Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 225 017 Familiar home court (two-in-one)

Chinatown, once the Five Points District, is now Chinatown.

The former was once the most notorious slum in the Western world. "Gangs of New York" starring Leonardo DiCaprio was filmed during this period. However, since Akon from Guangdong Province sold cigars and opened a guesthouse here, five o'clock The area slowly turned into Chinatown.

Today, the number of Chinese in New York has reached 600,000, and Chinatown is an active place of Eastern culture.

As the name suggests, Chinatown is a street, but not just one street. It contains dozens of streets, tens of thousands of square kilometers, hundreds of thousands of people, a mixture of good and bad, and a lot of involvement.

When Fang Zhuo planned to come to the United States, he never thought about resources in this area, because his family worked cleanly and competed honestly. However, something changed when Smith, who was supposed to be extremely energetic, had to consider looking for a wider range of resources. Helped.

Yang Wan's inquiry was very effective, or in other words, the forces in Chinatown themselves were very famous. He found the contact information of the New York Anliang Chamber of Commerce for his boss and visited with him the next day.

Anliang Chamber of Commerce.

Its way of existence has changed over time to what it is now. Once, its name was Anliangtang, a serious gang. Of course, now it is a serious chamber of commerce on the surface.

From the Five Points District to Chinatown, from Anliang Hall to the Anliang Chamber of Commerce, the century-old history of the rise and fall of Chinatown in New York is not apparent from the outside. At the very least, Fang Zhuo did not see what he imagined when he walked into the Chamber of Commerce with a gift. A picture of a man in a black shirt and short collar practicing boxing.

This made him somewhat regretful.

"You guys sit down for a while, Vice President Li is busy."

The liaison staff of the Chamber of Commerce registered the names, things, and gifts of the visitors, served tea, and then left the main hall.

This was the first time that Fang Zhuo was received like this. It was like being registered as a visitor (to prevent harm), and it was like a distant relative coming to join the family. However, the modern chamber of commerce itself has a different style when placed in the house. The feeling of being forcibly pinched together.

"Drink tea and wait a while." Fang Zhuo turned to the nervous Yang Wan and said.

Yang Wan nodded. In this antique house, he seemed to have the illusion of going back to ancient times. The president became the shopkeeper and he became the clerk.

Fang Zhuo drank tea leisurely and occasionally looked at the house.

There is a saying that "a large main room will not cause disaster, and a spacious main room will bring out noble people." The layout of the Chamber of Commerce's house seems to be very particular. Sitting here, I can see the sun setting in the west without feeling dim, but the upright chair is somewhat awkward. Ass off.

"Mr. Fang, why hasn't anyone come yet?" Yang Wan couldn't help but ask the boss in a low voice after drinking two bowls of tea.

"How would I know." Fang Zhuo didn't know the situation and shook his head slightly, "Since no one is asking us to leave, let's just wait."

Yang Wan: "..."

What is a return to zero mentality?

If no one rejects you, that means you won't refuse. How can a businessman not even show this attitude?

Fang Zhuo has the mentality of a small workshop owner, sticking to his wooden chair and thinking about things.

Finally, when no more sunlight shone in, a sound of footsteps approached the central hall.

Fang Zhuo and Yang Wan were both refreshed, their hard work paid off, and they were willing to take care of themselves.

However, it was an elderly man who walked into the nave.

The two stood up to greet each other, but they were not sure if this was Vice President Li they were supposed to meet.

"Hello, old man, I am..." Fang Zhuo finally saw a live person, took two steps forward and introduced himself.

The old man waved his hand, interrupted the introduction, and ignored it. He walked to the Eight Immortals table, took the dry tobacco bag, turned around and walked out.

Yang Wan was disappointed, this was not the vice president.

When the old man was about to walk out of the nave, he looked back at the two people. The older one had a kind face, while the younger one was quite handsome and smiling.

He stopped and asked, "Where did it come from?"

Fang Zhuo's heart moved, and he replied with the same accent as the other person: "Ne is from China."

The old man turned around and said in surprise: "Shaanxi land?"

"There is a girl from Shaanxi, who is from Wan Province, and she comes to Aoyue Haohuo." Fang Zhuo told the story of his origins. People from Anhui Province came to New York to sell goods.

The old man stared at Fang Zhuo twice, then laughed and cursed: "Gu Gu? Are you fooling someone (who are you fooling)?"

Yang Wan, who was between the two, listened blankly to the conversation that suddenly happened, and then looked at the boss and cleared his throat, not knowing what to do.

"The Shandandan flower is blooming, it's red and bright, and our sister is going to the ravine."

"The Shandandan one is blooming, and it's red and bright. Our brother is walking in the ravine."

Fang Zhuo hummed a few lines in Shaanxi dialect.

The old man wrote back this time. Although his singing was off-key, it did have the flavor of northern Shaanxi folk songs.

He lit his dry pipe, smoked as much as he could, and leaned against the door, asking interested questions about the young people's situation and domestic developments.

Fang Zhuo knows what older people like to listen to. It's not the Internet, it's not his own business, it's the Napo River, the plateau with ravines, and the hometown he hasn't seen for a long time.

He happily chatted about domestic changes in Shaanxi dialect, which was not very standard, about the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, about the thousands of miles of the Yellow River and the steepness of Mount Huashan.

The expression on the old man's face was obscured by the smoke, but his words were somewhat dreamy.

After a long time, he knocked on his cigarette holder and sighed: "I can't go back to this place in my life, so just sit here."

Fang Zhuo kept his polite words and waited until the old man disappeared before sitting back in his chair.

The tea on the coffee table has already gone cold.

"Mr. Fang, is this person?" Yang Wan asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Fang Zhuo shook his head, but he also judged in his heart that the old man took the pipe from the Eight Immortals' table, and the Grand Master's chair next to it was the master's seat.

The nave became quiet again, but someone turned on the light from somewhere.

Not long after, two steady footsteps approached. This time it was a middle-aged man and a young man who came in.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was too busy in the afternoon. Two shops on the street were having a lot of trouble. I heard them bickering." The middle-aged man apologized repeatedly and introduced himself, "I am Li Taimao from the Anliang Chamber of Commerce."

"I understand, I understand, President Li, it's us who are bothering me." Fang Zhuo smiled and shook hands, "I am Fang Zhuo. I am a company in China that produces music players. This is the deputy director of the marketing department of our company. Yang Wan."

Li Taimao shook Yang Wan's hand again and asked people to sit down. The tea was also changed.

The two sides exchanged polite greetings. One said that the Anliang Chamber of Commerce has a long history, and the other said that the domestic economy has a promising future. You come and I go back and forth. Li Taimao was a little surprised to find that this young man was very steady and able to pick up the road, which left a good impression in his heart.

After a cup of tea, he took the initiative to bring up the business: "Mr. Fang came here this time because he encountered a problem with the product? If you have any problem, just say it. We are yellow-skinned and yellow-skinned overseas. We must unite and not fight internally."

Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly, yes, yellow skinned people have to help yellow skinned people, and they can't stab people with knives or do evil things.

He mused: "To be honest with Chairman Li, I followed the development of the Internet, went to domestic universities to find technology, and built a team with a high salary. I finally produced a music player, but I didn't expect that I was close to negotiating with Wal-Mart. But I changed my mind, and now I am thinking about whether there is a way for our chamber of commerce to use Wal-Mart, so that the products can enter the channel."

Li Taimao took the tea, took a sip, and thought about what he heard. This young man is not green at all. He looks like he is capable. He might consider helping.

He had an inclination in his mind and asked: "Okay, Mr. Fang, let's make an appointment tomorrow morning and you can bring your product to me to see."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "I brought it today."

Li Taimao watched in amazement as the young man took out a small and exquisite white machine from his pocket, at most the size of a palm.

"President Li, even though my player is small, it can store thousands of songs, which is really a big improvement." Fang Zhuo handed the M1 to the Eight Immortals table and sat back down, talking about the advantages of the product.

This time, he came with the mentality of meeting "venture investors".

M1 is definitely a good product, and it definitely has a market in the United States, and it is definitely a piece of meat. Since IDG is unwilling to help, it is better to bring the local chamber of commerce to join in to get a piece of the pie than to watch the opportunity pass.

With this mentality, at this moment, it is how to make "venture investors" realize what a good market there is in front of them. This is what they are good at.

Both sides will benefit from cooperation, but from division... Even if the Anliang Chamber of Commerce sees that this market is good and turns around and leaves Yike to go it alone, the cycle from project establishment to launch of a product is quite long, and the gap period in between is a huge loss.

But Fang Zhuo can find other chambers of commerce to cooperate. There is not only one Anliangtang in Chinatown, but there are others covering it.

Li Taimao played with the white M1 in his hand. It has beautiful lines, simple and elegant shape, and looks good.

He listened to the young president's introduction and pondered the new words that came up. After thinking for a while, he turned to the assistant who had been standing behind him and said, "Go and call Xin Yue."

When a short-haired girl came in, Li Taimao introduced Fang Zhuo: "This is my little girl Li Xinyue. I heard from Mr. Fang that this M1 is a relatively new technology product. I'm really not familiar with this. As for Yue, she just started to take charge of some of the family's business, and she understands this."

Li Xinyue glanced at Fang Zhuo and nodded slightly as a greeting.

Fang Zhuo knew something in his mind. If he was chatting with a partner or vice president in a "venture capital" just now, he was now going to be inspected by an investment manager or researcher who was responsible for more specific businesses.

No problem, I’m familiar with this, everything is moving in a familiar direction!

He took out a white M1 from his right pocket and handed it to Li Xinyue, who was sitting on the chair opposite him. In addition to talking about what he had just said, he also talked about the performance of his own products in the domestic market.

The consumption levels of the two countries are different. Even the high prices in China have unexpected market performance, and the prices in the United States are even more impressive.

Li Taimao, who was sitting in the main seat, was drinking tea while observing Fang Zhuo who was speaking. On weekdays, there were many mainlanders who came to him. Most of them served tea politely and helped him with small things. Occasionally, they had closer contact. .

Li Xinyue interrupted Fang Zhuo from time to time to ask some questions about products and market expectations.

"M1 is just a concrete product for the development and application of the Internet. Now there is a similar product in the United States, the Ipod produced by Apple. I wonder if Mr. Li has seen it?"

Li Xinyue shook her head. Her understanding did not reflect the situation of this market segment.

"Does Mr. Li know about Apple?" Fang Zhuo asked again.

Li Xinyue nodded: "Yes, I have used their computer."

"Apple released the Ipod with great fanfare last month, which was launched a little later than us. As early as the product design period, when we were purchasing components for M1, we knew that there was a similar competing product in the United States."

"Now, after it was launched, we disassembled the M1 and the competing Ipod and found that there is no difference at the hardware level, and the hard drive is made by the same manufacturer."

"Originally we didn't target the U.S. market, but since Ipod is also available and the price range is quite good, we thought this market could be a good place to try. After a brief survey of the situation in the past two days, we are more confident."

Fang Zhuo reached out to take the document from Yang Wan, stood up and handed it to Li Xinyue, and continued: "As for the judgment of this market, it is obvious that Apple's President Steve Jobs and I are 50-50 and both believe that there will be great development. If there is an opportunity to take a piece of meat from Walkman, or even replace it, the market will be huge."

Li Xinyue flipped through the documents and heard a familiar word. She often uses walkman.

Fang Zhuo actively lobbied "venture capital" and said firmly: "But Steve Jobs also considered more about the ecological support of his products for his own computers, which vacated the market for Microsoft system support. Right in front of us is Yike. The best opportunity to enter is to have goods, people, and trends, but the only thing missing is access to sales channels.”

"In fact, our online sales channels are already going through the process. The only difference is the offline rollout. Therefore, I came here to ask for help from the Anliang Chamber of Commerce to see if I can help."

When Fang Zhuo said this, he was thinking about his next words. If you help, you have to give benefits. You can't treat the other party as a living bodhisattva. Letting Anliang or the Li family take shares is an effective way to bind the interested parties.

Li Xinyue silently looked through the market research report and competitive product analysis. There was a very detailed comparison on it, which was clear at a glance.

Thinking about it briefly again, if there is no market, why would Apple do it?

She had heard of Steve Jobs of Apple, who was quite capable. He was kicked out of the gang he founded and could start a new one, and eventually returned to the gang.

The lights in the central hall were bright, and there was no sound for a while. Yang Wan accidentally made a sound when he picked up the tea bowl, and his mood immediately became tense.

Li Xinyue roughly read the document, glanced at his father first, and then expressed his opinion: "It sounds quite feasible. Some details need to be verified, but the general market direction is there."

Fang Zhuo showed a small smile, it was easier to communicate here, unlike that Smith, who didn't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because he was in this mountain.

"But, I still have a question." Li Xinyue frowned and concentrated, "You just mentioned that your M1 and Apple's Ipod are going to hit the walkman market. Since you are doing this, you must know the difficulty, right?"

She said slowly: "There is a product and a market. This is what you expressed. I believe it for the time being. You said you need to have channels. We can also help, but this does not mean that it will be successful. You have considered a more specific product strategy." ?"

Fang Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and thought it was something wrong.

He blinked and asked, "President Li, Mr. Li, do we have a whiteboard here? It's easier to answer this question if I write it down."

Yang Wan, who was sitting next to him, perked up. Mr. Fang wanted to start using the whiteboard, it was so interesting!

Li Taimao waved to his assistant, asked him to get the whiteboard, and asked for more tea.

Li Xinyue put the documents on the coffee table and was puzzled by Yang Wan's sudden upright posture. What could he do with a whiteboard?

Those who didn’t know thought they had to listen to the teacher’s lecture.

I just took a look and it seems that there will be double monthly tickets on the 29th. Hey, if you have a ticket, you can leave one for the little author. I can collect 1,000 monthly tickets and draw a prize.

There are two more chapters in the evening.

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