Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1348 Lost the lawsuit (4k)

Fang Zhuo met Chen Fuyang only after another day.

Basically, everyone has unified their opinions through Kong Yu. If we can really create a "new Qualcomm", Chen Fuyang will be pushed to the position and lead this world-renowned IC company in a different direction.

Regarding the operation of this matter, Fang Zhuo only had a brief chat when they met again. Many specific matters need to be dealt with in actual situations. Just as this "little Fang Zhuo" stressed, if it is really necessary, it is not impossible to put him to work. sold.

In short, make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

A small and uncertain question that is still in front of us is that since it can lobby the common shareholders of Qualcomm, should Avago launch the acquisition of Shetunxiang?

Can some shareholders directly provide suggestions to Jacobs and others in the management and let Qualcomm review a Singapore company like Avago?

"We can try, but we have to wait until we get some circulating shares of Qualcomm and increase the chips in our hands as much as possible." Fang Zhuo said familiarly, "If Jacob doesn't agree to expand the business scope, then let Anhua It has to be said that KKR and Silver Lake have allowed Anwar to develop overseas, which does have a smooth environment, but it also lacks sufficient reputation."

The nature of the semiconductor industry itself tends to be low-key, and companies outside the United States lack a sense of presence. Perhaps Jacobs and Qualcomm shareholders should be reminded that Avago has strong vitality and can even act as a head-on competitor.

Moreover, we must be prepared with both hands. What if the appetite of Qualcomm shareholders is very small and U.S. regulations are very easy to lobby for, and Avago really succeeds?

Even if it doesn't succeed, such a fierce attack can still put enough pressure on you.

As a result, Qualcomm is facing all-round attacks on antitrust, products, technology patents, secondary markets, hostile takeovers, etc. Yike, who is facing off, may also be able to find new changes.

Fang Zhuo had many things in mind and tried to find a win-win situation with Chen Fuyang while giving priority to Yike's interests.

"Mr. Fang, Qualcomm is seeing a rebound in user demand across Netcom. Do you think China Antitrust will really ban Qualcomm from collecting licensing fees from the price of the whole machine?" Chen Fuyang did not ask about insider trading in the United States, nor about the two Regarding the merger operations of two companies, I asked a question that seems to be considered only by the CEO of Qualcomm.

He had already read the reference processing opinions displayed by Kong Yu, and they were very strict.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Chen Fuyang in surprise and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you haven't even taken up the post at Qualcomm yet, and now you're already worried about its future?"

"It's not that I'm worried about Qualcomm, but I'm thinking about new developments. Only the more consensus we can achieve, the more I can take Qualcomm in a new direction." Chen Fuyang said.

He wanted to know how flexible China Antitrust was.

Fang Zhuo was silent for a moment before speaking out: "In principle, Yike is firmly opposed to Qualcomm's charging model based on the price of the whole machine, but considering the impact of all aspects, it may be possible to give a discount to the price of the whole machine as a buffer. .”

For example, you can use 60% of the entire machine price to multiply the agreed ratio.

Chen Fuyang thought for a while, nodded and said: "When all the negative points are eliminated, it is a good thing."

The difference between direct ban and discount is still very big. If the results of this investigation can be implemented and Qualcomm's uncertainty ends, the secondary market will most likely rebound.

In addition to this, there is definitely room for discussion on fines. The record fine of 10.6 billion is much higher than the original record number.

As for the "anti-licensing clause", this is actually more like the patent licensing framework of the two companies, but Qualcomm is too strong.

Chen Fuyang believes that Yike will have a strong influence on China's anti-monopoly handling. Although many media have found many reasons and angles to justify this anti-monopoly investigation, it is not only him, but also the United States. Official agencies such as Yike also believe that this is a kind of protection for Yike Company.

Samsung over there has just rebelled, and here the antitrust investigation results have been released. This is not a cover-up, who would believe it?

"The fact that Mr. Chen can take office is the biggest benefit to Qualcomm. I admire Avago's merger and acquisition integration skills very much." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Buy, buy well, and use it well, this is the key.

"I hope Qualcomm can bring a new situation." Chen Fuyang said.

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly and changed the topic.

This matter can be implemented, but it will take some time. We need to prepare for lobbying, insider trading, interest bundling, and off-site cooperation.

Chen Fuyang and Mr. Fang were side by side and in a very excited state.

The implicit promise I got this time was completely different from the previous one, but this way is better!

During dinner time, Fang Zhuo made an appearance this time, mainly talking about his views on the development of the semiconductor industry. What he emphasized was not much different from Kong Yu, but still long-term interests.

However, when Chen Fuyang listened to what came out of Mr. Fang's mouth, he felt that it made more sense.

"Mr. Chen, I need to trouble you to make one more trip to New York or Washington. You also need to have a good chat with KKR and Silver Lake about our plans in person." Fang Zhuo talked about the United States at the end of the dinner. The reason for the trip, "Whether it's calculated or not, we have to put pressure on Qualcomm and then select people who can lobby immediately."

Lobbying is a key job, but there is a team in the United States.

Chen Fuyang nodded solemnly.

Without further ado, he directly booked a flight to New York with Mr. Kong, leaving early the next morning.

However, before Chen Fuyang started his journey, he received a call from Avago director Wells, who was also the vice president of Silver Lake Capital.

"Mr. Chen, we fully support being the CEO of Qualcomm!" Wells obviously just learned the latest news and expressed his stance very excitedly.

When Chen Fuyang heard this, he suddenly felt a bit dumbfounded. Are you going to decide on Qualcomm's new CEO without notifying Qualcomm, the party involved?

He hesitated for two seconds and said, "Can I?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, you deserve this! Your outstanding performance at Avago has proven your excellent leadership. We support you, and Mr. Fang supports you. This is your best chance to become the CEO of Qualcomm!" Wells sounded confident.

"Okay, I'll fly to New York first, and we'll meet and chat." Chen Fuyang said with a smile.

The last phone call before boarding ended. Chen Fuyang still brought only his secretary, while Kong Yu brought a small team, very much like a financial giant traveling.

The flight from Shanghai to New York was quite long. Chen Fuyang had a pleasant chat with Mr. Kong along the way. However, when he landed in New York, bad news quickly reached his ears.

——Yike lost the lawsuit!

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued a ruling that Yike infringed on five of Qualcomm's patents and required Yike to pay US$33 million in compensation to compensate for the losses caused by the infringement of its technology.

This latest news about the lawsuit between Yike and Qualcomm quickly appeared on the pages of major media.

As a party, Rosenberg, executive vice president and general counsel of Qualcomm, welcomed the court’s ruling.

He immediately accepted an interview with the media and said: "The technology invented by Qualcomm enabled Yike to enter the market and achieve rapid success. The five patents found to be infringed in this case only represent Qualcomm's tens of thousands of patent portfolios." a small part."

“What makes us most gratified is that courts around the world will undoubtedly support our intellectual property payment strategy, which is extremely beneficial to industry development and market competition.”

Lost the case!

Although Yike has created a lot of public opinion, and although many manufacturers, including Apple, have stepped forward in response, a ruling is a ruling, and a loss is a loss. This undoubtedly greatly boosts the arrogance of the Qualcomm camp, and also It really poured cold water on the already loose antitrust alliance.

"Mr. Kong, Yike lost the lawsuit. What should we do?" Chen Fuyang sat in the car and browsed the news, feeling really confused.

He got off the plane with the intention of coming to the United States to be a CEO. Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, he saw a situation different from what he imagined. Well, Qualcomm was still very strong.

"Let's appeal. Whatever we can do, we all have to respect the law." Kong Yu said nonchalantly, "The patent litigation will take a long time. Well, the District Court of the Northern District of California is actually quite fast this time."

Chen Fuyang observed Mr. Kong's expression and guessed whether he was forcing himself to be calm.

Kong Yu noticed this look and smiled: "Mr. Chen, if you want to be the future CEO of Qualcomm, I'm afraid you will have to face patent lawsuits frequently. There will definitely be winners and losers. This ruling will not take effect, which really makes us anxious. What happened was the ban from ITC, which was really dangerous.”

Chen Fuyang felt that Mr. Kong was really calm. He had to admit that although he had done a lot of acquisitions and integration work in recent years, he was specialized in the industry. Compared with Mr. Fang and Mr. Kong, he was indeed There is still a lack of experience in this area.

But then he thought about it, who is a good person who has rich experience in this field?

"Yike will definitely appeal and let the law fly for a while." Kong Yu ended the exchange with these words.

Chen Fuyang's mood improved, and in the evening, before the law could fly for too long, he met many prominent people at the dinner party.

Kong Yu from the MIGA Fund arrived in New York. Before he arrived, he held a dinner in the name of the fund and invited friends and guests, such as Geithner, who once served as financial steward, and Summers, who once headed the Economic Commission.

Both of these men have now stepped down, but the people who accompanied them while drinking and chatting are the same people who are still on stage today.

Chen Fuyang is the CEO of a listed company, but this company is far away in Singapore. He did have the experience of studying in the United States, but he really has never dealt with people in such a circle.

He watched Mr. Kong move around these people with ease, and heard the general inquiries and greetings from time to time. He felt that... the gap between "Little Fangzhuo" and "True Fangzhuo" was indeed too big.

"Are these all clients of MIGA Fund?" Chen Fuyang asked half way through the banquet without restraining his curiosity.

Kong Yu shook his head and said with a smile, "How could that be?"

Chen Fuyang didn't know why, but he felt a little relieved.

Kong Yu added: "The ones who are powerful are the ones."

Chen Fuyang: "..."

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, everything we do is legal and compliant." Kong Yu said seriously, "We are pursuing reasonable and long-term interests."

Chen Fuyang remained silent with implicit disapproval.

Kong Yu seemed to be aware of this emotion and view, and smiled slightly: "Because Yike and Bingxin involve a lot of advanced technologies, which are relatively sensitive, there is a team in Washington responsible for public relations."

"However, in many cases, it is not just about having money. Behind every public relations team, there is no shortage of funds. Everyone has something to ask for. In addition, we have an Eastern background, so the initial effect was not good. But then a trick was discovered that made the team improve a lot.”

Kong Yu changed to a glass of red wine.

Chen Fuyang's curiosity was aroused: "What's the secret?"

"That's what I call reasonable and long-term interests." Kong Yu said, "Our team will tell every congressman we come into contact with that we will not leave after just one vote of business. We will be in Washington for a long time. Although If it doesn’t work this time, there will be opportunities for cooperation next time.”

"On this basis, we make reasonable demands, just like Mr. Chen, if you serve as Qualcomm CEO, we will not ask you to immediately shy away from Yike's competition. We can have reasonable competition with each other, which is actually a good thing. "

Chen Fuyang felt that the style of doing things was not annoying.

But... there is still a loophole in hypocrisy in this statement. It is necessary to ambush Qualcomm stock in advance to make profits. This is blatant insider trading.

Chen Fuyang took a sip of red wine and looked at the guests. An unreasonable emotion arose spontaneously: "Well, long-term and reasonable interests, well, legal and compliant interests."

Kong Yu nodded: "Yes, people are born equal, but some people are more equal. We have enough professional protection to pursue more legal and compliant interests."

Chen Fuyang had nothing to say and took another sip of wine. Well, let's stop with the philosophical thoughts and reflections. Mr. Summers has already walked over.

He straightened his clothes a little, turned to Mr. Kong and said, "Mr. Kong, can you take a photo for me with Mr. Summers?"

"Well..." Kong Yu stayed for a second, "Of course it's no problem."

Chen Fuyang immediately stepped forward to make a small request to Mr. Summers, and then took a photo with him with a smile on his face.

Just as the dinner was going on, Yike Company gave its response to the court ruling. American Vice President Schroeder held a press conference and stated that he would appeal.

"Qualcomm is trying to get us to give in to their extortion demands through a variety of means, in many cases using purchased patents or patents that have nothing to do with their cellular technology to attack Yike and other industry players."

"Qualcomm's actions also seriously harm the interests of consumers and are stifling industry innovation."

"We have no choice but to fight by all means."

"Yike will continue to be committed to innovation and will continue to fight for the right things." (End of Chapter)

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