Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1313 Shadow War (4k)

Fang Zhuo and Xiong Xiaoge had a communication about his work in Japan, which was about equipment and talents.

However, regardless of whether Nikon can achieve its wish this time, Bingxin has cooperated with China Microelectronics to establish a joint venture in Singapore. The equity framework and operations are all handled by foreign capital that complies with the procedures, and it is also trying new directions.

Ice Core is working overtime to develop alternative routes, but if it can...who doesn't want the most advanced equipment?

Fang Zhuo's work this day happened to be all about Japan.

Since the Spring Festival, Yike has been promoting the financing and listing of Sony sensors, trying to continue to gain control of the boiled frog. However, from March to May, every communication with Sony ended in pushback.

Sony's CMOS sensors and related solutions were not well-known before Yike. It is precisely because of Yike's mobile phones that Sony Sensor Company has achieved tremendous development and its prospects are becoming brighter.

With the Sony Group in sluggish condition, the development of Sony Sensor Company is more worthy of protection.

There is no doubt that Yike and Sony CMOS are a win-win situation, but... there are always people who want more.

Sony actually wants to firmly control Sony's sensors. It's too much!

Sony Sensor has been spun off from Sony and has become an independently developed company. Now, Sony is not only unwilling to accept financing, but also wants to take it back to the group.

This made Fang Zhuo miss Stringer's tenure at Sony very much.

Speaking of which, I helped Yoshihisa Ishida become the new head of Sony. Why is this Japanese not as dedicated as Brother Si?

This is a problem that needs to be solved.

After several rounds of financing, Sony Sensor Company currently controls 39.5% of the shares openly and secretly. However, regardless of the company's board of directors or the voting settings of AB shares, Sony's control is very firm.

It is precisely because of this that Sony is not afraid of financing to a certain extent.

However, the reason behind these three months of prevarication is that I want to take back what I have put out, which is too embarrassing.

Sony Sensors has more than one factory. Its joint venture with Bingxin in Shanghai is operated and tightly controlled by Bingxin. In addition, there are laboratories and technical teams in Shanghai. However, the Japanese factory's manufacturing process is lagging behind, and a new factory has been launched this year. of factory construction.

Fang Zhuo called Stringer on the way home and briefly mentioned the matter.

However, Stringer had absolutely nothing to do about the matter. He could only make a suggestion within his ability and was willing to take the lead in calling Ishida Jiajiu to talk about this matter.

To be honest, Yike mobile phone is successful, Sony CMOS has gained reputation, and the company is developing rapidly. Isn’t this a win-win situation?

Stringer commented on the current situation of Sony sensors and tactfully advised: "Mr. Fang, isn't it good now? Yike always has the priority of Sony CMOS, and the manufacturing is controlled by Ice Core. Everyone is developing very fast. , there’s no rush for financing.”

Just don't continue to melt. Isn't it enough now?

As long as Sony Sensor Company continues to develop, not only will Yike make money, but its own shares will also make money.

When Stringer looks back on the years since he left Sony, he has the feeling of being a bystander, which is almost enough.

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but get angry: "Sir, someone is saying that Sony wants to take the company back! It's not what I want!"

Make no mistake, it’s not just a matter of financing.

Stringer asked quietly: "If Sony wants to do this, is it afraid that there will be problems with its control in the future?"

The board of directors, equity ratio and AB shares are already very stable in principle, but... behind everything are people, and changes may occur if they are people.

Is it that Yike is afraid that Sony will take back the sensor company, or is Sony afraid that Yike will pursue control... I can't tell, I can't tell.

Who is afraid of whom, who wants to do something strange... I really can't tell!

Fang Zhuo was speechless when asked.

Alas, a Sony controlled by the British and a Sony controlled by the Japanese are indeed two different things.

Jazz will not be free after he leaves.

Fangzhuo ultimately rejected Stringer's offer to take the lead over the phone.

Yoshihisa Ishida is different. He came to the position when his business was in a mess, and everyone has low expectations for him. He is a local, and it is difficult to gain much space when it comes to important future interests.

Three contacts in the past three months have been clear evidence.

Fang Zhuo asked the company to start evaluating various options for Sony sensors, and a dumbfounding thought came to his mind. Is it really possible to choose a real one?

If Kazuo Hirai is not in charge, can Yoshihisa Ishida turn the tide?

Fang Zhuo thought this matter was interesting, so he paid more and more attention to the situation.

From May to June, Yike has been calm, actively preparing for flagship new products in the second half of the year, and trying to promote cooperation and early adopters of smart home platforms in the country.

As for Duji, which attracted the most attention in the first half of the year, it has made frequent moves in less than two months.

Duji launched "Duji Wallet" to fill the gap in mobile payment.

Duji matches the offensive of the Gaode map and increases the money burning on the "Duji map".

Duji has launched a "light application", launching app-like functions that do not require downloading and can be used immediately after searching. They can be used by @the official brand on "Duji Mobile Search".

Duji split the acquired 91 Assistant to create a more powerful "Duji Mobile Assistant" and strengthen software distribution channels.

On June 7, Duji, which has experienced many turmoils and doubts, held the "Duji World Conference" to announce more actions with the theme of "Mobile Technology Innovation" and explore the ambitions of big data engines, deep learning and artificial intelligence. In the future story, the "voice search" function will be launched in the second half of the year and a mobile voice assistant will be launched.

Also, Ma Dongmin, who appeared as the special assistant to the boss this time, also took the stage to talk about the transformation and development of Duji in the mobile era, mentioning that she has as many as 12 APP portals with over 100 million users.

These portals include Mobile Duji, Duji Map, Mobile Assistant, Duji Magic Map, Mobile Browser, Input Method, iQiyi, 91 Desktop, etc.

"Duji is not a ticket without mobile Internet, but what we need to think about now is how to connect the traffic in series and carry out business linkage."

"What we are doing now is to lay down the technical foundation, provide a platform, and provide traffic dividends to more partners."

Ma Dongmin said eloquently that the typhoon was good. As an important shareholder who returned to the company, she also represented the absolute trust of the leader Li Yanhong. This time she counted the number of apps one by one with her fingers. Every time she mentioned one after the other, she received a round of applause. .

At the end of the conference, Li Yanhong announced a new direction of efforts, which will continue to make a difference in the O2O group buying market. This direction will form a link between various traffic + Duji wallets.

With all these actions, the secondary market has finally picked up, with the market value exceeding US$36 billion and ready to move upward.

Some media even exclaimed: Duji is back!

After the shock of the departure of heavy-hitting senior management and some middle-level managers, Duji seems to have recovered at an extremely fast speed, and did not collapse as soon as some people evaluated it.

As for Yike...YMS business group, which has been directly competing with Duji recently, the evaluation given at the internal analysis meeting was that "there are many tricks."

On June 9, Qi He held a regular meeting at the company to hear about the development and construction of Sogou PC and Chinese Encyclopedia. He also talked with his colleagues about the recent rebound in Duji’s stock price.

However, before they could even talk, the phone next to them vibrated with a new message.

Senior Director Wang Peixing only glanced at it and couldn't help but interjected with a smile: "IDG's President Xiong announced that he would reduce his holdings in Duji stock. The reason is to improve life, and he is not very optimistic about Duji's competition in the mobile era..."

Duji's stock price had just recovered when a well-known investor suddenly jumped out and reduced his holdings.

A group of people in the conference room couldn't help but look at each other and felt the familiar atmosphere.

Mr. Fang didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

Mr. Fang did nothing, and it seemed like he was doing everything.

Qi He looked at his cell phone to confirm the message, and couldn't help but comment: "Mr. Xiong, he really doesn't want... Well, well, he is really good and timely. He really deserves to be Mr. Xiong."

The group of people laughed, as if a cunning and cunning atmosphere was instantly established.

"What do Mr. Fang think of Du Ji's recent actions?" Wang Peixing asked the BOSS curiously. He didn't usually see Mr. Fang, nor did he see any updates in the BOSS's circle of friends.

Qi He shook his head: "Mr. Fang didn't pay attention. He was busy with other things."

If you don't pay attention, you won't have any opinions. The reports submitted by YMS didn't receive any response.

According to the news he got from the chief secretary Liu Zonghong, Mr. Fang has been busy with his favorite things recently, and may have encountered new problems. However, there have always been many problems there, so it is no wonder that he always gets Mr. Fang's love.

Regular meetings of YMS continue.

Near the end, Qi He received a message from his secretary, saying that three senior executives of Mi Tuan were waiting in the office, so he made the final summary.

"Duji has many tricks, but in the past month or so, judging from CTR data, its core search share has declined. No matter what branches and leaves Duji has created, the trunk has withered, which proves that we are on the right track."

"Everyone keep working hard, and our partners next door will give you a crushing blow in time."

When it comes to partners who can "crush and strike", the only one is Yi Xin.

The "light application" launched by Duji this time coincides with the functions that Yixin has not launched yet. After understanding it, Qi He became extremely confident. When it comes to the traffic of cooperation with commercial brands, Yixin will definitely win easily.

The senior executives of YMS smiled and nodded.

Qi He stood up to explain a few words, then hurried back to his office and met Lei Jun, Wei Zhe and Geng Deheng from Mi Tuan.

He shook hands with the three of them and said with a smile: "Duji is going to launch a group purchase, are you nervous, Mr. Lei?"

Lei Jun said simply: "Du Ji came off the field a little late, and his energy is destined to be scattered. There is nothing to be nervous about."

Today's group buying market is in decline. Mi Tuan, which was the first to launch, has become the number one in the market, Ali's word-of-mouth has become the second in the market, and there are only sporadic brands left, including QQ Group Buying made by Penguin itself and Dang, which is controlled by acquisitions. Also lost vitality.

Duji had his own reasons for entering the market at this time. He might have come for the second half, but in Lei Jun’s view, the threat would not be too great, especially since Duji obviously wanted to promote the “Duji Wallet” by the way. It's even more difficult.

"Oh? Today's trip, I thought we were mainly talking about group buying?" Qi He sensed Mr. Lei's mentality, observed the expressions of the three, and asked with a smile.

"We are also talking about group buying, but this trip is mainly about the taxi app that Mr. Wei wants to talk about." Lei Jun said enthusiastically, "I mentioned it to Mr. Qi several times before, and you always said to wait and see, but this time it was them who killed Once we enter the Shencheng market, we will develop and burn money very hard.”

Wei Zhe has always existed as a strategic advisor in Mi Tuan.

In principle, he and Alibaba still have a non-compete agreement. Unlike Sun Tongyu, who also comes from Alibaba, who is directly responsible for operations, he always has scruples. This time, looking at the taxi market that has become increasingly popular this year, Wei Zhe, Lei Jun and some Investors have chatted several times and are very optimistic about it.

Moreover, now Alibaba has invested in Kuaidi and Penguin has invested in Didi. The two giants have begun to compete, and this month they entered the Shencheng market.

On the other hand, Yike, who had been staring at Duji in the first half of the year, seemed to have no intention of entering the game.

"Well, they only started it in the first half of the year, so it's not that urgent." Qi He said with a smile, "I think as a new thing, they are willing to spend money to cultivate user habits, so let them spend it, what's the rush? "

Wei Zhe wanted to break out of Mi Tuan's embarrassing situation this time. Hearing this, he said seriously: "Mr. Qi, Shencheng has always been a battleground for many businesses. Since the taxi-hailing software was launched at the beginning of the year, the local There is also a Bumblebee brand that is pretty good. Originally, we thought that the competition among the top players here in Shanghai would continue for a while, but with Didi going south, Bumblebee may be disarmed within two weeks."

Bumblebee is a brand developed locally in Shanghai.

However, once Didi arrived, its disadvantages became apparent.

This situation fell into Wei Zhe's eyes, and he believed that the rapid development of the market was faster than he imagined, so he conducted more research and communication and made two prerequisite judgments.

First, Yike will definitely join the game.

Alibaba and Penguin have invested heavily, and the giants will definitely not be absent from the shadow battle. Now they may just be attracted by Duji. Moreover, whether it is Amap invested by Yike or the promotion of Yipay in terminals, this Emerging markets are all battlegrounds.

Second, Yike will definitely not do business in person.

Up to now, Yike's development and goals have been very obvious. Businesses such as group buying will only be radiated through YMS and will not be used as an ontology section.

With this judgment, Wei Zhe and others believed that Didi's attack on Shencheng was an opportunity to persuade Yike to join the game.

Wei Zhe has met many investors and done some preliminary work, including communicating with Lei Jun. He is also willing to invest when the time is right.

However, whether Lei Jun or investors, everyone has many investment considerations and criteria, as well as a very important decision indicator - will Yike come?

Yi Ke is here, everything is easy to talk about.

If Yike doesn't come,'s not too late to wait and see. (End of chapter)

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