Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1460 Anxiety (5k)

The Western world is sleepless. In addition to reporting on the unexpected new owner of the white house, Yike Company, which has attracted much attention before, also increased its presence and grabbed some space from the media at such a moment.

In comparison, although China was surprised that a name that it had never heard of appeared in the Aramco political arena, public opinion paid a lot of attention to Yike's performance, the stock market's counterattack, and the subsequent encirclement and suppression of short sellers. .

There is no doubt that the short-selling institutions that have always jumped out to badmouth Yike are going to suffer!

Nasdaq's after-hours trading has proven this!

The Hong Kong stock price, which also reflects the value of Yike, also proves this!

The live announcement of the head of Yike was at 7:30 in the morning. Hong Kong stocks have been rising since the pre-market at 9 o'clock. As of 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Yike's stock price soared by 26.4%, and the market value in US dollars is infinitely close to 270 billion US dollars!

This price is already higher than the range where short sellers mobilized on a large scale in public opinion, and it quickly attracted more enthusiasm from investors.

If the U.S. stock market opens like this at 9:30 p.m., Yike's stock price will inevitably rebound in a phased manner.

At the same time, even in the early hours of the morning, whether on Twitter, Facebook or the emerging TikTok, retail investors' short-selling comments have gradually gathered.

In the past half year, short-selling institutions have appeared on the stage in large numbers, desperately exaggerating the collapse of Yike, reporting every change in Yike’s short positions, and focusing on Yike’s unprecedented record of being shorted... All of this makes Retail investors noticed a fact.

Many short-selling institutions are entrenched in Yike stock!

It’s okay if Yike is unknown, it’s okay if Yike doesn’t have any good news, it’s okay if Yike doesn’t have major good news, it’s fine if Yike doesn’t have a successful history of short squeezes...

But Yike has it all!

Yike is in trouble. It’s okay that he couldn’t defeat him before. It’s okay that he had no benefits before. Why don’t you take advantage of the institution’s weakness to help out now?

Many people even dug out the commemorative T-shirts they bought during the Yike short squeeze a few years ago, posted pictures, texts or videos, and shared the slogans on them.

- Greed is a sin.

——Don’t short Yike.

These are Mr. Fang’s quotes from that year.

And, there is an extremely important one: the king of retail investors!

Someone on Twitter sent out a commemorative T-shirt and @Fangzong, hoping that the head of Yike will once again call on retail investors and lead everyone to charge against short sellers again.

However, Mr. Fang made no move and seemed to have no such plan at all.

From late night to early morning, from early morning to dawn, the waiting retail investors watched the time tick by, and finally couldn't restrain their desire to take action, so they began to post photos and make up comments.

No matter, the short side is ahead, and the interests are ahead. You, Mr. Fang, don’t want to be the king of retail investors today!

Soon, the slogan that had been used once again became popular again.

——Everyone is the king of retail investors!

Among all social media platforms, the emerging TikTok is the most popular. This is partly due to the early adopters of short-selling pioneer Russell and short-selling master Chanos.

However, they are now in no mood to pay attention to the latest ridicule of retail investors, and they only want to prevent Yike's good news and opening.

The short sellers stayed up all night and worked hard. The people in China who witnessed the return of Yike, the surge in Hong Kong stocks, and the rise in concept stocks were completely excited.

Li Guoqing is now a celebrity who sells goods through live broadcasts. After all, he makes a living in the e-commerce business of the Douyin platform in which Yike has a stake. However, he is not ashamed of his seniority and current situation at all. Instead, he has been advocating for a new situation in e-commerce. 's arrival

He has reduced his talk about Yike and Mr. Fang in the past few months, because the situation does not look good. If he talks about it in a big way, there will be traffic, but he may not know when he will violate the taboo.

Hey, after all, we want to make a living.

However, if Yi Ke breaks through like this and wants to fight back against the short sellers, he must jump out immediately.

"Come on, come on, we are not selling any more goods. Today we are not selling any goods. I will read the news for you."

In his live broadcast room, Li Guoqing even made a banner for the ice core factory that Mr. Fang revealed in the morning, which read "Warmly celebrate the resumption of work of Ice Core Fab1-6."

"This is CCTV's report, not my boast."

"——This marks that Yike and Bingxin have achieved a major victory in breaking through Aramco's restrictions. Their independent innovation and enterprising spirit have set a confident benchmark for China's science and technology to be self-reliant and self-reliant!"

"——Yike has once again demonstrated its outstanding status as a global technology pioneer. The core values ​​of 'maintaining progress and technology for good' that it has adhered to for many years have once again been brilliantly verified. Its efforts and courage have inspired the Chinese people and won the world's The admiration and appreciation of the world!”

Li Guoqing seriously read two paragraphs of comments that appeared on the news this morning, smiled at the camera and said: "I don't know if you admire me or not. The short sellers must admire me a lot. This time, hey, they have to fall into disgrace again." !”

"I, Lao Li, are not afraid of your jokes. I am also an afterthought. A few days ago, I was still muttering in my heart that Yike is really going to have a hard time this time. The Q3 financial report must be ugly, and there is no mobile phone production capacity. How can I survive this day?"

"But what do the facts prove?"

Li Guoqing sighed: "Don't have murderous intentions towards Yike!"

"The murderous intention is broken now!"

"Those short sellers, short selling masters, Jordan, this and that, are the people that Yike killed twice before inferior to them? Not inferior at all!"

"I can only say that Yike's strength is stronger than everyone thinks. Its past large-scale R\u0026D and preparations in the industrial chain are beyond everyone's imagination!"

Li Guoqing hesitated a little when he said this. After thinking for a few seconds, he said in surprise: "Even Yike may have anticipated the BIS's targeting and has a plan internally."

"This is my guess, I don't know, and I don't know if it is true now."

"But even if there is a plan, now recalling Mr. Fang's decision, I don't know what others think, but I stand in his position, reject Washington's request, watch the stock price fall, suffer from short-selling siege, lose market and production capacity..."

Li Guoqing stopped here.

He spread his hands, and after a while he repeated what he had just said, and sighed: "I don't think Mr. Fang would have been too sure. If he had, Bingxin would not have stopped production and stopped working immediately. If he had, Yike would not have failed to sell the products, but he still did it."

"I saw someone say that I, Lao Li, was bragging about him."

"Hey, how did I, Lao Li, brag?"

"I just said what he did."

"When I first met Mr. Fang, I thought he was good. Later, we had competition, and I thought I, Lao Li, was also good. Later, I found that there was a big gap between me and Mr. Fang. Now..."

Li Guoqing shook his head: "Maybe this is the difference between an enterprise and a great enterprise, and this is the difference between me, Lao Li, and the president of Shiyi."

Li Guoqing in the live broadcast screen opened his arms, and his hands were already outside the picture.

The staff next to him saw that Mr. Qingzi had almost finished speaking, and asked: "Mr. Li, shall we start?"

Li Guoqing waved his hand: "No more selling! No more selling today!"

"Ah?" The staff was surprised.

"The goods can be sold at any time, but I don't know when the next time I will be short-selling!" Li Guoqing said, "I want to watch the opening of Yike's US stocks to see how they are encircled and counter-encircled."

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon in Huaxia, and there were only three and a half hours left before the opening of Nasdaq, and its pre-market trading had already begun, and Yike's stock price was being pulled up.

It seems that the shorts are about to encounter a bloodbath.

Li Guoqing turned off the broadcast, got some food and wine, and watched the pre-market trading of Nasdaq while browsing relevant news in the United States.

Although Yike released good news strongly, it also encountered the strongest short-selling siege in history, and I am afraid there will be some games.

Sure enough, just after the wine was opened and the dishes had not even arrived, Li Guoqing saw the online reports of Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal.

The two well-known media quoted sources as saying that Washington was negotiating with Europe to ban Yike's products, and that BIS was communicating with Google to ask Google to stop providing technical support and related cooperation to Yike.

Li Guoqing looked at the news and calculated the time. It was not yet working hours in the United States and Europe. What kind of negotiation was this? Would they communicate urgently for Yike?

On the Google side, BIS might really be able to help.

He felt that both pieces of news might not be reliable, but this was undoubtedly a major expectation that could offset the positive news for Yike.

Whether it was fake news or not, the European market might not be negotiated today, and the Google cooperation might not be negotiated, but what about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even next week?

Once Yike loses the European market after losing the US market, how should its stock price be evaluated?

Li Guoqing felt a little solemn, and then he saw more media reprinting similar news.

Even if it was fake, would Europe or Google come out to refute the rumor?

While he was thinking closely, a new piece of news was released from SMIC.

——SMIC's board of directors approved the plan for the private placement, and would introduce Bingxin as a major shareholder.

Bingxin became SMIC's major shareholder?

SMIC, which had just announced that it would use 10nm to manufacture for Yike, made Bingxin a major shareholder?

The two companies might as well merge!

Li Guoqing was not the only one who thought so. Many people who closely followed the developments of the Yike Group had similar ideas, including Xiong Xiaoge. When he first saw the news of SMIC's 10nm process breakthrough, he knew that it must be the team from Bingxin that was leading the research and development.

And after seeing the new fixed increase news, he also understood the intention of doing so. The two companies have reached this point and can go further at any time, but Mr. Fang still left room to deal with Washington.

The new owner of the White House has been decided. The fate of SMIC and Bingxin will depend on whether the situation will ease or tense in the future, and on the next move of the BIS.

As for now, this fixed increase plan that was thrown out is just a game with short sellers.

Xiong Xiaoge also noticed that first there was major negative news from Bloomberg and other media, and then there were the actions of SMIC and Bingxin.

In this way, the long-short game before the opening of the Nasdaq, the rise of Yike's stock before the market temporarily eased, neither falling back nor rising again, but just fluctuating slightly, showing the market's wait-and-see attitude.

The news from the European market is still too important.

If the shorts cannot be defeated quickly, and if the announcement is delayed until Q3, the market sentiment may be different.

Xiong Xiaoge calculated the game between the two sides, resisted the urge to call Mr. Fang, and waited for the anxious changes.

At seven o'clock in the evening, two and a half hours before the opening of Nasdaq, a major good news appeared again.

——DuPont, a well-known American manufacturer, announced that it had obtained a temporary license to trade with Bingxin and would resume the supply of photoresist to Bingxin.

As soon as the news came out, except for a slight increase in Yike's stock price, many people who followed the game were surprised.


Yesterday, Bingxin announced that Xinyang's photoresist had made a breakthrough, and you got the license today?

You are too fast!

Also, Washington is too inconsistent!

This news cannot completely resist the fog of Europe and Google, but it really quickly shattered the hearts of Japanese photoresist manufacturers.

Tokyo Ohka and JSR Co., Ltd. are Bingxin's original photoresist suppliers. They were extremely disappointed yesterday. It's not that they didn't know that Bingxin would develop it themselves, nor that they were sure that Bingxin couldn't research it, but...

The industry generally judged this time to be 2-5 years.

If this expectation is followed, Bingxin's competitiveness will be greatly weakened, and Yike's situation will also be very difficult.

However, they just came up with it this year!

This will probably cause trouble later.

It is not just a matter of product competitiveness. This time, following the BIS restrictions shows a problem of supply chain stability...

One product is 95 points, and the other is 70 points. But we don't know when the former will be out of supply, so we must use the latter to optimize it desperately...

As for the stability of the supply chain, we only need to look at the suspension of production and work of Bingxin this time to know the serious consequences.

Although Tokyo Ohka and JSR Corporation did not short Yike, they also have a stake in it.

On the first day, I was already in a complicated mood when I saw the breakthrough of photoresist and the resumption of work of Bingxin. On the second day, I saw that SMIC introduced Bingxin as a shareholder, and I felt that the industry's voice in mainland China would be more concentrated, which would have an adverse impact on us...

When I suddenly saw the news from DuPont...

I was stunned!

This is totally unreasonable!

Our Japanese company is pulling out the ladder in front, and your American company got the license at this time?

Isn't DuPont handing a knife to Yike?

The life of the short is also life!

The two Japanese companies immediately called Bingxin, and Shinji Ishino, the vice president of Tokyo Yinghua, even called Mr. Fang and said that he had already mediated with Washington, hoping to get a temporary license to trade with Bingxin.

However, all he heard was Mr. Fang's refusal.

"Mr. Fang, our company is also helpless. Washington has exerted strong pressure, and Tokyo Yinghua can only stop trading with Bingxin."

"We tried to apply for a temporary license before, but we couldn't get it."

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, Tokyo Yinghua was desperate to send the goods before the license took effect!"

Tokyo Yinghua did send the goods overnight before the supply was cut off.

"Have we paid?" Fang Zhuo asked back after hearing this, and then continued, "Bingxin should have thanked you for the shipment. If they didn't thank me, I will call and reprimand them later."

"Bingxin's cooperation with Tokyo Yinghua has ended. The money and goods are cleared. As for the new supplier, Bingxin must learn from experience and lessons and focus on stability. Therefore, Tokyo Yinghua is not within our consideration."

"Also, you shouldn't call me, you should go to Washington."

When Ishino Shinji heard what Mr. Fang said, he said anxiously: "Mr. Fang, there is a misunderstanding between us. We have already had someone fly to Washington. I will fly to Shanghai in the early morning. I am willing to apologize to you in person and explain the misunderstanding."

"No, that's it." Fang Zhuo planned to end the call.

At this time, Shinji Ishino raised his voice and asked in confusion: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang! DuPont is fine! They haven't sent you any goods before!"

"Shinji Ishino, I really have nothing to say to the traitors." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "DuPont is at least better than you. They can get a license."

Shinji Ishino was speechless when he heard the dead tone on the phone, and lost some confidence in his colleague's success in flying to Washington.

He held the phone and sighed to the sky: "No, no..."

At least, we are not traitors, we are real devils...

Fang Zhuo ended the call with the Japanese supplier and did not think about the relationship between the two sides. In fact, they might really find it difficult to get a license with Bingxin.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build, not to mention that DuPont is also obstructing it.

This time, DuPont is still very sincere. It has fulfilled its previous promise and contributed a positive force.

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment, then looked at the news on Wall Street and found that fake financial reports had appeared in the news now.

He couldn't help but laugh: "The fake financial report is out, is the version updated so quickly?"

Liu Zonghong has been sorting out relevant news, from BIS to Europe to Google to Nasdaq to fake financial reports... It can be regarded as a witness to the special attributes of news media.

Many media are reporting these unconfirmed or obviously false contents.

"TikTok is still easy to use." Liu Zonghong said.

As a short video company founded in the United States, TikTok has a very objective position in information dissemination, which is gratifying.

Fang Zhuo flipped through various information and asked again: "What does Austin say?"

Austin is a close friend in Washington.

Liu Zonghong replied: "Austin has not responded yet, but he talked to Mr. Kong yesterday and believed that legal interests should be guaranteed."

He continued: "Mr. Kong called half an hour ago and said that he had contacted clients of Nasdaq and Capitol Hill and hoped to be treated fairly."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly. MIGA Fund, no, it should be said that MIGA Fund has many clients. One of the advantages that has always been most favored by clients is that it can make profits legally.

And all clients need to do is to safeguard everyone's right to make money legally when necessary.

If you can't even make money legally, do you have to force others to make money illegally?

"Open the market. As long as it opens smoothly, everything will be settled." Fang Zhuo put down the information files he sorted out and sighed, "Don't laugh at me sleeping drunk on the battlefield. How many people have returned from the ancient battles?"

Liu Zonghong glanced at the time. It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and there was only one and a half hours left before the final trial.

He was about to pour a cup of tea for his boss when he saw another message from Mr. Kong on his mobile phone, saying that he had had good communication with the French side.

Liu Zonghong immediately forwarded the latest news.

Fang Zhuo only said "hmm" and didn't say much.

The legal and profitable MIGA series funds are sold all over the world, and the French will also buy financial products.

Perhaps, the short sellers also have customers in certain positions, but... what are your customers and what are my customers?

Liu Zonghong stood up to pour tea for the boss, glanced at the chaotic news that was still refreshing, and suddenly felt a headache. Don't struggle, at most you will be a hero again in 18 years, and then you can short Yike again.

Even if we win a small victory this time, you are willing to accept the bet and die.

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