tentatively: "Mr. Qi, do you have any opinions on this?"

"Oh, I just had this feeling recently. What can I say? The last time I checked my health status on my diary, I ended up going directly to a hospital in Shanghai after get off work." Qi He mentioned his health again. experience, and then scolded the friend for two minutes.

But the more Wang Xiaochuan thought about it, the more he felt that Qi on the other side always came prepared.

He expressed his attitude: "Mr. Qi, Sogou is willing to accept changes."

Qi He spoke for a long time and suddenly became concise and direct: "Okay, Mr. Wang, cut off the medical advertisements."

"Mr. Qi, the proportion of medical advertising..." Wang Xiaochuan smiled bitterly and asked, "I can't just make decisions in the company. There must be a strong reason to push my decision-making."

"Duji has made too much money in the field of medical advertising, and there have been many victims. If Sogou is willing to cooperate in making a comparison, I think we can try to mention the competition against Duji from this area." Qi He said .

Wang Xiaochuan did not receive too many touches: "This sounds too uncertain, and it is difficult for me to explain this reason to the board of directors."

The income is unknown, but it requires the cooperation of Sogou and Yike. There is a greater gambling component.

After all, this is the core track of Duji.

He said: "Mr. Qi, if Yixin can cooperate, we can steadily increase Sogou's share first, and then think about optimizing and competing for advertising revenue. This way we will be more certain."

"Yes, it's a pity that resource allocation also depends on conditions. Mr. Wang, what do you think?" Qi He was very straightforward this time.

"I don't make the company's decisions alone, Mr. Qi..." Wang Xiaochuan thought about it again and again, but still felt that the risk was very high. "As long as Yixin can open up for cooperation, I will do my best to convince the board of directors to support my cooperation with Duji." Subsequent competition.”

"As long as Sogou is willing to cooperate now, I can try to find Yi Xin to discuss subsequent cooperation." Qi He changed the order of the prerequisites.

Wang Xiaochuan frowned.

After thinking for a long time, he still tended to give up on this sudden request for "cooperation" and said, "Mr. Qi, if we can't pass it on the board of directors, it won't work to directly cut off important income."

Wang Xiaochuan said gamely: "But, Mr. Qi, if there are positive signals from Yixin, I can persuade the board of directors."

Qi He also insisted: "Mr. Wang, only if Sogou is willing to cooperate can I go to Yi Xin and Mr. Fang."

Wang Xiaochuan continued the game and said: "Mr. Qi, this is really not possible. Sogou is a small company, and its own operations must be stable. If I suddenly take out such a piece, I must have enough support to convince the board of directors."

Qi He said simply: "Then I will convince your board of directors."

Wang Xiaochuan still wanted to play a game, but suddenly realized: "Huh?"

"Business cooperation is about the difference between long-term and immediate. There are some things that you can't say, so I'll help you." Qi He suggested, "Let's make an appointment in the near future."

Wang Xiaochuan was silent, what happened to Mr. Qi? I want to pay tribute to Mr. Fang.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Fang told me about you and said you were an ideal person." Seeing that there was no sound on the other end of the phone, Qi He advised, "Now there is a risky opportunity. If you don't tell me, you must follow. You have to listen to it in person. If it doesn’t work out then, I will take you to find Yi Xin together."

He softened his attitude a little.

Wang Xiaochuan heard Yi Xin's relief and finally agreed: "Okay, Mr. Qi has said so. We will meet after the holiday and I will arrange the time."

He ended the call, put down his phone, and had to think over and over again about the sudden proposal from the Yike executive.

Sogou's current development is not bad, and there is still room for improvement in the number of users. However, the prospects of market share have indeed declined with Duji's actions. As for whether it has reached the "chronic death" mentioned by Qi He, it is a matter of opinion.

However, Yike sounded like he had thoughts about Duji, which was the root cause of the call.

Yike often appears as a disruptor, but Sogou faces the risk of losing part of its revenue if it wants to keep up.

Wang Xiaochuan sighed several times. If the giant has an idea, the small company will dance with it.

He thought about it, and still believed that it was more worthwhile for the company to try to cooperate with Yixin first. As for Qi He, he wanted to convince Sogou's board of directors...

If you can't even control the opinions of your own board of directors at this time, why should you be a CEO?

Wang Xiaochuan lit a cigarette. Idealists cannot talk empty talk and cannot give up choices that are more beneficial to the company. He is presiding over Sogou, not Sogou under Yike.

When it's time for the Yi Ke Department, it's the Yi Ke Department. When it's not the time, it must insist on independent operations.

Sogou's board of directors is not complicated. Two people have never attended meetings. Chairman Zhang Chaoyang and co-chairman Fang Zhuo have been replaced by others.

There are three remaining directors, including Sohu, Wang Xiaochuan, as CEO, and Sina, who also has one seat.

In other words, among the 7 votes, there are only 2 outside votes that are not decisive, and the control is quite stable.

To show his sincerity, Wang Xiaochuan also planned to visit Yi Xin afterwards so that the meeting would be held in Shanghai on the weekend after the holiday.

He had already expressed his anger with Sohu's directors in advance. No matter what, he could not agree to Qi He's lobbying this time. If he really wanted to vote, he could cast his vote to save face for the top management of Yike.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the meeting is about to begin.

When Wang Xiaochuan saw that everyone had arrived, he nodded to Mr. Qi.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Fang is coming." Qi He stopped the meeting from starting.

Wang Xiaochuan was a little surprised. Instead of paying tribute to Mr. Fang, Mr. Qi invited Mr. Fang directly? So who made the final decision on this action?

Before he could think about it, he saw the door of the conference room being pushed open. Not only Mr. Fang, but also his boss Zhang Chaoyang walked in, talking and laughing.

Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help but glance at Mr. Qi, and happened to see the smile on his face and the way he looked at him inadvertently.

It’s broken, what does Yike want to do? Cut off the feudal lordship?

Things are out of control!

And... Mr. Zhang, you haven’t forgotten which side you are from, right? !

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