Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1347 Pros and Cons (4k)

Kong Yu continued to communicate with the head of Anhuagao in the afternoon after meeting Mr. Fang.

However, compared to yesterday, his mood was much more exciting today.

Although Kong Yu has no complaints about helping Avago try to acquire Qualcomm, the possibility is too small after all. If Qualcomm is transferred to acquire Avago, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

To put it simply, in these links, it is extremely difficult for the regulatory authorities in the United States to approve acquisitions. It is extremely difficult for them to lobby. Avago’s U.S. capital background is definitely stronger than that of a company like Yike, but a world-renowned IC company like Qualcomm is also With many technical patents in hand, they will inevitably be reviewed and re-examined.

As for Qualcomm's acquisition of a Singapore chip company, I'm afraid the process is just a formality.

Since he is doing something, Kong Yu naturally hopes to do it successfully.

However, before promoting it, he also needs to reach some consensus with Chen Fuyang, which also comes from the boss's wishes.

For Yike, the emergence of a "new Qualcomm" will not make the situation worse, but trying to guide the strategic direction of the "new Qualcomm" will obviously make the situation better.

"Mr. Fang is quite busy today. I have Yike's global conference in the afternoon, and I may also need to rush to a meeting of Ice Core in Luzhou. Please forgive me, Mr. Chen." Kong Yu invited Chen Fuyang to have afternoon tea, and expressed his feelings when they met. apology.

Chen Fuyang had no grudges in his heart and was still immersed in the joy of the tacit understanding he had reached with the head of Yike.

He smiled and talked a bit about Yike's current status, and also talked about the new products announced at this month's press conference.

Kong Yu chatted with him for a while, then picked out a document and handed it to the head of Anhua Gao.

Chen Fuyang took a look at it and saw that it contained opinions on how to deal with Qualcomm's monopoly in China. The key points were three.

First, a fine of 10.6 billion.

Second, Qualcomm is ordered not to charge patent fees at the price of the complete machine.

Third, order Qualcomm to cancel the "anti-authorization clause."

Record-breaking fines, rectifications that hit Qualcomm's lifeline, and very critical clause amendments.

This "anti-licensing clause" means that customers who purchase Qualcomm products will also license their patents to Qualcomm and its customers for free. However, Qualcomm's terms will be determined based on the customer's status, and small and medium-sized companies that have no say in Customers often have to submit to overbearing terms.

The content of the document is not long, but Chen Fuyang read it over and over again, feeling elated and smiling on his face. Is this the final result of China Antitrust that has not been disclosed to the outside world?

Once this result is released, it will continue to drive down Qualcomm's stock price and also make Avago's acquisition more difficult.

"Mr. Chen, what do you think of this handling?" Kong Yu asked.

Chen Fuyang said without hesitation: "Great! We should attack Qualcomm hard. Qualcomm, which has a monopoly, will be punished by everyone!"

Kong Yu nodded and explained: "This is not the final result. We don't know exactly how the above will deal with it, but Yike will indeed provide reference opinions."

He pondered for a moment and then continued to ask: "The Qualcomm tax is really a matter of complaint. Mr. Chen, if you were the CEO of Qualcomm, how would you feel about the result of this treatment?"

"Am I the CEO of Qualcomm? Haha, of course I am protesting this punishment. I think these three rules are too harsh and do not respect Qualcomm's R\u0026D efforts in the communications field over the years." Chen Fuyang still said without hesitation.

The opinions of outsiders and insiders on the same matter will of course change as their positions change.

Kong Yu said "hmm" and said, "Indeed, whether it's Mr. Chen or Jacobs, or simply me, Kong Yu, as long as we hold the position of CEO of Qualcomm, we must safeguard our own interests."

"However, the benefits are both immediate and long-term. Blindly relying on Qualcomm taxes may be feasible in the 3G era, but in today's 4G and even the future 5G era, Qualcomm's development is not stable."

Chen Fuyang thought for a while and agreed with this statement.

The Qualcomm tax has certainly brought Qualcomm today's achievements, but it has also exposed it to frequent investigations. This time, the $30 billion loss will definitely cause a huge shock.

From 3G to 4G or further 5G, in the next five years, it will be difficult for Qualcomm to ensure the revenue scale of fiscal year 2013 in terms of patent licensing fees, let alone growth.

If Qualcomm cannot block Yike's baseband chips, its products and related licensing fees will plummet.

The problem is that everyone understands that long-term interests are good, but transformation is difficult, so we can only continue to seize immediate interests.

Chen Fuyang thought that Kong always wanted to chat, so he smiled and commented on the challenges Qualcomm is facing today.

Kong Yu listened and suddenly said: "If I were the CEO of Qualcomm, I would have a decision to alleviate the current situation."

Chen Fuyang looked at Mr. Kong's serious expression and was surprised. He smiled and said, "Mr. Kong, what's the plan?"

Kong Yu simply replied: "Acquire Avago."

Chen Fuyang laughed: "Acquiring An..."

Halfway through his words, he saw that Mr. Kong's expression was still serious, and several thoughts suddenly flashed through his mind. His laughter stopped abruptly, and he closed his mouth and stared closely at the financial giant in front of him.

Since its establishment in 2005, Avago has expanded its business from the optical communications field to the power electronics market through successive acquisitions. The acquisition of LSI last year has broadened its business lines, especially strengthening the storage business for data centers.

Chen Fuyang is confident that he will lead Avago to achieve a larger revenue scale after thoroughly digesting LSI. At the very least, doubling it in the next three years will not be a problem.

If Qualcomm directly acquires Avago, it would be like getting the perfect puzzle piece!

Chen Fuyang's expression became ugly, and he felt a chill running down his spine and into his forehead.

broken! Mr. Fang reached a settlement with Qualcomm and wants to engulf Anhua Gao!

broken! This time my little white sheep is delivered directly to the big bad wolf!

Chen Fuyang has the gangster nickname of "Little Fang Zhuo", so he is naturally very aware of the record of "True Fang Zhuo" and his ability to turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.

Regardless of how Mr. Fang was smiling with me yesterday, should we fall out today or not?

No wonder, no wonder they didn’t even show up for dinner yesterday!

Kong Yu saw Mr. Chen's face become solemn, and was very satisfied with this person's acumen. Although "Little Fangzhuo" is in charge of a semiconductor company, his advantages lie in finance, investment, and finance. Sure enough, he realized that new and better strategy.

He slowly explained Avago's current business and described the development and market after Qualcomm acquired Avago.

Chen Fuyang listened to the words of the financial tycoon calmly and laughed loudly: "Haha, Mr. Kong, what? Are you going to force me to sell the company? Or are you going to force me to resign as CEO?"

Kong Yu: "?"

He stared at the head of Anhua Gao in front of him with dumbfounded eyes. Where is he following? Who follows whom? What are you doing? What am I doing? Are we not on the same channel?

Chen Fuyang stood up directly and said loudly: "Mr. Kong, stop having such wishful thinking! Tell Mr. Fang that I, Chen Fuyang, will never sell Avago!"

Kong Yu: "..."

He took a breath and said helplessly: "Mr. Chen, please sit down first. You misunderstood."

After Chen Fuyang got over it, he felt a surge of shock and anger in his heart. Generally speaking, such patent lawsuits in the industry do end in settlement. If Qualcomm suffers a heavy blow from China's anti-monopoly, it may really reach a settlement with Yike and turn to The one who turned the gun came to seize Anwarco.

All he could think about was Mr. Fang's impressive achievements. Looking at the abominable Kong Guangtou, he smiled coldly: "What's the misunderstanding? Who doesn't know Mr. Fang's conduct and style of doing things?"

Kong Yu saw that this person didn't even sit down, and he was afraid that he was completely confused and misunderstood. He had to say immediately: "Mr. Chen, what we mean is that you will be the CEO of Qualcomm."

Chen Fuyang was stunned, and following the change of bird, following his appointment as CEO of Qualcomm, and following the previous chat, his thoughts immediately turned from the wrong path to the right track.

"Avago, a Singaporean company, wants to acquire Qualcomm. Even if we lobby hard, the probability of success is very low. But on the other hand, as long as you enter Qualcomm and we can get enough votes, then it is not Qualcomm acquiring Avago, but It was Qualcomm who asked you to be CEO." Kong Yu spoke faster, "Mr. Fang means that Qualcomm led by Jacobs has reached a dead end, and it is President Chen who should lead Qualcomm to shape a new situation of industrial mergers and acquisitions integration. .”

Listening to Mr. Kong's narration, Chen Fuyang unconsciously fell back on his chair. The relevant information flashed in his mind quickly, and he muttered: "Qualcomm's acquisition of Avago has instantly reduced the difficulty by more than one level."

One of the difficulties in the acquisition lies in the board of directors. If the board of directors directly opens the city gate, the city will directly change its flag.

Moreover, this directly passed the regulatory level.

After Chen Fuyang received the news of acquiring Qualcomm, he was also considering regulatory factors and even planned to move the company from Singapore to Silicon Valley to overcome resistance.

But...according to the new strategy, what else is there to move? Just move in with your bags.

He swallowed, raised the cup and drank half of the tea. He couldn't help but ask, "Is this Mr. Kong's idea?"

"This is Mr. Fang's idea." Kong Yu replied honestly.

Chen Fuyang inhaled slowly and sighed: "Mr. Fang is really outstanding."

"Yeah." Kong Yu said with a half-smile at this time, "After all, everyone knows Mr. Fang's conduct and style of doing things."

Chen Fuyang suddenly felt a little restless, and his reaction just now seemed to be excessive.

But, but, who can survive the thought of being stabbed by someone like Mr. Fang for a moment!

He was even afraid that he would receive a call that he would be fired from the company's board of directors before he even walked out of here.

Chen Fuyang suddenly felt the pressure of being President Fang's opponent just now. It was indeed full and powerful enough!

The head of Anhua Gao coughed twice in embarrassment: "This, this, hey, Mr. Fang is so imaginative that I really didn't realize it at the moment. I should be punished, I should be punished, use tea instead of wine, use tea instead of wine." "

Chen Fuyang held the cup with both hands and drank a cup of apology tea seriously.

It was really embarrassing, the incident happened so suddenly, how could I let out what was in my heart out of shock and anger.

It’s also my fault that Mr. Kong spoke in a roundabout way and suddenly got himself astray.

Kong Yu smiled and drank tea as well.

After a while, the atmosphere was no longer so awkward. Chen Fuyang reconsidered his thoughts and couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Fang deserves to be Mr. Fang. He actually changed his perspective and suddenly changed the issue to the battle for votes within Qualcomm. "

"Little Fangzhuo" knew that Mr. Fang seemed to have very rich experience in this area.

As for promoting Qualcomm to acquire Avago, I don’t know what Jacob thinks. Chen Fuyang feels that he can see the benefits of the merger of the two companies. At this moment, he also thought about what Mr. Kong’s question just meant.

If you become the CEO of Qualcomm, will you still compete desperately with Yike? Will you become a "new Jacob"?

Should we stick to immediate interests, or should we make drastic changes to gain long-term interests?

Chen Fuyang's eyes fell back on the document he had just read, and realized that it was most likely a threat and a gift. Mr. Kong just said that this was not the final result, but just a reference. So, this can be changed. .

Once he ascends to the position of CEO, if he can get a less harsh result and quickly reach a settlement with Yike, wouldn't his immediate interests be protected?

Once the stock price rebounds, the position will become stable, and the "new Qualcomm" based on Avago and Qualcomm can pursue long-term interests.

"New Qualcomm" still needs to maintain a certain degree of competition with companies like Yike, but there can be a tacit understanding, and there will inevitably be a healthier product layout and greater market pursuits.

The long-term benefit for me is to be in charge of a world-famous company. For Qualcomm, it is to break through the dilemma of a single business and have the market value exceed 150 billion and exceed 200 billion.

“The number of votes has indeed become a key issue. If we can promote Qualcomm’s acquisition of Avago, we must try our best to exchange shares for the acquisition and then obtain board seats. Our lobbying focus has also changed from the regulatory authorities to Qualcomm’s directors and directors. Shareholders." Kong Yu said.

Chen Fuyang nodded and silently recalled the conversation with Mr. Kong. The financial tycoon started asking questions from the position of "Qualcomm CEO" and seemed to be worried about the changes after he took office.

So, what if you really change?

China's heavy anti-monopoly fines, the stagnation of Yike's patent royalties and the endless lawsuits, even... can be pulled down even if it is lifted up.

Should we be an innovator who resolutely leads Qualcomm to long-term interests, or should we be a Jacob No. 2 stuck in a muddy swamp?

Chen Fuyang was thinking.

"Although the difficulty has been reduced, this matter still requires a lot of work. However, I believe that KKR and Silver Lake will support it." Kong Yu said with a smile, "Mr. Chen and I will go to Washington together next week. If it can really promote the two companies of the merger, some of our friends are also willing to support Qualcomm stock."

KKR and Silver Lake themselves are capital for leveraged trading, and they would definitely be happy to see a more feasible plan. Like KKR, whose cumulative historical transactions have exceeded 400 billion US dollars, they must also have the courage to do this kind of thing.

Chen Fuyang thought, Washington, support Qualcomm's stock... isn't this insider trading?

Seeing the smiling expression on Mr. Kong's face, he knew that this might be another layer of shackles to bind him. In other words, it could also be regarded as a layer of help.

This MIGA fund is simply trying to create benefits without any benefit. No wonder Kong always becomes a guest of some people.

Chen Fuyang easily agreed. As long as he completes this round of actions, he can turn around and become the head of Qualcomm. What else is there to worry about?

He brainstormed and exchanged details with Mr. Kong, and at the end of the exchange he made a small request: "Mr. Kong, cough, don't tell Mr. Fang about that."

Chen Fuyang was referring to the previous misunderstanding.

Kong Yu agreed: "Okay, no problem."

"Killing me!"

When Su Wei heard Kong Yu's report and Chen Fuyang's misunderstanding, she couldn't stop laughing and almost burst into tears.

Fang Zhuo's face turned slightly dark and he drank tea silently. You are the only one who dares to be called "Little Fang Zhuo"!

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