Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1318 Everything is ready (4K)

Things are different now. As soon as Mr. Fang took the lead, the project started very quickly.

Xiong Xiaoge pondered the market situation. BAT was gone, and their competition would definitely intensify rapidly, not to mention the invisible pressure of Yike.

Sometimes, the bullet is the most shocking when it is not fired, and what Yike wants is their shopping and the cultivation of the market in the process.

As for what kind of shopping results can be achieved, this is also something that Xiong Xiaoge is concerned about and curious about.

On August 11, Xiong Xiaoge, Wang Fengyi, Qi He, Wei Zhe, Lei Jun, Xu Tubin from Zhixin Investment, and Yan Hong from Tiankai Venture Capital had a meal together to discuss investment matters.

The entire framework has been determined by Yike. How to distribute it depends on how everyone communicates happily.

At the beginning of the dinner, Qi He smiled and said little. He only listened to everyone talk about the fierce competition in taxi-hailing software. The initial plan for this project was US$300 million. Yike led the investment with US$100 million, which means he took 33.3%. of shares.

The operation team composed of Wei Zhe and others took away 33.4% of the shares, which was divided into two. 13.4% of the shares were found by Wei Zhe and others to find good investment institutions, and the remaining 20% ​​was cut in half, with 10% It's an option, and 10% is your own money.

In other words, Wei Zhe and the others need to spend 30 million in cash to enter the game.

Qi He understood what the investment department meant. Brother D had to get his own money so that he would have a deeper motivation to do things. A rough calculation showed that his annual salary before going to Alibaba was only 1 million US dollars. Instead, it was 1 million Hua Xia coins, and he got a large severance package when he left.

This time, Brother D had to spend a lot of money.

After the Yike+ operation team is divided, 33.3% is left to the venture capital investors, which is a share of US$100 million.

Qi He felt that any of the four companies, IDG, Shenxin Science and Technology, Zhixin, and Tiankai, could directly pay for the money. However, since it was Mr. Fang's wish, it might as well be divided equally. No one would be able to apologize.

"This US$100 million is not only for now, but also for the competition with BAT and the others in the future. Today's share is not a one-time deal. If we fight in the future, we will have to continue to pursue investment." Xiong Xiaoge talked about funds and mused, "So... …”

Wang Fengyi answered: "Shenxin Science and Technology wants everything!"

Qi He choked on a mouthful of wine and coughed, which was still shameless.

Xiong Xiaoge glared at each other and expressed his feelings in one word: "Bah!"

Xu Tubin smiled and said: "Mr. Wang, your appetite is too big!"

Xiong Xiaoge nodded. These two families are friends who stick to their positions in Tesco. They have also gone through a difficult time. It depends on Mr. Fang's wishes, no matter what, he has to stay.

"Didn't Mr. Xiong say that he still has to pursue the shot? I think it's quite difficult for him." Wang Fengyi said disapprovingly, "It's difficult for him. If it's not more difficult for you, I'll do it."

Yan Honglin said quickly: "It's not difficult, I know. We will follow this financing ratio in the future. We at Tiankai Venture Capital cannot guarantee it elsewhere. We are absolutely confident that Yike is willing to make a taxi-hailing software this time."

Wang Fengyi glanced at the president of Tiankai Venture Capital and asked, "Do you have an idea of ​​the scale of subsequent financing?"

Tiankai Venture Capital's most famous investment in China is its investment in Tesco, which is not particularly strong.

Xu Tubin and Yan Honglin stared at the "right dog" together, wanting to hear what insights this Wang Fenggou could tell.

Wang Fengyi turned his eyes and pointed at Xiong Xiaoge: "Mr. Xiong, tell me."

Xu Tubin, Yan Honglin: "..."

"Now YBAT is competing in the mobile payment scene of taxi hailing. Needless to say, the potential is huge, but to what extent..." Xiong Xiaoge said seriously, "We will have to raise a lot of money in the future of this competition. A billion dollars.”

He continued: "I talked with Mr. Fang yesterday. In addition to domestic brands, foreign Uber will not miss the domestic market. This is not only a mobile Internet project, but also an innovation in the domestic travel scene. Everyone Maybe they have underestimated its future development.”

Xu Tubin and Yan Honglin looked at each other. If Mr. Xiong said so, the scale of subsequent financing...

"I heard from friends in Beijing that Duji's estimate of Bumblebee's future market value is around US$2 billion." Yan Honglin hesitated and gave an example.

"Du Ji will definitely die first this time." Xiong Xiaoge made his judgment.

Yan Honglin lowered his head and thought, if this is really the case, the pressure will be great indeed.

Xiong Xiaoge waited for everyone to digest this judgment for a while, and then said: "More investment institutions will definitely have to be introduced in the future, but there are still requirements for the first few rounds."

If the market becomes bigger, it is related to travel, and local state-owned assets must be introduced, which will be more convenient.

Xiong Xiaoge saw that Mr. Fang and Yike's intention was to take the lead and compete for mobile payment. He did not have too high expectations for the subsequent return on investment.

Yike definitely cannot be a hands-off shopper in terms of resource investment, but it also has the intention of being a hands-off shopkeeper in terms of operations.

It's also that Yike's own plate is now bigger. When he replaced Mr. Fang, he just started...

Xiong Xiaoge denounced someone who was unwilling to show up even today. He was persistently eager to have investors for good projects.

Seeing that these people couldn't figure out the ratio, Qi He said with a smile: "If it doesn't work, just average it. Anyway, you will still get money for subsequent follow-up investments."

"No." Xiong Xiaoge and Wang Fengyi unanimously objected.

As the president of YMS, Qi He has a high status in Yike. However, facing the "left bear" and "right dog" who have gone through ups and downs over the years, he had no choice but to raise his glass after being rejected, and turned his head and remained silent. Lei Jun chatted about group buying.

Lei Jun's capital is an investment institution that belongs to the operation team and has no demand for the current cake division. He is very interested in talking about group buying.

The dinner seemed to be divided into two parts, with the four investors carefully assessing the current situation and predicting the future.

In the end, the shares were divided, 3:3:2:1.5, and the weakest Zhixin Investment got the smallest share.

When Qi He saw the results came out, he still reminded: "Mr. Fang said that this investment must be prepared to extend the front line, and subsequent financing must be considered."

Xu Tubin said quietly: "Can it be listed slower than Tesco?"

Yan Honglin said quietly: "Can it be slower than the launch of ice cores?"

Xiong Xiaoge said quietly: "Can it be slower than the medical market?"

Wang Fengyi drank all the liquor in his glass and said loudly: "You won't be afraid of being late for a good meal, and you won't be afraid of spicy food if you have a good wine!"

Qi He nodded secretly in his heart, so brave, so brave, so brave, what a good dog.

"Speaking of which, I have been using taxi-hailing apps recently. I want to actually experience the changes. Generally speaking, it is pretty good." Xu Tubin said, "I used Bumblebee yesterday, and today's one is fast. Their subsidized prices are almost 3 yuan per order, and Yipay is placed second.”

"The price of this subsidy will go up soon. Their subsidy for drivers is now very high, reaching 50 yuan at one time." Wang Fengyi has been paying attention to the relevant situation in the past few months.

"Hey, all three companies have put Yipay on the table. We want to paralyze them, and they also want to paralyze us." Qi He said with a smile, "I guess they all want to carve out the market first."

Taking advantage of Yike's absence, first dominate the world, and then attack Yipay after the market is stable. At that time, Yike can exert very little pressure.

Qi He knew the thoughts of the three giants, and estimated that they should also know the necessity of Yike's end.

He was just about to continue chatting about Didi, Kuaidi and Bumblebee when he suddenly remembered something important: "Oh yes, Brother D, put the company names around and see which one everyone likes..."

Wei Zhe doesn't like the title "Brother Big D". If possible, he would like to hear "Mr. Wei" or "David", but if Mr. Fang suddenly wants to call him like this, he will hold his nose and listen.

This is not the first time. I also had a nickname in Alibaba before.

He said: "We discussed, Dudu, Susu, Cheche, Fengchi, Electric Switch, Suche, Qingche, Qingzhou... which one do you think is suitable?"

Except for Lei Jun, who already knew, everyone else was in a state of "eh".

Does the overlapping words look cute?

The switch must be removed first, it is too difficult to write and read.


Xiong Xiaoge sighed: "It would be great if it could be called 'Yi Che'."

Wei Zhe slapped his thigh: "This is the first thing that came to my mind, but it was launched in the United States in the past two years, so it's really a loss for this name." was founded in 2000 and went public in the United States 10 years ago. Otherwise... Now that Yike is starting with the word "Yi", other companies will be shocked as soon as the signboard lights up.

Several people discussed it seriously for a while, and they always felt that the shorter ones were the taller ones.

"Where's Mr. Fang? Why don't you let Mr. Fang decide?" Wei Zhe suggested when he saw that there was no unified opinion.

Xiong Xiaoge said seriously: "I met Mr. Fang yesterday. He seemed a little depressed. He may be regretting the change in the cooperative relationship with Sony."

Xu Tubin, Yan Honglin, Lei Jun, and Wei Zhe all nodded believing it was true.

Qi He raised his hand to drink, sneering in his heart, impossible!

Wang Fengyi ate the food after hearing this, and concluded in his heart that Lao Xiong was talking nonsense.

"Wait until I meet Mr. Fang and see if he has any good ideas." Qi He said after swallowing his drink.

Everyone agreed. Brother D seemed to be a bad namer, and he didn't blame himself and others for having difficulty choosing.

Two days later, Qi He met his boss on the 23rd floor and mentioned his name.

Fang Zhuo then realized that he didn't even have a proper name.

He made a small criticism: "Can't you even come up with a good name?"

Qi He nodded openly, but he couldn't get up.

Fang Zhuo walked from behind his desk to the floor-to-ceiling window, thought slowly, and after a long time said, "Dada, how are you doing?"

Qi He's eyes lit up, da da, this is good!

He immediately agreed: "Mr. Fang, okay, you have to name it, da da da da da, which symbolizes the bullets we shoot at our competitors!"

Fang Zhuo turned around, glanced at Qi He, and said helplessly: "My dada's horse's hooves are beautiful mistakes. I am not a returnee, but a passerby..."

Qi He: "..."

Indeed, the thinking frequencies of myself and Mr. Fang are still not very close to each other.

He confirmed: "Uh, is it the sound of horse hoofbeats? Zheng Chouyu seemed to be in Baodao when he wrote this poem, and the Chinese language is not standardized. Should we use 'tata'? It is similar to Didi, it is an onomatopoeia word."

"It's okay to make mistakes, just let it be Dada, and get the meaning of Dada." Fang Zhuo said, and then added, "I am just a nomination. If you look at it, in fact, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if consumers are used to it. "

There is also a man named "Cao Cao", why can't he do it?

Qi He said "Hmm" twice and decided on "Dada" in his mind. It felt better than "Dudu"...

He smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, it seems that you have already started to increase the amount of subsidies. Once it does it, the other two companies will immediately follow suit."

"If you can't help it, anyone can use it. Of course, use the one with higher subsidies." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "As soon as this spark is ignited, it will spread immediately."

Once you start burning money, it cannot be stopped unilaterally. You have to burn it to the point of death.

Qi He said another thing: "Last night, I received a call from AutoNavi. They also wanted to try the taxi-hailing software. They thought it would be more advantageous for AutoNavi to do it directly. They asked me what I meant."

The call from AutoNavi meant that AutoNavi would set up a subsidiary to operate the taxi-hailing software and wanted to seek financial support from Yike.

Fang Zhuo did not immediately deny it. This was the way to go. He asked, "What do you think?"

Qi He always had this attitude when he saw Fang. He immediately became cautious and said thoughtfully: "I feel that Amap itself is burning money right now. The competition among taxi-hailing software may soon become fierce again. It simply won't be able to offer that much." In terms of money, in terms of operations, Mi Tuan and the others can provide more, if..."

"Taking into account the sentiments of AutoNavi, we can appropriately allow them to hold some shares of 'Dada', but we cannot use it as the mainstay."

Dada will definitely use the data resources of Amap, which in itself also expands the market boundaries of Amap. The main reason is that Amap has neither money nor people.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while, nodded, and agreed with this consideration.

Qi He was quite happy and finally asked: "Mr. Fang, where do you start Dada?"

Fang Zhuo gave me a look and asked me everything, what do you do for food?

Where to start with the quickly named Dada?

This question was also raised at another dinner party for investors.

Is it Didi’s Jingcheng, Kuaidi’s Lin’an or Shencheng that the three companies are competing for?

"I also asked Mr. Fang this question." Qi He mentioned the scene in the office, "Mr. Fang didn't answer me, he just gave me a look."

He said seriously: "The meaning of this look is very clear, I want them all!"

"Some people have money and resources. Of course, Dada will do it together in three cities. When they feel tired after burning money, they will surround them in their base camp."

"This is what Mr. Fang meant."

Qi He was very convinced of his interpretation.

Everyone agreed, it was Mr. Fang’s courage in doing things.

We have a name, people are organized, money is prepared, follow-up support is negotiated, everything is ready, we are waiting for blood to flow and then we take advantage of the situation to attack. (End of chapter)

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