Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1461 Opening (6k)

"Gotcha, I see ya."



The calm voice turned ferocious!

Griffin woke up suddenly, as if he was being strangled by the neck, breathing heavily.

Immediately, he realized that he had just fallen asleep on the private plane flying to New York, and he had just heard Mr. Fang's voice in his dream.

Griffin rubbed his face and looked at the brightened sky, feeling heavy again.

All the efforts that should be made in Washington have been made, and all the media that can be pushed have also pushed it. Those who are still alive in the same camp have found people to contact them to make efforts.

The problem is that the irrational revenge rebound that Yike can create seems to be suppressed by more than just games!

From yesterday to today, from yesterday's after-hours to today's pre-market, first 14.5%, then 6.3%, this special girl's stock price has increased by 21.7%!

Yike hasn't officially opened yet, and its stock price has already pushed some highly leveraged institutions to their knees.

Once the market opens...

Griffin was anxious.

While some friends have promised to quickly put pressure on Europe, Washington appears to be turning into chaos as the election results come in.

This time, in addition to the company's short selling, he also invested private funds. Although he had been quite aggressive in building momentum before, fortunately, the leverage was not high and he could continue to wait.

The question is whether you can wait until you get the situation you want.

Irrational market sentiment is the most troublesome because you don’t know what kind of monster will be pieced together.


Griffin got off the plane, got into the car, and thought about the possibility of another direction.

The short squeeze by retail investors cannot last forever. This group will not truly be united. In addition to the fact that Yike does have major good news, their hatred of institutions is also an internal driving force.

But this short squeeze is different from the previous two times. The first two times Yike cleverly created a procedural run, but this time it is a real benefit and an expectation of strong business.

Once the stock price rises, retail investors will gradually disperse in the face of high profits and settle at different psychological prices. If short-selling institutions are widely publicized to liquidate their positions at this time, the hatred driven by the inner drive of retail investors will probably It will also dissipate a lot.

As long as it lasts until the 15th, as long as it lasts less than a week, Yike's Q3 financial report will inevitably be released. If it can further drive the European market to ban Yike, the situation will be turned upside down.

At 7:30 in the morning, Griffin arrived at the EDITION Hotel and met short-selling master Chanos waiting here.

Chanos' eyes were bloodshot and his expression was numb. When he saw the head of Castle Investment, he asked: "Can Yike still open the market? How is Washington?"

Just as Griffin was about to speak, he saw two people he was waiting for hurriedly walked in at the door of the hotel. He quickly ran over to ask about the situation.

"Jeffrey, Jeffrey, how are you? How's it going?" Griffin asked Nasdaq director Jeffrey.

Jeffrey walked hurriedly and answered in a muffled voice: "I'm going to have a small meeting, um, a meeting."

Griffin was not satisfied with this answer, grabbed Jeffrey's arm, and said forcefully: "Jeffrey, do you know what the situation is now!"

Jeffrey frowned, glanced at the colleague next to him, motioned for her to go up first, and then moved to the side with Griffin, explaining the current situation seriously: "Griffin, I know what the situation is. In fact, I I know better than you what the situation is, but Yike has submitted the detailed information disclosure of this incident, and there is no problem with their procedures!”

Griffin grabbed the Nasdaq director's arm and stared into his eyes: "You have to know what the situation is now!!"

"We need to discuss the treatment of Yike's stock now." Jeffrey took a breath and said with difficulty, "However, it is a bit difficult. Some people disagreed during the conference call."

Griffin roared in a low voice: "You can ask Yike about the purchase of Ice Core International!!"

The ice core is now on BIS's selective list.

"Influence, influence, pay attention to what kind of influence!" Jeffrey also said a little excitedly, "Do you think I can decide this alone!"

Griffin calmed down a little and stared into Jeffrey's eyes: "Do your best!!"

Jeffrey pursed his lips tightly, broke away from the rich man's hand on his arm, and hurried to the elevator.

Griffin slowly walked back to the sofa until he saw this important client's figure being obscured by the elevator door. Then, he saw Chanos's bloodshot and expectant eyes.

"How was it?" Chanos asked.

"Wait for the news." Griffin sat down and took out his mobile phone. "I'll call my friend again."

He made another call to Castle Investment's congressional clients, emphasizing the unusual nature of this incident, and asked them to put pressure on Nasdaq executives who were meeting.

Chanos did not ask about the situation again this time. He just rubbed his face and murmured: "I feel like I am not suitable for short selling anymore."

Griffin was considering whether to make another call. When he heard this loss of faith, he turned around and saw the short-selling master of Enron, who had profited from the 2008 financial crisis. He had been famous on Wall Street for more than 20 years. With his hair dazed.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a soft tone, "Hey, Chanos, didn't you use ETF funds to hedge the risk of fluctuations in the overall investment portfolio?"

"The negatives of Yike are very obvious." Griffin covered his face with his hands and emphasized, "It lost the market, has no production capacity, and its financial report is ugly. Its negatives are very obvious! We are more aggressive this time..."

Griffin had to comment: "Then you may have made some unprofessional decisions. We must control our risks at all times."

He quickly made a plan in his mind and advised: "I'm afraid it's really not going to work this time. Yike can't stop it."

Chanos looked up blankly: "Is the news confirmed?"

Griffin was about to give a conclusion when he saw Vice President Ferry, who was sitting on the sofa on the other side, rushing over.

"Kong Yu of MIGA Fund accepted a telephone interview with the New York Times and believed that we would suffer great losses if we shorted Yike. He attacked us for using 7 times leverage, which would cause huge losses to investors. He said he was already shorting our stock!"

"Our stock price has fallen 3.7% in pre-market trading!"

Just as Ferry finished this sentence, another call came in.

He responded briefly and reported another new message: "The company has received many calls from customers asking about the relevant situation, and some people have requested that redemptions this month be opened quickly..."

Griffin stood up. Yike is targeting him in turn? Are they going to short Castle's stock?

Just as he was about to sort out his thoughts, his phone rang. It was from Masayoshi Son of SoftBank.

"Hi, Griffin, our transaction needs to be suspended." Son got straight to the point. "Saudi Arabia has questioned your operational capabilities. Vision Fund needs to re-evaluate relevant decisions."

Vision Fund is a $100 billion fund jointly established by Son, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates this year, of which Saudi Arabia has contributed $45 billion.

This fund shocked the industry as soon as it was established, and many people were watching its use. Castle Investment Group is one of them.

However, in addition to buying companies that SoftBank has invested in, Son is more cautious in using it externally, because $42.3 billion of Saudi Arabia's $45 billion investment is loan financing, with a term of 12 years and an interest rate of up to 7%.

How to use this money and how to use it well is a question that Son has been thinking about.

Basically, the world's most powerful funds have had initial contact and cooperation, such as Citadel Investments and MIGA Fund, and Citadel Investments is also a target for acquisition.

"Mr. Sun, the operation of Citadel Investments is actually questioned?" Griffin couldn't help but get a little excited, "Citadel Investments is the best multi-strategy hedge fund in the world! I don't think Vision Fund should make such a decision!"

Son Zhengyi said regretfully: "Griffin, this is not a consultation, it is a notice from Vision Fund."

Griffin: "..."

"In addition, Bridgewater or MIGA, they may also be included in the discussion of the world's best funds." Son Zhengyi said, "I hope there is still a chance for cooperation."

The phone was hung up.

Griffin's thoughts surged, MIGA Fund wanted to short Citadel Investments' stocks, Softbank terminated cooperation, and users were considering redeeming funds...

There is no doubt that the root cause is that Citadel Investments participated in this massive shorting of Yike.

Chanos looked at Griffin, who was relatively calm just now, and his face was already livid.

He couldn't help but remind them: "Calm down the emotions of customers and avoid continuous doubts and negative news!"

Castle Investments must use leverage. If it encounters extreme situations, such as major losses, customer redemptions, and public opinion attacks, even if it is a multi-strategy hedge risk, the follow-up will be very troublesome.

Griffin came back to his senses from his shock, slowly sat on the sofa, and whispered: "We really can't let Yike rush up like this."

He was almost certain that the news of Softbank's termination of cooperation with Castle would soon appear in the market, and he would probably face more customer doubts at that time. Unfortunately, once Yike opened, Castle would definitely suffer losses this time.

Chanos asked the question that had not been answered before: "Is the news about Yike confirmed?"

His Knicks United Fund was already adding margin.

Griffin did not give an answer this time, and his voice was no longer gentle. Instead, he said viciously: "Wait, just wait for this final decision."

The head of the castle was waiting, the "short master" Chanos was waiting, the former "hedge fund No. 1" Paulson was waiting, and many short sellers who had contacted each other were waiting...

But there were also short-selling institutions that had already thrown in the towel and joined the ranks of pushing up the pre-market share price of Yike.

At 8:20, Griffin and Chanos, who had no intention of even going to the suite, received the latest news from the meeting upstairs.

Even with strong opposition from Jeffrey and other senior executives, Nasdaq CEO Robert decided not to ask Yike to temporarily suspend trading, and it would still open normally.

This means that Yike will usher in a retaliatory rise in its stock price.

Chanos's face was ashen.

Griffin's eyes flickered.

The situation still has a chance to be saved. As long as the false news comes true, Yike's stock price will be dampened.

At 8:50, BIS sent the latest news, saying that it would consult with European friends on the scope of restrictions and strongly recommend a security review of Yike's business, but this would take time.

"We are out of time!" Griffin emphasized during the call, "Can you release some substantive and important news first?"

"Substantial breaking news also takes time." The voice on the other end of the phone said, "Oliver from the European Commission may be able to help first."

Griffin said decisively: "Contact him, contact him, no matter what the cost, contact him first!"

call ended.

Griffin felt his heart beating faster and faster, as if there was really not enough time.

At 9:05, Yike once again released news that it is negotiating IC design matters with Yike Optoelectronics and discussing the joint design of a new mid-to-high-end chip series to help the latter occupy more global markets.

This is seen as a bigger challenge to Qualcomm.

Moreover, when the core has 10nm process technology and the ice core breaks through the 16nm production capacity problem, the advantages of Yike's industrial synergy will be further released.

There is no doubt that this is good news.

At 9:20, Griffin could no longer hold back and called BIS again, seeking more help.

However, with only ten minutes left before the Nasdaq opens, help seems to be completely unable to stop Yike's short squeeze.

At nine twenty-five, Griffin hurried out of the hotel and made his final decision.

At nine-thirty, just when everyone was expecting the Nasdaq to open, the stock market failed to open at the normal time and was directly paralyzed.

This particular situation quickly caused shock.

At 9:33, just as the Nasdaq exchange was troubleshooting the problem, Oliver, a "Neighborhood and Enlargement Commissioner" of the European Commission, was interviewed by the media and believed that Europe should become a market that prohibits Yike from entering after the United States. .

Five minutes later, Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, started his second live broadcast in this period with the opening words "Someone is crazy", and this time it was live broadcast on YouTube and Douyin.

"Let me read the reply given to me by Mr. Robert, CEO of Nasdaq."

"He said the problem may lie in a data transmission line responsible for transmitting market data for listed companies."

"That is, if I understand correctly, there is a problem with a physical data transmission line, which then directly caused Nasdaq to shut down."

Fang Zhuo, who was under the live broadcast, finished reading the message on his mobile phone, looked at the camera, smiled and repeated what he said when the broadcast started: "Someone is crazy, really crazy."

He picked up the tablet handed over by his secretary and continued: "It's still unclear how long the shutdown will last. The exchange is actively investigating and solving the problem. Let's take a look. The last large-scale shutdown was in 2013. That time The technical glitch lasted three hours, the last time it happened was in 1987 when a small squirrel caused a widespread power outage in Trumbull, Connecticut, where the exchange's main server center is located."

"Now let's see how long this shutdown lasts."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the time on his wrist: "It's 9:42 now. I hope to recover as soon as possible. I believe many people can't wait. However, I just have time today, so I will respond to some false news."

"There is a widely circulated financial report in the market, and it is produced like, well, Fake News."

Fang Zhuo showed the fake financial report of Yike reported by the media for the live broadcast, clarifying a negative news.

He took out his mobile phone again and showed the chat with Larry, the head of Google.

"There is no formal communication between Google and BIS. Larry doesn't think there is any problem with the cooperation between GMS and Yike. Therefore, Google has various reports. In fact, I am also using YouTube's live broadcast function now. Well, Fake News.”

"Just now I saw an irresponsible call from a European side for a 'Neighborhood and Enlargement Commissioner', well I never understood that such a position should speak for Yiko, it is neither professional nor Very sinister."

"If we need to talk about policies related to Yike, we should ask more specific relevant departments in Germany and France. As far as I know, we have not received any inquiries or warnings in this regard."

"Alternatively, I should make a call now to get an update."

Fang Zhuo stared at the live broadcast camera and said this.

In addition to the influx of retail investors, the media, and the general public, the hearts of the short sellers who came to hear the news because of the Nasdaq trading failure and their expectations were jumpy.

Especially for Griffin, his Nasdaq clients were unable to grant Yike a temporary trading suspension procedurally. However, he could inform some key physical equipment of the exchange and create a de facto trading suspension. In this way, he could barely win some Time to keep the pressure on friends.

Is it crazy to cause all Nasdaq stocks to stagnate?

Maybe, but I don’t care about that much now.

"It's impossible for him, it's impossible for Fang Zhuo to get a guarantee." Griffin looked at the Oriental on the phone, not believing that he could get overwhelming news at such a moment.

Chanos was silent, he was completely numb. If the judgment was useful, Yike had "impossible" before, but it just broke this.

What will happen to the current "impossible"?

Fang Zhuo on the screen began to look for the number.

Griffin suddenly had a sense of truth. Was this the expression he had when he was looking for Fang Zhuo's number on the show?

He took a long breath and suddenly said: "Fang Zhuo's live broadcast guidance is wrong. It incites market sentiment and should be punished!"

"Yes, if you die, you will die. Why bother killing him again." Chanos looked at Fang Zhuo, who had already started to make a call, as calm as if he was already dead.

Fang Zhuo's call went through, and he greeted the other end.

Soon, the identity of the person opposite was revealed in the live comments. It was Gabriel, who is responsible for the federal economy and energy in Germany.

"Germany certainly welcomes Yike's business and investment. This will not change due to external pressure. Any reasonable and legal business behavior should be protected, whether it is Yike or other companies, it is the same."

"This is the key to ensuring our market competitiveness."

Griffin listened to the voice coming from the screen and let out a sigh of relief. It was gone. It was meaningless. Friends in Washington were meaningless, and the pressure from BIS was meaningless.

This physical suspension is meaningless now.

Fangzhuo on the screen thanked Gabriel for his confirmation and called France again. What he got was Sapin, who had just taken over the post from Macron in August and was in charge of the economy. The former had become an independent candidate.

"Yiko is a world-renowned mobile phone brand. We have always had good cooperation. Everyone should believe that the French free market respects brands like Yiko."

"Yike has been operating in France for more than ten years, has 3,200 employees, and has cooperative relationships with more than a dozen French universities and research institutions, which are worth cherishing."

"We hope to have more pragmatic cooperation with Yike and more international brands. We believe in this and the opportunities brought by multilateralism."

Sapan talked eloquently, knowing that the live broadcast scene here seemed to be giving a public speech.

He talked about cooperation, investment, free market, and France in Europe. He talked about it for half an hour.

Fang Zhuo thanked this person for his speech and made no further contact.

He pointed to the watch on his wrist: "Thankfully, the exchange quickly found the problem and is close to solving it, so..."

Fang Zhuo shrugged, restraining his urge to incite.

At 10:52, one hour and 22 minutes after the Nasdaq was physically shut down, it had a difficult opening.

As soon as the market opened, Yike's stock price surged after a series of negative news was deemed fake. It rose by 12% in just half an hour, and its market value approached US$290 billion.

At this time, Griffin finally waited for a call from his BIS friend.

"Sorry, Griffin, we can't reach an agreement internally. I'm already trying my best to fight for it. At this time, it's very difficult to push. Maybe, we can wait until next year."

Griffin looked at Castle Investment's stock price, which had plummeted 11%, and remained silent. Next year? If you can't handle Yike this year, why do you want to handle it next year?

He hung up the phone without saying a word.

Chanos, who had been together before, rushed out of the hotel the moment the Nasdaq opened, not knowing whether to go for a margin call or to climb the rooftop.

Griffin sat blankly in the hotel lobby, watching people in suits and leather shoes coming in and out, thinking of the mysterious man's warning not to short Yike...

He sighed and slowly covered his face.

The physical suspension cannot limit the benefits of Yike. The stock price rose rapidly as soon as the market opened. The irrational short squeeze was the same. The Knicks United Fund was forced to liquidate its position. Greenlight Capital announced that it would admit defeat. Castle Investment issued a statement admitting the short-selling failure, but advised investment Don't rush people...

There was fresh blood splatter in Times Square, but it was quickly cleaned up.

Fang Zhuo, who turned off the live broadcast, received a call.

"Yike's stock price will fall back! As long as you release the Q3 financial report!"

"Are you posting? Are you posting? Do you dare to post!!"

“Where is Yike’s Q3 financial report? Let me ask you, where is the Q3 financial report!!”

The phone roared.

Fang Zhuo didn't know who called, but he guessed that it was probably the short seller who was in such a mood at this time, so he could only answer frankly: "Wait a little longer, it will be the worst quarterly financial report in Yike's history. "

There was a burst of sneers and sad smiles on the other end of the phone, the worst financial report that was too late.

After a while.


Fang Zhuo hung up the phone regretfully. He still didn't know who was on the other side. The voice sounded familiar. Maybe he had registered at Hang Lung 23 before.

It's a pity that although Hang Lung 23 can register, it can't cure the disease, so just love someone.

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