Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1317 Destiny (4k)

Cheng Wei, who was born in the Ali family, broke the gentleman's agreement, and Bumblebee used it to seek a higher price for selling his body. The furious Ali met Li Yongjin's request...

Then came the second tear.

On only the third day after Duji invested in Bumblebee, Kuaidi announced with a high profile that it had received US$120 million in Series B financing from four investment institutions including Alibaba and Matrix Partners, quickly replenishing its ammunition arsenal and preparing for a stronger offensive in the future.

At the same time, rumors spread that Alibaba privately asked investors not to invest in Didi and Bumblebee, two guys with no good reputation.

Not long after entering the second half of 2013, the market quickly became lively.

Promises, betrayal, financing, new tracks, double wrath, mobile payment and... Lianduji has stepped on its old legs.

Among the four giants of YBAT, Penguin’s investment activities have been the most active in the past three years. Looking at the superficial dimension of investment quantity, it has invested in 94 projects in the past three years, while Alibaba and Yike are almost as different, with the former 53 49 of the latter.

As for Duji, it invested in 22.

Some investors who have dealt with the four giants have commented on Duji as being belated and timid.

But this time, Duji snatched away the Bumblebee that was almost captured by Ali with the speed of a flying eagle, and his investment posture suddenly changed. Looking at the leader of Duji’s proprietress Ma Dongmin, it seems that Duji’s transformation has increased. Footnote.


As the new track becomes more lively, many people are raising eyebrows. Is Yike, the leader of the giants, going to end?

BAT is starting to fight. Can’t Y see the potential of taxi-hailing software?

However, it is quite interesting that Didi, Kuaidi, and Bumblebee, which are backed by the three giants, have unanimously placed Yipay in second place among the payment options, and have hidden their competitors from each other such as Alipay, Tenpay, and Duji wallet.

It seems... there really is a tacit agreement not to offend a certain existence, so try not to offend him.

On August 3, Penguin officially announced a payment upgrade, and Tenpay was officially renamed "QQ Wallet", which is generally considered to show a stronger determination in mobile payment.

On August 8, IDG head Xiong Xiaoge flew back to Beijing from Tokyo, stayed briefly for two days, and then flew to Shanghai.

Just when Xiong Xiaoge landed at Pudong Airport, he saw the latest news from Forbes, which simultaneously released the latest Fortune 2000 ranking globally.

The first place is China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the second place is China Construction Bank.

Xiong Xiaoge was surprised. He quickly retrieved the information and saw Yike's ranking.

45 people!

This is Yike's rapid rise in the world's enterprise rankings.

He thought for a while and looked at the other two brands. Samsung Electronics ranked 31st and Apple ranked 23rd.

There was some traffic on the road from the airport to Yike. Xiong Xiaoge happened to spend some time reading the Forbes list and related analysis, and he also saw an analysis that he quite agreed with.

"Yike and Apple are worth comparing together because of their business competition."

"In fiscal year 2012, Apple's revenue was US$133.9 billion, a year-on-year increase of 38%, and net profit was US$35.67 billion, also an increase of 61%."

"In comparison, Yike's revenue was US$71 billion, a year-on-year increase of 45%, and its net profit of US$14.862 billion was an increase of 58%."

"These two brands together account for more than 70% of the high-end mobile phone market. However, in addition to mobile phone products that are very popular among consumers, the two companies are very different."

"The mobile phone iPhone contributed 46.4% of Apple's revenue in the last fiscal year, and the computer Mac dropped to 14%. However, Apple's tablet Ipad has experienced strong growth and has become the second growth curve of the company's revenue, contributing 26.2% of revenue.”

"Yike has no plans to enter the computer business, and it has obviously ignored the popularity of tablets with consumers. It did not launch the second-generation Galaxy until the end of March this year, in an attempt to regain the favor of consumers in this emerging sector."

"At the same time, Yike's cloud computing business, which is vigorously developed, did not disclose relevant revenue last year, but it can be expected that the scale of this business will be difficult to exceed US$1 billion. Whether it is China or Europe, it will still take time to achieve a breakthrough. , and what is worrying is that Amazon and Microsoft are becoming more and more competitive in cloud computing and have new market development plans."

"Yike's system ecological business in the Chinese market has performed well, but the imagination it can provide us needs to be explored. At the same time, its various businesses are also being developed as independent companies."

"Also, Yike's chip strategy makes people have certain doubts about its future development. If the Mars series ZR chips have problems with Bingxin International, will the order be handed over to other manufacturing companies?"

"Normally, this is an easy question to answer."

"However, we can clearly know that the decision-making power of Yike's company strategy is in the hands of founder Fang Zhuo, and the Bingxin International mentioned above is also a company founded by him, which brings additional risks. It also often worries Wall Street analysts."

"It is worth mentioning that Apple's Q1 growth this year did not meet expectations. Since the death of Steve Jobs, Apple's market value has dropped by nearly US$70 billion, closing at US$305.8 billion as of press time."

"On the one hand, Apple's gross profit margin has reached its peak of 47% since Q1 in 2012. The gross profit margin has been declining in every subsequent quarter. This year's Q1 has dropped to 38% due to the rapid increase in costs."

"However, it must be said that Yike's costs in Q1 2013 also increased by 21.4% year-on-year. This did not become a negative for Yike, and the stock price continued to rise further."

"This is about another aspect. Last year, Yike launched the Mars 6 Pro, a full-screen mobile phone that was in short supply. This was seen as a radical attempt."

"The results are obvious. This kind of radicalization has been a great success. Looking at Apple, the emergence of iPhone 5 did not bring many surprises to consumers."

"According to the financial report analysis, the global sales of Yike's Pro version may be less than 10 million units, which will have a limited impact on overall revenue. However, the continued innovation of this electronic product makes Wall Street analysts quite confident."

"Interestingly, Fang Zhuo once rated Steve Jobs as 'one of the top ten most successful CEOs in the world in the past decade' when he was still alive. He even had a trophy, and the comment on the trophy was 'Don't ask Steve again. What would you do?', said to be from Jobs himself."

"The trophy was delivered to Steve Jobs' home and now sits on his desk in the Apple office."

"It seems that Apple, whose market value has declined, still has to face the problem of Steve Jobs's absence, which is an important reason for its decline in ranking this year."

"Similarly, Fang Zhuo is also an important reason for Yike to enter the top 50."

Xiong Xiaoge fell into deep thought. The price-to-earning ratios of Apple and Yike were both low. The former was 13 and the latter was 15. There was still a lot of room for storytelling. He didn’t study Apple deeply, but he knew Yike very well.

The Android system is in the hands of Google. Although Yike also has revenue sharing every year, it is far less potential than Apple's closed ecosystem. However, the huge domestic market has not yet been realized. Yike's YMS and the mobile Internet content ecosystem launched last year , which are further impacting the old business structure.

At the very least, Du Ji must be feeling quite uncomfortable right now.

Xiong Xiaoge thought long and hard about the stock that made him cut off the meat, and all he could think of was a crocodile sigh.

The car arrived at Yike, and the head of IDG walked up to the 23rd floor of Yike without any obstruction, only pausing when he saw Liu Zonghong.

"Mr. Fang is accepting an impromptu telephone interview with CCTV."

"Temporarily? Because of the top 50 in the world?" Xiong Xiaoge suddenly thought of the reason.

Liu Zonghong nodded. Smartphones have exploded in the past two years, but the company's ranking has improved very quickly this time. The only domestic companies shortlisted are China Construction Engineering Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation, and China Mobile.

Forbes ranks this list based on the comprehensive elements of revenue, profit, assets, and market value. Yike is very eye-catching this time.

Xiong Xiaoge nodded and walked into the president's office of Yike.

Immediately, he heard Mr. Fang's hearty laughter.

Yeah, that smile looks so fake.

"Haha, I also saw that Microsoft is ranked 41st. Comparing us with Microsoft, how can I put it, no matter how high the ranking is, it is an honor for Yike to be compared with well-known companies in the world." Fang Zhuo answered the questions on the other end of the phone.

This time on Forbes, there are many familiar companies before and after. The first few are Microsoft and the last few are Goldman Sachs. They are all familiar brands in their respective industries.

Fang Zhuo said "Yeah" twice and continued to answer: "This is a new motivation for Yike and all our employees. This year, this can be regarded as a new manifestation of maintaining progress."

Xiong Xiaoge drank tea silently, listening to Mr. Fang's mandarin clichés.

After a long time, CCTV’s telephone interview ended.

When Xiong Xiaoge saw Mr. Fang hang up the phone, he pretended to be angry and said, "Why did CCTV just make a phone call? Isn't this allowed to interview Mr. Fang in person?"

"I wanted to do it in person, but I refused." Fang Zhuo said lightly, "After all, the president of IDG is here, and entertaining him is more important."

Xiong Xiaoge grinned.

After he finished laughing, he talked about Nikon. All in all, he managed to build some momentum. Nikon was having a hard time and was willing to split off the business that was holding it back.

When Fang Zhuo heard about the Japanese company, he thought of Sony who wanted to take back the sensor more and more, so he talked about it.

Xiong Xiaoge was shocked when he heard this: "What? It's an honor for Sony Sensor to be favored by President Fang, but it doesn't obey?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at Lao Xiong.

"The more it disobeys, the more it will stimulate Yike's motivation to integrate!" Xiong Xiaoge said impassionedly.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Speaking in a weird manner is not the behavior of a hero."

Isn't this just making fun of what he said in the interview just now?

He glanced at the hesitant old bear and continued: "That's right. You who sell other people's Duji stocks to make a profit and then step back are not heroes."

Xiong Xiaoge pointed out the key point: "Isn't it driven by you?"

"You can do it with just one move, but your stance is not firm enough." Fang Zhuo sighed, "From the first moment I saw you, I knew I had found the right person."

Xiong Xiaoge said "poof" and was curious about how to deal with the Sony sensor.

"There's nothing we can do. The person in charge has changed. It's different. Although Sony's business is bad, it's still easy to get money from the bank." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Ishida Yoshihisa doesn't care so much about evaluations and financial reports. He is determined. I have to bring the sensor business back to the group and take out a bank loan to build a new manufacturing plant with advanced manufacturing processes. This leaves me with no choice but to just break up and forget it. I will keep as many people as I can in Shencheng. Anyway, the Shencheng factory is very complete and will not affect Yike’s mobile phone supply.”

Xiong Xiaoge was really surprised this time. Yi Ke has always cooperated very well with Sony, so they just fell out with each other?

However, since Yi Ke is so strong now, does Sony have nothing to exploit?

He secretly thought about it and felt that Mr. Fang was really a dog. When he saw that the momentum was not right, he immediately flipped the table. He did not engage in any pretentious price negotiations. He took advantage of the time when Sony's new factory in Japan had not been completed, as if he regarded it as an opponent. Violence in handling.

Sony is unable to form the combat effectiveness of processes such as ice core in the country in a short period of time. Will this business be disrupted in the next one or two years?

Xiong Xiaoge could only sigh: "Stringer is really not your director of Yike for nothing."

"I'm not a director of Sony for nothing. I'll give him whatever he wants." Fang Zhuo said disapprovingly.

Xiong Xiaoge decided to pay attention to the follow-up of this matter, and finally asked about another serious matter this time: "Who will Yike choose to lead the taxi app?"

He was called over this time because of the investment in the new track, and it was naturally certain that Yike would not miss another shadow war between the four giants.

"I'll let Brother D come out and do it." Fang Zhuo replied.

Xiong Xiaoge asked in confusion: "Brother D?"

"That's Wei Zhe." Fang Zhuo smiled, "His English name is David. Do you know his former nickname in Alibaba, right?"

Xiong Xiaoge thought about it carefully, Wei Zhe, Wei Zhe...

He slapped his thigh: "'Brother'? Is it Wei Zhe, the 'Brother', who will lead people to make taxi-hailing software? Damn it, it's destiny!"

Wei Zhe's nickname in Alibaba is "Brother".

Fang Zhuo laughed loudly: "Wei Zhe came to Yike to find me. He wanted to try this new track. I think it's very good and suitable. Mi Tuan has someone who can work with him, and his style is very suitable for taxi-hailing software. "

Xiong Xiaoge only felt that there was God's will in the dark, and it was not just God's will. Without Yike's support, it would be difficult for Brother D to end up. Now it is Yike who has decided, and this time the fate will be fulfilled by Brother D.

He marveled for a while, thinking about the scene when Ali knew that Wei Zhe had brought people off the field to get Yike's support, and asked: "When will Wei Zhe start?"

"Duji has just invested money, and the three companies have just started to spark. No matter what, we have to wait for them to burn through money. I think Qi He estimates that the earliest will be November." Fang Zhuo replied.

Xiong Xiaoge nodded secretly, Yike had obviously made all arrangements and preparations.

Fang Zhuo continued: "Wang Fengyi will come over later and you will see what investment expectations there are."

Xiong Xiaoge frowned, but he had no objections. As the head of the top 45 companies in the world, let him say whatever he wants.

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