Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 224 016 Return to China next week (two in one)

Just when something unexpected happened during Yi Ke's trip to New York, someone in China suddenly discovered that Fang Zhuo was missing.

The first was Zhou Zisen from Dachen Venture Capital. He called Fang Zhuo and found out that his phone was shut down. When he asked the office of Registration Network, he said he didn’t know the itinerary.

Then, Zhou Zisen knew that Wang Fengyi and Fang Zhuo had a close relationship and called him, wondering whether the man named Fang had absconded with the money.

Wang Fengyi naturally knew the situation. Fang Zhuofei went to the United States to expand the market. What kind of papers should he write...

But when he called, his phone was also turned off. When he asked Yi Ke again, he learned that Fang Zhuo had flown to New York and had no contact for the time being. When he thought about Zhou Zisen's words, he was a little frightened. No, no, he couldn't really run away. Bar?

Not even a day passed. Team leader Zheng Danrui, who had returned from investigating the informatization construction in Jiangsu Province, also heard the news. He immediately felt a thump in his heart. Where is President Fang? What about the older CEO Fang?

Ran away? !

This was his first subconscious thought.

Zheng Danrui's second thought was - this man can do such a thing!

He personally called and verified the fact that Fang Zhuo could not be contacted. His mood became increasingly heavy. Is this guy really taking the money and running away to the United States? There is no extradition agreement signed with the country there.

Zheng Danrui contacted Wang Fengyi and instructed the latter to clarify the situation and check the account status of the registration network.

When Wang Fengyi received this kind of feedback, he was even more excited. Not only did he register for the website, but he also invested in Yike. Brother Fang wouldn't leave just because he was cheating, right?

He slightly expressed his intention to take a look at the accounts to, but was immediately rejected by Executive Vice President Zhou Xin.

The siege by venture capital investors a while ago is still fresh in people's minds. Although this Shenxin has signed a "person acting in concert agreement", there is no guarantee that he will defect. Who knows if he will take advantage of the boss's flight abroad to take advantage of it? Come in.

Wang Fengyi was anxious about the rejection from the registration website. On the one hand, he asked Yike to quickly contact Fang Zhuo, and on the other hand, he called Xiong Xiaoge of IDG to inquire about the situation. If the situation was not close, he would not be willing to contact this colleague.

IDG's Xiong Xiaoge also didn't believe in Fang Zhuo's business ethics, so he directly contacted Pan Ben, who was arranged by his side. As a result... the communication was smooth, but Fang Zhuo's mobile phone number did not have foreign communication services, and he lost contact including the time of the transoceanic flight. Just three or four days.

After such a false alarm, Fang Zhuo's whereabouts were confirmed, and he was honestly thinking about how to open the market with his products in New York.

On the night when Fang Zhuo's M1 was not favored by IDG Senior Vice President Smith, he heard Pan Ben's story and called Zheng Danrui from his new number in a state of laughter.

"I'm in New York, Brother Zheng, don't we even have this little trust between us?" Fang Zhuo said with complaint.

Zheng Danrui is more thoughtful. The other party usually calls "Team Leader Zheng, Team Leader Zheng", but as soon as he flies outside, he turns into "Brother Zheng". What does this mean? Represents a new state of mind and life?

He did not relax his vigilance in his heart, and said calmly: "No, I am considering asking the registration network to issue a results report at the end of the year, so I am asking you."

Zheng Danrui asked again: "What? What happened to you when the words were passed around?"

Fang Zhuo was stupefied. There might indeed be a problem with the communication in the middle. He thought for a while: "Okay, no problem. Don't look at the registration website not making money. There is quite a lot of data. Some issues are worth studying. I'll ask the company to write a copy first." A valuable report.”

Zheng Danrui said "hmm" and asked casually: "When will you return to China?"

Fang Zhuo originally thought about returning to China for a while, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was necessary to see the situation of P1 with his own eyes to prevent this important matter from going wrong, so he replied: "Go back to China next week."

Zheng Danrui breathed a sigh of relief, it would be nice to have a clear time.

He expressed a small honor in a natural tone: "Okay, give me a call when you return to China. This year, I can let the registration website review an advanced unit in Shanghai."

"Okay." Fang Zhuo agreed happily, which is a good thing.

The communication between the two parties was completed, but one party still felt a little uneasy. If the worst happened, a medical pre-diagnosis website like that covered a considerable market would cause a big stain on his personal performance.

Fang Zhuo, on the other hand, didn't take this seriously at all. He was preoccupied with thinking about how to put M1 into Wal-Mart.

IDG's global senior vice president Smith is a good friend of Xiong Xiaoge - Fang Zhuo now doubts the gold content of this rhetoric. His complacent investment vision makes Fang Zhuo's situation a bit embarrassing.

This America, this New York, was a place I was unfamiliar with. I called the contact information Smith gave me twice with my phone. As a result, the other party answered once and refused to answer the call.

Fang Zhuo didn't dare to make an enthusiastic move like going to the door to block people, for fear of causing another situation. After all, the gun control here is very loose. If there is a misunderstanding, he will be so excited that his business will collapse before he is halfway. It's so frustrating.

"Come on, come on, let's put our heads together and see how we can take down Wal-Mart."

Fang Zhuo couldn't figure out the result by himself, so he called his companions and tried to listen to more suggestions.

"Mr. Fang, I heard that Smith doesn't like MP3 players, so why doesn't Wal-Mart's Lawson?" Yang Wan thought slowly, accustomed to hearing more clear information before thinking deeply.

“Without a central recommendation from a world-renowned venture capital executive, I guess in Lawson’s eyes, M1 is just an inexplicable thing made in the Internet desert. After all, the combined market value of the listed companies in our country cannot compare with Apple." Fang Zhuo considered the problem from the other party's perspective.

Yang Wan: "The Internet desert area... we are developing very fast now."

"It's difficult to change other people's perceptions in a short while." Fang Zhuo pondered, "Besides, we are still a small company, so we are probably regarded as a small workshop in the eyes of others."

An employee raised his hand and said, "Mr. Fang, we asked about a situation this morning."

Fang Zhuo motioned to continue.

"There is no entry fee for supermarket chains in the United States. It seems that it is not just Wal-Mart, but other supermarkets as well." The young employee turned over the small notebook in his hand, "I don't know if the number you asked is accurate. Wal-Mart only charges goods." 1.5% of the sales is used as commission, and the process is said to be very transparent, so can we directly go through the formal process to apply to become its supplier?"

Yang Wan also added: "After all, there is no hardware gap between our M1 and Ipod."

Fang Zhuo silently calculated in his mind that the price of 319, a 1.5% commission, is 4.785 US dollars, which is 40 yuan in Chinese currency, which is less than the commission allocated to front-line employees in the domestic market.

Guan Jin next to him spoke out the number. Everyone felt that it was really good to enter this super hypermarket. It not only had a large number of customers, but also had quite good profit margins.

"If Wal-Mart really charges this, it's really a good deed." After much thought, Fang Zhuo felt that the commission was a bit too low. He shook his head and said, "You guys will investigate and see if this is true. In addition, you can also apply for the formal process." , but its timing is difficult to match our goals.”

"What are we going to do now? We need to get the goods out before our competitors react. We apply through the normal process, and the day lilies are already cold."

Fang Zhuo frowned, wondering if he should call Xiong Xiaoge to come to New York. The effect of coming in person might prompt Smith to use his connections to recommend M1, but Xiong Xiaoge knew the importance of this trip, so why didn't he come?

The small team in the room discussed for a while, and a lot of new front-line information emerged, but it did not help solve Wal-Mart's entry problem.

After finishing dinner together, Fang Zhuo asked Yang Wan to take the employees out for a walk to broaden their horizons, while he took Guan Jin to study the current situation.

At eight o'clock in the evening, when Pan Ben came to visit, several names and many confusing lines had been written on the whiteboard in the room. To his surprise, his own name was still on it.

This is flattering. It turns out that he is also considered the number one person in Mr. Fang's heart.

"How's it going? Did Smith accept it? Where's Lawson?"

Pan Ben and Fang Zhuo split up after they left IDG. They first found out that Lawson's position at Wal-Mart was the director of the purchasing office and then visited him as an IDG employee. Then they tried to persuade Smith a second time in the evening.

This is the second method of persuasion...

"No, Smith saw me off after I revealed my intention, and Lawson didn't give me any room to speak." Pan Ben said with some frustration.

Fang Zhuo was not too surprised. He nodded and reached out to erase the name "Pan Ben" on the whiteboard.

Pan Ben:?

It turns out that I am still that small character who can be easily erased!

"The product is a good product, but it lacks a channel to enter the market." Fang Zhuo reached out and circled the word "channel" on the whiteboard. He rubbed his chin, "There is no need to be completely pessimistic. Super supermarkets like Wal-Mart If you can’t get in, online Amazon suppliers are already applying.”

"If we fail to achieve our goals offline, some results will be achieved online, but that means a further increase in publicity investment. Simply relying on Amazon's sales fermentation will not work."

This trip was because he took money from IDG in Huaxia District, so Fang Zhuo's words can now be regarded as notification of changes in the use of funds.

Pan Ben nodded silently and would report all these situations to Xiong Xiaoge.

The room was silent for a moment. Guan Jin stared at the words on the whiteboard in a daze, while Pan Ben wondered if there were any resources within IDG. He had interned here in the United States and later joined the China District. He didn't know many people here.

Fang Zhuo lit a cigarette and wandered around the room, thinking about anyone who could connect with him.

IDG's Xiong Xiaoge put it aside for now, extremely doubting that he and Smith have some kind of competitive relationship or that there is a subtle situation within IDG that cannot arise.

Domestic venture capital has invested in its own venture capital, and Sequoia is not aware of Yike's investment. Now the relationship is still a bit tense, and several other companies have maintained higher anger.

Shanghai Shenxin Science and Technology Innovation Co., Ltd. in Shanghai was established not long ago, and most of Wang Fengyi's influence was within the system.

The HKUST behind Zhou Xin? The Jiaotong University behind Xu Keden?

I don’t know if I can find a relationship after going around and around.

Fang Zhuo mentally reviewed the people he knew, and there seemed to be no suitable candidates. Each of them could extend a different network, but compared to New York at this time, they were all beyond their reach.

"Yang Wan said last time that there is a Chinatown locally. Guan Jin, please ask if there is a famous overseas Chinese chamber of commerce in New York."

Fang Zhuo thought about it repeatedly, stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, and simply erased the names and lines on the whiteboard, returning them to zero. You can ask everyone you know, but for the time being, he lowered his attitude, lowered it, lowered it again. Start directly with the familiar elements of this unfamiliar market.

"Okay, I'll call Brother Yang right now." Guan Jin responded quickly and asked, "Can they help?"

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "I don't know, give it a try, we are all compatriots."

"Let's see if we can find contact information tonight. If so, I'll visit the local gang tomorrow, ah no, the local chamber of commerce."

Guan Jin nodded.

"You call Yang Wan right now and collect the information." Fang Zhuo ordered, "Then go to bed early. There will probably be a lot to do tomorrow."

When Guan Jin went out, Fang Zhuo said to Pan Ben again: "Go and communicate with Lao Xiong again and tell him that if he can't exert his strength, the 4 million invested by IDG this time will be wasted again."

Why "again"?

Pan Ben complained in his heart. Not only did he agree, but he also saw Fang Zhuo's intention of driving people away, so he said goodbye and left knowingly.

Fang Zhuo thought to himself for a while before taking out his cell phone and calling Zheng Danrui for the second time today.

"Brother Zheng, do me a favor, do you know any influential overseas Chinese in New York or the United States?" Fang Zhuo was not polite at all and briefly explained the situation he was facing.

Speaking of overseas Chinese, even if he doesn't know someone like Zheng Danrui, there should be someone around him who he can talk to, right?


"How could I know him?" Zheng Danrui replied as he still had doubts about Fang Zhuo.

"What about your friends? Do you know any of them?" Fang Zhuo asked again.

Zheng Danrui nodded secretly: "My friend has someone he wants to catch, and he must catch him sooner or later."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

excuse me.

"Don't forget the honor you earned before you registered online. Come back next week, just in time to meet the leader." Zheng Danrui said insinuatingly again. He now knows that three venture capital companies have invested in Yike again, and Fang Zhuo has money.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "I know, Brother Zheng is still afraid that I won't go back?"

Zheng Danrui laughed: "I didn't think about it that way."

"I know that everyone has this concern. Brother Zheng knows me, so he will definitely not have it." Fang Zhuo said, "Well, I will return to China next week."

Zheng Danrui said "Okay" and ended the slightly awkward call.

Fang Zhuo calculated the time and decided that it wouldn't be a problem to go back next week. It was also very important to take a look at the mid-range product P1 and listen to the domestic market conditions.

He took a breath, lit a cigarette again, and silently thought about the overseas Chinese resources of the Chamber of Commerce and whether there could be closer ties.

When you are alone, your mind will gradually clear up. Complex things should be simplified, and you should be able to solve problems at the level you are good at and use your rich experience.

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