Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1296 Danger (5k)

Where is Fang Zhuo?

This is a question that has appeared in the minds of many people since the emergence of Duji public opinion.

Whether it's Sina's special report or Qi He and Liu Qiangdong's responses, or Sohu's Zhang Chaoyang re-stimulating public opinion, Yi Ke is clearly standing there.

However, the head of Yike never showed up.

It was only recently that he appeared on Weibo to refute the rumors.

This rumor refutation seems to announce some kind of awakening.

Soon, the question in everyone's mind became - what is Fang Zhuo going to do?

What really pushed this issue to a climax was the rumor that Mr. Fang personally called Pony, the head of Penguin, and invited him to attend the business meeting on December 20.

This news comes from Penguin and has a certain degree of authenticity.

It makes people feel...

Didn’t these two people have a vigorous feud?

Yi Xin is so popular now, why does Mr. Fang still have the nerve to call Pony?

Well, since it is Mr. Fang, it seems that he can indeed do such a thing.

So, what is Mr. Fang going to do this time?

As the date approaches, it seems that more and more companies have been invited, which seems to mean that the hero post will be widely distributed.

On December 5, Duji issued a statement for the third time, once again promising to raise the entry threshold for medical advertising, strengthen the review of medical advertising content, and give specific figures that it will cut 80% of medical advertising.

Then...its stock price fell again...

Previously, Duji kept silent and vaguely insisted on its position in the field of medical advertising, and its stock price fell. Now, it wants to cut back on medical advertising, and its stock price still falls...

This scene made many observers feel helpless. What is the right thing to do?

However, a piece of news the next day seemed to be a sign that the turmoil was over. The previous investigation on Duji’s exclusive cooperation with medical and health content providers was concluded and it was deemed that it did not involve unfair competition.

Later, Duji also made a statement on this matter.

"Such an upgraded cooperation is mainly to prevent misappropriation by friends. The scope of the cooperation agreement is limited to the co-construction content that the resource party actively submits to Duji through the cooperation channel. There is no possibility of monopolizing authoritative medical content, and it can also further protect medical care. Sustainable development of authoritative-like data production.”

Four consecutive statements, the conclusion of the above investigation, and the advancement of popular science records on the mobile terminal in recent times, these seem to be more solid than the public opinion once again stirred up by Zhang Chaoyang.

What's more, Duji has promised to reduce medical advertising by 80%, which is considered a big step forward. What else can it do?

On December 19, the day before the business meeting organized by Yike, Xiang Hailong, senior vice president of Duji, accepted an interview with the media and helped to settle the accounts without any grievance, exposing the dangers of market competition.

"From last month to now, we have offlined tens of millions of promotional information, set up a one-vote rejection mechanism for internal review, and deeply reflected on our mistakes in user experience."

"User first has always been the principle of Duji. The Internet has developed rapidly in recent years, and deficiencies have been discovered and solved. This is also the reason why Duji continues to make progress."

"However, Duji is a commercial company after all, and we will try our best to provide everyone with the best service. As for some of our friends... let's put it this way, I have one dollar in my hand, and you have ten dollars in your hand. I said I throw away the money in my hand, and you throw away what you have in your hand. It’s all a throw away. Is the loss the same?”

"We are all adults in a company and should have the most basic ability to distinguish. Rather than using the banner of morality, some friends should work more on search technology."

You have little money, so you can throw it away at will, but now you have to tie us up and throw it away together. If we don’t throw it away, we will be condemned...

Xiang Hailong's tone was helpless.

However, regardless of whether what Xiang Hailong said made sense or whether it could be understood by adults, his interview did not cause too much trouble because Yike's meeting was about to begin.

On December 20, Yike took the lead in inviting many companies to a meeting. This was the first time for many people to visit Yike’s new headquarters.

At 8:50 in the morning, there were still 40 minutes left before the start. Some people who arrived early found that the scale of this event was quite large. There were many celebrities and young faces, and the top management of Yike It was also in place. Qi He from YMS Business Group and Liu Qiangdong from Yike Huaxia both came forward to say hello.

Kang Hongrui used to be a doctor. Later, he left the hospital and founded a health forum. The operation company was small but relatively professional.

This time he was also invited to attend the Yike meeting and was very flattered.

This emotion became even more intense when I actually met many of the celebrities I had seen in newspapers in the past.

Kang Hongrui calmed down and watched the twos and threes reminiscing about the past. After thinking about it for a while, he found a young man who was also timid. After some exchanges, he found out that he was also a medical CP, that is, a medical and health content provider.

"Have you signed a cooperation agreement with Duji?"

Kang Hongrui asked a question that his colleagues are encountering nowadays and got a negative answer.

"I haven't signed it. Since Sogou and the others responded to the above, Duji hasn't pressed me much. However, they called me yesterday. I thought there was something going on with Yike, so I wanted to see if there were any new changes."

Kang Hongrui nodded secretly, he had a similar mentality.

As a small content provider, the company still relies heavily on Duji's traffic. If you don't sign, you will lose the biggest piece of it. If you sign, it will be uncomfortable to be tied to Duji.

He thought about it silently for a while and said with some emotion: "It's really difficult. Hey, forget it. Let's take it one step at a time. Yi Ke really invited a lot of people this time. I don't know if the Penguin guy will come."

"I feel like I'm still here for the medical advertisement, but there seem to be a lot of unrelated people there. Could it be that they were invited by Mr. Fang to watch the fun?" The person next to him was a little confused.

Kang Hongrui looked at NetEase Ding Lei who was chatting and laughing in front of him. He didn't know what Mr. Fang was going to do, and felt that many people came just for Mr. Fang's face.

At nine twenty, ten minutes before the meeting started, the much-anticipated penguin appeared, but... Pony didn't come, which made many people sigh.

Kang Hongrui listened to the mutterings next to him and thought it was funny. Penguin CEO Liu Chiping came here this time, and he felt that he was taking it seriously.

At nine twenty-five, Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, walked into the conference hall, said hello to a group of acquaintances, and walked back to have a brief chat with the relatively young faces of small and medium-sized companies.

Kang Hongrui looked at Mr. Fang, who was coming back to the stage from far away, and felt that many deeds were rushing into his mind, including the living hunter, the old devil, the mysterious man, the king of retail investors...

He took a deep breath and heard the first words from Mr. Fang.

"Everyone is welcome to come to Yike for communication. This meeting is not aimed at friendly businessmen, it is just for us to sit together and exchange ideas."

Fang Zhuo held the microphone and heard the laughter below.

He smiled and tried to dissuade others: "Don't laugh, don't laugh, I'm serious. I've been thinking about the changes in the mobile Internet recently, and I want to talk to you about my thoughts today."

"Of course, I would like to thank Mr. Ding for his call for me to share my thoughts. He said that we can discuss what kind of standards can better promote healthy development and oppose barbaric growth."

NetEase Ding Lei in the front row nodded slightly, referring to the Moments he had posted before.

Fang Zhuo continued: "I would also like to thank Mr. Zhang for his questions. Mr. Zhang asked Mr. Li three questions at an event in Beijing. It is said that they are the voice of many people."

"This triggered my thinking, especially Mr. Zhang's first question. Is Mr. Zhang willing to repeat it?"

He interacted with Zhang Chaoyang in the audience.

Zhang Chaoyang sat next to Ding Lei and said coolly: "Is this the world you want?"

Different from the broken sound and applause last time, this time it made the audience laugh.

Qi He, who was sitting a few seats away, heard this again and felt extremely envious in his heart. It would be great if he could be in the limelight...

"Yes, that's it. When I heard about this, I just thought about it day and night." Fang Zhuo paced the stage and suddenly said seriously, "I don't know what you think, but I just thought about it." , why should I give it to you if you want it, I want it too."

Zhang Chaoyang: Is this the world you want?

Fang Zhuo: Why should I give it to you if you want it? I want it too.

Many people in the audience let out a soft "Eh" sound. Mr. Fang thought so... It's not that he didn't want to think so, but it was simply a stereotype that in the search market, degree records were the most respected.

Having said that, as a person who controlled Yike to seize Sony's business, Nokia's business, and Penguin's business, it seems not surprising that Mr. Fang would think so.

This... seems to be entering an area that Mr. Fang is familiar with.

Duji spent these years becoming a giant and finally stood in front of Mr. Fang.

It's not that the giants don't want to come, the giants are just the threshold to meet him.

Fang Zhuo paused briefly, organized his words, and gave everyone time to digest. It was Ding Lei, it was Zhang Chaoyang, they were teachers with a reputation, and this was by no means an unprovoked provocation.

After a moment, he said with some emotion: "This recent medical advertisement, I actually came from the medical industry in my early years, and the medical field has experienced ups and downs, and its main business has changed many times, and today it has become a listed company. We feel more comfortable watching this. complicated."

"At that time, after we became famous, we also discussed similar issues, whether to accept this kind of advertising, but maybe because we had too many contacts with the front line, we couldn't bear it, so we didn't do it in the end."

"Sina has shared many cases and talked about the damage caused by this kind of advertising to users. I won't go into details here. If friends and businessmen don't know the possible consequences, as Mr. Zhang said, they now know ”

"It's a bit off topic. I just said that today we are mainly talking about changes in the mobile Internet. I am not lying to you. However, I would like to use mobile search as an example."

"From PC to mobile, the essence of search has not changed, which is to provide users with the content they want most."

Fang Zhuo took out his mobile phone and gestured: "This demand has not changed, has it?"

Many people nodded, this is natural, search, search, of course what you want.

"However, if we look at the current mobile applications, such as Weibo, Zhihu, Taobao, Tesco and other software, they are becoming more and more popular. Their data and resources are not open. What they are trying to do is lock the traffic in their own platforms."

"They use blocking, current limiting, and disconnection to block users and achieve the status of the platform."

"It can be said that the development trend of mobile Internet is to gradually shift the focus of traffic to major platforms."

"It's like what used to be a big garden has now turned into small gardens. Users used to only need to enter one door, but now they have to go through one door after another."

Fang Zhuo made a simple metaphor and said with a smile: "The ultimate consequence is that it is increasingly difficult to find content that satisfies users. The chain of users → search → content is no longer so bright."

As the head of Yike said such words, the goal of this meeting was finally revealed. Most of the business veterans in the front row immediately knew that Mr. Fang wanted to start from the foundation of Duji.

What is the foundation?

is information content.

Smartphones are growing in an unstoppable manner, resulting in information content gradually forming a closed loop in some apps.

For example, content under the Yike Department has been blocked from Duji’s crawlers.

This is not only a regular competition between the two parties, but also has many practical benefits. The e-commerce that Duji tried before had similar channels to attract traffic, which angered Alibaba and Yike.

The essence of search is to obtain information.

If you go directly to the information level to make an article...

There was a faint commotion in the conference hall. As Mr. Fang gave him time to digest, everyone guessed what he wanted to do.

as expected……

"Yike has cooperated with Sogou. The purpose is to provide better search services for everyone. Users' search needs will never disappear, but in the era of mobile Internet, we should... expand business boundaries, or... It doesn’t matter if it’s a more complete ecosystem, we should still allow users to have equal and convenient access to information and services.”

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Yike is willing to safeguard and build the rights of users."

“Moreover, in such an ecological scope, the more people participate, the more sound the ecosystem will be, and the more likely it will be for participants to obtain new traffic dividends.”

"As an advocate, I had a preliminary chat with Mr. Ding and Mr. Zhou yesterday. Yike's ecological content is willing to be open to Youdao and 360, whether it is on the PC side or on the Samsung side and Apple side where Sogou is not convenient, everyone. You can freely search for suitable content.”

"At the same time, Yike will allocate funds every year to co-create excellent content, such as medical and health content, so that excellent CPs who are more willing to share cannot lose the soil for survival."

What does Yike's ecology include?

Well-known content brands such as Sina, Weibo, Zhihu, and Yixin, as well as when it comes to mobile apps, Yike YMS store is the largest software store in China and has a deeper influence.

I haven't heard Mr. Fang mention this aspect, so I don't know whether he will exert influence, no, I should say, to what extent he will exert influence.

As for those present today, NetEase Ding Lei and Sohu Zhang Chaoyang have obviously reached a consensus with Mr. Fang, and they also have good content and information.

What’s more, Penguin CEO Liu Chiping, Taobao CEO Jiang Peng and other senior executives sitting in the conference hall were sitting here. They didn’t know their specific positions, but they had already started discussing in low voices.

Soon, the discussion spread, and now it was not just about medical advertising, not just about advertising, but about the basic level that determines search results.

No matter how good the technology is, no matter how high the market share is, if it loses the vitality of information, it will ultimately be water without a source.

Since Mr. Fang started talking about the mobile terminal, he no longer mentioned Duji. However, the ecological outline that emerged was extremely clear that it would not include Duji.

Talk about content, talk about content construction, talk about content combination, and look at search from the most basic level.

Jump out of the search to see the search, completing another layer of encirclement of Duji.

The trend of the mobile market is to fight for each other, and Yike is now willing to give up the interests of this individual battle to release content and create a broader mobile content ecosystem.

It's hard to say on the PC side, but on the mobile side, even if Duji gets the position of some default search engines, once users realize that other searches can find better content, the defaults will be replaced.

Penguin’s Liu Chiping was thinking about his own search brand “SouSou”, and he was a little confused for a while. If Duji failed, SouSou could also have a snack.

And the traffic dividend brought by this mobile ecosystem may be even more critical, because there will be more flowers in the big garden.

Facts have proven that Duji cannot do this kind of thing on the mobile side. It can only kidnap content providers. Yike can at least try to push it and try to use its strength and influence to build a wave of , because it has this skeleton itself, and only the size of the final ecology will determine the future winning or losing tendency.

Liu Chiping glanced at Taobao Jiang Peng next to him, and heard a comment that made him agree instantly.

"Mr. Fang wants to be the driver of the mobile Internet."

Today, the cars are on the same track, the books are on the same page, and the actions are on the same topic, achieving great unity.

Liu Chiping whispered his feelings: "It's difficult. The mobile terminals are fighting on their own. It's difficult to drive them together."

"However, Yike is the leader in smartphones. It has already made basic models this year, and it also has the best YMS ecosystem in the country." Jiang Peng said objectively, "Mr. Fang is determined to do two things. The collision of two ecologies, in the end, the powerful siphon absorbs the weak."

Liu Chiping's face was a little solemn. Penguin was familiar with siphoning, ah, no, he was familiar with being siphoned.

He pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Will doing this ecological shielding record involve..."

Liu Chiping did not say the words "monopoly and unfair competition", but he knew that the person next to him would understand.

"Yesterday I told Hailong that they were going to do content co-construction. Today...Mr. Fang also mentioned content co-construction." Jiang Peng guessed, "I suspect that Mr. Fang knew the results of the investigation in advance."

There is no unfair competition in Duji. The goal is to co-create content. Now, Mr. Fang is also co-constructing content. The goal is to provide users with better mobile search services.

As for whether the process of providing services will hurt your memory...

not my business.

Yike just wants to connect the isolated islands into the world, raise the upper limit of content information, and ensure the high quality of search services, that's all.

Liu Chiping and Jiang Peng were thinking about Mr. Fang's determination and considering Yike's actions, and suddenly they looked at each other in unison, realizing the danger.

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